Navy ship named for Gabby Giffords

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
It's rather unseemly to name ships, monuments, building etc. after living current and former politicians.

The one exception is presidential libraries.
Littoral combat ship

Biggest POS that the USN has ever commissoned.

The list of how the LCS program has failed is ironic and, given the amount of taxpayers’ investment to date, shameful. In LCS, we have (1) a supposed warship that apparently can’t survive a hostile combat environment; (2) a program chosen for affordability that doubled in cost since inception and is subject to the risk of further cost growth as testing continues; (3) a ‘revolutionary’ design that somehow has managed to be inferior to what came before it on important performance measures; and (4) a system designed for flexibility that cannot successfully demonstrate its most important warfighting functions.

Document John McCain Speech on the Littoral Combat Ship Program - USNI News
It's rather unseemly to name ships, monuments, building etc. after living current and former politicians.

The one exception is presidential libraries.

Oh, and looky, looky!! You can get all umbraged up over this one, too!!!

USS Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Commissioned in 2001, while Reagan was still alive.

Tsk, tsk.

Unseemly, what?!?!?
leave it to rw hack grl to use the "its not wrong when we do it" tactic. Her, tipsy, foxfye, etc... are SERIOUS rw kool aid :wine: drinkers :thup:
It's rather unseemly to name ships, monuments, building etc. after living current and former politicians.

The one exception is presidential libraries.

Oh, and looky, looky!! You can get all umbraged up over this one, too!!!

USS Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Commissioned in 2001, while Reagan was still alive.

Tsk, tsk.

Unseemly, what?!?!?
leave it to rw hack grl to use the "its not wrong when we do it" tactic. Her, tipsy, foxfye, etc... are SERIOUS rw kool aid :wine: drinkers :thup:

Leave it to you hacks to assume that disapproval of one thing means approval of it.

Please find a post where I approved of naming either ship.

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