Nature: No Gay Gene.

They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction so they are not continuing through the normal process of natural selection, at least it would seem so.
That is a boatload of bovine excrement. They are not sterile. They have children. They reproduce in a varirty of ways just like heterosexual couples who may need some "third party" assistence. They perpetuate the species just like anyone else. I sick of hearing the stupidity about gays not reproducing.

no it isn't. I didn't say they were sterile and actually referred to them reproducing.

this topic is too emotional for you, obviously, to actually have a rational conversation. You don't read, just blow right over whatever it is and explode and respond with grade school level insults. I've seen many times from you and I normally avoid discussing anything with you as a result.

Get a grip on yourself, FFS.
Bullshit doublespeak You said that they DO NOT reproduce. That gave me every reason to believe that you don't think that they can have children. What was your point.? That they are different? That they are of less value. You claim to be neutral but in my experience it is only the bigots who say that they can't reproduce.

Can 2 homosexuals reproduce? No, not without help.

Give it up. I made none of your other points either, nor was I attempting to.

That is all in your head. It's what you see 24/7/365 and that's your problem, not mine.

I don't give a shit what 'your experience' tells you. 2 same-sex people cannot produce a child without some sort of assistance. That's not bigotry, it's a simple fact. If you cannot deal with that, it makes it pretty clear why you can't deal with anything beyond that.
SO WHAT!! I never said that same-sex people cannot produce a child without some sort of assistance. and you know it. You've just resorted to a pathetic strawman logical fallacy

Why are you still blathering about this? The point is that many heterosexual couples cannot have a child together either . Period. End of story. No one cares and no one talks about it except the bigots

No, I didn't. Go back and please learn how to read.

You are projecting bigotry onto anyone that doesn't lie to you about basic science. Not sure what kind of fallacy that is, but it ain't healthy, that's for sure.
I know what you said .Now you're just trying to gaslight me

ahh, ok, "you know" and whatever it is "you know" is likely bigoted from what you've said to this point.

and if I point out scientific fact I'm gaslighting you. So, by not lying to make you feel better for some reason, I'm a bigot and I cannot even point out basic fact or I'm gaslighting you.

They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction so they are not continuing through the normal process of natural selection, at least it would seem so.
That is a boatload of bovine excrement. They are not sterile. They have children. They reproduce in a varirty of ways just like heterosexual couples who may need some "third party" assistence. They perpetuate the species just like anyone else. I sick of hearing the stupidity about gays not reproducing.

no it isn't. I didn't say they were sterile and actually referred to them reproducing.

this topic is too emotional for you, obviously, to actually have a rational conversation. You don't read, just blow right over whatever it is and explode and respond with grade school level insults. I've seen many times from you and I normally avoid discussing anything with you as a result.

Get a grip on yourself, FFS.
Bullshit doublespeak You said that they DO NOT reproduce. That gave me every reason to believe that you don't think that they can have children. What was your point.? That they are different? That they are of less value. You claim to be neutral but in my experience it is only the bigots who say that they can't reproduce.

Can 2 homosexuals reproduce? No, not without help.

Give it up. I made none of your other points either, nor was I attempting to.

That is all in your head. It's what you see 24/7/365 and that's your problem, not mine.

I don't give a shit what 'your experience' tells you. 2 same-sex people cannot produce a child without some sort of assistance. That's not bigotry, it's a simple fact. If you cannot deal with that, it makes it pretty clear why you can't deal with anything beyond that.
SO WHAT!! I never said that same-sex people cannot produce a child without some sort of assistance. and you know it. You've just resorted to a pathetic strawman logical fallacy

Why are you still blathering about this? The point is that many heterosexual couples cannot have a child together either . Period. End of story. No one cares and no one talks about it except the bigots

No, I didn't. Go back and please learn how to read.

