Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden - interview

I guess Navy Seals are just like the rest of us in some ways. It doesn't matter about the team but what matters is the guy who pulled the trigger and claims the trophy.
Fox News Lands First Interview With Bin Laden Shooter

12:22 PM PST 10/29/2014 by Hilary Lewis

Getty Images

The exclusive talk with the Navy SEAL will be part of a two-part documentary set to air next month

Fox News has landed the first interview with the man who killed Osama bin Laden, which will be part of a two-night documentary airing on Nov. 11-12.

In the special, titled The Man Who Killed Usama Bin Laden, the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, also known as "The Shooter," will reveal his identity and speak out publicly for the first time.

And this -

Fox News Crocumentary On Alleged Bin Laden Shooter May Be Bogus, Unlawful, and Dangerous
Posted by Mark NC on November 1, 2014 at 1:04 pm. 3 Comments :

Last week, amid great fanfare, Fox News announced that they would be airing a special presentation that features a Navy SEAL who claims to have fired the shot that killed Osama Bin Laden. The press release for the program that Fox calls “an extensive, first-hand account of the mission,” contains this description:

“The two-night presentation will feature an exclusive interview with the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed terrorist leader Usama Bin Laden. [...] Revealing his identity and speaking out publicly for the first time, the Navy SEAL, also known as “The Shooter,” will share his story of training to be a member of America’s elite fighting force and explain his involvement in Operation Neptune Spear, the mission that killed Bin Laden.”

There are, however, a number of problems with this project, beginning with what Fox says in their own press release. The first paragraph describes their subject as “the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots.” While he may “say” that he fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, there is no confirmation of that from anyone else. Not his fellow SEALs, not his superiors, not any eyewitnesses, not the Pentagon, no one. Fox News has to rely solely on this person’s account of the mission for their story.

Relying on this one account is also troubling because simply by coming forward the person is bringing into question his own credibility. First and foremost, Navy SEALs are bound by non-disclosure agreements that prohibit them from talking about the details of their missions, particularly those that are confidential and involve national security. The Pentagon has taken notice of this and urged that he comply with his obligations and honor his duty. A Pentagon spokesperson told a reporter at Business Insider that…

“Navy SEALs continue to serve and fight bravely around the world, accomplishing critical missions that keep our nation safe. The major details of the bin Laden mission are well known, many of them a matter of public record. We urge any former SEAL to abide by the SEAL Ethos, particularly the core tenant, ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.'”

By appearing on Fox News this person, if he is who he says he is, is violating his oath to the Navy SEALS and, quite possibly, the law. In a previous instance of a SEAL going public with information about the Bin Laden operation, Matt Bissonnette is currently undergoing a criminal investigation for publishing a book that he failed to vet through the Defense Department. Fox News is well aware of this as they reported his legal jeopardy two years ago. They also reported that his fellow SEALs were upset that he had published a book that could endanger them and future missions. What’s more, it was Fox who outed Bissonnette, whose book was published under the pseudonym, Mark Owen. By revealing his identity Fox subjected him and others to death threats. The network was criticized harshly by members of the military and media ethicists.

And -

Pentagon: The Navy Seal who shot Bin Laden should not reveal himself on Fox News
Article reposted with permission from Business Insider.

On Wednesday, Fox News announced it planned to reveal the identity of the Navy SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden in a documentary set to air next month.

But in a statement issued to Business Insider, the Pentagon stressed that anyone who participated in the 2011 operation that left the Al Qaeda leader dead was “still bound” by a “non-disclosure agreement to not discuss classified information, especially in a nationally televised interview.”

This seems to indicate the SEAL could face a criminal investigation for participating in the documentary.

The statement came from Navy Commander Amy Derrick-Frost, a Defense Department spokeswoman, who said the military had not confirmed that the person participating in the Fox News documentary was indeed the SEAL who fired the fatal shot at Bin Laden.

