Nazareth Christians Warned Against 'Slandering' Allah

No one should attack another person's religious beliefs or practices . Its stupid.

What if those beliefs and practices include violence?

I don't give a fuck what Muslims believe; but they are my enemy, and the enemy of America. Islam declared war on us.
When a religion teaches others that using force is an acceptable method - of conversion or submission - it should be rejected. No matter what it is. There is a difference in attacking people and attacking a dangerous doctrine that seeks to destroy the freedom of others. Truth isn't something that should be swept under a rug.
No one should attack another person's religious beliefs or practices . Its stupid.

That includes the beliefs and practices of atheists, agnostics, etc. They have a right to believe, to not believe, to make their own decisions concerning G-d. No one has the right to force any other human being to believe as they do just because they believe they are right.

Free will is a G-d given right and no human being has the right to play G-d over someone else's life. Not even in the name of Islam. Much of what others agree to in their own nations out of tolerance to Muslim immigrants is Sharia and should be rejected as such. imo.
No one should attack another person's religious beliefs or practices . Its stupid.

What if those beliefs and practices include violence?

I don't give a fuck what Muslims believe; but they are my enemy, and the enemy of America. Islam declared war on us.

We have perpetrated a lot a lot of violence and theft on the Muslim world.


You are actually a pissant in the scheme of things.
Issa in Islam is not Jesus in the bible. He is the antithesis of Jesus as much as the god of Islam is to the G-d of Israel. No relation. - Jeri

scholars agree that even ETYMOLOGICALLY isa is not arabic for jesus. -----there
are patterns in language when rendering a name from one language to another---
and ISA simply does not conform to anything that would connect it to
"jesus" Some conjecture that the name "ISA" is a result of confusion
in the early writers of the koran-----in that they confused ESAU (the twin
brother of jacob) with "jesus" of the new testament. Jesus is a rendering
of YESHUA which is an aramaic form-----almost a diminutive of Yehoshua---
or----- the H --or HO part of YEHOSHUA ---is something of a formality
in the hebrew name-----for some reason got dropped out in the aramaic form

think back to abraham----whose original aramaic name is AVRAM
(no H) For a discussion of those extra H's ask a rabbi

the ISA of islam is a muslim

In Islam all the prophets from Adam to Mohammed were muslim. The narrative of Jesus begins with the birth of his mother Mary. She is the only woman mentioned by name in the quran. Her story in the quran is in more detail than in the bible.
No one should attack another person's religious beliefs or practices . Its stupid.

What if those beliefs and practices include violence?

I don't give a fuck what Muslims believe; but they are my enemy, and the enemy of America. Islam declared war on us.

We have perpetrated a lot a lot of violence and theft on the Muslim world.


You are actually a pissant in the scheme of things.

How many jewish and christian sites have muslims stolen? Cyprus used to the third holy site in Islam before Jerusalem. Jews and christians lived in the holy land, and throughout the middle east before Islam.

Mecca used to belong to 365 god and goddesses before Mohammed. Even his first wife was the daughter of a priestess and a community leader in her own right.
No one should attack another person's religious beliefs or practices . Its stupid.

What if those beliefs and practices include violence?

I don't give a fuck what Muslims believe; but they are my enemy, and the enemy of America. Islam declared war on us.

We have perpetrated a lot a lot of violence and theft on the Muslim world.


You are actually a pissant in the scheme of things.

