Nazareth Christians Warned Against 'Slandering' Allah

What about the millions the primarily Christian nation the US has killed in her invasions and wars and forays in foreign lands?

The thousands you speak of look like nothing beside carnage caused by the primarily Christian USA. just made me snort pepsi through my nose with that! :D's true. .. :eusa_angel:

Usually I can tell which Islamophobic hate site they get their information from based on certain buzz words and key phrases the person uses in their posts.

Because I used to go myself and read the nonsense and misinformation the sites were teaching.

And also to have a good laugh........ :cool:


Hmm, wonder if Sunni Man has a good laugh when he reads an actual newspaper which reports on what is going on and how many people have been killed by his fellow Muslims. Are the newspaper lying about what is going on, Sunni Man? When they report on the thousands and thousands who have died, thousands and thousand wounded, and the thousands and thousands who are refugees, are they lying?
It reminds me of people here who frequent hate sites about Islam.

And then post like they are Islamic scholars. ... :cool: just made me snort pepsi through my nose with that! :D

Double I was just drinking a cup of coffee and I snorted it through my nose because you thought Sunni Man was being so clever. Even you are not that dumb to realize that people have gone to hate sites for these fake quotes.

First - blow your nose. Hot coffee is painful. Pepsi is, well, unpleasantly fizzy.

Now that your nose is clean let's examine your statement.

People go to anti-Islamic hate sites for fake (most commonly out of context) quotes.

People to to anti-semitic hate sites for fake (most commonly out of context) quotes.

For some reason I'm getting the impression that the former is acceptable and the latter contemptable.

I hope this is just a simple misunderstanding:eusa_angel:
Are the newspaper lying about what is going on, Sunni Man? When they report on the thousands and thousands who have died, thousands and thousand wounded, and the thousands and thousands who are refugees, are they lying?
Silly-Sally sure loves to throw those 'thousands' around. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.
Are the newspaper lying about what is going on, Sunni Man? When they report on the thousands and thousands who have died, thousands and thousand wounded, and the thousands and thousands who are refugees, are they lying?
Silly-Sally sure loves to throw those 'thousands' around. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.
She has down graded today.

Yesterday it was millions and millions. .. :eusa_angel:
Silly-Sally sure loves to throw those 'thousands' around. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.
She has down graded today.

Yesterday it was millions and millions. .. :eusa_angel:

Bui is Mr. Cuckloo (and his friend Coyote) denying that over a 115,000 have died in Syria alone with over a million refugees? Maybe he closes his eyes to all the Muslims wrecking havoc on other Muslimes and doesn't want what they are doing mentioned here on a Middle East forum. Tell us, Mr. Cuckoo, on which forum should this be mentioned if not the Middle East forum?

Report: Syria tortured and executed 11,000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.
She has down graded today.

Yesterday it was millions and millions. .. :eusa_angel:

Bui is Mr. Cuckloo (and his friend Coyote) denying that over a 115,000 have died in Syria alone with over a million refugees? Maybe he closes his eyes to all the Muslims wrecking havoc on other Muslimes and doesn't want what they are doing mentioned here on a Middle East forum. Tell us, Mr. Cuckoo, on which forum should this be mentioned if not the Middle East forum?

Report: Syria tortured and executed 11,000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Nah. I think he's a realist.

Unlike you he is fully aware of the full extent of the havoc humanity wreaks on itself around the world.

By that I mean, he doesn't stop the counter at Muslim.

Murderous monkeys are humanity.
Are the newspaper lying about what is going on, Sunni Man? When they report on the thousands and thousands who have died, thousands and thousand wounded, and the thousands and thousands who are refugees, are they lying?
Silly-Sally sure loves to throw those 'thousands' around. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.

But, but, but, Coyote, is anybody stopping you from posting about all those other atoricities you want to talk about that are not committed by Muslims. All those forums here where you can avail yourself of posting about whatever you want. Take advantage of this. You might keep the readers spellbound.
Silly-Sally sure loves to throw those 'thousands' around. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.