However, Derrick-Frost spoke generally about whether that person would be allowed to discuss the operation on TV. She began by noting that all members of the military would sign nondisclosure agreements.

“As a private citizen, former or retired service members are free to speak with the media and exercise their First Amendment rights,” Derrick-Frost told Business Insider. “However, it is important for all former service members to adhere to their signed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) when they seek to openly discuss classified or sensitive information, or make claims about their active duty operations or accomplishments.

“NDAs are voluntarily executed by service members. After a thorough briefing on the NDA and what each paragraph contains, the service member is aware that his/her signature signifies their understanding and intent to comply with the lifelong obligation for protecting National Defense Information.”

Derrick-Frost went on to remind the “individual” involved in the Fox News documentary that he would still be “bound” by this NDA.
Luddly, you can't have it both ways. On one hand youj say, he could be bogus because np one is backing up his story, then in the next paragraph, you explain why. The Seals are bound by an oath not to speak of their eneavors publically.

Then, the Navy itself backed the story by releasing a statement reminding the individual servicemen of their oath and they would not have done that if the Seal was in fact not the one who was involved in the shooting.
Fox News Lands First Interview With Bin Laden Shooter

12:22 PM PST 10/29/2014 by Hilary Lewis

Getty Images

The exclusive talk with the Navy SEAL will be part of a two-part documentary set to air next month

Fox News has landed the first interview with the man who killed Osama bin Laden, which will be part of a two-night documentary airing on Nov. 11-12.

In the special, titled The Man Who Killed Usama Bin Laden, the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, also known as "The Shooter," will reveal his identity and speak out publicly for the first time.

And this -

Fox News Crocumentary On Alleged Bin Laden Shooter May Be Bogus, Unlawful, and Dangerous
Posted by Mark NC on November 1, 2014 at 1:04 pm. 3 Comments :

Last week, amid great fanfare, Fox News announced that they would be airing a special presentation that features a Navy SEAL who claims to have fired the shot that killed Osama Bin Laden. The press release for the program that Fox calls “an extensive, first-hand account of the mission,” contains this description:

“The two-night presentation will feature an exclusive interview with the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed terrorist leader Usama Bin Laden. [...] Revealing his identity and speaking out publicly for the first time, the Navy SEAL, also known as “The Shooter,” will share his story of training to be a member of America’s elite fighting force and explain his involvement in Operation Neptune Spear, the mission that killed Bin Laden.”

There are, however, a number of problems with this project, beginning with what Fox says in their own press release. The first paragraph describes their subject as “the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots.” While he may “say” that he fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, there is no confirmation of that from anyone else. Not his fellow SEALs, not his superiors, not any eyewitnesses, not the Pentagon, no one. Fox News has to rely solely on this person’s account of the mission for their story.

Relying on this one account is also troubling because simply by coming forward the person is bringing into question his own credibility. First and foremost, Navy SEALs are bound by non-disclosure agreements that prohibit them from talking about the details of their missions, particularly those that are confidential and involve national security. The Pentagon has taken notice of this and urged that he comply with his obligations and honor his duty. A Pentagon spokesperson told a reporter at Business Insider that…

“Navy SEALs continue to serve and fight bravely around the world, accomplishing critical missions that keep our nation safe. The major details of the bin Laden mission are well known, many of them a matter of public record. We urge any former SEAL to abide by the SEAL Ethos, particularly the core tenant, ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.'”

By appearing on Fox News this person, if he is who he says he is, is violating his oath to the Navy SEALS and, quite possibly, the law. In a previous instance of a SEAL going public with information about the Bin Laden operation, Matt Bissonnette is currently undergoing a criminal investigation for publishing a book that he failed to vet through the Defense Department. Fox News is well aware of this as they reported his legal jeopardy two years ago. They also reported that his fellow SEALs were upset that he had published a book that could endanger them and future missions. What’s more, it was Fox who outed Bissonnette, whose book was published under the pseudonym, Mark Owen. By revealing his identity Fox subjected him and others to death threats. The network was criticized harshly by members of the military and media ethicists.

