Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden - interview

The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.

The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.
The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.

Well ... Pursue that option and see how far it gets you. o_O

I understand you would like to press the issue ... But it was generally accepted that Osama Bin Laden was a suspect in conspiring to advance the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I am guessing he didn't agree to come quietly and killed in the process of executing the warrant for his arrest. If you have a problem with the idea we may not have had permission from Pakistan ... Then that is a matter of State and you should express your feelings to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.

Well ... Pursue that option and see how far it gets you. o_O

I understand you would like to press the issue ... But it was generally accepted that Osama Bin Laden was a suspect in conspiring to advance the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I am guessing he didn't agree to come quietly and killed in the process of executing the warrant for his arrest. If you have a problem with the idea we may not have had permission from Pakistan ... Then that is a matter of State and you should express your feelings to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


When a society begins tolerating things like this its' government's doing it's the beginning of the end. Today it's bin Laden and American citizens who're terrorists. Who's next? Drone strikes against that rancher in Nevada and his supporters? Is refusing to abide by Federal Law and threatening officials with lethal force, sounds like a jusitifiable reason to kill them all since ObL and terror suspects abroad were killed on just suspicion of terroristic acts. The people in Nevada actually did stuff.
:wtf:I thought Obama killed Bin Laden

You really ARE that stupid, now aren't you.

Obama is the President who gave the order and took the risk that this could fail.
A team of Navy Seals executed his order, you stupid fuck.


I am so sick of RWs who demean and belittle this accomplishment and the men who risked their lives to get his monster.

Their guy said bin Laden wasn't 'on his radar'. He couldn't be bothered going after the murderer of thousands of Americans. Those of you who think this is something to make fun of -


You are stupid aren't you.

Notice that was a statement, not a question. No need to answer, you ARE stupid.

Of course Bush said that he wasn't concerned about Bin Laden, it's called misdirection.
It took YEARS of intel and cultivating contacts to locate Bin Laden in Pakistan. Obama didn't get that all started.

He gets credit for being the man behind the desk, no doubt ; but to stupidly act like the US military and intelligence agencies weren't looking for Bin Laden until 2008 when Obama said " hey guys remember that Bin Laden guy? Let's get him" is well stupid.

Typical low-information RW "thinking":

Bush does nothing, gets the credit for everything.

The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.

Well ... Pursue that option and see how far it gets you. o_O

I understand you would like to press the issue ... But it was generally accepted that Osama Bin Laden was a suspect in conspiring to advance the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I am guessing he didn't agree to come quietly and killed in the process of executing the warrant for his arrest. If you have a problem with the idea we may not have had permission from Pakistan ... Then that is a matter of State and you should express your feelings to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


When a society begins tolerating things like this its' government's doing it's the beginning of the end. Today it's bin Laden and American citizens who're terrorists. Who's next? Drone strikes against that rancher in Nevada and his supporters? Is refusing to abide by Federal Law and threatening officials with lethal force, sounds like a jusitifiable reason to kill them all since ObL and terror suspects abroad were killed on just suspicion of terroristic acts. The people in Nevada actually did stuff.

I didn't say you should tolerate anything ... I said you should take it up with the responsible parties in the Administration. Why waste your time pressing the issue with people who have no say so in the process?

If you feel the Administration overstepped their bounds or the State Department failed to negotiate the proper protocol ... Then what makes it any different than the rest of their fuck-ups?

The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.

Well ... Pursue that option and see how far it gets you. o_O

I understand you would like to press the issue ... But it was generally accepted that Osama Bin Laden was a suspect in conspiring to advance the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I am guessing he didn't agree to come quietly and killed in the process of executing the warrant for his arrest. If you have a problem with the idea we may not have had permission from Pakistan ... Then that is a matter of State and you should express your feelings to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


When a society begins tolerating things like this its' government's doing it's the beginning of the end. Today it's bin Laden and American citizens who're terrorists. Who's next? Drone strikes against that rancher in Nevada and his supporters? Is refusing to abide by Federal Law and threatening officials with lethal force, sounds like a jusitifiable reason to kill them all since ObL and terror suspects abroad were killed on just suspicion of terroristic acts. The people in Nevada actually did stuff.

