Nazareth Christians Warned Against 'Slandering' Allah

Christopher Columbus claimed the newly discovered land for Christ and led the european invasion of the America's which took place over the next 400 years.

Christopher Columbus never set foot on the North American Continent.

The Christian settlers almost totally whiped out the American Indians.


Disease was a far more dangerous foe.

And the Indians had taken the land from the Aborigines before them, engaging in a nearly complete genocide of the black, Australoid peoples who inhabited the continent prior to the invasion from Mongolia.

Millions? :confused::confused:

And weren't every last one of those slaves sold by Muslim slave traders? You know they were.

Meanwhile, the Christian europeans subjected and enslaved the people of Asia, Africa, and India. While stealing their land and resources.

A quick look at Uganda shows how much better the Native populations do without Europeans.....


Oh and, what happened to the Meads and Chaldean's? Oh that's right, the Arabs from North Africa invaded and wiped them out, another genocide. We even call it "Arabia" despite the fact that there were no Arabs there before the 3rd Century AD.

Historically, the Christians have murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved far more people all over the world then muslims ever did. ... :cool:


Uh no, not even close to true.

But liars for Allah, the father of lies, are gunna lie...

I do not think it is possble to actually know the true numbers of people
killed during the empire building of the 'holy roman empire----first, second
and third reichs----OR during the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC conquest.

The issue is ORDER OF MAGNITUDE------in both cases hundreds of millions---
HOWEVER----the building of the reichs has ended-----and its barbarity has
been repudiated by Leaders and the overhwhelming majority of the
people of "christendom" The genocidal program of mecca continues to date.

Its babarity attracts the MOST DEPRAVED
So, how does it feel walking around headless?

We all see it has made you a moron, based on all the lies you post, supported by no sources whatsoever.

The truth hurts. :clap2: :clap2:o

Not nearly as much as being beheaded by a Muzzie Beast with a dull knife in honor of Ba'al does....

Throwing stones? You are hardly guiltless.

Headless? It does seem at times like you are.

You are so consumed by what ever is eating at you that you can no longer think or reason clearly.

All you do is want to aggravate, insult, attack or hurt anyone that does not follow you twisted thinking.

We have our own dear She-harpy who does not stop screeching.

Ear plugs anyone??
Learn English, I am responding to his post, in which he makes a bunch of bogus claims supported by no sources whatsoever.

So, how does it feel walking around headless?

We all see it has made you a moron, based on all the lies you post, supported by no sources whatsoever.

Not nearly as much as being beheaded by a Muzzie Beast with a dull knife in honor of Ba'al does....

Throwing stones? You are hardly guiltless.

Headless? It does seem at times like you are.

You are so consumed by what ever is eating at you that you can no longer think or reason clearly.

All you do is want to aggravate, insult, attack or hurt anyone that does not follow you twisted thinking.

We have our own dear She-harpy who does not stop screeching.

Ear plugs anyone??
I owned every Nazareth album ever released. They never mentioned Allah in any of their songs.

Learn English, I am responding to his post, in which he makes a bunch of bogus claims supported by no sources whatsoever.

So, how does it feel walking around headless?

We all see it has made you a moron, based on all the lies you post, supported by no sources whatsoever.

Throwing stones? You are hardly guiltless.

Headless? It does seem at times like you are.

You are so consumed by what ever is eating at you that you can no longer think or reason clearly.

All you do is want to aggravate, insult, attack or hurt anyone that does not follow you twisted thinking.

We have our own dear She-harpy who does not stop screeching.

Ear plugs anyone??

You are not exchanging private e-mails, you are posting on a message board. This is an open forum to any members. You have spoken plenty, but nothing useful. You don't have the right to tell me what post I can respond to or how.
You are not moderator, or judge and jury to make decisions about posts. You run off at the mouth and we laugh at what you write, and not in a good way. With every post you make your self more ridiculous. Is that really what you want? You want to be the court jester?
My english is fine, my finger get a bit stiff at my age. If you don't like.....stuff it where the sun get the idea
from Veteran>>
Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today

from sunni>>
You sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. ..

sheeri endorsed sunni's answer regarding the ongoing blood letting
in which the ummah is engaged----wrold wide Is anyone surprised?
The comments you responded to were made to another poster .

Yet, you act as if they were made to you.

ARE you and he the same poster?

Learn English, I am responding to his post, in which he makes a bunch of bogus claims supported by no sources whatsoever.

Throwing stones? You are hardly guiltless.

Headless? It does seem at times like you are.

You are so consumed by what ever is eating at you that you can no longer think or reason clearly.

All you do is want to aggravate, insult, attack or hurt anyone that does not follow you twisted thinking.

We have our own dear She-harpy who does not stop screeching.

Ear plugs anyone??

