Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins

They don't have to be offended. They don't have to give a shit. That's not the point of PC. This is about controlling the language, as always.

Make the most of every opportunity to control the language, every silly little chance, and you'll condition the populace and win that control over time.
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Out here we had the craziest case of PC where the NCAA forced the University of ND to change their name. The Fighting Sioux.

Spirit Lake Sioux voted 2 to 1 to keep the name. But all the non Sioux in the state went PC to get rid of the name. How crazy is that?

And this is why I believe that poll taken over the Redskins.
Out here we had the craziest case of PC where the NCAA forced the University of ND to change their name. The Fighting Sioux.

Spirit Lake Sioux voted 2 to 1 to keep the name. But all the non Sioux in the state went PC to get rid of the name. How crazy is that?

And this is why I believe that poll taken over the Redskins.
Well, maybe the Regressive Lefties there can convince them how "offended" they are.

"Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins"

A majority of Native Americans – not all.

And this in no way mitigates the fact that the term is inherently offensive.

As Webster defines ‘redskin’:

“The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.”
"Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins"

A majority of Native Americans – not all.

And this in no way mitigates the fact that the term is inherently offensive.

As Webster defines ‘redskin’:

“The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.”

The term is NOT offensive. It is no different than "white person" or "black man" ...those can be MADE offensive, but then... ANYTHING can. This super-hypersensitivity about all things offensive is ridiculous... where is THAT right in the constitution? And where is it written that PC Liberals get to determine based on their interpretation of polls, what is offensive to others? Fuck you people... all you are about is CONTROL!
"Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins"

A majority of Native Americans – not all.

And this in no way mitigates the fact that the term is inherently offensive.

As Webster defines ‘redskin’:

“The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.”

I don't see how anybody could take it offensive.

Team names are created in honor--not ridicule. Who would name their team the Carolina Clown Heads?

Sports teams generally choose names respectable to leadership, power, integrity, and above all, champions.

I'm not an Indian, but I think if I were, I would be proud of cities of choosing my heritage to represent their sports teams.
I am part native American, Iroquois Nation one of the most brutal and epic Indian nations. I have white skin and fine blond hair but dark brown eyes. So far I have not heard any complaints about the Cleveland Indians baseball team.

Oh, they come here every year; about less than a dozen or so. But this time, they pressured the Cleveland Indians into giving up their caricature of Chief Wahoo.
Obama isn't satisfied creating resentment between blacks and whites. If there is another way to show whitey is a racist he'll exploit it. Thing is there was no ground swell of Native American disdain for the Redskins or the Indians or Apache choppers, or Tomahawk missiles etc until Obama told them to be offended. They said nothing of their angst over the matter the day before...

The goal of liberalism is to make everybody a victim. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims. That's why liberals can't get enough of them. When they start running low, create more victims: war on women..........
I am part native American, Iroquois Nation one of the most brutal and epic Indian nations. I have white skin and fine blond hair but dark brown eyes. So far I have not heard any complaints about the Cleveland Indians baseball team.

Oh, they come here every year; about less than a dozen or so. But this time, they pressured the Cleveland Indians into giving up their caricature of Chief Wahoo.

Yep... they also made the Braves give up Chief Noc-A-Homa a few years back. It's pathetic.

Good thing Liberals weren't around and part of the tribes back in the day... wonder what they would have said about "Sitting Bull" or "Buffalo Hump"?
I am part native American, Iroquois Nation one of the most brutal and epic Indian nations. I have white skin and fine blond hair but dark brown eyes. So far I have not heard any complaints about the Cleveland Indians baseball team.

Oh, they come here every year; about less than a dozen or so. But this time, they pressured the Cleveland Indians into giving up their caricature of Chief Wahoo.

Yep... they also made the Braves give up Chief Noc-A-Homa a few years back. It's pathetic.

Good thing Liberals weren't around and part of the tribes back in the day... wonder what they would have said about "Sitting Bull" or "Buffalo Hump"?