From its inception Islam has perpretated more violence, more theft, rape & murder on the world than any other religion unless you add Communism to the list. That is a pretty horrific indictment on a religion that didn't even exist prior to 622 A.D. . I do not believe every Muslim is violent but the religion itself is consumed with violence. It is apparent that much of the world is getting disgusted and in the end I don't believe there will be a solution. I believe it is more likely going to be an outcome. It seems inevitable.
Issa in Islam is not Jesus in the bible. He is the antithesis of Jesus as much as the god of Islam is to the G-d of Israel. No relation. - Jeri

scholars agree that even ETYMOLOGICALLY isa is not arabic for jesus. -----there
are patterns in language when rendering a name from one language to another---
and ISA simply does not conform to anything that would connect it to
"jesus" Some conjecture that the name "ISA" is a result of confusion
in the early writers of the koran-----in that they confused ESAU (the twin
brother of jacob) with "jesus" of the new testament. Jesus is a rendering
of YESHUA which is an aramaic form-----almost a diminutive of Yehoshua---
or----- the H --or HO part of YEHOSHUA ---is something of a formality
in the hebrew name-----for some reason got dropped out in the aramaic form

think back to abraham----whose original aramaic name is AVRAM
(no H) For a discussion of those extra H's ask a rabbi

the ISA of islam is a muslim

I didn't know much of that. Thanks for the lesson, Rosie. It is quite clear Jesus is not a Muslim. The arguement for allah being God was that his name in arabic meant "the god" - chief god out of 360 gods of Mecca. Dr. Robert Morey gave lectures years ago on the pre - islamic rituals that are still used in the religion of Islam today. His research proved out the god of Islam was the exact same chief god representing the moon in Mecca back in 570 a.d. and before. Which is why the crescent and stars have remained.
Jere, you might check this out. I did a search one time and concluded that Allah was the 13th Moon God that Mohammed (PBUH) worshipped.
We have perpetrated a lot a lot of violence and theft on the Muslim world.

Who are "we?"

The Brits, after the Ottoman Empire lost WWI?

You are actually a pissant in the scheme of things.

Islam is a creed of evil.

I really don't care, except that you demand to perpetrate that evil on the rest of us. Ba'al ne' Allah is just a hunk of stone, a meteorite. But what you DO in the name of your idol causes death and misery around the globe.
Minor detail.

I only see Jews crucifying Jesus and His followers.

Romans did that

For " fun", say the Jews did it? So what? It was 2, 014 years ago. Time to get over it. :cool:

Should we blame the Germans of today for the Holocaust? However what is more importent;

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Muslims Kill Dozens of Christians On Christmas Day & White House Remains Silent

Muslims Kill Christians, Bottle Their Blood, And Sell It For $100,000 A Piece To Saudis | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

Oviously just some small examples of what is happening today . Why isn't the " Christian" concerned about her brethren Because she isn't one. She is just filled with Hate
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Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.

You telling others not to slander God?

How bout your wicked comment about Jews "slamming their heads" in the western wall andd that The Temple is for pagan rituals?

Your neverending slander of Judaism gives you no tight to talk about slandering God.


If I can quote Sherri's very mature quote, which was her response to a picture of Jews praying at the Wailing Wall:

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head lol ! It really is a funny thing to watch ! And then there is the head banging too! So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls no beanies and no head banging needed! Having to live like they do is a reason to cry!"

And Sheri accuses others of slandering religion and God ?? That is some incredible hypocrisy, but of course, it's not surprising that it comes from Sherri!

Yes, her religion is very " liberating". Here are a few exanples;

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Origins of Christian Anti-Semitism

Just a few examples. This is what she " teaches" in her " Sunday School". She learned her lessons well :evil:
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You telling others not to slander God?

How bout your wicked comment about Jews "slamming their heads" in the western wall andd that The Temple is for pagan rituals?

Your neverending slander of Judaism gives you no tight to talk about slandering God.


If I can quote Sherri's very mature quote, which was her response to a picture of Jews praying at the Wailing Wall:

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head lol ! It really is a funny thing to watch ! And then there is the head banging too! So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls no beanies and no head banging needed! Having to live like they do is a reason to cry!"

And Sheri accuses others of slandering religion and God ?? That is some incredible hypocrisy, but of course, it's not surprising that it comes from Sherri!

