Native Americans Not Offended by Washington Redskins

Native american is also a description. I'm not getting your point or hypocrisy. Its a known fact whites used "red skin" in a derogatory manner as I have already posted.

I dont know if its the only place but I do know the ones in Canada are called Indigenous Canadians. Looks like the same thing as Native American. So what do you call the entire group of people that are somewhat native to the americas? You have to call them something because if you pick one tribe you are offending the other tribes.

No... "Native American" is a label, not a description. My people are native Choctaw and Cherokee. We are completely different from native Seminoles or native Apache. Each of our tribal nations had it's own culture, society, government, trade partners, enemies, art, traditions... it was all stripped from us and destroyed by white settlers who applied this blanket label to us so they could pretend to appease their guilty conscience.

Redskin is just a simple descriptor, but if you are truly offended by that and wish to better honor the indigenous tribes... call your team the Washington Cherokee, Cleveland Shawnee or Atlanta Choctaw. But save the hypocrisy of speaking for people you know nothing about over what is offensive to them.

"Label" is a synonym of "description" so you just pretty much killed yourself on that one. Thats all great about your tribes but the question is what do you call all the tribes collectively?

Native American is also a simple descriptor. So is American Indian, Indigenous Canadian etc. I know quite alot about whats offensive. I'm part Blackfoot. Youre a hypocrite for being OK with "red skin" but having an issue with "native american". At least be consistent and logical. FYI. the team is not called the Washington Cherokee. Its called the Washington Redskins.

Synonyms means a word that CAN mean the same thing. There is a reason we have different words. I've explained how Native American is a label and not a descriptor like "red skin". It's like "long fingers" or "large ears" or "fat toes"'s a descriptor. A label is a tag you put on a set of things. It CAN be a descriptor too, that's it's purpose. In this case, it is an offensive label. I also explained that to you.

I'm not a hypocrite, I just find "Native American" more offensive than "redskin". Yes, I know the team isn't called the Washington Cherokee... I didn't say that.... I said that IF you wish to honor and respect the indigenous people of that area, call them that! This pretending we're offended by "redskins" ...we're offended by YOU, white man! Any thing you do to try and whitewash history and make yourselves seem decent and honorable. At least "Redskin" is honest.
Native american is also a description. I'm not getting your point or hypocrisy. Its a known fact whites used "red skin" in a derogatory manner as I have already posted.

I dont know if its the only place but I do know the ones in Canada are called Indigenous Canadians. Looks like the same thing as Native American. So what do you call the entire group of people that are somewhat native to the americas? You have to call them something because if you pick one tribe you are offending the other tribes.

No... "Native American" is a label, not a description. My people are native Choctaw and Cherokee. We are completely different from native Seminoles or native Apache. Each of our tribal nations had it's own culture, society, government, trade partners, enemies, art, traditions... it was all stripped from us and destroyed by white settlers who applied this blanket label to us so they could pretend to appease their guilty conscience.

Redskin is just a simple descriptor, but if you are truly offended by that and wish to better honor the indigenous tribes... call your team the Washington Cherokee, Cleveland Shawnee or Atlanta Choctaw. But save the hypocrisy of speaking for people you know nothing about over what is offensive to them.

"Label" is a synonym of "description" so you just pretty much killed yourself on that one. Thats all great about your tribes but the question is what do you call all the tribes collectively?

Native American is also a simple descriptor. So is American Indian, Indigenous Canadian etc. I know quite alot about whats offensive. I'm part Blackfoot. Youre a hypocrite for being OK with "red skin" but having an issue with "native american". At least be consistent and logical. FYI. the team is not called the Washington Cherokee. Its called the Washington Redskins.

Synonyms means a word that CAN mean the same thing. There is a reason we have different words. I've explained how Native American is a label and not a descriptor like "red skin". It's like "long fingers" or "large ears" or "fat toes"'s a descriptor. A label is a tag you put on a set of things. It CAN be a descriptor too, that's it's purpose. In this case, it is an offensive label. I also explained that to you.