And -

Pentagon: The Navy Seal who shot Bin Laden should not reveal himself on Fox News
Article reposted with permission from Business Insider.

On Wednesday, Fox News announced it planned to reveal the identity of the Navy SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden in a documentary set to air next month.

But in a statement issued to Business Insider, the Pentagon stressed that anyone who participated in the 2011 operation that left the Al Qaeda leader dead was “still bound” by a “non-disclosure agreement to not discuss classified information, especially in a nationally televised interview.”

This seems to indicate the SEAL could face a criminal investigation for participating in the documentary.

The statement came from Navy Commander Amy Derrick-Frost, a Defense Department spokeswoman, who said the military had not confirmed that the person participating in the Fox News documentary was indeed the SEAL who fired the fatal shot at Bin Laden.

However, Derrick-Frost spoke generally about whether that person would be allowed to discuss the operation on TV. She began by noting that all members of the military would sign nondisclosure agreements.

“As a private citizen, former or retired service members are free to speak with the media and exercise their First Amendment rights,” Derrick-Frost told Business Insider. “However, it is important for all former service members to adhere to their signed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) when they seek to openly discuss classified or sensitive information, or make claims about their active duty operations or accomplishments.

“NDAs are voluntarily executed by service members. After a thorough briefing on the NDA and what each paragraph contains, the service member is aware that his/her signature signifies their understanding and intent to comply with the lifelong obligation for protecting National Defense Information.”

Derrick-Frost went on to remind the “individual” involved in the Fox News documentary that he would still be “bound” by this NDA.
Luddly, you can't have it both ways. On one hand youj say, he could be bogus because np one is backing up his story, then in the next paragraph, you explain why. The Seals are bound by an oath not to speak of their eneavors publically.

Then, the Navy itself backed the story by releasing a statement reminding the individual servicemen of their oath and they would not have done that if the Seal was in fact not the one who was involved in the shooting.

Ya know, a minor constant annoyance about posting to a message board is the inability of readers to distinguish between the stated opinion of the poster and content of what the poster posts.

NO WHERE in that post did I state my own opinion.

I posted three different articles but no, I did not say what you say I did.

Everyone involved in the mission deserves credit. The pilots were stationed here at Ft. Campbell. They deserve credit, and have received some. The rest of the team deserves credit. The commanders that ordered the mission deserves credit. The Secretary of Defense deserved credit. I would even give Obama some credit if it wasn't for the fact that he refused to authorized the mission for over 8 months. He was basically told that it was going to go ahead. I'm not sure if he would attempt it today. He seems to think that boots on the ground is a no-no.
Obama gave the order and president flight suit didn`t. You should`ve gotten over it by now.
Since I was on the inside for years I also know how little he had to do with it.

Fuck off.

Anyone who reads your posts gets that you have a very rich fantasy life.

You're embarrassing yourself and you're an insult to our military and the sacrifices they make.



You're not the first liberal who claims to support the military but never passes up the opportunity to insult them one on one. Luckily you're able to hide behind your keyboard and not worry about an appropriate response from one of them.

Someone like you would never understand what it takes to expose a fake. You don't know enough to ask the right questions. Sort of explains why you bought this crap that Obama got Bin Laden. It takes years of intense training to become proficient at what SEALs do. This is why I know that an asswipe shitforbrains like Obama, who lies about just about everything, didn't have much to do with the mission. He probably fired close to every one of the guys that carried it out. That's the appreciation he showed for a job well-done.

And another one who pulls crap out of the air.

Exactly where did I say "Obama got bin Laden"? Why don't you read what I really wrote instead of making up crap - like you always do.

