Nazareth Christians Warned Against 'Slandering' Allah

Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.

You telling others not to slander God?

How bout your wicked comment about Jews "slamming their heads" in the western wall andd that The Temple is for pagan rituals?

Your neverending slander of Judaism gives you no tight to talk about slandering God.

Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.

You telling others not to slander God?

How bout your wicked comment about Jews "slamming their heads" in the western wall andd that The Temple is for pagan rituals?

Your neverending slander of Judaism gives you no tight to talk about slandering God.


No doubt ; Something " Jesus" taught her. Killing , Beheading, Enslaving Christians is " respecting God " That is funny !!!
I am fascinated with the GROWING ---demands by jihad scum----that their
"god" be held sacrosanct by the whole world. I am espeicially fascinated in view
of the INCREASED activity on the part of the dogs ands sluts of mecca in defiling
he sacred places and objects of relgions far superior to their own filth. In fact,,
I would conjecture that their SENSITIVITY regarding their perverse lump of
dung "god" is actually a kind of "reaction formation" to the fact that they recognize
it as a worthless lump of cosmic excrement. They seem to be struggling to PROVE
to themselves that their filth is "HOLY" by trashing their betters

We have to help them. there is---in the field of psychiatric therapy ---a technique
called IMPLOSION The sick are EXPOSED massively to that which is the object
of their sickness in the hope of desensitizing them. In some cases the exposure---
although ultimately massive ----starts out gradually------and with a kind of safety
hatch. -----like to treat a phobia----lets say to ------butterflies-----the patient
might be placed before a container of butterflies ENCLOSED IN GLASS-----and then
very gradually to one fluttering about the room.

I wish to open a discussion-------how can we GRADUALLY introduce the fact to
jihado pigs that their "god" and his sidekick on the flying horse are both
lumps of worthless dung? anyone?
I am fascinated with the GROWING ---demands by jihad scum----that their
"god" be held sacrosanct by the whole world. I am espeicially fascinated in view
of the INCREASED activity on the part of the dogs ands sluts of mecca in defiling
he sacred places and objects of relgions far superior to their own filth. In fact,,
I would conjecture that their SENSITIVITY regarding their perverse lump of
dung "god" is actually a kind of "reaction formation" to the fact that they recognize
it as a worthless lump of cosmic excrement. They seem to be struggling to PROVE
to themselves that their filth is "HOLY" by trashing their betters

We have to help them. there is---in the field of psychiatric therapy ---a technique
called IMPLOSION The sick are EXPOSED massively to that which is the object
of their sickness in the hope of desensitizing them. In some cases the exposure---
although ultimately massive ----starts out gradually------and with a kind of safety
hatch. -----like to treat a phobia----lets say to ------butterflies-----the patient
might be placed before a container of butterflies ENCLOSED IN GLASS-----and then
very gradually to one fluttering about the room.

I wish to open a discussion-------how can we GRADUALLY introduce the fact to
jihado pigs that their "god" and his sidekick on the flying horse are both
lumps of worthless dung? anyone?

We can't . They are nothing but SCUM who kill and destroy those who don't believe what they do Yes, they accept " God". Lol. :clap2:
Minor detail.

I only see Jews crucifying Jesus and His followers.

Romans did that

For southern bigots---the most important feature of fact about
black americans is ---they either rape or want to rape 'white women'
and the most important aspect of Jesus of nazareth is THE JOOOOS
KILLED HIM Another vital belief they harbor is "the jooos have
all the money: Statements to the contrary simply do not compute
For southern bigots---the most important feature of fact about
black americans is ---they either rape or want to rape 'white women'
and the most important aspect of Jesus of nazareth is THE JOOOOS
KILLED HIM Another vital belief they harbor is "the jooos have
all the money: Statements to the contrary simply do not compute
Don't know about the 'southern bigots' part but the rest is basically true. ... :cool:
For southern bigots---the most important feature of fact about
black americans is ---they either rape or want to rape 'white women'
and the most important aspect of Jesus of nazareth is THE JOOOOS
KILLED HIM Another vital belief they harbor is "the jooos have
all the money: Statements to the contrary simply do not compute
Don't know about the 'southern bigots' part but the rest is basically true. ... :cool:

as a muslim you should know better, jesus was not killed.
For southern bigots---the most important feature of fact about
black americans is ---they either rape or want to rape 'white women'
and the most important aspect of Jesus of nazareth is THE JOOOOS
KILLED HIM Another vital belief they harbor is "the jooos have
all the money: Statements to the contrary simply do not compute
Don't know about the 'southern bigots' part but the rest is basically true. ... :cool:

as a muslim you should know better, jesus was not killed.