But, but, but, Coyote, is anybody stopping you from posting about all those other atoricities you want to talk about that are not committed by Muslims. All those forums here where you can avail yourself of posting about whatever you want. Take advantage of this. You might keep the readers spellbound.

I have. They drop like flies. Not much interest in the horrible atrocities that are going on in the Congo. Probably because there aren't any Muslims involved :eusa_angel:

If I can find some way to bring in a Muslim angle to it, I'm sure I cold captivate readers ;)
Yes but



ONLY when it's Muslims wreaking havoc.

But, but, but, Coyote, is anybody stopping you from posting about all those other atoricities you want to talk about that are not committed by Muslims. All those forums here where you can avail yourself of posting about whatever you want. Take advantage of this. You might keep the readers spellbound.

I have. They drop like flies. Not much interest in the horrible atrocities that are going on in the Congo. Probably because there aren't any Muslims involved :eusa_angel:

If I can find some way to bring in a Muslim angle to it, I'm sure I cold captivate readers ;)

Maybe to captivate your audience there, you will have to start with something more interesting and then when you hold them rapt and waiting for your next word, segue into the Congo. Maybe you can start talking about the Mau Mau uprising first. Now that was some uprising!!!
But, but, but, Coyote, is anybody stopping you from posting about all those other atoricities you want to talk about that are not committed by Muslims. All those forums here where you can avail yourself of posting about whatever you want. Take advantage of this. You might keep the readers spellbound.

I have. They drop like flies. Not much interest in the horrible atrocities that are going on in the Congo. Probably because there aren't any Muslims involved :eusa_angel:

If I can find some way to bring in a Muslim angle to it, I'm sure I cold captivate readers ;)

Maybe to captivate your audience there, you will have to start with something more interesting and then when you hold them rapt and waiting for your next word, segue into the Congo. Maybe you can start talking about the Mau Mau uprising first. Now that was some uprising!!!

I was thinking of offering chocolate chip cookies....:eusa_eh:
Sally-----Coyote and Sunni are right----No one should ever mention anything about
genocidal activity by muslims. ------and no one should ever mention their religion and
that which they call a 'god' or a 'prophet'. People should just forget muslims exist
and do what was done in INDONESIA (coyote admires the system Pancasila and
she is right) Every civilized country should declare that islam as a religion does not
exist. ------remove all mosques, get rid of all korans. and declare muslims and islam
NON EXISTENT and never mention anything about it. As to christians (or jews or
buddhists or hindus....) who might have problems in countries infested with them---
simply declare those areas DISASTER AREAS (never mention anything about jihad
and the shahid BS) and evacuate the REAL PEOPLE----leaving behind----the rest
to live their lives in shariah bliss ---QUARANTEED ---where only members can go---
and once they go----cannot return. In time---the problem will solve itself and best
of all------NO ONE WILL EVER SLANDER "alla" or the koran or the jerk on the
flying horse again. My plan will make everyone happy. I grew up in an area of the
world which harbored some mafia activity. Some people did not like the idea that
people mentioned "THE MAFIA" ----it offended them. ------so we didn't. Teachers in
school never mentioned "THE MAFIA" As far as I know----they disappeared
I have. They drop like flies. Not much interest in the horrible atrocities that are going on in the Congo. Probably because there aren't any Muslims involved :eusa_angel:

If I can find some way to bring in a Muslim angle to it, I'm sure I cold captivate readers ;)

Maybe to captivate your audience there, you will have to start with something more interesting and then when you hold them rapt and waiting for your next word, segue into the Congo. Maybe you can start talking about the Mau Mau uprising first. Now that was some uprising!!!

I was thinking of offering chocolate chip cookies....:eusa_eh:

Well I don't think that you can pass cookies through their computer screens yet, so why not give them a song sung by people with African roots.