You sit here, lying, all day, every day, pretending to be some big hot shot when all you are is another poseur who has accomplished absolutely nothing.
Fox News Lands First Interview With Bin Laden Shooter

12:22 PM PST 10/29/2014 by Hilary Lewis

Getty Images

The exclusive talk with the Navy SEAL will be part of a two-part documentary set to air next month

Fox News has landed the first interview with the man who killed Osama bin Laden, which will be part of a two-night documentary airing on Nov. 11-12.

In the special, titled The Man Who Killed Usama Bin Laden, the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, also known as "The Shooter," will reveal his identity and speak out publicly for the first time.

And this -

Fox News Crocumentary On Alleged Bin Laden Shooter May Be Bogus, Unlawful, and Dangerous
Posted by Mark NC on November 1, 2014 at 1:04 pm. 3 Comments :

Last week, amid great fanfare, Fox News announced that they would be airing a special presentation that features a Navy SEAL who claims to have fired the shot that killed Osama Bin Laden. The press release for the program that Fox calls “an extensive, first-hand account of the mission,” contains this description:

“The two-night presentation will feature an exclusive interview with the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed terrorist leader Usama Bin Laden. [...] Revealing his identity and speaking out publicly for the first time, the Navy SEAL, also known as “The Shooter,” will share his story of training to be a member of America’s elite fighting force and explain his involvement in Operation Neptune Spear, the mission that killed Bin Laden.”

There are, however, a number of problems with this project, beginning with what Fox says in their own press release. The first paragraph describes their subject as “the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots.” While he may “say” that he fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, there is no confirmation of that from anyone else. Not his fellow SEALs, not his superiors, not any eyewitnesses, not the Pentagon, no one. Fox News has to rely solely on this person’s account of the mission for their story.

Relying on this one account is also troubling because simply by coming forward the person is bringing into question his own credibility. First and foremost, Navy SEALs are bound by non-disclosure agreements that prohibit them from talking about the details of their missions, particularly those that are confidential and involve national security. The Pentagon has taken notice of this and urged that he comply with his obligations and honor his duty. A Pentagon spokesperson told a reporter at Business Insider that…

“Navy SEALs continue to serve and fight bravely around the world, accomplishing critical missions that keep our nation safe. The major details of the bin Laden mission are well known, many of them a matter of public record. We urge any former SEAL to abide by the SEAL Ethos, particularly the core tenant, ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.'”

By appearing on Fox News this person, if he is who he says he is, is violating his oath to the Navy SEALS and, quite possibly, the law. In a previous instance of a SEAL going public with information about the Bin Laden operation, Matt Bissonnette is currently undergoing a criminal investigation for publishing a book that he failed to vet through the Defense Department. Fox News is well aware of this as they reported his legal jeopardy two years ago. They also reported that his fellow SEALs were upset that he had published a book that could endanger them and future missions. What’s more, it was Fox who outed Bissonnette, whose book was published under the pseudonym, Mark Owen. By revealing his identity Fox subjected him and others to death threats. The network was criticized harshly by members of the military and media ethicists.

And -

Pentagon: The Navy Seal who shot Bin Laden should not reveal himself on Fox News
Article reposted with permission from Business Insider.

On Wednesday, Fox News announced it planned to reveal the identity of the Navy SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden in a documentary set to air next month.

But in a statement issued to Business Insider, the Pentagon stressed that anyone who participated in the 2011 operation that left the Al Qaeda leader dead was “still bound” by a “non-disclosure agreement to not discuss classified information, especially in a nationally televised interview.”

This seems to indicate the SEAL could face a criminal investigation for participating in the documentary.

The statement came from Navy Commander Amy Derrick-Frost, a Defense Department spokeswoman, who said the military had not confirmed that the person participating in the Fox News documentary was indeed the SEAL who fired the fatal shot at Bin Laden.

However, Derrick-Frost spoke generally about whether that person would be allowed to discuss the operation on TV. She began by noting that all members of the military would sign nondisclosure agreements.