You are projecting bigotry onto anyone that doesn't lie to you about basic science. Not sure what kind of fallacy that is, but it ain't healthy, that's for sure.
I know what you said .Now you're just trying to gaslight me

ahh, ok, "you know" and whatever it is "you know" is likely bigoted from what you've said to this point.

and if I point out scientific fact I'm gaslighting you. So, by not lying to make you feel better for some reason, I'm a bigot and I cannot even point out basic fact or I'm gaslighting you.

You keep saying shit then denying that you said it and try to make me think that I have a reading comprehension problem. THAT is gaslighting. Science? What science do you think that you need to enlighten me about. You're the one who said that gays don't reproduce while denying that you are a bigot.
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction so they are not continuing through the normal process of natural selection, at least it would seem so.
That is a boatload of bovine excrement. They are not sterile. They have children. They reproduce in a varirty of ways just like heterosexual couples who may need some "third party" assistence. They perpetuate the species just like anyone else. I sick of hearing the stupidity about gays not reproducing.

no it isn't. I didn't say they were sterile and actually referred to them reproducing.

this topic is too emotional for you, obviously, to actually have a rational conversation. You don't read, just blow right over whatever it is and explode and respond with grade school level insults. I've seen many times from you and I normally avoid discussing anything with you as a result.

Get a grip on yourself, FFS.
Bullshit doublespeak You said that they DO NOT reproduce. That gave me every reason to believe that you don't think that they can have children. What was your point.? That they are different? That they are of less value. You claim to be neutral but in my experience it is only the bigots who say that they can't reproduce.

Can 2 homosexuals reproduce? No, not without help.

Give it up. I made none of your other points either, nor was I attempting to.

That is all in your head. It's what you see 24/7/365 and that's your problem, not mine.

I don't give a shit what 'your experience' tells you. 2 same-sex people cannot produce a child without some sort of assistance. That's not bigotry, it's a simple fact. If you cannot deal with that, it makes it pretty clear why you can't deal with anything beyond that.
SO WHAT!! I never said that same-sex people cannot produce a child without some sort of assistance. and you know it. You've just resorted to a pathetic strawman logical fallacy

Why are you still blathering about this? The point is that many heterosexual couples cannot have a child together either . Period. End of story. No one cares and no one talks about it except the bigots

No, I didn't. Go back and please learn how to read.

You are projecting bigotry onto anyone that doesn't lie to you about basic science. Not sure what kind of fallacy that is, but it ain't healthy, that's for sure.
I know what you said .Now you're just trying to gaslight me

ahh, ok, "you know" and whatever it is "you know" is likely bigoted from what you've said to this point.

and if I point out scientific fact I'm gaslighting you. So, by not lying to make you feel better for some reason, I'm a bigot and I cannot even point out basic fact or I'm gaslighting you.

You keep saying shit then denying that you said it and try to make me think that I have a reading comprehension problem. THAT is gaslighting. Science? What science do you think that you need to enlighten me about. You're the one who said that gays don't reproduce while denying that you are a bigot.

I'm not denying anything I've said.

You are saying I implied or said things I didn't. You are reading all kinds of shit into things that aren't there and simply cannot help yourself- and you've gone right back to it here.

Two human gays cannot reproduce without help. Two sperm from different males won't generate a baby, nor will two eggs from different females.

That's not bigotry, dolt, that's a fact. Get over it.
Two human gays cannot reproduce without help. Two sperm from different males won't generate a baby, nor will two eggs from different females.
Andf when did I ever deny that ? I don't need you to tell me that shit. But you said that gay people do not reproduce and I needed to tell you that.
Two human gays cannot reproduce without help. Two sperm from different males won't generate a baby, nor will two eggs from different females.
Andf when did I ever deny that ? I don't need you to tell me that shit. But you said that gay people do not reproduce and I needed to tell you that.

Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.

What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now if it is less likely for this propagation to occur in the first place, due to barriers erected due to this gender issue, it becomes less likely for parents to pass this gene along, as only one of them at most contributes their genes to their offspring it likely doesn't propagate as freely as other genes that would normally be being passed by both parents and therefore passed on more easily.