I'm not a hypocrite, I just find "Native American" more offensive than "redskin". Yes, I know the team isn't called the Washington Cherokee... I didn't say that.... I said that IF you wish to honor and respect the indigenous people of that area, call them that! This pretending we're offended by "redskins" ...we're offended by YOU, white man! Any thing you do to try and whitewash history and make yourselves seem decent and honorable. At least "Redskin" is honest.
I think you have shot yourself in the foot and gotten your logic messed up. The word descriptive is in the definition for label. What definition of label is not talking about description that applies to this subject?


[ley-buh l]
See more synonyms on
a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.

Actually you did get pretty self righteous and said to call the team the Washington Cherokees. Do i need to quote you on that so you cant pretend you didnt? The question I asked was what do you call the entire collection of tribes in the americas? I never asked what do you call them in a local area.
No wonder the team is called the Redskins. The owner that named them was a stone cold feral racist cave chimp.

A History Lesson for the Redskins Owner

" At the time, the Redskins were the southern-most team in the NFL, and Marshall marketed his team to a white Southern audience by playing Dixie before games and saying proudly, “We’ll start signing Negroes when the Harlem Globetrotters start signing whites.” This is why the team is called Redskins: it was a racist name from a racist owner."

You see, even when polls show that the vast majority of American Indians themselves don't find the name "Redskins" offensive, the far-left wingnuts here just can't let go and admit they're an unreasonable fringe.

And, by the way, the name did not refer to scalps but to faces painted red with war paint.
No wonder the team is called the Redskins. The owner that named them was a stone cold feral racist cave chimp.

A History Lesson for the Redskins Owner

" At the time, the Redskins were the southern-most team in the NFL, and Marshall marketed his team to a white Southern audience by playing Dixie before games and saying proudly, “We’ll start signing Negroes when the Harlem Globetrotters start signing whites.” This is why the team is called Redskins: it was a racist name from a racist owner."

You see, even when polls show that the vast majority of American Indians themselves don't find the name "Redskins" offensive, the far-left wingnuts here just can't let go and admit they're an unreasonable fringe.

And, by the way, the name did not refer to scalps but to faces painted red with war paint.
Every Native American I personally know thinks its offensive

BTW. Your opinion is not much without a credible link to back it. I already posted the poster asking for the scalps of redskins so you pretty much dont know what you are talking about.

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I think you have shot yourself in the foot and gotten your logic messed up. The word descriptive is in the definition for label. What definition of label is not talking about description that applies to this subject?

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about semantics of the words being used in this argument. This level of juvenile diversion isn't my forte. If you want to get back to the OP topic, we'll talk.

I didn't get "self-righteous" about anything, I simply made the point that IF YOU ARE OFFENDED and YOU want to pay homage to the indigenous people, you should use the tribal names of which they are natives of.

You've asked me what I call them collectively and I've been using the proper term... Indigenous people or indigenous tribes. We're natives of the Choctaw Nation, the Cherokee Nation, the Seminole Nation... not your American nation. "Native American" is a slap in our face so that you can feel better about yourself.
I think you have shot yourself in the foot and gotten your logic messed up. The word descriptive is in the definition for label. What definition of label is not talking about description that applies to this subject?

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about semantics of the words being used in this argument. This level of juvenile diversion isn't my forte. If you want to get back to the OP topic, we'll talk.

I didn't get "self-righteous" about anything, I simply made the point that IF YOU ARE OFFENDED and YOU want to pay homage to the indigenous people, you should use the tribal names of which they are natives of.

You've asked me what I call them collectively and I've been using the proper term... Indigenous people or indigenous tribes. We're natives of the Choctaw Nation, the Cherokee Nation, the Seminole Nation... not your American nation. "Native American" is a slap in our face so that you can feel better about yourself.
Of course its your forte and you are the one that started the arguing over semantics. You couldnt even answer my question due to your deflections.

[No... "redskin" is a description,..

You hypocritically say red skins is ok but not native american. No rhyme or reason to that hypocrisy since according to your logic both descriptors should be offensive and red skin even more so.