I didn't say you should tolerate anything ... I said you should take it up with the responsible parties in the Administration. Why waste your time pressing the issue with people who have no say so in the process?

If you feel the Administration overstepped their bounds or the State Department failed to negotiate the proper protocol ... Then what makes it any different than the rest of their fuck-ups?


Changing minds is a necessary first step to any attempt of effecting changes. 1 person complaining will be drowned out, many complaining wont be. But until you get the other people convincing them something's amiss you have no chance.
The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.

Well ... Pursue that option and see how far it gets you. o_O

I understand you would like to press the issue ... But it was generally accepted that Osama Bin Laden was a suspect in conspiring to advance the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I am guessing he didn't agree to come quietly and killed in the process of executing the warrant for his arrest. If you have a problem with the idea we may not have had permission from Pakistan ... Then that is a matter of State and you should express your feelings to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


When a society begins tolerating things like this its' government's doing it's the beginning of the end. Today it's bin Laden and American citizens who're terrorists. Who's next? Drone strikes against that rancher in Nevada and his supporters? Is refusing to abide by Federal Law and threatening officials with lethal force, sounds like a jusitifiable reason to kill them all since ObL and terror suspects abroad were killed on just suspicion of terroristic acts. The people in Nevada actually did stuff.

I didn't say you should tolerate anything ... I said you should take it up with the responsible parties in the Administration. Why waste your time pressing the issue with people who have no say so in the process?

If you feel the Administration overstepped their bounds or the State Department failed to negotiate the proper protocol ... Then what makes it any different than the rest of their fuck-ups?


Changing minds is a necessary first step to any attempt of effecting changes. 1 person complaining will be drowned out, many complaining wont be. But until you get the other people convincing them something's amiss you have no chance.

What the hell gives you the idea you are alone in objecting to the colossal screw-ups in the Administration or the State Department?

You aren't ...

Now ... If you think you are going to change the minds of the people who want to cut your head off ... Then I have no problem suggesting you have a Polly-Anna view of the world. I understand the desire to view things in a manner that offers a peaceful and more "civilized" response to what we encounter in the world ... But it is far more productive to get your hands dirty doing what is necessary to protect yourself than wishing on a falling star.

I posted several articles about this a few days ago.

Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden - interview US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Apparently, the military/pentagon is not real happy with him breaking the oath of silence he signed and taking credit for what is a team effort. Not to mention that it cannot be proven.

I give him credit for his part in the raid but don't think much of him trying to get business for his motivational speaking gigs.

And, he has put himself and others in danger.
Wonder how his immediate and extended family members feel about him blabbing their name around for those bloodthirsty murdering lunatics of Islam, who play by a whole different set of rules regarding innocent family members of anyone they're pissed off at.

Ought to be an interesting Thanksgiving dinner.
All the Seals that were involved in that raid should make the same claim.....
It would make all of them some money and would again throw into doubt who really pulled the trigger.
Everyone involved in the mission deserves credit. The pilots were stationed here at Ft. Campbell. They deserve credit, and have received some. The rest of the team deserves credit. The commanders that ordered the mission deserves credit. The Secretary of Defense deserved credit. I would even give Obama some credit if it wasn't for the fact that he refused to authorized the mission for over 8 months. He was basically told that it was going to go ahead. I'm not sure if he would attempt it today. He seems to think that boots on the ground is a no-no.
Obama gave the order and president flight suit didn`t. You should`ve gotten over it by now.
Since I was on the inside for years I also know how little he had to do with it.

