Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden - interview

This is a big lie. Bin Laden was died in 13 December 2007 in Tora Bora mountains. He died because of renal failure, not because of Rambo shoot him in the head three times while jumping out of an helicopter.

Source: MIT the Turkish intelligence service.

Turkish intelligence lol, yeah ok.

Yes. Two men in pez hats toking on a hooka......THAT is the Turkish Intelligence Service.

We'll have to take their word for it, they sound elite.
I wonder what this guy's life span is going to be. Not such a smart move.

The biggest problem I have with Rob O'Neil (and I congratulate him profusely) is that I am not sure how long his SCI lasts ( and whether or not he has broken the law by coming forward) I do not know.

I held a TS-SC3 Clearance during my time in the Army and the regulations for the SCI (Special Compartmentalized Information) are fairly clear about releasing information. In Briefings - you are required to sign a non-disclosure BEFORE the briefing and again, AFTER the briefings.

I guess that after all these years - regs could have definitely changed, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. And again, I'm thrilled to death to see the interview and I'm damned glad that he pulled the trigger. AND - I'm glad that his family lives in God's country!! :)

I held an SCI clearance as well while in Signal Corps, but it was downgraded to Secret when I was accepted into Special Ops. I don't think they give SEALs TS clearances. I could be wrong. You just don't talk about your missions to anyone outside of the team. It's the only way they can stay in the shadows. Problem is, Obama went skipping to a microphone to blab about the mission then preceded to take credit for it on numerous occasions, even filming the war room they watched the mission from, divulging intimate details of the mission. Totally disregarded national security in the process.
I wonder what this guy's life span is going to be. Not such a smart move.

The biggest problem I have with Rob O'Neil (and I congratulate him profusely) is that I am not sure how long his SCI lasts ( and whether or not he has broken the law by coming forward) I do not know.

I held a TS-SC3 Clearance during my time in the Army and the regulations for the SCI (Special Compartmentalized Information) are fairly clear about releasing information. In Briefings - you are required to sign a non-disclosure BEFORE the briefing and again, AFTER the briefings.

I guess that after all these years - regs could have definitely changed, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. And again, I'm thrilled to death to see the interview and I'm damned glad that he pulled the trigger. AND - I'm glad that his family lives in God's country!! :)

I held an SCI clearance as well while in Signal Corps, but it was downgraded to Secret when I was accepted into Special Ops. I don't think they give SEALs TS clearances. I could be wrong. You just don't talk about your missions to anyone outside of the team. It's the only way they can stay in the shadows. Problem is, Obama went skipping to a microphone to blab about the mission then preceded to take credit for it on numerous occasions, even filming the war room they watched the mission from, divulging intimate details of the mission. Totally disregarded national security in the process.

Yeah, at least until 1986 - the DIA ran background on all Security Clearances (they've since farmed that out to Defense Investigative Services) but we used to do backgrounds on all Special Operations personnel from Rangers to Green Beret to Special Operations Group 1 and 2 to SEALS to Delta Team to NRO and occasionally guys in DSS. Frankly, I don't know what they do now, but I would assume that it's still fairly typical. Most (99%) of these guys had the vast majority of clearances ran BEFORE they entered their various training schools from Confidential, to Secret to Top Secret. Rarely, in most TOE Units did anyone (with the exception of 0-5 and above) need SCI Clearance but there was occasions (such as those working at the Pentagon or at a particular embassy) that they would be included.
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....

What makes you think I'm an Obama supporter you presumptuous duffer? Besides, he's the POTUS, he is entitled to take credit for it as a talking point during times such as elections (2012 was the last time I heard it brought up with a tone of seriousness).

As a steadfast independent, I see Obama and Bush Jr. (and senior), and a host of others as "clowns" as you so elegantly put it.
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....

What makes you think I'm an Obama supporter you presumptuous duffer? Besides, he's the POTUS, he is entitled to take credit for it as a talking point during times such as elections (2012 was the last time I heard it brought up with a tone of seriousness).

As a steadfast independent, I see Obama and Bush Jr. (and senior), and a host of others as "clowns" as you so elegantly put it.

The biggest "clown" I see right now is you. Make up your damned mind, fool. It's OK for the president to take credit for killing someone that he didn't -but it's NOT OK for the man who actually pulled the trigger to take credit for ACTUALLY DOING IT.

What are you? 12?
This guy choosing Fox to "spill all" already makes me suspicious.

What network SHOULD he have chosen? MSNBC? No, your bias doesn't show at all...... :(
There are many sources out there that could have done the interview besides party leaning media sites. And you bet I am biased. Against ALL media that shows which way THEY lean.
Making nasty jokes about this?

Typical of RWs total lack of respect for the Americans and others killed by bin Laden. And damned christian of you.

Shame on you.
Shame on you, you unpatriotic Grubercrat.

How you like Obama's Iraq War III?

al-Baghadi says bring it on.

Obama says, we have to depose Assad first.

Fucker had gone insane.
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....

What makes you think I'm an Obama supporter you presumptuous duffer? Besides, he's the POTUS, he is entitled to take credit for it as a talking point during times such as elections (2012 was the last time I heard it brought up with a tone of seriousness).

As a steadfast independent, I see Obama and Bush Jr. (and senior), and a host of others as "clowns" as you so elegantly put it.

The biggest "clown" I see right now is you. Make up your damned mind, fool. It's OK for the president to take credit for killing someone that he didn't -but it's NOT OK for the man who actually pulled the trigger to take credit for ACTUALLY DOING IT.

What are you? 12?
No body, no kill.