I am for calling people what they want to be called. You find NA offensive so my next step will be to ask the people I know if they feel the same as you do. I know my relatives are ok with the "native american" description. There are a lot of people that are indigenous and to be frank the NA's here in the US are not actually indigenous. They migrated over here so theres that. In light of that fact. What should we call all the tribes when we wish to refer to them collectively?
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I think you have shot yourself in the foot and gotten your logic messed up. The word descriptive is in the definition for label. What definition of label is not talking about description that applies to this subject?

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about semantics of the words being used in this argument. This level of juvenile diversion isn't my forte. If you want to get back to the OP topic, we'll talk.

I didn't get "self-righteous" about anything, I simply made the point that IF YOU ARE OFFENDED and YOU want to pay homage to the indigenous people, you should use the tribal names of which they are natives of.

You've asked me what I call them collectively and I've been using the proper term... Indigenous people or indigenous tribes. We're natives of the Choctaw Nation, the Cherokee Nation, the Seminole Nation... not your American nation. "Native American" is a slap in our face so that you can feel better about yourself.
Of course its your forte and you are the one that started the arguing over semantics. You couldnt even answer my question due to your deflections.

[No... "redskin" is a description,..

You hypocritically say red skins is ok but not native american. No rhyme or reason to that hypocrisy since according to your logic both descriptors should be offensive and red skin even more so.

I am for calling people what they want to be called. You find NA offensive so my next step will be to ask the people I know if they feel the same as you do. I know my relatives are ok with the "native american" description. There are a lot of people that are indigenous and to be frank the NA's here in the US are not actually indigenous. They migrated over here so theres that. In light of that fact. What should we call all the tribes when we wish to refer to them collectively?

No, I said I am more offended by "Native American" than "redskin." And I gave my reasons.

So now... you're going to double down and insult us further because "technically" we're not indigenous either? It's almost predictable, as soon as I expose your hypocrisy of labeling us "Native American" when you never recognized us as American, you take it further and reveal how you don't respect us as even legitimate indigenous inhabitants.

Now you're talking like the piece of Eurotrash shit you really are!

Good for them, and no surprise.

The PC Police couldn't talk 'em into it.
Of course its your forte and you are the one that started the arguing over semantics.

No, I think you are confused. I said NA is a label and redskin is a descriptor. YOU raised an issue with semantics. You're still trying to raise a semantics argument and there isn't one. You missed the context. I went on to explain how NA is a label and "red skin" is a descriptor. You're still stuck on your semantics argument that a label and descriptor are synonymous. That's a semantics argument. I didn't state that argument and I don't generally participate in them other than to point them out when they happen.
The Washington Post is reporting a new poll that finds that a majority of Native Americans are not offended by the name of Washington, D.C.'s football team, the Washington Redskins.

John Woodrow Cox, Scott Clement and Theresa Vargas report:

Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.

The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the exact same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.

The poll was conducted by by telephone Dec. 16 to April 12 among a random sample of 504 Native American adults. The poll asked. "The professional football team in Washington calls itself the Washington Redskins. As a Native American, do you find that name offensive, or doesn't it bother you?"

90 percent said "does not bother," 9 percent said it was offense, and 1 percent had no opinion.

The Washington Redskins name has been controversial in recent years. In 2014 the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled that the team’s name is offensive to Native Americans and therefore ineligible for federal trademark protection under the Lanham Act, which bars protection for names that “may disparage” or bring people into contempt or disrepute. That decision was overturned in 2015 by the The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

In response to the poll. Redskin owner Daniel Snyder issued a statement: “The Washington Redskins team, our fans and community have always believed our name represents honor, respect and pride. Today’s Washington Post polling shows Native Americans agree. We are gratified by this overwhelming support from the Native American community, and the team will proudly carry the Redskins name.”

Would you call a black man the n-word if he didn’t find it offensive?

Yes or no.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Red Mesa Redskins.



Not only do the NATIVES pretty much NOT CARE, many are proud of the name.

