Nato Opens door to Sweden/Finland-How will this play in US Politics?

You clearly know nothing. Stop posting.
Learn the history of NATO.
Do you think we would allow the Warsaw Pact to put their military on our borders with Canada and Mexico?
If Russia was a peaceful neighbor I might agree with you.
But Putin is a brutal dictator that only understands power.
Putin's economy is shit.
Putin's army is shit.
Putin's Ruble is shit.
Putin is a pariah internationally.
So what are you afraid of? Don't say his nukes, because even he isn't that stupid.
We aren't invading our neighbors are we? Russia needs to be boxed in with strong NATO neighbors.
If Russia was a peaceful neighbor I might agree with you.
But Putin is a brutal dictator that only understands power.
Putin's economy is shit.
Putin's army is shit.
Putin's Ruble is shit.
Putin is a pariah internationally.
So what are you afraid of? Don't say his nukes, because even he isn't that stupid.
We aren't invading our neighbors are we? Russia needs to be boxed in with strong NATO neighbors.
Compare and contrast Russia’s military actions with the USA for the past 30 years.
Why? Because they deserve to be poked, that's why.
This should tell you something, but it probably won’t.

They have every right to join NATO and Russia has nothing to say about it seeing Finland nor Sweden were former Soviet States like the Ukraine was…

So Pootin can kiss Sweden and Finland ass…
Yeah if you think it’s wise to keep provoking a nation with a huge nuclear arsenal because hey, fuck them is good foreign policy.
Yeah if you think it’s wise to keep provoking a nation with a huge nuclear arsenal because hey, fuck them is good foreign policy.
Sweden and Finland can join any alliance they want and Russia has no way in this conversation at all.

Why must a country get permission from another one on what they want to do or join?

It would be like the U.S. telling Mexico they can’t take any money from Russia or China because they are the U.S. enemy, so let be clear Russia and China are not innocent and play games in Mexico causing economic strife on the U.S., so guess what Finland and Sweden can do whatever they want…

Maybe Russia along with China should stop funding the gangs and Cartels in Mexico and then you will get some sympathy from me…
Sweden and Finland can join any alliance they want and Russia has no way in this conversation at all.

Why must a country get permission from another one on what they want to do or join?

It would be like the U.S. telling Mexico they can’t take any money from Russia or China because they are the U.S. enemy, so let be clear Russia and China are not innocent and play games in Mexico causing economic strife on the U.S., so guess what Finland and Sweden can do whatever they want…

Maybe Russia along with China should stop funding the gangs and Cartels in Mexico and then you will get some sympathy from me…
Think better.
You clearly know nothing. Stop posting.

Learn the history of NATO.

Do you think we would allow the Warsaw Pact to put their military on our borders with Canada and Mexico?

I'm very well aware of the history of NATO. NATO has never attacked another country that hadn't first attacked a NATO member.

You have no clue what you're talking about.
If Russia was a peaceful neighbor I might agree with you.
But Putin is a brutal dictator that only understands power.
Putin's economy is shit.
Putin's army is shit.
Putin's Ruble is shit.
Putin is a pariah internationally.
So what are you afraid of? Don't say his nukes, because even he isn't that stupid.
We aren't invading our neighbors are we? Russia needs to be boxed in with strong NATO neighbors.
IF Putin was dumb enough to order the use of Nukes I think his own people would take him out.
I know something of their military and arms industry. They are both top notch but in the numbers game they just can't bring a lot to the table and Finland would not be a good place really to try to base troops in a buildup for a potential invasion due to the geography and weather conditions.

That part of the North Sea is a real bitch in the fall, winter, and spring.

Back to high school geography with you! Finland is on the Baltic Sea, not the North Sea.

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