Some posters may not know-----for them----according to islamic teachings---
the story of jesus presented in the "new" testament is a filthy lie invented
by perverse liars who are the "ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM" <<<I
learned that fact in a mosque----from a very eminent visting Imam----
from AL AZHAR U. way back circa----1970. Jesus was not crucified---
someone was----but it was not him. It is a good idea to blame the joooos
anyway----however since the JOOOOS are also the "ENEMEEEEES OF
ISLAAAAM. -------that mutual enemy binds muslims and christians as
"allies" despite the trivial differences in HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
Issa in Islam is not Jesus in the bible. He is the antithesis of Jesus as much as the god of Islam is to the G-d of Israel. No relation. - Jeri
Issa in Islam is not Jesus in the bible. He is the antithesis of Jesus as much as the god of Islam is to the G-d of Israel. No relation. - Jeri

scholars agree that even ETYMOLOGICALLY isa is not arabic for jesus. -----there
are patterns in language when rendering a name from one language to another---
and ISA simply does not conform to anything that would connect it to
"jesus" Some conjecture that the name "ISA" is a result of confusion
in the early writers of the koran-----in that they confused ESAU (the twin
brother of jacob) with "jesus" of the new testament. Jesus is a rendering
of YESHUA which is an aramaic form-----almost a diminutive of Yehoshua---
or----- the H --or HO part of YEHOSHUA ---is something of a formality
in the hebrew name-----for some reason got dropped out in the aramaic form

think back to abraham----whose original aramaic name is AVRAM
(no H) For a discussion of those extra H's ask a rabbi

the ISA of islam is a muslim
Issa in Islam is not Jesus in the bible. He is the antithesis of Jesus as much as the god of Islam is to the G-d of Israel. No relation. - Jeri

scholars agree that even ETYMOLOGICALLY isa is not arabic for jesus. -----there
are patterns in language when rendering a name from one language to another---
and ISA simply does not conform to anything that would connect it to
"jesus" Some conjecture that the name "ISA" is a result of confusion
in the early writers of the koran-----in that they confused ESAU (the twin
brother of jacob) with "jesus" of the new testament. Jesus is a rendering
of YESHUA which is an aramaic form-----almost a diminutive of Yehoshua---
or----- the H --or HO part of YEHOSHUA ---is something of a formality
in the hebrew name-----for some reason got dropped out in the aramaic form

think back to abraham----whose original aramaic name is AVRAM
(no H) For a discussion of those extra H's ask a rabbi

the ISA of islam is a muslim

I didn't know much of that. Thanks for the lesson, Rosie. It is quite clear Jesus is not a Muslim. The arguement for allah being God was that his name in arabic meant "the god" - chief god out of 360 gods of Mecca. Dr. Robert Morey gave lectures years ago on the pre - islamic rituals that are still used in the religion of Islam today. His research proved out the god of Islam was the exact same chief god representing the moon in Mecca back in 570 a.d. and before. Which is why the crescent and stars have remained.
I am fascinated with the GROWING ---demands by jihad scum----that their
"god" be held sacrosanct by the whole world. I am espeicially fascinated in view
of the INCREASED activity on the part of the dogs ands sluts of mecca in defiling
he sacred places and objects of relgions far superior to their own filth. In fact,,
I would conjecture that their SENSITIVITY regarding their perverse lump of
dung "god" is actually a kind of "reaction formation" to the fact that they recognize
it as a worthless lump of cosmic excrement. They seem to be struggling to PROVE
to themselves that their filth is "HOLY" by trashing their betters

We have to help them. there is---in the field of psychiatric therapy ---a technique
called IMPLOSION The sick are EXPOSED massively to that which is the object
of their sickness in the hope of desensitizing them. In some cases the exposure---
although ultimately massive ----starts out gradually------and with a kind of safety
hatch. -----like to treat a phobia----lets say to ------butterflies-----the patient
might be placed before a container of butterflies ENCLOSED IN GLASS-----and then
very gradually to one fluttering about the room.

I wish to open a discussion-------how can we GRADUALLY introduce the fact to
jihado pigs that their "god" and his sidekick on the flying horse are both
lumps of worthless dung? anyone?

The missing truth here is that the religion of Islam is imposing THEIR GOD on those who are Christians and Jews who are forbidden by G-d to acknowledge any other gods - including the islamic moon god, allah. That is the problem we are faced with. That their god is not our God yet they are demanding others join them in idolatry or be accused of intolerance. Interfaithism demands this god be acknowledged as the same as the G-d of the Torah / Hebrew bible - which again puts Jews and Christians at odds with their own faith. Which is why interfaithism will never work.
Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.

You telling others not to slander God?

How bout your wicked comment about Jews "slamming their heads" in the western wall andd that The Temple is for pagan rituals?

Your neverending slander of Judaism gives you no tight to talk about slandering God.


If I can quote Sherri's very mature quote, which was her response to a picture of Jews praying at the Wailing Wall:

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head lol ! It really is a funny thing to watch ! And then there is the head banging too! So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls no beanies and no head banging needed! Having to live like they do is a reason to cry!"

And Sheri accuses others of slandering religion and God ?? That is some incredible hypocrisy, but of course, it's not surprising that it comes from Sherri!
No christian could ever say such a thing. Jesus celebrated the Passover. This person has no understanding of the Jewish roots of Christianity.
No christian could ever say such a thing. Jesus celebrated the Passover. This person has no understanding of the Jewish roots of Christianity.

She is a Muzzie Beast - that is obvious.

She lies about it, which is VERY Muslim of her.

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