Another in a long line of issues brought about by the most pathetic group on earth. The American hating moronic left wing white guilt liberal.

At least one time a year, this non issue (all of their issues are non issues in case you have not noticed.) makes the headlines.

Want to really kick dirt in the eyes of these unreal stupid hypocrites. Post facts that fly in the face of their utter crap. Like the poll that proves what we had said all along.

Ever notice how we are always right and the left are always wrong?

I think you have shot yourself in the foot and gotten your logic messed up. The word descriptive is in the definition for label. What definition of label is not talking about description that applies to this subject?

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about semantics of the words being used in this argument. This level of juvenile diversion isn't my forte. If you want to get back to the OP topic, we'll talk.

I didn't get "self-righteous" about anything, I simply made the point that IF YOU ARE OFFENDED and YOU want to pay homage to the indigenous people, you should use the tribal names of which they are natives of.

You've asked me what I call them collectively and I've been using the proper term... Indigenous people or indigenous tribes. We're natives of the Choctaw Nation, the Cherokee Nation, the Seminole Nation... not your American nation. "Native American" is a slap in our face so that you can feel better about yourself.
Of course its your forte and you are the one that started the arguing over semantics. You couldnt even answer my question due to your deflections.

[No... "redskin" is a description,..

You hypocritically say red skins is ok but not native american. No rhyme or reason to that hypocrisy since according to your logic both descriptors should be offensive and red skin even more so.

I am for calling people what they want to be called. You find NA offensive so my next step will be to ask the people I know if they feel the same as you do. I know my relatives are ok with the "native american" description. There are a lot of people that are indigenous and to be frank the NA's here in the US are not actually indigenous. They migrated over here so theres that. In light of that fact. What should we call all the tribes when we wish to refer to them collectively?

No, I said I am more offended by "Native American" than "redskin." And I gave my reasons.

So now... you're going to double down and insult us further because "technically" we're not indigenous either? It's almost predictable, as soon as I expose your hypocrisy of labeling us "Native American" when you never recognized us as American, you take it further and reveal how you don't respect us as even legitimate indigenous inhabitants.

Now you're talking like the piece of Eurotrash shit you really are!
So youre more offended by a white privilege description than a outright racist description? You are an odd one alright.

Telling you that indigenous people of the americas are not really indigenous isnt an insult. Redskin is way more an insult but you have no issue with that. I already told you my people had nothing to do with white people deciding to call you native americans utilizing their white privilege.
Of course its your forte and you are the one that started the arguing over semantics.

No, I think you are confused. I said NA is a label and redskin is a descriptor. YOU raised an issue with semantics. You're still trying to raise a semantics argument and there isn't one. You missed the context. I went on to explain how NA is a label and "red skin" is a descriptor. You're still stuck on your semantics argument that a label and descriptor are synonymous. That's a semantics argument. I didn't state that argument and I don't generally participate in them other than to point them out when they happen.
I know what you said. Since they mean the same thing you just admitted you started the arguing of semantics just as I said you did and proved it by posting your quote. No one told you to disagree with me saying native american was a description. You decided to do that all by yourself.
Native American isn't a description. I am not defined by it. My ancestors certainly aren't defined by it. You can't even tell me who it defines other than some arbitrary collection of indigenous tribes you've decided to assuage your guilt over.

So youre more offended by a white privilege description than a outright racist description?

No... One is a description and one is a label, like I said the first time. "Red skin" simply is an observed characteristic of complexion. "Native American" is a label applied to people who have red skin. They are primarily the indigenous tribes of this continent who were here thousands of years before white men.

Sorry if this isn't all getting through that thick head, ass clap. We can keep going through it.

You want to lay your liberal white guilt trip on everybody else over "Redskins" when Native American is FAR more offensive to my people. It's condescending, patronizing bullshit. Pat us on our poor little Injun heads and call us all "Native Americans!" You're so fucking great!