You are not exchanging private e-mails, you are posting on a message board. This is an open forum to any members. You have spoken plenty, but nothing useful. You don't have the right to tell me what post I can respond to or how.
You are not moderator, or judge and jury to make decisions about posts. You run off at the mouth and we laugh at what you write, and not in a good way. With every post you make your self more ridiculous. Is that really what you want? You want to be the court jester?
My english is fine, my finger get a bit stiff at my age. If you don't like.....stuff it where the sun get the idea
from Veteran>> Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today from sunni>> you sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. sheeri endorsed sunni's answer regarding the ongoing blood letting in which the ummah is engaged----wrold wide Is anyone surprised?
Predictable.... coming from adherents of and apologists for a belief-system which says outright that it's OK to kill to advance the faith or defend its adherents...

Spawned by a founder whose pedophilia contends with his blood-soaked hands and lusting after child brides and war-widows...
Last edited:
Come And See - Category Israel

Nazareth Christians have a website called Come And See.

They are not reporting any problems getting along with Muslims there.

very smart of them Long ago ---when I was young----(and beautiful) I worked
with some HAITIAN DOCTORS--------if asked what they thought of DUVALIER----
papa and then baby------they would get nervous and say something like ----
"nice guy" In new jersey-----a coptic girl posted some truths as to the
condition of copts in Egypt------She was ID'ed by some enthusiastic mujahadin---
and she ---and if I remember correctly--she-----AND HER FAMILY members were murdered
in their house (it was more than 10 years ago----if I remember correctly) ----
Some time----like two decades ago----SYRIANS I encountered responded the same
way to discussion of PAPA ASSAD Persons born in the same shariah cesspit
in which my husband was born were careful not to say negative things about that cesspit
PUBLICALLY You made no point , sherri.
This is an open forum so I will speak when I want to any post.
I have said before I only have one name on this forum. The same name I use on most sites.

Why do you feel the need to speak to just about every post, especially with your preachings? Do you think every post is address to you personally?

I'd prefer if you didn't speak, but I guess you will have to be tolerated. You will have to put up with my posting when and to which ever post I choose. Tough cookies if you don't like it.

The comments you responded to were made to another poster .

Yet, you act as if they were made to you.

ARE you and he the same poster?

Learn English, I am responding to his post, in which he makes a bunch of bogus claims supported by no sources whatsoever.

You are not exchanging private e-mails, you are posting on a message board. This is an open forum to any members. You have spoken plenty, but nothing useful. You don't have the right to tell me what post I can respond to or how.
You are not moderator, or judge and jury to make decisions about posts. You run off at the mouth and we laugh at what you write, and not in a good way. With every post you make your self more ridiculous. Is that really what you want? You want to be the court jester?
My english is fine, my finger get a bit stiff at my age. If you don't like.....stuff it where the sun get the idea
I have a VERY BASIC question about his thread.----HOW DOES ONE
??? I am mystified
He had an affair with an angel? ------- anyone? I need to know-----I take
not know how to do it
I broke down and GOOGLED-----slander refers to comments or writings
DAMAGING to a person's reputation. In islamic theology----a suggestion
that ALLAH is like a "person" is a serious sin-----called "shirk" even
suggesting that allah has a REPUTATION that can be damaged----would
also be SHIRK Thus----ipso facto----the people who decided to
outlaw SLANDER AGAINST ALLAH----are guilty of SHIRK-----right???
from Veteran>>
Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today

from sunni>>
You sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. ..

sheeri endorsed sunni's answer regarding the ongoing blood letting
in which the ummah is engaged----wrold wide Is anyone surprised?
irosie doesn't seem to understand >sarcasm< .... :cuckoo: :badgrin:
from Veteran>>
Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today

from sunni>>
You sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. ..

sheeri endorsed sunni's answer regarding the ongoing blood letting
in which the ummah is engaged----wrold wide Is anyone surprised?
irosie doesn't seem to understand >sarcasm< .... :cuckoo: :badgrin:

If the Israelis engaged in Savage Uncivilized Behavior the Muslim World does and someone responded the same way it would not be interpreted as Sarcasm. The fact that it's never condemned is proof it is endorsed. :cool:

Slaughter of Christian Women and Children in Muslim Lands | FrontPage Magazine

Just one example out of thousands. :smiliehug:
from Veteran>>
Leave it to the depraved Muslim Mentality to actually defend the Muslim slaying, Beheading, Burning Alive and Enslaving Christians today

from sunni>>
You sound jealous because the muslims are having all of the fun. ..

sheeri endorsed sunni's answer regarding the ongoing blood letting
in which the ummah is engaged----wrold wide Is anyone surprised?

At this point, I'm not surprised. Sunni Troll and Sherri MunnerNazi support those kind of actions, as long as it is Muslims doing it
So, how does it feel walking around headless?

We all see it has made you a moron, based on all the lies you post, supported by no sources whatsoever.

Oh, I'm not a Muslim, I don't lie.

If you question something specific, I'll be happy to support it.

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