[ame=]TOPPOP: Boney M - Rivers Of Babylon - YouTube[/ame]
Sally-----Coyote and Sunni are right----No one should ever mention anything about
genocidal activity by muslims. ------and no one should ever mention their religion and
that which they call a 'god' or a 'prophet'. People should just forget muslims exist
and do what was done in INDONESIA (coyote admires the system Pancasila and
she is right) Every civilized country should declare that islam as a religion does not
exist. ------remove all mosques, get rid of all korans. and declare muslims and islam
NON EXISTENT and never mention anything about it. As to christians (or jews or
buddhists or hindus....) who might have problems in countries infested with them---
simply declare those areas DISASTER AREAS (never mention anything about jihad
and the shahid BS) and evacuate the REAL PEOPLE----leaving behind----the rest
to live their lives in shariah bliss ---QUARANTEED ---where only members can go---
and once they go----cannot return. In time---the problem will solve itself and best
of all------NO ONE WILL EVER SLANDER "alla" or the koran or the jerk on the
flying horse again. My plan will make everyone happy. I grew up in an area of the
world which harbored some mafia activity. Some people did not like the idea that
people mentioned "THE MAFIA" ----it offended them. ------so we didn't. Teachers in
school never mentioned "THE MAFIA" As far as I know----they disappeared

Maybe you are right, and they should be left to themselves to do whatever they want. Their clergy sure come up with some silly things, and if other people left, they wouldn't be subject to this.

Penang mufti outlaws 40 words to non-Muslims - General - New Straits Times
Sally-----Coyote and Sunni are right----No one should ever mention anything about
genocidal activity by muslims. ------and no one should ever mention their religion and
that which they call a 'god' or a 'prophet'. People should just forget muslims exist
and do what was done in INDONESIA (coyote admires the system Pancasila and
she is right) Every civilized country should declare that islam as a religion does not
exist. ------remove all mosques, get rid of all korans. and declare muslims and islam
NON EXISTENT and never mention anything about it. As to christians (or jews or
buddhists or hindus....) who might have problems in countries infested with them---
simply declare those areas DISASTER AREAS (never mention anything about jihad
and the shahid BS) and evacuate the REAL PEOPLE----leaving behind----the rest
to live their lives in shariah bliss ---QUARANTEED ---where only members can go---
and once they go----cannot return. In time---the problem will solve itself and best
of all------NO ONE WILL EVER SLANDER "alla" or the koran or the jerk on the
flying horse again. My plan will make everyone happy. I grew up in an area of the
world which harbored some mafia activity. Some people did not like the idea that
people mentioned "THE MAFIA" ----it offended them. ------so we didn't. Teachers in
school never mentioned "THE MAFIA" As far as I know----they disappeared

Maybe you are right, and they should be left to themselves to do whatever they want. Their clergy sure come up with some silly things, and if other people left, they wouldn't be subject to this.

Penang mufti outlaws 40 words to non-Muslims - General - New Straits Times

It's an excellent LIST ------and an excellent Precedent. All civilized countries MUST
develope a list of words------which cannot be associated with islam or islamic notions
or muslims and some which must ALWAYS be used in association I have noticed---
thru my limited knowlege of arabic-----that muslims often associate the word
Khalb---with yahood. My list of REQUIRED ASSOCIATIONS would include
AL KANZEER when ever the name 'muhummad" is mentioned----or when
ever the word "nabi" is mentioned. GOOD IDEA?

Once my plan is put into effect-----the WHOLE PROBLEM will vanish
I have. They drop like flies. Not much interest in the horrible atrocities that are going on in the Congo. Probably because there aren't any Muslims involved :eusa_angel:

If I can find some way to bring in a Muslim angle to it, I'm sure I cold captivate readers ;)

Maybe to captivate your audience there, you will have to start with something more interesting and then when you hold them rapt and waiting for your next word, segue into the Congo. Maybe you can start talking about the Mau Mau uprising first. Now that was some uprising!!!

I was thinking of offering chocolate chip cookies....:eusa_eh:

While talking about the Congo???? How about some cassava pudding instead?

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