Fuck off.
Another message board and another Walter Mitty :).
Everyone involved in the mission deserves credit. The pilots were stationed here at Ft. Campbell. They deserve credit, and have received some. The rest of the team deserves credit. The commanders that ordered the mission deserves credit. The Secretary of Defense deserved credit. I would even give Obama some credit if it wasn't for the fact that he refused to authorized the mission for over 8 months. He was basically told that it was going to go ahead. I'm not sure if he would attempt it today. He seems to think that boots on the ground is a no-no.
Obama gave the order and president flight suit didn`t. You should`ve gotten over it by now.
Since I was on the inside for years I also know how little he had to do with it.

Fuck off.
Another message board and another Walter Mitty :).

You know, jealousy is a sin.

At first I didn't know who Walter Mitty is till I looked it up.

You know the only thing worse than a has-been is a never-was.


BTW, learn how to use avatars newbie.
Everyone involved in the mission deserves credit. The pilots were stationed here at Ft. Campbell. They deserve credit, and have received some. The rest of the team deserves credit. The commanders that ordered the mission deserves credit. The Secretary of Defense deserved credit. I would even give Obama some credit if it wasn't for the fact that he refused to authorized the mission for over 8 months. He was basically told that it was going to go ahead. I'm not sure if he would attempt it today. He seems to think that boots on the ground is a no-no.
Obama gave the order and president flight suit didn`t. You should`ve gotten over it by now.
Since I was on the inside for years I also know how little he had to do with it.

Fuck off.

Anyone who reads your posts gets that you have a very rich fantasy life.

You're embarrassing yourself and you're an insult to our military and the sacrifices they make.

Everyone involved in the mission deserves credit. The pilots were stationed here at Ft. Campbell. They deserve credit, and have received some. The rest of the team deserves credit. The commanders that ordered the mission deserves credit. The Secretary of Defense deserved credit. I would even give Obama some credit if it wasn't for the fact that he refused to authorized the mission for over 8 months. He was basically told that it was going to go ahead. I'm not sure if he would attempt it today. He seems to think that boots on the ground is a no-no.
Obama gave the order and president flight suit didn`t. You should`ve gotten over it by now.
Since I was on the inside for years I also know how little he had to do with it.

Fuck off.

Anyone who reads your posts gets that you have a very rich fantasy life.

You're embarrassing yourself and you're an insult to our military and the sacrifices they make.



You're not the first liberal who claims to support the military but never passes up the opportunity to insult them one on one. Luckily you're able to hide behind your keyboard and not worry about an appropriate response from one of them.

Someone like you would never understand what it takes to expose a fake. You don't know enough to ask the right questions. Sort of explains why you bought this crap that Obama got Bin Laden. It takes years of intense training to become proficient at what SEALs do. This is why I know that an asswipe shitforbrains like Obama, who lies about just about everything, didn't have much to do with the mission. He probably fired close to every one of the guys that carried it out. That's the appreciation he showed for a job well-done.
All the Seals that were involved in that raid should make the same claim.....
It would make all of them some money and would again throw into doubt who really pulled the trigger.

Bullshit. Everyone deserves credit, but money?

To Hell with money. Capping that SOB would be reward enough for me. It would be almost as good as winning the lottery.
The idea the man has any special significance because he shot Osama bin Laden strays from the mission to me. It is significant in the grand scheme of things ... But in a tactical sense I would have thought of it as "another dead jihadist" ... Target eliminated.

I am weird ... But to me the soldier is just as important for all the other things he has done as he is for the fact he pulled the trigger on that piece of shit.


All he's really done is admitted to murder. Could be charged with murder at the Hague in theory.

Well ... Pursue that option and see how far it gets you. o_O

I understand you would like to press the issue ... But it was generally accepted that Osama Bin Laden was a suspect in conspiring to advance the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I am guessing he didn't agree to come quietly and killed in the process of executing the warrant for his arrest. If you have a problem with the idea we may not have had permission from Pakistan ... Then that is a matter of State and you should express your feelings to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


When a society begins tolerating things like this its' government's doing it's the beginning of the end. Today it's bin Laden and American citizens who're terrorists. Who's next? Drone strikes against that rancher in Nevada and his supporters? Is refusing to abide by Federal Law and threatening officials with lethal force, sounds like a jusitifiable reason to kill them all since ObL and terror suspects abroad were killed on just suspicion of terroristic acts. The people in Nevada actually did stuff.