“As a private citizen, former or retired service members are free to speak with the media and exercise their First Amendment rights,” Derrick-Frost told Business Insider. “However, it is important for all former service members to adhere to their signed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) when they seek to openly discuss classified or sensitive information, or make claims about their active duty operations or accomplishments.

“NDAs are voluntarily executed by service members. After a thorough briefing on the NDA and what each paragraph contains, the service member is aware that his/her signature signifies their understanding and intent to comply with the lifelong obligation for protecting National Defense Information.”

Derrick-Frost went on to remind the “individual” involved in the Fox News documentary that he would still be “bound” by this NDA.
Luddly, you can't have it both ways. On one hand youj say, he could be bogus because np one is backing up his story, then in the next paragraph, you explain why. The Seals are bound by an oath not to speak of their eneavors publically.

Then, the Navy itself backed the story by releasing a statement reminding the individual servicemen of their oath and they would not have done that if the Seal was in fact not the one who was involved in the shooting.

Ya know, a minor constant annoyance about posting to a message board is the inability of readers to distinguish between the stated opinion of the poster and content of what the poster posts.

NO WHERE in that post did I state my own opinion.

I posted three different articles but no, I did not say what you say I did.

Everyone involved in the mission deserves credit. The pilots were stationed here at Ft. Campbell. They deserve credit, and have received some. The rest of the team deserves credit. The commanders that ordered the mission deserves credit. The Secretary of Defense deserved credit. I would even give Obama some credit if it wasn't for the fact that he refused to authorized the mission for over 8 months. He was basically told that it was going to go ahead. I'm not sure if he would attempt it today. He seems to think that boots on the ground is a no-no.
Obama gave the order and president flight suit didn`t. You should`ve gotten over it by now.
Since I was on the inside for years I also know how little he had to do with it.

Fuck off.

Anyone who reads your posts gets that you have a very rich fantasy life.

You're embarrassing yourself and you're an insult to our military and the sacrifices they make.



You're not the first liberal who claims to support the military but never passes up the opportunity to insult them one on one. Luckily you're able to hide behind your keyboard and not worry about an appropriate response from one of them.

Someone like you would never understand what it takes to expose a fake. You don't know enough to ask the right questions. Sort of explains why you bought this crap that Obama got Bin Laden. It takes years of intense training to become proficient at what SEALs do. This is why I know that an asswipe shitforbrains like Obama, who lies about just about everything, didn't have much to do with the mission. He probably fired close to every one of the guys that carried it out. That's the appreciation he showed for a job well-done.

And another one who pulls crap out of the air.

Exactly where did I say "Obama got bin Laden"? Why don't you read what I really wrote instead of making up crap - like you always do.

You sit here, lying, all day, every day, pretending to be some big hot shot when all you are is another poseur who has accomplished absolutely nothing.
What utter hypocrisy. Folks like you have been saying for years that GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead, and Obama did it.
The nerve. I guess you've seen the light and all of the lies you've been repeating for years about this tuss-bucket are all forgotten. You're on record as one of Obama's most loyal spokespersons and now you want to back out and say that everything you've been repeating never happened.
Funny thing, if someone is able to use the software on this site they can find out if you're lying. This is a quote of one of your posts from earlier this year:

Where is the celebration from Conservatives now that their most wanted man in the world has been captured?

Same place as when Obama got bin Laden and other al Qaeda/Taliban.


Don't waste my time.

Benghazi terrorist captured Page 26 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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I guess Navy Seals are just like the rest of us in some ways. It doesn't matter about the team but what matters is the guy who pulled the trigger and claims the trophy.
There is no trophy. Everyone wanted to cap that piece of shit. Everyone on that team could have done it, but the guys that did it were just there at the right time doing their jobs.

