NATO: Time To Haul It To The Dump...

NATO was the west's response to the Warsaw Pact of communist countries. .... :cool:
NATO was the west's response to the Warsaw Pact of communist countries. .... :cool:

True, but it has since morphed into an aggressor. It's no longer a 'Defensive' entity. It's bombing & killing all over the world these days. It's time for it to end.
I have to say, i do respect Trump for trying to hold Western European nations accountable for not doing enough to support NATO. He really did stand up for American Taxpayers. And that's very rare these days for a US President to do so. But i'm afraid it'll all be for naught.

The Western Europeans don't seem too interested in paying more for NATO. So why keep this incredibly costly bureaucracy afloat? Why not abolish it and give American Taxpayers a much-deserved break? Western European nations rank among the most wealthy nations on earth. They can pay for their own defense at this point. In my opinion, it's time to ditch NATO and move on.

Here's a good piece on the subject by Jack Perry

Trump went over and scolded NATO member nations who aren’t paying their share into this scam. Okay, two things:

First, then why don’t we do what any other subscription-based company does? Cancel their subscription. Cut off their service, like the utilities would. Better still, let’s cut off our end of that deal. Then they can argue about it amongst themselves.

Second, the reason they’re not paying is because they’d rather spend that money on their own countries. Not some archaic defense alliance put together in the era that also brought us the Hula Hoop. Okay, got that? There are grandparents in NATO nations younger than this alliance. NATO members that do pay are sitting there slapping bumper stickers on tanks that say, “We’re Spending Our Children’s Inheritance”...

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NATO: Time To Haul It To The Dump - LRC Blog
All I can say is YOU are :cuckoo:

They help us, more than we help them....we use them for our Nation's protection.

You're right.

Without NATO, we would be spending a lot more than trump could ever realize from bullying other countries.

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The U.S. spends about 3.3% of its GDP on defense, which covers worldwide operations. The U.K. and France spend about 2%, while Germany and Japan spend about 1%. It seems that losing a war with the U.S. pays off.

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia

All very wealthy nations. They can pay for their own defense at this point. NATO can be disbanded now.

Not true at all.

Including us.

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Western Europeans are very sly folks. They see American Taxpayers as simpleton suckers. They're completely fine with American Taxpayers paying for it. They have the money, but they know Americans are forced to pay for it. So why would they want anything to change? I'm seriously ok with disbanding NATO. It's too expensive and obsolete.

No one pays for it. The fact is that we pay our soldiers whether they are in Germany or the US. We use the bases in Germany to deploy our forces in places other than Europe. When we moved our forces to Kuwait, some of our ground forces came from Germany.

Remember after the wall in Berlin came down that there was talk of inviting Russia into NATO? :lol: I agree....if they don't pay up, we don't invoke Article fact, they owe us BACK RENT and we should demand they pay it.

The U.S. spends about 3.3% of its GDP on defense, which covers worldwide operations. The U.K. and France spend about 2%, while Germany and Japan spend about 1%. It seems that losing a war with the U.S. gets you off the hook for your own defense.

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia

We have not allowed either Germany or Japan to create a armed forces and it is even in the Japanese constitution we imposed on them.
Do the Trumptards understand, or more importantly, do they give a shit, that the undermining of NATO is exactly what the Russians want

from Trump?

since when have RussianWingers understood anything except bitching like teenage girls on the rag?

The deterioration of NATO is on the top tier of the Russians' wishlist. Trump is making their wishes come true.

Couple that with story after story of Trump cronies getting cozy with Russian operatives, and then,

try to tell us, with a straight face, that this can't be anything other than coincidence.

Please bring your silly TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) elsewhere. This is a rational adult conversation. Thanks.

You have TDS. TDS causes it's victims to say stupid things like you have been saying.
The deterioration of NATO is on the top tier of the Russians' wishlist. Trump is making their wishes come true.
86'ing NATO is near the top of my wish list also. .... :cool:

Taking out Iraq was at the top of the Iranian wish list.

