Nazi Roger Stone got his Feathers PLUCKED! By Anti-MAGA Twitter! It suspended that account. Whee!

Twitter isn’t the government, they can ban anyone they want to for any reason.

Just like this site...who bans people if they don’t like what they say.

The first ammendment only applies to Congress.
Are you disputing Zionism' dominant choke-hold on the "US" media?

Heck, they completely censored the fact that Putin called 911 a fraud and named the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia as the three behind it... days after 911.

Heck, the "US" media still can't bring itself to notice that Oswald and Ruby were both JEWISH.
Twitter isn’t the government, they can ban anyone they want to for any reason.

Just like this site...who bans people if they don’t like what they say.

The first ammendment only applies to Congress.

And Trump. He creates fake news.
No, the Israeli owned "US" media creates fake news and has for decades... starting with never noticing that Oswald and Ruby were both Jewish...
Looks like @RogerJStoneJr's Twitter account has been suspended.
Roger Stone, a longtime associate of President Donald Trump and self-described political provocateur, was suspended from Twitter on Saturday.

Stone lashed out at CNN anchor Don Lemon and others on Friday night, seemingly responding to reports that an indictment from special prosecutor Robert Mueller was imminent in the ongoing probe into the Trump election campaign's alleged ties to Russia.
Stone tweeted that Lemon was "dumber than dog ----" and deserved to be mocked and punished.
Roger Stone is suspended from Twitter

:iagree: This guy works to damage America for Nixon being run out of office.

Nixon was a crook and so is Stone and Manafort.
Tomorrow will be the worst day for you since November 8th....and I can't wait...BuuuuuuuuAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahaha
The left loves to celebrate censorship and suppression of freedom of speech.
Stone is not being censored. A private company has decided not to allow its product to be used to promote ideas it does not believe in and considers to be anti-social and hate speech. Stone has other option for promoting his speech.
Looks like @RogerJStoneJr's Twitter account has been suspended.
Roger Stone, a longtime associate of President Donald Trump and self-described political provocateur, was suspended from Twitter on Saturday.

Stone lashed out at CNN anchor Don Lemon and others on Friday night, seemingly responding to reports that an indictment from special prosecutor Robert Mueller was imminent in the ongoing probe into the Trump election campaign's alleged ties to Russia.
Stone tweeted that Lemon was "dumber than dog ----" and deserved to be mocked and punished.
Roger Stone is suspended from Twitter

:iagree: This guy works to damage America for Nixon being run out of office.

Nixon was a crook and so is Stone and Manafort.
Tomorrow will be the worst day for you since November 8th....and I can't wait...BuuuuuuuuAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahaha

Really? How so?

Really? How so?
Tomorrow is the beginning of the total exoneration of the president....and the beginning of the rightful prosecution of the Clinton's and their team of criminal thugs. The first man Hillary will toss under the bus after Bill will be Barry himself. Mark my words and get the popcorn out. Lynch and others in Obama's world will go down hard.
Cool stuff! I did not know Roger Stone did that. Good for Roger Stone. CNN and Turner's hate Christians policies his paid actors are pushing suck.
Of course a foul mouth punk is a trumpanzee hero.
Really? How so?
Tomorrow is the beginning of the total exoneration of the president....and the beginning of the rightful prosecution of the Clinton's and their team of criminal thugs. The first man Hillary will toss under the bus after Bill will be Barry himself. Mark my words and get the popcorn out. Lynch and others in Obama's world will go down hard.
Sure it is.....let's check back in together tomorrow evening, ok?
Wait until it happens to you leftist dumbasses because as you stupid fks jump for joy when these issues take place you are to fkn retarded to realize these same actions make it right back to you asses too. THINK jackass think.
First they cam for the JEWS and I said nothing..................................... Then they came for me and nobody was left.

wake up jackasses.


Hypocrisy: Twitter Bans Roger Stone But Allows Vicious Leftists Tweets
Looks like @RogerJStoneJr's Twitter account has been suspended.
Roger Stone, a longtime associate of President Donald Trump and self-described political provocateur, was suspended from Twitter on Saturday.

Stone lashed out at CNN anchor Don Lemon and others on Friday night, seemingly responding to reports that an indictment from special prosecutor Robert Mueller was imminent in the ongoing probe into the Trump election campaign's alleged ties to Russia.
Stone tweeted that Lemon was "dumber than dog ----" and deserved to be mocked and punished.
Roger Stone is suspended from Twitter

:iagree: This guy works to damage America for Nixon being run out of office.

Nixon was a crook and so is Stone and Manafort.
Tomorrow will be the worst day for you since November 8th....and I can't wait...BuuuuuuuuAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahaha

Wait until tomorrow when these fks realize who will be arrested. There will be some juicy news coming out on a few who are going to be arrested... Sadly it's not Clinton from what I hear.

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