There is no reason to believe anything the Grubercrats say.
The guy is the quintessential attention whore. But hey, I guess that's why our media is the way it is!

Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....

What makes you think I'm an Obama supporter you presumptuous duffer? Besides, he's the POTUS, he is entitled to take credit for it as a talking point during times such as elections (2012 was the last time I heard it brought up with a tone of seriousness).

As a steadfast independent, I see Obama and Bush Jr. (and senior), and a host of others as "clowns" as you so elegantly put it.

The biggest "clown" I see right now is you. Make up your damned mind, fool. It's OK for the president to take credit for killing someone that he didn't -but it's NOT OK for the man who actually pulled the trigger to take credit for ACTUALLY DOING IT.

What are you? 12?

This coming from someone who ostensibly has the maturity of a 7-year-old, that's rich! Hahaha.

Re-read my post, duffer. He is entitled to make such claims as "talking points during elections", any wily politician would do the same. It's the name of the game. You actually equate that to a Navy SEAL disgracing the armed forces institutions with this petty attention whoring? Lol.
Yeah, you're right. He's written no book, had nothing to do with the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" and only went on FOX because he struck up a friendship with Peter Doocey. Yeah, you're right. Absolute attention whore.

Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....

What makes you think I'm an Obama supporter you presumptuous duffer? Besides, he's the POTUS, he is entitled to take credit for it as a talking point during times such as elections (2012 was the last time I heard it brought up with a tone of seriousness).

As a steadfast independent, I see Obama and Bush Jr. (and senior), and a host of others as "clowns" as you so elegantly put it.

The biggest "clown" I see right now is you. Make up your damned mind, fool. It's OK for the president to take credit for killing someone that he didn't -but it's NOT OK for the man who actually pulled the trigger to take credit for ACTUALLY DOING IT.

What are you? 12?

This coming from someone who ostensibly has the maturity of a 7-year-old, that's rich! Hahaha.

Re-read my post, duffer. He is entitled to make such claims as "talking points during elections", any wily politician would do the same. It's the name of the game. You actually equate that to a Navy SEAL disgracing the armed forces institutions with this petty attention whoring? Lol.

Go away child. Take your "talking points during elections" with you - you Gruber loving liberal Nazi. Lying is lying. I don't give a damn WHEN it is done.
Yet he came out of the woodwork three years after the fact just to be known and heralded as Osama's killer. I.E. attention whore.

You mean like that clown you call a "president" who takes credit for "killing Bin Laden" at every turn? THAT kind of attention whore??

You're funny. And you are out of your depth. I suggest you quit while you're behind.....

What makes you think I'm an Obama supporter you presumptuous duffer? Besides, he's the POTUS, he is entitled to take credit for it as a talking point during times such as elections (2012 was the last time I heard it brought up with a tone of seriousness).

As a steadfast independent, I see Obama and Bush Jr. (and senior), and a host of others as "clowns" as you so elegantly put it.

The biggest "clown" I see right now is you. Make up your damned mind, fool. It's OK for the president to take credit for killing someone that he didn't -but it's NOT OK for the man who actually pulled the trigger to take credit for ACTUALLY DOING IT.

What are you? 12?

This coming from someone who ostensibly has the maturity of a 7-year-old, that's rich! Hahaha.

Re-read my post, duffer. He is entitled to make such claims as "talking points during elections", any wily politician would do the same. It's the name of the game. You actually equate that to a Navy SEAL disgracing the armed forces institutions with this petty attention whoring? Lol.

Go away child. Take your "talking points during elections" with you - you Gruber loving liberal Nazi. Lying is lying. I don't give a damn WHEN it is done.

FYI, I'm a centrist of the highest order. I bet you didn't give a flying fudge about your hero W. feeding the American people kool-aid to earn the support for the commencement of that moronic 8-year shitshow in Iraq.
This guy choosing Fox to "spill all" already makes me suspicious.

What network SHOULD he have chosen? MSNBC? No, your bias doesn't show at all...... :(
There are many sources out there that could have done the interview besides party leaning media sites. And you bet I am biased. Against ALL media that shows which way THEY lean.
I'd be more biased against media outlets that pretend to be objective when there's no such thing.
I wonder what this guy's life span is going to be. Not such a smart move.

The biggest problem I have with Rob O'Neil (and I congratulate him profusely) is that I am not sure how long his SCI lasts ( and whether or not he has broken the law by coming forward) I do not know.

I held a TS-SC3 Clearance during my time in the Army and the regulations for the SCI (Special Compartmentalized Information) are fairly clear about releasing information. In Briefings - you are required to sign a non-disclosure BEFORE the briefing and again, AFTER the briefings.

I guess that after all these years - regs could have definitely changed, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. And again, I'm thrilled to death to see the interview and I'm damned glad that he pulled the trigger. AND - I'm glad that his family lives in God's country!! :)

I held an SCI clearance as well while in Signal Corps, but it was downgraded to Secret when I was accepted into Special Ops. I don't think they give SEALs TS clearances. I could be wrong. You just don't talk about your missions to anyone outside of the team. It's the only way they can stay in the shadows. Problem is, Obama went skipping to a microphone to blab about the mission then preceded to take credit for it on numerous occasions, even filming the war room they watched the mission from, divulging intimate details of the mission. Totally disregarded national security in the process.

And a previous book had been written by a SEAL Team 6 member:

An interview with former SEAL Team 6 member Matt Bissonnette. ( very interesting article with regrets by the SEAL )

Tonight O`Neill will be on Bill O`Reilly's, The Factor, on Fox at 8 pm Eastern.

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