So why did the US and NATO do it? Now the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, control Iraq. What a disastrous blunder.

[It was Obama who created the disastrous blunder. He withdrew American forces prematurely from Iraq. W. warned what would happen if we did that and it happened just as he predicted.
nobody bitched about NATO when 43 held out both hands asking for help in Iraq.

What, is it so bad to expect a return on an investment not only in cash money, but American lives? Obama called. He said the late 40's want their foreign policy back. Fuck NATO.
The deterioration of NATO is on the top tier of the Russians' wishlist. Trump is making their wishes come true.
86'ing NATO is near the top of my wish list also. .... :cool:

Taking out Iraq was at the top of the Iranian wish list.

So why did the US and NATO do it? Now the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, control Iraq. What a disastrous blunder.

[It was Obama who created the disastrous blunder. He withdrew American forces prematurely from Iraq. W. warned what would happen if we did that and it happened just as he predicted.

During the Bush Administration, Democrat Donald J. Trump called for Bush's impeachment and for America to cut and run from Iraq on nationwide fake news channel CNN.

It was this kind of thinking which pseudocons now blame for the birth of ISIS.

And then they voted for the fucking cut and run Democrat! Isn't that positively mind-boggling? It brings retardation to a whole new low!
Trump wanted us to cut and run from Iraq. Trump wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

Now Trump wants us to dump NATO and serve Russia.

Anyone seeing a fucking pattern yet? Huh, retards?

Trump makes it his mission to weaken NATO - a Russian dream come true - and still the Trumptards insist there is no collusion.

Pursuing policies that help an adversary and harm one's allies is a perfect example of collusion.
The U.S. spends about 3.3% of its GDP on defense, which covers worldwide operations. The U.K. and France spend about 2%, while Germany and Japan spend about 1%. It seems that losing a war with the U.S. pays off.

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia

All very wealthy nations. They can pay for their own defense at this point. NATO can be disbanded now.

Not true at all.

Including us.

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Time to move on from NATO. Western Europe is wealthy and powerful enough to handle its own defense at this point. NATO is an expensive outdated bureaucracy we can do without.
The deterioration of NATO is on the top tier of the Russians' wishlist. Trump is making their wishes come true.
86'ing NATO is near the top of my wish list also. .... :cool:

Taking out Iraq was at the top of the Iranian wish list.

So why did the US and NATO do it? Now the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, control Iraq. What a disastrous blunder.

[It was Obama who created the disastrous blunder. He withdrew American forces prematurely from Iraq. W. warned what would happen if we did that and it happened just as he predicted.

Then why did Bush sign the SOFA with Iraq? I'm no Obama fanboy, but he was just adhering to an agreement previously signed by the US and Iraq. We're not supposed to stay in these countries forever. It's exactly why we need to get back to officially declaring wars. We shouldn't enter any war without first laying out what the objectives will be, and an exit plan.

These Interventions/Wars are out of control. We shouldn't still be in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. And the Iraq War especially, was a blunder of epic proportions. The Shiites now run the show there. And they're of course aligned with Shiite Iran. The Iraq War is a net loss for Americans. Time to exit.
NATO: Time To Haul It To The Dump...
Yes, Trump bleevs we should dump NATO and serve our Soviet overlords. Good luck with that, comrade!

Y'all Trump-Haters gotta get over your Russia Boogeyman hysteria. Russia is no threat to the US/West at all. It doesn't have the capabilities to seriously take on the West. The US alone, spends almost ten times what Russia spends on its Military. Russia is vastly outmatched in every aspect. Militarily and economically, it's not even close. And that's compared with just the US. Western European nations are very wealthy nations. They also have a huge edge over Russia, militarily and economically.