What I assume is this team was selected to kill him, not capture him. SEALs are the type that go into some place and lay waste to it. However the risk goes up when you have to do a snatch mission. I figure if they didn't kill his family they were on orders just to kill male adult targets, so a capture was possible. This is me thinking out loud of course.
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I guess Navy Seals are just like the rest of us in some ways. It doesn't matter about the team but what matters is the guy who pulled the trigger and claims the trophy.
There is no trophy. Everyone wanted to cap that piece of shit. Everyone on that team could have done it, but the guys that did it were just there at the right time doing their jobs.

What I assume is this team was selected to kill him, not capture him. SEALs are the type that go into some place and lay waste to it. However the risk goes up when you have to do a snatch mission. I figure if they didn't kill his family they were on orders just to kill male adult targets, so a capture was possible. This is me thinking out loud of course.

No, it was a straight out kill mission.

What would we have done with that asshole if we had captured him? Put him on trial? Held him at GITMO? No, the order was kill all the way.
I wonder what this guy's life span is going to be. Not such a smart move.
I doubt they'll get him. It's one thing to hunt someone down in a big city and another trying to find someone in Montana. Arabs will stick out like a sore thumb. We never see them there. Hardly any blacks either. Mostly Whites, Native-Americans, and a few isolated Hispanics, but only during the growing season or when there's a fire to fight.
US should retract their troops and vechiles from the Middle east in the long term. Instead, the world should establish troops, for example UN in unstable regions. Terrorist should be killed or brought to justice. Every threat against humanity should be marginalized and hunted internationally with worldwide actors such as NATO with US leading it. Terrorists should be brought to justice and should be sentenced to death or jailed if they appears guilty of terrorism. Guantanamo should countinue to hold terrorist.
I wonder what this guy's life span is going to be. Not such a smart move.

The biggest problem I have with Rob O'Neil (and I congratulate him profusely) is that I am not sure how long his SCI lasts ( and whether or not he has broken the law by coming forward) I do not know.

I held a TS-SC3 Clearance during my time in the Army and the regulations for the SCI (Special Compartmentalized Information) are fairly clear about releasing information. In Briefings - you are required to sign a non-disclosure BEFORE the briefing and again, AFTER the briefings.

I guess that after all these years - regs could have definitely changed, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. And again, I'm thrilled to death to see the interview and I'm damned glad that he pulled the trigger. AND - I'm glad that his family lives in God's country!! :)
This is a big lie. Bin Laden was died in 13 December 2007 in Tora Bora mountains. He died because of renal failure, not because of Rambo shoot him in the head three times while jumping out of an helicopter.

Source: MIT the Turkish intelligence service.
This is a big lie. Bin Laden was died in 13 December 2007 in Tora Bora mountains. He died because of renal failure, not because of Rambo shoot him in the head three times while jumping out of an helicopter.

Source: MIT the Turkish intelligence service.

Good Lord........ :bsflag:
I thank Robert for putting that SOB down.............WELL DONE and THANK YOU for your Service.......................

On a side revealing his name he may have very well put his family in danger............It is not out of the Realm to believe they will target him and his family now that they know who he is...................Some things are better served cold and remain so.

Good points. Tonight at 10pm ET, the second part.

Peter Doocy said today, O`Neill was paid nothing for the interview and has written no book.

What a wonderful documentary, so far. Tonight will be even more so, from the clips I have seen.
This is a big lie. Bin Laden was died in 13 December 2007 in Tora Bora mountains. He died because of renal failure, not because of Rambo shoot him in the head three times while jumping out of an helicopter.

Source: MIT the Turkish intelligence service.

Turkish intelligence lol, yeah ok.
This is a big lie. Bin Laden was died in 13 December 2007 in Tora Bora mountains. He died because of renal failure, not because of Rambo shoot him in the head three times while jumping out of an helicopter.

Source: MIT the Turkish intelligence service.

Turkish intelligence lol, yeah ok.

Yes. Two men in pez hats toking on a hooka......THAT is the Turkish Intelligence Service.

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