It's a human travesty the amount of culture, art, history and tradition that was simply swept away by white people. Say what you will, black people who came from the slaves have nothing on our people. Our entire cultures were lost... destroyed... our homelands were taken our families marched to death across the country against their will to be hoarded onto reservations like starving cattle. Outta sight, outta mind of the white man. Lynchings? The historic evidence was posted earlier... they hunted us down and scalped us.

30 Million People. That's how many there were here, before white men came.
Where did they go? :dunno:
Native American isn't a description. I am not defined by it. My ancestors certainly aren't defined by it. You can't even tell me who it defines other than some arbitrary collection of indigenous tribes you've decided to assuage your guilt over.

So youre more offended by a white privilege description than a outright racist description?

No... One is a description and one is a label, like I said the first time. "Red skin" simply is an observed characteristic of complexion. "Native American" is a label applied to people who have red skin. They are primarily the indigenous tribes of this continent who were here thousands of years before white men.

Sorry if this isn't all getting through that thick head, ass clap. We can keep going through it.

You want to lay your liberal white guilt trip on everybody else over "Redskins" when Native American is FAR more offensive to my people. It's condescending, patronizing bullshit. Pat us on our poor little Injun heads and call us all "Native Americans!" You're so fucking great!

It's a human travesty the amount of culture, art, history and tradition that was simply swept away by white people. Say what you will, black people who came from the slaves have nothing on our people. Our entire cultures were lost... destroyed... our homelands were taken our families marched to death across the country against their will to be hoarded onto reservations like starving cattle. Outta sight, outta mind of the white man. Lynchings? The historic evidence was posted earlier... they hunted us down and scalped us.

30 Million People. That's how many there were here, before white men came.
Where did they go? :dunno:

Of course NA is a description. Doesnt matter what you accept. People use it to describe you.

Na·tive A·mer·i·can

  1. 1.

    a member of any of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
  1. 1.

    relating to Native Americans.

I dont have any liberal white guilt and no Native American is not more offensive. Native American is an attempt to respect the fact that you were here before white people even though its rooted in white privilege. Redskin is a term used to describe your people after being scalped by whites.

i agree you got royally fucked over by whites but in the end you still had your families, history, customs, religions etc. Blacks had all of that taken from them in addition to being enslaved for centuries. I'm not going to play the "who had it worse game" with you as its just more of a deflection for you. I want to concentrate on the point which is that you feel a openly racist term is less insulting than one that attempts to honor you.
Native American is an attempt to respect the fact that you were here before white people even though its rooted in white privilege.

No, it's an attempt by guilt-laden white liberals to make themselves feel better about the past. Indian was the label from white privilege.
Native American is an attempt to respect the fact that you were here before white people even though its rooted in white privilege.

No, it's an attempt by guilt-laden white liberals to make themselves feel better about the past. Indian was the label from white privilege.
Nope. Native American was termed by white liberals in an attempt to provide a dignified term to describe you. "Indian" was due to the dumb fuck Columbus thinking he landed in India. I thought that was common knowledge?
Of course NA is a description. Doesnt matter what you accept. People use it to describe you.

It's a word people apply as a label. It doesn't describe anyone.
Of course it describes you. If already informed you that not only are label and description synonyms the word label has the word descriptive in its definition. I thought you didnt argue semantics?

noun la·bel \ˈlā-bəl

c: a descriptive or identifying word or phrase: as (1):epithet(2): a word or phrase used with a dictionary definition to provide additional information

noun: description; plural noun: descriptions
  1. 1.
    a spoken or written representation or account of a person, object, or event.
Nope. Native American was termed by white liberals in an attempt to provide a dignified term to describe you. "Indian" was due to the dumb fuck Columbus thinking he landed in India. I thought that was common knowledge?

Oh, I know where it came from. It was then used for several hundred years by white men as a label for my ancestors. When did "Native American" come into vogue, the 1960s? What makes you think it is "dignified" to rob me of my identity and culture and label me with a name you created which has no significance to me or my people?

... already informed you that not only are label and description synonyms the word label has the word descriptive in its definition.

Oh well then, I guess it's not a label but a pejorative. :dunno:

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