I don't know. Liberals know a lot about Bull, and Bill Clinton seems to know a lot about Hump.

I've always said it's a good thing we didn't have liberals during the cave man days. Otherwise they would have found a way to save the dinosaur and our cars parked on the streets would be getting crushed today. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I am part native American, Iroquois Nation one of the most brutal and epic Indian nations. I have white skin and fine blond hair but dark brown eyes. So far I have not heard any complaints about the Cleveland Indians baseball team.

Oh, they come here every year; about less than a dozen or so. But this time, they pressured the Cleveland Indians into giving up their caricature of Chief Wahoo.

Yep... they also made the Braves give up Chief Noc-A-Homa a few years back. It's pathetic.

Good thing Liberals weren't around and part of the tribes back in the day... wonder what they would have said about "Sitting Bull" or "Buffalo Hump"?

I don't know. Liberals know a lot about Bull, and Bill Clinton seems to know a lot about Hump.

I've always said it's a good thing we didn't have liberals during the cave man days. Otherwise they would have found a way to save the dinosaur and our cars parked on the streets would be getting crushed today. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

We would have never gotten past discovering fire!
It really bothers me that people really don't understand why people have named others in the past like "Wop" or "Iti" or "Uk" or "Chek" or "Kraut" "square head" or "****" or "Paki" and so many others it was because all the immigrants couldn't speak a base language.

My great grandfather came over to the new world with three daughters went north and ended up in a place called Kirkland Lake and ordered to do so by the government at the time along with thousands of other immigrants from all over the world.

The names they gave each other were not out of animosity. But because a gentleman like my great uncle Felix who was Italian and married my most beautiful great aunt Marika could not speak English but were trying to communicate to one another and the labeling was only the start of trying to talk to one another and find a common base.

Negro for example means black. It is not derogatory. Well until you hand language to a liberal.
"Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins"

A majority of Native Americans – not all.

And this in no way mitigates the fact that the term is inherently offensive.

As Webster defines ‘redskin’:

“The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.”

I don't see how anybody could take it offensive.

Team names are created in honor--not ridicule. Who would name their team the Carolina Clown Heads?

Sports teams generally choose names respectable to leadership, power, integrity, and above all, champions.

I'm not an Indian, but I think if I were, I would be proud of cities of choosing my heritage to represent their sports teams.
I see and know how it can be offensive.

The Washington Post is reporting a new poll that finds that a majority of Native Americans are not offended by the name of Washington, D.C.'s football team, the Washington Redskins.

John Woodrow Cox, Scott Clement and Theresa Vargas report:

Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.

The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the exact same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.

The poll was conducted by by telephone Dec. 16 to April 12 among a random sample of 504 Native American adults. The poll asked. "The professional football team in Washington calls itself the Washington Redskins. As a Native American, do you find that name offensive, or doesn't it bother you?"

90 percent said "does not bother," 9 percent said it was offense, and 1 percent had no opinion.

The Washington Redskins name has been controversial in recent years. In 2014 the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled that the team’s name is offensive to Native Americans and therefore ineligible for federal trademark protection under the Lanham Act, which bars protection for names that “may disparage” or bring people into contempt or disrepute. That decision was overturned in 2015 by the The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

In response to the poll. Redskin owner Daniel Snyder issued a statement: “The Washington Redskins team, our fans and community have always believed our name represents honor, respect and pride. Today’s Washington Post polling shows Native Americans agree. We are gratified by this overwhelming support from the Native American community, and the team will proudly carry the Redskins name.”

The way Snyder has operated the Skins has been offensive to a lot of people.
"Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins"

A majority of Native Americans – not all.

And this in no way mitigates the fact that the term is inherently offensive.

As Webster defines ‘redskin’:

“The word redskin is very offensive and should be avoided.”

That, of course, is a political statement, and not appropriate for a reference document.

If Websters was defined as an etymology reference, then the discussion, though incorrect, would be appropriate.

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