Nazareth Christians Warned Against 'Slandering' Allah

Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.
Islam is not known for its tolerance.

The day will come when that will change.

The problem is islam is dying from within because of the in breeding going on, out of every 10 live births 20% have defects. Of course the men blame the women for going with other men, or blame Israel for putting something in the food and water.

All we have to do is wait and watch, and when the muslims in gaza start to decline then we know the end is nigh

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society | Culture Wars | Life and Science - Right Side News
I see a lot of funny signs and billboards, sometimes crosses on the side of the road, I see mosques, churches, traveling on the east coast, signs for them sometimes.

I do not feel threatened by any of that.

I have had Mormons come to my door, Jehovah Witnesses, people approach me to tell me about Jesus.

I do not feel threatened by any of that.

Maybe, we should let others more freely speak of their faiths and stop feeling threatened and becoming fearful and stop turning that fear into demonization and hate.
Then you'd be right at home amidst the street preachers outside the underground in Atlanta at the MARTA stop.
Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.

I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?
Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.

I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?

You joined last month. Sherri has been posting in an Islamic way for months now.
Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.

I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?

I don't think any of us ever read about how irate the Muslims got with that particular exhibit. Why not pull something up for us so we can read all about it? However, the Muslims certainly don't have any compunction in harassing and murdering Christians as well as destroying their churches. Surely you are aware of what is going on.
The problem is islam is dying from within because of the in breeding going on, out of every 10 live births 20% have defects. Of course the men blame the women for going with other men, or blame Israel for putting something in the food and water.

All we have to do is wait and watch, and when the muslims in gaza start to decline then we know the end is nigh

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society | Culture Wars | Life and Science - Right Side News

Look at your source.. I have visited the crippled children's homes in the ME and had long discussions with the doctors and the mothers.. Its not what you think.
Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.

I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?
She's referring to slandering Allah whom she confuses with God. She was answering a SunniMan's post.
Good advice , advising others not to slander God.

The Zionists here seem addicted to slandering God, unfortunately, as we see from the thread of a Zionist entitled Even Jesus is a Zionist.

I am happy to see Muslims respecting God.

They do not see themselves as greater than God.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.

I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?

I have been around LOTS OF MUSLIMS------and in mosques. I would say that
some christians might consider a declaration that the story of GOOD FRIDAY ---
ISLAAAAM is sorta a slander of jesus----to some people I would say that
ripping bibles out of the hands of christians in saudi arabia (go right ahead and deny it)
and destroying them is a kind of slander of Jesus I would say that defecating
on little plaster statuary of Mary is---a kind of slander (ok deny that one too---
I can tell you to which Italian neighborhood muslims do not venture anymore.
Of course muslims do not slander THEIR version of Jesus----the muslim prophet
who would never drink wine-----and was certainly not crucified and----
who would break the neck of any person who insulted him----muslims do not slander
THEIR "PROPHETS" They espeicially like THE VIRGIN MARY----but not
her statues. Virgin is a really big issue with muslims I think suggesting that
Jesus is a stinking liar for claiming that he preached on the mount of olives----is a kinda

Look at your source.. I have visited the crippled children's homes in the ME and had long discussions with the doctors and the mothers.. Its not what you think.
The hell it ain't. Inbreeders all over the world produce mental deficients.

Look at your source.. I have visited the crippled children's homes in the ME and had long discussions with the doctors and the mothers.. Its not what you think.

Now isn't that strange. An Eyptian Muslim woman who sends a friend of mine such lovely photographs once told her that she believes it was all the inbreeding which caused the problems in her family, including herself. Perhaps one of these homes you have visited in the Middle East have a website which talks about the children there.
You just confirmed everyone's claim that you are a Muslim. Don't even think about denying it, Fatima.

I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?

I have been around LOTS OF MUSLIMS------and in mosques. I would say that
some christians might consider a declaration that the story of GOOD FRIDAY ---
ISLAAAAM is sorta a slander of jesus----to some people I would say that
ripping bibles out of the hands of christians in saudi arabia (go right ahead and deny it)
and destroying them is a kind of slander of Jesus I would say that defecating
on little plaster statuary of Mary is---a kind of slander (ok deny that one too---
I can tell you to which Italian neighborhood muslims do not venture anymore.
Of course muslims do not slander THEIR version of Jesus----the muslim prophet
who would never drink wine-----and was certainly not crucified and----
who would break the neck of any person who insulted him----muslims do not slander
THEIR "PROPHETS" They espeicially like THE VIRGIN MARY----but not
her statues. Virgin is a really big issue with muslims I think suggesting that
Jesus is a stinking liar for claiming that he preached on the mount of olives----is a kinda

You don't seem to know much about Islam or Christians.. Muslims believe Jesus was born of a virgin from the mind of God... like Adam.. and was the purest of the prophets.

Why in your judgment is the Mount of Olives a problem?

Muslims just don't believe that the blood of innocents can ameliorate sin.. You know like Azazzel.
Islam is not known for its tolerance.

The day will come when that will change.