There is nothing bigoted about any of that, although I know it's common now to shout "bigot" any time someone says something a special interest group doesn't like and claim victory.

Well, tough shit. It's common sense. The bigotry is in your head and there's nothing I can do about that.
Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away
Now if it is less likely for this propagation to occur in the first place, due to barriers erected due to this gender issue, it becomes less likely for parents to pass this gene along, as only one of them at most contributes their genes to their offspring it likely doesn't propagate as freely as other genes that would normally be being passed by both parents and therefore passed on more easily.
Wait now! There is no gay gene, right? So what are you bloviating about?
Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away

Perfect. They can't
Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away

yes, and from this

"They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,"

you snipped the very next phrase, the whole of which read:

They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction

Now, why did you snip that bolded and underlined phrase you lying POS? eh?

You've now proven your intellectual dishonesty is on par with your paranoia of bigotry and lack of basic scientific understanding. I'd say that's a nice day's work.

Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away

Perfect. They can't
Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away

yes, and from this

"They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,"

you snipped the very next phrase, the whole of which read:

They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction

Now, why did you snip that bolded and underlined phrase you lying POS? eh?

You've now proven your intellectual dishonesty is on par with your paranoia of bigotry and lack of basic scientific understanding. I'd say that's a nice day's work.

Give me a fucking break already. You are being rediculous. I just proved you to be a liar, or delusional, or both. Deal with it. Dismissed!
Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away

Perfect. They can't
Except, no I didn't say that, now did I.

No, I didn't.

You claim I did. Prove it. The text is all there. Every bit of it.
From post 90
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,

Here is more of your bigoted, unhinged bullshit from poost 105
What I did say initially, and what seemed to have pissed you off was " A gay gene obviously doesn't propagate as well as other genes."

Now, why would that be, eh? Well, maybe it is because two men or two women cannot produce a baby themselves. Pretty basic so far right?

Now please go away

yes, and from this

"They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically,"

you snipped the very next phrase, the whole of which read:

They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction

Now, why did you snip that bolded and underlined phrase you lying POS? eh?

You've now proven your intellectual dishonesty is on par with your paranoia of bigotry and lack of basic scientific understanding. I'd say that's a nice day's work.

Give me a fucking break already. You are being rediculous

Gaslighting you again by pointing out clear facts no doubt. lol.

I'd agree we're done here.
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction
And that just underscores your pathetic ignorance about human sexuality and reproduction. Ever hear of surrogates or sperm donners? You still have not explained why you are so concerned about how gay people reproduce -or not- while igoring and avoiding the issue of heterosexuals who have children by "unconventional means" but seem to get a pass from you.
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction
And that just underscores your pathetic ignorance about human sexuality and reproduction. Ever hear of surrogates or sperm donners? You still have not explained why you are so concerned about how gay people reproduce -or not- while igoring and avoiding the issue of heterosexuals who have children by "unconventional means" but seem to get a pass from you.

Yes, dumbass, and those donors or whatever means is chosen may introduce the other sex into the equation, or possibly use a donated fertilized egg if neither partner will contribute, as it is necessary to have both sexes involved, regardless of method, to form an embryo.

How dense do you have to be to deny this basic requirement.

Heteros, singles or couples can have children by any means as well. That has nothing to do with actual sexual orientation. It is a simple fact that the technology has progressed to the point where they can basically fabricate a baby if the interested party can cough up the cash.

But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

This is not a differentiating consideration between gay and straight people or couples.

And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own. Sowwy.
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction
And that just underscores your pathetic ignorance about human sexuality and reproduction. Ever hear of surrogates or sperm donners? You still have not explained why you are so concerned about how gay people reproduce -or not- while igoring and avoiding the issue of heterosexuals who have children by "unconventional means" but seem to get a pass from you.