Have some compassion Sherri is not much of an intellect-----not only has trouble
generating ideas and written expression----she even has trouble evalusting that which
others write------ Above is an example of that which she CHOOSES to QUOTE----
-----this phenomenon aparks a notion in my own mind >>>>

a new adage>>>>

A person's words are a key to his mind NO MORE THAN THE WORDS

sherri did not even author that nonsense about head banging and beanies---it
appears in the cheapest of vulgar racist cartoons and has so appeared for
centuries it borders on cheap porn and very vulgar slapstick burlesque
----the kind favored by burntout inebrieates
From its inception Islam has perpretated more violence, more theft, rape & murder on the world than any other religion unless you add Communism to the list. That is a pretty horrific indictment on a religion that didn't even exist prior to 622 A.D. . I do not believe every Muslim is violent but the religion itself is consumed with violence. It is apparent that much of the world is getting disgusted and in the end I don't believe there will be a solution. I believe it is more likely going to be an outcome. It seems inevitable.
Christopher Columbus claimed the newly discovered land for Christ and led the european invasion of the America's which took place over the next 400 years.

The Christian settlers almost totally whiped out the American Indians.

And millions of Africa's were transported on ships by Christian sea captains and sold to Christian plantation owners.

Meanwhile, the Christian europeans subjected and enslaved the people of Asia, Africa, and India. While stealing their land and resources.

Historically, the Christians have murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved far more people all over the world then muslims ever did. ... :cool:

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From its inception Islam has perpretated more violence, more theft, rape & murder on the world than any other religion unless you add Communism to the list. That is a pretty horrific indictment on a religion that didn't even exist prior to 622 A.D. . I do not believe every Muslim is violent but the religion itself is consumed with violence. It is apparent that much of the world is getting disgusted and in the end I don't believe there will be a solution. I believe it is more likely going to be an outcome. It seems inevitable.
Christopher Columbus claimed the newly discovered land for Christ and led the european invasion of the America's which took place over the next 400 years.

The Christian settlers almost totally whiped out the American Indians.

And millions of Africa's were transported on ships by Christian sea captains and sold to Christian plantation owners.

Meanwhile, the Christian europeans subjected and enslaved the people of Asia, Africa, and India. While stealing their land and resources.

Historically, the Christians have murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved far more people all over the world then muslims ever did. ... :cool:


Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today :cuckoo: :clap2:
Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today
You sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. .. :cool:

You would consider killing, beheading, and enslaving of people " fun" . Just more evidence of the depraved , Uncivilized, Savage Muslim Mentality. :cool:
Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today
You sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. .. :cool:

You would consider killing, beheading, and enslaving of people " fun" . Just more evidence of the depraved , Uncivilized, Savage Muslim Mentality. say the nicest things. .... :eusa_angel:
Christopher Columbus claimed the newly discovered land for Christ and led the european invasion of the America's which took place over the next 400 years.

Christopher Columbus never set foot on the North American Continent.

The Christian settlers almost totally whiped out the American Indians.


Disease was a far more dangerous foe.

And the Indians had taken the land from the Aborigines before them, engaging in a nearly complete genocide of the black, Australoid peoples who inhabited the continent prior to the invasion from Mongolia.

And millions of Africa's were transported on ships by Christian sea captains and sold to Christian plantation owners.

Millions? :confused::confused:

And weren't every last one of those slaves sold by Muslim slave traders? You know they were.

Meanwhile, the Christian europeans subjected and enslaved the people of Asia, Africa, and India. While stealing their land and resources.

A quick look at Uganda shows how much better the Native populations do without Europeans.....


Oh and, what happened to the Meads and Chaldean's? Oh that's right, the Arabs from North Africa invaded and wiped them out, another genocide. We even call it "Arabia" despite the fact that there were no Arabs there before the 3rd Century AD.

Historically, the Christians have murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved far more people all over the world then muslims ever did. ... :cool:


Uh no, not even close to true.

But liars for Allah, the father of lies, are gunna lie...

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