Nazi quotes just for fun!!

For even today these heads have not understood the difference between Socialism and Marxism. Especially when, in addition, they discovered that in our meetings we principally did not address ladies and gentlemen' but only 'fellow citizens,' and that among ourselves we spoke only of party members, the Marxist ghost seemed to be proved for many of our enemies. How often we shouted with laughter at these stupid bourgeois cowards, in the face of the intelligent guessing at our origin, our intentions and our goal!

If you substitute the word "Obama" for "the Jew", this next quote matches up almost identically with the right's claims against Obama:
But even more: the Jew becomes suddenly also 'liberal' and he begins to rave of the necessary 'progress' of mankind.

Thus he gradually makes himself the spokesman of a new time.

Of course, he destroys then also more and more thoroughly the foundations of a truly useful national economy.

We chose the red color of our posters after exacting and thorough reflection, in order to provoke the leftists by this,to bring them to indignation and to induce them to come to our meetings, if only to break them up, so that in this way we were at least enabled to speak to these people.

Adolf Hitler.

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What are you rambling about?

And provide links, loon.

You just told someone your eugenics shit was supported in earlier pages and told them to go and read them.

Well, those quotes were sourced in an earlier page, sweetie.

Adolf Hitler said them.

He often "shouted with laughter" over people like you.

And I notice you did not ask the OP to source his quotes, hypocrite.

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Not the same. The rules of the board maintain that you provide a link for your quotes, in the post that uses them.

I get tired of brain dead loons posing as intellectual giants sometimes.
Not the same. The rules of the board maintain that you provide a link for your quotes, in the post that uses them.

I get tired of brain dead loons posing as intellectual giants sometimes.

Hypocrite. Why did you not get all by-the-book with the OP?

He claims to have posted Hitler quotes.

So did I.


The standard is that when you attribute a quote to a well-known figure, the SOURCE OF THE QUOTE IS THE WELL KNOWN FIGURE, you idiot.
See post #151. I linked to Mein Kampf, which is where the Hitler quotes I posted come from.

Maybe you've heard of it.

Probably not, since you are too stupid to know that Nazism is an extreme right wing philosophy. You would know it if you had read Hitler's fucking book!

God, Hitler himself said he "shouted with laughter" at dipshits who did not know this.

The standard is that when you attribute a quote to a well-known figure, the SOURCE OF THE QUOTE IS THE WELL KNOWN FIGURE, you idiot.

And did I not say "Adolf Hiter" in my post?

Yes. Yes I did. Hypocrite.

I don't know.

Or care. If you're quoting mein kampf, then you should link to it.
....breeding programs for low wage workers? What the hell are you talking about, loon?

Nazis weren't right wing. That's the point. They enjoyed the support of the biggest democrats the world has ever known..Hearst, DuPont, Kennedy. The ideology that the Nazis sold is left wing ideology...state over individual, population control, negative eugenics, all those are the darlings of today's leftist weirdoes.

Democrats were no angels in that era, but it was a Democrat that urged the nation (including industrialist Republicans that supported Nazis) to wage war on Hitler. Remember Prescott Bush?If you equate "left wing" with despotism, fascism, and dictatorships--well, so goes the "right wing." Ideologues of both groups tend to be narcisistic crazies, and I avoid both. When you get to the extremes of the right and left, they tend to converge--they both seek total control of everyone else.

"state over individual"
Anti-abortion lobby of the Republicans, insertion of Christian religious dogma into public and government institutions
Funny thing, that. You claim it, but you'll have a tough time documenting it. And please don't trot out 'under God' inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance, prior to the rise of the Leftist atheists, this country did just fine tolerating 'Christian religious dogma', as you call it. We were doing a whole lot better AS A NATION before you Godless heathens started ripping Him out of EVERY facet of public life.

You fucks would LYNCH Lincoln because of your rabid intolerance.
"population control"
Anti-immigration policies of the right wing, elimination of child welfare programs that disproportionately impacts minorities
It's anti-ILLEGAL immigration, and LEGAL immigration cut back to historical levels. Newcomers need to ASSIMILATE.

And please name the FUNCTIONING child welfare programs being eliminated.
"negative eugenics"
The Republican/right wing eternal thirst for warfare to solve problems--particularly in the Middle East
Really? What was the Senate vote to go into Iraq? Afghanistan?

See, neither side has a lock on craziness.[/QUOTE]
Maybe, but the Left is MUCH closer to the goal...
KosherGrl said:

Do you not understand the irony in this statement? Hell, fascists/Nazis are definitively right wing--and they allegedly were quite big on your "negative eugenics." In fact, you might say that the difference between the right wing and the "progressives" in terms of "negative eugenics" might be that the right wing actually practiced it with great enthusiasm.

Have you heard of lynching, KosherGrl? Conservatives/right wingers are known to be somewhat racist. Does that not count toward eugenic purification? Segregation of the races; apartheid?

Holy crap, what a conversation.

Lynchings were undertaken by Democrats, you fucking idiot. And just because the lefties claim that NOW racism is the hallmark of the right doesn't make it so. You morons are currently insisting that being black and female precludes incompetence. Though you claimed something different when Condi Rice was in the news...
My point, which you are helping me to make, and the point of the OP, is that today's liberals use the same methods and spout the same nonsense that the Nazis did.