Yes, dumbass, and those donors or whatever means is chosen may introduce the other sex into the equation, or possibly use a donated fertilized egg if neither partner will contribute, as it is necessary to have both sexes involved, regardless of method, to form an embryo.

How dense do you have to be to deny this basic requirement.

Heteros, singles or couples can have children by any means as well. That has nothing to do with actual sexual orientation. It is a simple fact that the technology has progressed to the point where they can basically fabricate a baby if the interested party can cough up the cash.

But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

This is not a differentiating consideration between gay and straight people or couples.

And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own. Sowwy.
And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own.? No fucking shit! I have nevr said otherwise and you know it. You are beyound dishonest and rediculous. You are just playing some sick and malicious game. Get the fuck out of here!
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction
And that just underscores your pathetic ignorance about human sexuality and reproduction. Ever hear of surrogates or sperm donners? You still have not explained why you are so concerned about how gay people reproduce -or not- while igoring and avoiding the issue of heterosexuals who have children by "unconventional means" but seem to get a pass from you.

Yes, dumbass, and those donors or whatever means is chosen may introduce the other sex into the equation, or possibly use a donated fertilized egg if neither partner will contribute, as it is necessary to have both sexes involved, regardless of method, to form an embryo.

How dense do you have to be to deny this basic requirement.

Heteros, singles or couples can have children by any means as well. That has nothing to do with actual sexual orientation. It is a simple fact that the technology has progressed to the point where they can basically fabricate a baby if the interested party can cough up the cash.

But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

This is not a differentiating consideration between gay and straight people or couples.

And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own. Sowwy.
And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own.? No fucking shit! I have nevr said otherwise and you know it. You are beyound dishonest and rediculous. You are just playing some sick and malicious game. Get the fuck out of here!

Sure, sure, you had to invoke clear intellectual dishonesty in your very attempt to prove me lying, and now I'm being dishonest.

Had you read that whole sentence clearly in the first place you wouldn't have made such as ass of yourself.

I said it early. This is too emotional of a topic for you. And it is. You do not read clearly, nor think clearly, it is only about emotions and you toss the bigot label if you feel backed into a corner, and now I'm sick and malicious for not buying your bullshit.

Cry me a river. boo fucking hoo.
Last edited:
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction
And that just underscores your pathetic ignorance about human sexuality and reproduction. Ever hear of surrogates or sperm donners? You still have not explained why you are so concerned about how gay people reproduce -or not- while igoring and avoiding the issue of heterosexuals who have children by "unconventional means" but seem to get a pass from you.

Yes, dumbass, and those donors or whatever means is chosen may introduce the other sex into the equation, or possibly use a donated fertilized egg if neither partner will contribute, as it is necessary to have both sexes involved, regardless of method, to form an embryo.

How dense do you have to be to deny this basic requirement.

Heteros, singles or couples can have children by any means as well. That has nothing to do with actual sexual orientation. It is a simple fact that the technology has progressed to the point where they can basically fabricate a baby if the interested party can cough up the cash.

But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

This is not a differentiating consideration between gay and straight people or couples.

And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own. Sowwy.
And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own.? No fucking shit! I have nevr said otherwise and you know it. You are beyound dishonest and rediculous. You are just playing some sick and malicious game. Get the fuck out of here!

Sure, sure, you had to invoke clear intellectual dishonesty in your very attempt to prove me lying, and now I'm being dishonest.

Had you read that whole sentence clearly in the first place you wouldn't have made such as ass of yourself.

I said it early. This is too emotional of a topic for you. And it is. You do not read clearly, nor think clearly, it is only about emotions and you toss the bigot label if you feel backed into a corner, and now I'm sick and malicious for not buying your bullshit.

Cry me a river. boo fucking hoo.
Ok, This is getting really fucking stupid. Lets dial it back and consider what is is that we are bickering about

We agree that gay people are not sterile and can have children

We agree that two people of the same gender cannot hhave a child togeter one on one.

