Nazi quotes just for fun!!

Hitler's nazis and today's progressives are pretty much the same thing.

They wear different clothes...

And while nazis were after a blonde haired blue eyes populace, today's progressives are for many of the same things...except the blonde/blue combination. They think they can weed out poverty, illness, unhappiness, stupidity by negative eugenics.

It's all SSDD.

Please explain further where you think the NAZI party falls on the political spectrum and why. (this is a loaded question so don't quote or link to fools)
I see what she means about progressive eugenics being like the Nazis.
But in some ways conservatives are like the Nazis when they use such extreme fear tactics.

Not true. If you can see it, then it's valid and therefore not extreme "fear" tactics.

In fact, it's not fear tactics at all. A fear tactic is propagating a lie in order to justify progressives propagate the lie that women must have abortion on demand or be forced to bear terrible mutant monster babies that will ultimately kill them.

THAT'S a fear tactic.
Please explain further where you think the NAZI party falls on the political spectrum and why. (this is a loaded question so don't quote or link to fools)
I see what she means about progressive eugenics being like the Nazis.
But in some ways conservatives are like the Nazis when they use such extreme fear tactics.

Not true. If you can see it, then it's valid and therefore not extreme "fear" tactics.

In fact, it's not fear tactics at all. A fear tactic is propagating a lie in order to justify progressives propagate the lie that women must have abortion on demand or be forced to bear terrible mutant monster babies that will ultimately kill them.

THAT'S a fear tactic.

You haven't proven that conservatives don't use fear tactics. All you've done is give us a (rather poor and loathsome) example of how the other side might use fear. FAIL
Sorry, turd, but in that quote he me makes a distinction between socialism (Nazis) and Marxism, the commies. Socialists are on the left. Your quote doesn't support your point.

Anyway, Hitler himself identified himself as being opposite the leftists. He laughed his ass off at the idiots who thought Nazis were on the left end of the spectrum.

I showed you his own words.

"For even today these heads have not understood the difference between Socialism and Marxism. Especially when, in addition, they discovered that in our meetings we principally did not address ladies and gentlemen' but only 'fellow citizens,' and that among ourselves we spoke only of party members, the Marxist ghost seemed to be proved for many of our enemies. How often we shouted with laughter at these stupid bourgeois cowards, in the face of the intelligent guessing at our origin, our intentions and our goal!"

Hitler is laughing at you dipshits.


That quote was a repeat of several quotes by Hitler I posted at the top of the same page.

Here's one of the other ones, which refutes you as well:

"We chose the red color of our posters after exacting and thorough reflection, in order to provoke the leftists by this,to bring them to indignation and to induce them to come to our meetings, if only to break them up, so that in this way we were at least enabled to speak to these people."

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Anyway, Hitler himself identified himself as being opposite the leftists. He laughed his ass off at the idiots who thought Nazis were on the left end of the spectrum.

I showed you his own words.

"For even today these heads have not understood the difference between Socialism and Marxism. Especially when, in addition, they discovered that in our meetings we principally did not address ladies and gentlemen' but only 'fellow citizens,' and that among ourselves we spoke only of party members, the Marxist ghost seemed to be proved for many of our enemies. How often we shouted with laughter at these stupid bourgeois cowards, in the face of the intelligent guessing at our origin, our intentions and our goal!"

Hitler is laughing at you dipshits.

Certain elements of the GOP seem to have done quite a job of rewriting history.

They see and hear what they want to see and hear, and slap their hands over their eyes and ears to avoid what they don't want to see or hear.

It's classic confirmation bias.

Anyway, Hitler himself identified himself as being opposite the leftists. He laughed his ass off at the idiots who thought Nazis were on the left end of the spectrum.

I showed you his own words.

"For even today these heads have not understood the difference between Socialism and Marxism. Especially when, in addition, they discovered that in our meetings we principally did not address ladies and gentlemen' but only 'fellow citizens,' and that among ourselves we spoke only of party members, the Marxist ghost seemed to be proved for many of our enemies. How often we shouted with laughter at these stupid bourgeois cowards, in the face of the intelligent guessing at our origin, our intentions and our goal!"