And you're just affirming it with every keystroke you subject us to.

"In Mississippi, Louisiana, the Carolinas and Florida especially, the Democratic Party relied on paramilitary "White Line" groups such as the White Camelia to terrorize, intimidate and assassinate African American and white Republicans in an organized drive to regain power. In Mississippi, it was the Red Shirts; in Louisiana, the White League that were paramilitary groups carrying out goals of the Democratic Party to suppress black voting. Insurgents targeted politically active African Americans and unleashed violence in general community intimidation. Grant's desire to keep Ohio in the Republican aisle and his attorney general's maneuvering led to a failure to support the Mississippi governor with Federal troops.[citation needed] The campaign of terror worked. In Yazoo County, for instance, with a Negro population of 12,000, only seven votes were cast for Republicans. In 1875, Democrats swept into power in the state legislature.[12]
Once Democrats regained power in Mississippi, Democrats in other states adopted the Mississippi Plan to control the election of 1876, using informal armed militias to assassinate political leaders, hunt down community members, intimidate and turn away voters, effectively suppressing African American suffrage and civil rights. In state after state, Democrats swept back to power.[13] From 1868 to 1876, most years had 50–100 lynchings.
White Democrats passed laws and constitutional amendments making voter registration more complicated, to further exclude black voters from the polls.["

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fucking idiot. Don't prate to me about Republican lynchings. Spend time getting a real education.

And those former racist southern Democrats are now southern Republicans. Your point?
Wrong dipshit, those racist Southern Democrats are DEAD!

Or laying in a nursing home somewhere drooling on themselves.
Sorry to make your butts hurt with Hitler's actual words. I linked to Mein Kampf in post 151 where I originally posted those quotes.

And thanks for once again providing us with a bucketful of hypocrisy in your curious absence of asking the topic starter to source his quotes.

Another classic. No wonder Hitler laughed at people like you.

Probably not, since you are too stupid to know that Nazism is an extreme right wing philosophy. You would know it if you had read Hitler's fucking book!

Repeating that 1000 times won't make it true. Try supporting your case with facts instead of using yourself as an authority.
For even today these heads have not understood the difference between Socialism and Marxism. Especially when, in addition, they discovered that in our meetings we principally did not address ladies and gentlemen' but only 'fellow citizens,' and that among ourselves we spoke only of party members, the Marxist ghost seemed to be proved for many of our enemies. How often we shouted with laughter at these stupid bourgeois cowards, in the face of the intelligent guessing at our origin, our intentions and our goal!

If you substitute the word "Obama" for "the Jew", this next quote matches up almost identically with the right's claims against Obama:
But even more: the Jew becomes suddenly also 'liberal' and he begins to rave of the necessary 'progress' of mankind.

Thus he gradually makes himself the spokesman of a new time.

Of course, he destroys then also more and more thoroughly the foundations of a truly useful national economy.

In Europe liberals are people who believe in laizzes faire capitalism, so your quote proves exactly the opposite of what you thought it proved.

We chose the red color of our posters after exacting and thorough reflection, in order to provoke the leftists by this,to bring them to indignation and to induce them to come to our meetings, if only to break them up, so that in this way we were at least enabled to speak to these people.

Adolf Hitler.


By "leftists" Hitler simply means Marxists. Hitler was also a leftist according to the current definition of the term.
See post #151. I linked to Mein Kampf, which is where the Hitler quotes I posted come from.

Maybe you've heard of it.

Probably not, since you are too stupid to know that Nazism is an extreme right wing philosophy. You would know it if you had read Hitler's fucking book!

God, Hitler himself said he "shouted with laughter" at dipshits who did not know this.


So tell me, if Nazism is a far right idealogy, how the heck do you reach totalitarian government by being extreme in advocating less government and more freedom?
See post #151. I linked to Mein Kampf, which is where the Hitler quotes I posted come from.

Maybe you've heard of it.

Probably not, since you are too stupid to know that Nazism is an extreme right wing philosophy. You would know it if you had read Hitler's fucking book!

God, Hitler himself said he "shouted with laughter" at dipshits who did not know this.


So tell me, if Nazism is a far right idealogy, how the heck do you reach totalitarian government by being extreme in advocating less government and more freedom?
How the hell do you get that with republicans? You cannot say they have made any headway even in states where they are all powerful.
See post #151. I linked to Mein Kampf, which is where the Hitler quotes I posted come from.

Maybe you've heard of it.

Probably not, since you are too stupid to know that Nazism is an extreme right wing philosophy. You would know it if you had read Hitler's fucking book!

God, Hitler himself said he "shouted with laughter" at dipshits who did not know this.


So tell me, if Nazism is a far right idealogy, how the heck do you reach totalitarian government by being extreme in advocating less government and more freedom?
How the hell do you get that with republicans? You cannot say they have made any headway even in states where they are all powerful.

Fascism is the extreme right.
Sorry to make your butts hurt with Hitler's actual words. I linked to Mein Kampf in post 151 where I originally posted those quotes.

And thanks for once again providing us with a bucketful of hypocrisy in your curious absence of asking the topic starter to source his quotes.

Another classic. No wonder Hitler laughed at people like you.

Why aren't I surprised you took Hitler's side of it. Thank you for making the case against yourselves. dismissed! :muahaha:


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