I think that we agree that some hetrosexual couples also cannot have a child together one on one

What is the sticking point. ? Something about natural selection? About your contention that the NON EXISTENT gay gene is not as viable as heterosexual genes as if that actually existed?

Or is it that you see some difference between same sex couples and opposite sex couple who are equally in need of third party assitence in having a child? If so spell it out.

Just what the fuck is going on here?
But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

View attachment 456049

It's more evidence for God and against evolution. Being gay isn't mutantcy.

Will X-Men sell less comic books now -- Sir Ian McKellen: Being Gay Is Still Like Being A Mutant Evolution may as well be a comic book.


Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
There are several to dozens of genes linking you to gayness but not one
They can't procreate, can they? They don't reproduce themselves typically, unless they partner heterosexually for reproduction
And that just underscores your pathetic ignorance about human sexuality and reproduction. Ever hear of surrogates or sperm donners? You still have not explained why you are so concerned about how gay people reproduce -or not- while igoring and avoiding the issue of heterosexuals who have children by "unconventional means" but seem to get a pass from you.

Yes, dumbass, and those donors or whatever means is chosen may introduce the other sex into the equation, or possibly use a donated fertilized egg if neither partner will contribute, as it is necessary to have both sexes involved, regardless of method, to form an embryo.

How dense do you have to be to deny this basic requirement.

Heteros, singles or couples can have children by any means as well. That has nothing to do with actual sexual orientation. It is a simple fact that the technology has progressed to the point where they can basically fabricate a baby if the interested party can cough up the cash.

But they can't do that without male and female sperm and egg. Not hetero couples, not gay couples, not single men or women taking these options. The embryo itself requires male sperm and female egg to get going.

This is not a differentiating consideration between gay and straight people or couples.

And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own. Sowwy.
And the fact remains that gay couples cannot have babies on their own.? No fucking shit! I have nevr said otherwise and you know it. You are beyound dishonest and rediculous. You are just playing some sick and malicious game. Get the fuck out of here!

Sure, sure, you had to invoke clear intellectual dishonesty in your very attempt to prove me lying, and now I'm being dishonest.

Had you read that whole sentence clearly in the first place you wouldn't have made such as ass of yourself.

I said it early. This is too emotional of a topic for you. And it is. You do not read clearly, nor think clearly, it is only about emotions and you toss the bigot label if you feel backed into a corner, and now I'm sick and malicious for not buying your bullshit.

Cry me a river. boo fucking hoo.
Ok, This is getting really fucking stupid. Lets dial it back and consider what is is that we are bickering about

We agree that gay people are not sterile and can have children

We agree that two people of the same gender cannot hhave a child togeter one on one.

I think that we agree that some hetrosexual couples also cannot have a child together one on one

What is the sticking point. ? Something about natural selection? About your contention that the NON EXISTENT gay gene is not as viable as heterosexual genes as if that actually existed?

Or is it that you see some difference between same sex couples and opposite sex couple who are equally in need of third party assitence in having a child? If so spell it out.

Just what the fuck is going on here?

I never said a gay gene existed or didn't. I don't know the answer to that.

My only hypothesis was that, if it did/does exist, it was/is likely to propagate less efficiently than some other genes might, due to barriers that exist for same-sex couples (or let's say single people) to reproduce as a result of typically understood rules and processes of natural selection.

Pretty much it. Was really more a casual passing comment than thunderbolt type of statement/position.
Being a drunk is considered a disease, even if one has a "genetic" predisposition towards being a drunk. Drinking and driving is regarded as wrong, no matter what anyone wishes to believe concerning drinking. It is now considered okay to act on being homosexual, and yet when it is demonstrated that older men prey on naive youths, it is regarded as fine as long as the individuals involved are not priests and then the excuse is that priests who have homosexual relations with young men and boys are not homosexuals ----- they merely only have access to young men and boys................. The reality is that what is wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it and when.

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