Hitler is laughing at you dipshits.

Certain elements of the GOP seem to have done quite a job of rewriting history.

I don't see a revision of history. What I see is quotes from Hitler that sounds very, very much like what we hear out of the left today.



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"We're as Liberal as they come!"


"Thank God those left wingers couldn't stop us!"

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I see what she means about progressive eugenics being like the Nazis.
But in some ways conservatives are like the Nazis when they use such extreme fear tactics.

Not true. If you can see it, then it's valid and therefore not extreme "fear" tactics.

In fact, it's not fear tactics at all. A fear tactic is propagating a lie in order to justify progressives propagate the lie that women must have abortion on demand or be forced to bear terrible mutant monster babies that will ultimately kill them.

THAT'S a fear tactic.

You haven't proven that conservatives don't use fear tactics. All you've done is give us a (rather poor and loathsome) example of how the other side might use fear. FAIL

Thank you for illustrating the intellectual dwarfism that characterizes left wing propagandists.

I don't have to prove a negative at all...the onus is on the person who made the claim to prove that fear tactics are being employed. They did not. The fail is yours because you are too poorly educated to understand how this works.
Hey Nazi quotes, I can do that too!

"As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice." -- Adolf Hitler.

Sounds an awful lot like the Religious Right.

In other words, quit comparing an insane political party to the left, because they can probably do it to the right.

Invoking Godwin's Law to make yourself feel better is a bad plan.
And if he had actually fought for truth and justice, there would be no problem.

The quote itself is fine, you fucking retard.
The right has been leaning toward some very totalitarian ideas ever since 9/11. They simply lost their minds that day, and have not recovered.


Because of the extremist nature of the nutters' tendencies, it is necessary to convince themselves that they are not. Thus the need to convince themselves that Nazis were a left-wing phenomena, not a right-wing one.

This is positively shameful. Our WWII vets must be rolling in their graves.

The anti-gay rhetoric is considerably ramped up. The anti-immigrant rhetoric is ramped up. And the anti-Muslim rhetoric is downright histrionic.

Now they want us to show our papers before we exercise our constitutional rights. Papers, please!

A whole new cabinet level department was created out of this fear. Homeland Security. I guess Fatherland Security was too obvious.

We needed a bigger and burlier National Government to protect us from the darkies, see.

In true Orwellian fashion, waterboarding suddenly wasn't torture any more, even though our government had sentenced Japanese war criminals to hard labor for waterboarding.

Warrantless wiretaps. National Security Letters. Warrantless searches of tens of millions of Americans' phone records.

OMG! The Muslims want to build a mosque in my town! Keep those fucking terrorists away from meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

No. No right wing extremist tendencies here...

Just know this, that kind of talk cost the GOP the election in 2012 and it'll cost the GOP the election in 2016, mark my words. Wanna keep going with legitimate rape too?

Besides, your idea of history would be completely biased and I don't have time to fact-check.

Nice Red Herring.

I really wish people would be more honest in dialogue. You don't like the truth so you have to spin it to something stupid like those "legitimate rape" comments. Because you think you have a win there. But by doing so you completely ignore legitimate conversation because you don't like where it's going.

I'm not asking you to fact check. Im inviting you to get off your butt and learn something. History is important. Because where we were and how we got here from them has alot to do with determining where we are going.

We have thousands of years of human history at our disposal. I hope one of these days we will actually learn from it and not repeat previous mistakes.

Unfortunately, it's still true that those who fail to learn from history are doommed to repeat it. And those that do learn from history are doomed to watch mankind make the same mistakes.


You can piss and moan about red herrings or whatever all you want. It's all tied in together:

Keep up the rhetoric about PP and Nazis, legitimate rape, 47%, self-deportation etc. and the GOP will lose again.
That would be valid if Muslims weren't a huge threat to our safety and security.