Time Christians were not know for their tolerance.
Nazareth Christians should arm themselves to the teeth.
Missiles, big guns, rockets, to down fighting than be turned into slaves of Islam/Muslims.
The are only 14 million jews in the world so genetic effects from inbreeding is a serious issue within the jewish community.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases

A number of genetic disorders occur more frequently in certain ethnic populations. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population (those of Eastern European descent), it has been estimated that one in four individuals is a carrier of one of several genetic conditions. These diseases include Tay-Sachs Disease, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV. Some of these diseases may be severe and may result in the early death of a child. Carrier screening is available for all of these diseases with a simple blood test.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases | Jewish Virtual Library

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Second Commandment;

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain is one of the Ten Commandments. It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or "taking in vain" of the name of the God of Israel. ...
The are only 14 million jews in the world so genetic effects from inbreeding is a serious issue within the jewish community.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases

A number of genetic disorders occur more frequently in certain ethnic populations. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population (those of Eastern European descent), it has been estimated that one in four individuals is a carrier of one of several genetic conditions. These diseases include Tay-Sachs Disease, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV. Some of these diseases may be severe and may result in the early death of a child. Carrier screening is available for all of these diseases with a simple blood test.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases | Jewish Virtual Library


No one is denying this, Sunni Man. However, the Muslims in this day and age are still marrying their cousins; and in many instances when the man has more than one wife, the other wives are his cousins also. Perhaps you can get the word out to the Muslims that if the Muslims continue their inbreeding, they will suffer more and more mental and pyshical disabilities.
I don't think that she's a Muslim at all. If you lived in the ME or around Muslims you would know that they would NEVER slander Jesus. Remember how irate they got with the Piss Christ art exhibit?

I have been around LOTS OF MUSLIMS------and in mosques. I would say that
some christians might consider a declaration that the story of GOOD FRIDAY ---
ISLAAAAM is sorta a slander of jesus----to some people I would say that
ripping bibles out of the hands of christians in saudi arabia (go right ahead and deny it)
and destroying them is a kind of slander of Jesus I would say that defecating
on little plaster statuary of Mary is---a kind of slander (ok deny that one too---
I can tell you to which Italian neighborhood muslims do not venture anymore.
Of course muslims do not slander THEIR version of Jesus----the muslim prophet
who would never drink wine-----and was certainly not crucified and----
who would break the neck of any person who insulted him----muslims do not slander
THEIR "PROPHETS" They espeicially like THE VIRGIN MARY----but not
her statues. Virgin is a really big issue with muslims I think suggesting that
Jesus is a stinking liar for claiming that he preached on the mount of olives----is a kinda

You don't seem to know much about Islam or Christians.. Muslims believe Jesus was born of a virgin from the mind of God... like Adam.. and was the purest of the prophets.

Why in your judgment is the Mount of Olives a problem?

Muslims just don't believe that the blood of innocents can ameliorate sin.. You know like Azazzel.

I know quite a bit about christians and muslims-----I am fully aware of the islamic
belief that MARY is a VIRGIN---------I simply and correctly stated that they like
to DEFECATE UPON or DEFACE her statues-----alabaster or plaster
things-----people place in their garders you made no point other than to
make a fool of yourself LOTS AND LOTS of writing about
MARY THE VIRGIN in the kharahan Azazzel is a symbolic act----
and itself does not AMELIORATE SIN. Your idiot comment is not even true---
islamic sin can be expiated by simply slitting the throat of a jewish infant.--
it even merits a SHORT CUT OF JANNAH ----a trip to mecca can do it---
all kinds of silly stuff. In fact even doing a clumsy job of
dispatching a lamb ----can do it-----yup ---I have seen some of those
grisly events

The mount of olives is historically and
factually near the temple which you claim did not exist and was not over built
by the present YELLOW PUSTULE......
or if one is not a muslim by being enslaved to the filth
------it is not stained by slitting the throat of a jewish baby or 'raping
a jewish woman Shariah law holds neither of those acts as
"crimes" In fact -----murder can be expiated by paying a small fine...
or by nothing Try to
keep in mind----my own husband was born in a SHARIAH CESSPIT---
his rescue was an escape from FORCED ENSLAVEMENT TO THE FILTH
upon his mother-----and---the usual LEGAL RAPE by the local imam pig
Second Commandment;

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain is one of the Ten Commandments. It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or "taking in vain" of the name of the God of Israel. ...

Actually-----it is a prohibition on lying---swearing a false oath
The are only 14 million jews in the world so genetic effects from inbreeding is a serious issue within the jewish community.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases

A number of genetic disorders occur more frequently in certain ethnic populations. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population (those of Eastern European descent), it has been estimated that one in four individuals is a carrier of one of several genetic conditions. These diseases include Tay-Sachs Disease, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV. Some of these diseases may be severe and may result in the early death of a child. Carrier screening is available for all of these diseases with a simple blood test.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases | Jewish Virtual Library


Speaking of inbreeding, what is the Muslim law regarding this?

I'm asking this because I've seen many articles regarding Muslims marrying their cousins

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