I figure he's one less asshole to worry about.

Imagine what this world would be without all of the assholes.
This has got to be the oddest thing I've ever heard of. The guy who murdered ObL reveals his identity? I'm sure the 1.5 billion Muslims can't wait to come thank him. Whatever happened to anonymity? What possible reason could there be for going public? Not like he can be rewarded or applauded for it. Now he has just the rest of his life spent in hiding next door to Rushdie to look fowards to.

OBL murdered 3000 Americans.
My heart pumps purple piss for him.

That's not the point. If we say murdering a murderer is justifiable or 'okay' where do we draw the line? How many murders before murdering the murderer is socially acceptable? It wasn't a military action because that would have made it an act of war against Pakistan. The operatives involved were forced to resign from the Navy making them civilian agents of CIA, and the act murder. Not a wartime 'killing.' Since the government stuck to the letter of the law doing it this way, it's a legit and just criticism that turning honorable soldiers into murderers wasn't acceptable.

They were active-duty under orders when it went down. If they were "retired" I don't think it was because of reasons you think. Obama had been purging the military for years. He likes a weak military. He thinks that will make us less if a threat to the rest of the world. This is what he learned at Harvard.
This has got to be the oddest thing I've ever heard of. The guy who murdered ObL reveals his identity? I'm sure the 1.5 billion Muslims can't wait to come thank him. Whatever happened to anonymity? What possible reason could there be for going public? Not like he can be rewarded or applauded for it. Now he has just the rest of his life spent in hiding next door to Rushdie to look fowards to.

OBL murdered 3000 Americans.
My heart pumps purple piss for him.

That's not the point. If we say murdering a murderer is justifiable or 'okay' where do we draw the line? How many murders before murdering the murderer is socially acceptable? It wasn't a military action because that would have made it an act of war against Pakistan. The operatives involved were forced to resign from the Navy making them civilian agents of CIA, and the act murder. Not a wartime 'killing.' Since the government stuck to the letter of the law doing it this way, it's a legit and just criticism that turning honorable soldiers into murderers wasn't acceptable.

They were active-duty under orders when it went down. If they were "retired" I don't think it was because of reasons you think. Obama had been purging the military for years. He likes a weak military. He thinks that will make us less if a threat to the rest of the world. This is what he learned at Harvard.

They had to retire to contract out to CIA, they were not active duty Navy or other military. Said it right after it was disclosed it happened. Coulda lied about it I suppose. :)
This has got to be the oddest thing I've ever heard of. The guy who murdered ObL reveals his identity? I'm sure the 1.5 billion Muslims can't wait to come thank him. Whatever happened to anonymity? What possible reason could there be for going public? Not like he can be rewarded or applauded for it. Now he has just the rest of his life spent in hiding next door to Rushdie to look fowards to.

OBL murdered 3000 Americans.
My heart pumps purple piss for him.

That's not the point. If we say murdering a murderer is justifiable or 'okay' where do we draw the line? How many murders before murdering the murderer is socially acceptable? It wasn't a military action because that would have made it an act of war against Pakistan. The operatives involved were forced to resign from the Navy making them civilian agents of CIA, and the act murder. Not a wartime 'killing.' Since the government stuck to the letter of the law doing it this way, it's a legit and just criticism that turning honorable soldiers into murderers wasn't acceptable.

They were active-duty under orders when it went down. If they were "retired" I don't think it was because of reasons you think. Obama had been purging the military for years. He likes a weak military. He thinks that will make us less if a threat to the rest of the world. This is what he learned at Harvard.

They had to retire to contract out to CIA, they were not active duty Navy or other military. Said it right after it was disclosed it happened. Coulda lied about it I suppose. :)

Could you find me a link.

That would be an interesting read.

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