Again, its' not fear mongering if it's true, and it's not extremism if it's valid.
Not true. If you can see it, then it's valid and therefore not extreme "fear" tactics.

In fact, it's not fear tactics at all. A fear tactic is propagating a lie in order to justify progressives propagate the lie that women must have abortion on demand or be forced to bear terrible mutant monster babies that will ultimately kill them.

THAT'S a fear tactic.

You haven't proven that conservatives don't use fear tactics. All you've done is give us a (rather poor and loathsome) example of how the other side might use fear. FAIL

Thank you for illustrating the intellectual dwarfism that characterizes left wing propagandists.

I don't have to prove a negative at all...the onus is on the person who made the claim to prove that fear tactics are being employed. They did not. The fail is yours because you are too poorly educated to understand how this works.

You were claiming that conservatives didn't use fear tactics. You didn't prove it. Therefore the FAIL IS yours. The fact that someone else made a claim, does not absolve you of having to prove yours.
That would be valid if Muslims weren't a huge threat to our safety and security.

Again, its' not fear mongering if it's true, and it's not extremism if it's valid.

Your stupidity is a threat to our sanity.

That's true and valid.
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemingly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and prosperity instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy their system under all conditions."

Have you see the Progs in the Hostess and Walmart threads?

Sounds eerily familiar

Before you become too thrilled with all this, CrusaderFrank, you should do some meaningful research.

Context is important.

When Adolph Hitler sought election in 1932 (and as a politician in the 1920's), he recognized that he couldn't gain enough support by expounding purely right wing ideas. To gain sufficient support, he aligned himself with some other political movements--including a left-of-center group that opposed the existing German government. Make no mistake about it; Hitler was no socialist, and "National Socialism" was not socialist, either. The German Nazi party was fascist, adapted from the Italian model.

The Nazi's accepted the German socialists into their coalition because they were so adamently opposed to the communists of the Soviet Union. And, since the plurality of Germans opposed their unpopular government, Hitler won election.

NO. Hitler and the right wing Nazi Party were not nearly socialist. I can point at many of your early Hitler "quotations" that were never, ever put into practice at all. Those amounted to elements of political rhetoric and nothing more.

Before you start jabbering on about Hitler and the Nazis in the future, I suggest you try and learn something about them.
That would be valid if Muslims weren't a huge threat to our safety and security.

Again, its' not fear mongering if it's true, and it's not extremism if it's valid.

This remark makes you the very definition of a bigoted extremist.

May I interest you in a "NO SAND ****** MAYORS" sign?

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"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemingly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and prosperity instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy their system under all conditions."

Have you see the Progs in the Hostess and Walmart threads?

Sounds eerily familiar

Before you become too thrilled with all this, CrusaderFrank, you should do some meaningful research.

Context is important.

When Adolph Hitler sought election in 1932 (and as a politician in the 1920's), he recognized that he couldn't gain enough support by expounding purely right wing ideas. To gain sufficient support, he aligned himself with some other political movements--including a left-of-center group that opposed the existing German government. Make no mistake about it; Hitler was no socialist, and "National Socialism" was not socialist, either. The German Nazi party was fascist, adapted from the Italian model.

The Nazi's accepted the German socialists into their coalition because they were so adamently opposed to the communists of the Soviet Union. And, since the plurality of Germans opposed their unpopular government, Hitler won election.

NO. Hitler and the right wing Nazi Party were not nearly socialist. I can point at many of your early Hitler "quotations" that were never, ever put into practice at all. Those amounted to elements of political rhetoric and nothing more.

Before you start jabbering on about Hitler and the Nazis in the future, I suggest you try and learn something about them.

It doesn't matter that they were never put into practice. So Hitler was a liar...progressives flocked to support him based on the things he said and the practices he did engage in.

And they still support those practices, which is why we can't get any of them to spout the eugenecist crap they regale us with in other threads, here. They KNOW they applaud the most disgusting practices of the Nazis, and they KNOW their support of those practices lines them right up with monsters.

Which is why they won't talk about them here.

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