But besides being so outmatched, Russia has no interest in invading and occupying Western Europe. What would it stand to gain? The answer is, nothing. And even at the height of Soviet Union power, it couldn't have successfully invaded and occupied Western Europe. So it certainly couldn't do it now. It just doesn't have the capabilities. Y'all really do need to get past your Russia Boogeyman hysteria. It's unfounded and irrational.
NATO: Time To Haul It To The Dump...
Yes, Trump bleevs we should dump NATO and serve our Soviet overlords. Good luck with that, comrade!

Y'all Trump-Haters gotta get over your Russia Boogeyman hysteria. Russia is no threat to the US/West at all. It doesn't have the capabilities to seriously take on the West. The US alone, spends almost ten times what Russia spends on its Military. Russia is vastly outmatched in every aspect. Militarily and economically, it's not even close. And that's compared with just the US. Western European nations are very wealthy nations. They also have a huge edge over Russia, militarily and economically.

But besides being so outmatched, Russia has no interest in invading and occupying Western Europe. What would it stand to gain? The answer is, nothing. And even at the height of Soviet Union power, it couldn't have successfully invaded and occupied Western Europe. So it certainly couldn't do it now. It just doesn't have the capabilities. Y'all really do need to get past your Russia Boogeyman hysteria. It's unfounded and irrational.
Putin is our enemy, whether you believe so or not...

And if NATO is obsolete, and not needed...then WHY does Putin WANT it dismantled?

And yes, our military might is greater than all nations combined but Russia is stronger and bigger and better than us with Cyber Warring, stealing ALL of our CIA intelligence and having wikileaks disseminate it to the public, weakening our own nations protections against enemies and terrorists....

NATO also exists in a much closer range to where our enemies are in the middle east, and also secures the ''other'' entrance to the USA by air or sea and contains China, Russia, north Korea etc from the Atlantic side before they cross the Atlantic...

When I lived in Northern Italy, Aviano Air Force Station, it was a NATO facility, strictly for military intelligence COMMUNICATIONS Squadrons, that were there for Eaves dropping on the was before the Soviet Bloc fell, but still important today and an even larger facility, a 'base' vs a 'station', today...and I didn't know the half of what was going on was all top knew and knows, but he's never leaked a peep to us....

I believe there is much much much more to our NATO Bases and positioning than I will ever know or you will ever know...and we can say all we want that we should close all of our NATO bases and just get out of NATO yadahdahdahdahdah.... but quite frankly, you and I are making such judgements, without truly knowing what all they are used for and needed for when it comes to our national security...
Do the Trumptards understand, or more importantly, do they give a shit, that the undermining of NATO is exactly what the Russians want

from Trump?
No. They don't understand and as long as Ol' Thunder Mouth Trump says Russia is our friend, they're going to back it to the death.
Which it could eventually be.
NATO: Time To Haul It To The Dump...
Yes, Trump bleevs we should dump NATO and serve our Soviet overlords. Good luck with that, comrade!

Y'all Trump-Haters gotta get over your Russia Boogeyman hysteria. Russia is no threat to the US/West at all. It doesn't have the capabilities to seriously take on the West. The US alone, spends almost ten times what Russia spends on its Military. Russia is vastly outmatched in every aspect. Militarily and economically, it's not even close. And that's compared with just the US. Western European nations are very wealthy nations. They also have a huge edge over Russia, militarily and economically.

But besides being so outmatched, Russia has no interest in invading and occupying Western Europe. What would it stand to gain? The answer is, nothing. And even at the height of Soviet Union power, it couldn't have successfully invaded and occupied Western Europe. So it certainly couldn't do it now. It just doesn't have the capabilities. Y'all really do need to get past your Russia Boogeyman hysteria. It's unfounded and irrational.
I don't agree that Russia is no threat at all to the US/West. No, they aren't going to march in here and overcome us militarily. They will undermine our relationships with Europe and they will take over there instead. You watch. Russia wants stuff. They will get it if they are left to their own devices. NATO is the only thing stopping them.

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