Nazi Roger Stone got his Feathers PLUCKED! By Anti-MAGA Twitter! It suspended that account. Whee!

Trump's criminals are going ballistic.
The indictments have them spooked.
They're like rats running around crazed and confused.

Twitter has suspended the account of Roger Stone ― a notorious Republican political operative and longtime friend and former adviser to Donald Trump ― after Stone went on a vicious, profane tirade against several CNN journalists.

Stone exploded shortly after the network was the first to report Friday night that a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., had filed initial charges in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. No details were available about the sealed indictments, but an arrest could be made as early as Monday, CNN reported.

Stone attacked several CNN anchors and contributors by name, including Jake Tapper, Bill Kristol, Carl Bernstein, Don Lemon and Ana Navarro, as well as New York Times columnist Charles Blow.

He called Lemon an “ignorant lying covksucker” (sic), and a “dull witted arrogant partyboi,” adding: “You fake news you dumb piece of shit.” He said Lemon should be “humiliated, mocked and punished.” Stone also said that Tapper should be “severely punished.”

He called Navarro a “dumbfuck,” and attacked Kristol for his appearance, saying he was “packing on the pounds.”

Just more examples of making America great again.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Vicious Attacks On CNN Journalists | HuffPost
so many threads on this and so I will copy and paste what I said in one of them...

Roger Stone said Sunday that he plans to sue Twitter for suspending his account accusing the social media giant of trying to censor conservative voices, and plans to file an antitrust lawsuit against Twitter.

YES YES YES! :2up: Good on you Roger Stone! :clap2:

Roger Stone plans to sue Twitter for suspending his accoun
For the record skye, I was the first to post on this insanity, the banning of the very interesting and informative Roger Stone, in this forum. Then the slower folks who hate free speech started posting the news. Not sure if the mods combined the threads chronologically. It is simultaneously hilarious and disgusting "leftists" are so open they hate free speech though.
so many threads on this and so I will copy and paste what I said in one of them...

Roger Stone said Sunday that he plans to sue Twitter for suspending his account accusing the social media giant of trying to censor conservative voices, and plans to file an antitrust lawsuit against Twitter.

YES YES YES! :2up: Good on you Roger Stone! :clap2:

Roger Stone plans to sue Twitter for suspending his accoun
He'll lose because he's a dumbass.
Wait until it happens to you leftist dumbasses because as you stupid fks jump for joy when these issues take place you are to fkn retarded to realize these same actions make it right back to you asses too. THINK jackass think.
First they cam for the JEWS and I said nothing..................................... Then they came for me and nobody was left.

wake up jackasses.

View attachment 157238

Hypocrisy: Twitter Bans Roger Stone But Allows Vicious Leftists Tweets

Are you comparing Trump to Adolph?

No that's what you do.

No,I never mentioned anything about Germans. Your side did that all by yourself. Deflection at it’s worst.
Trump's criminals are going ballistic.
The indictments have them spooked.
They're like rats running around crazed and confused.

Twitter has suspended the account of Roger Stone ― a notorious Republican political operative and longtime friend and former adviser to Donald Trump ― after Stone went on a vicious, profane tirade against several CNN journalists.

Stone exploded shortly after the network was the first to report Friday night that a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., had filed initial charges in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. No details were available about the sealed indictments, but an arrest could be made as early as Monday, CNN reported.

Stone attacked several CNN anchors and contributors by name, including Jake Tapper, Bill Kristol, Carl Bernstein, Don Lemon and Ana Navarro, as well as New York Times columnist Charles Blow.

He called Lemon an “ignorant lying covksucker” (sic), and a “dull witted arrogant partyboi,” adding: “You fake news you dumb piece of shit.” He said Lemon should be “humiliated, mocked and punished.” Stone also said that Tapper should be “severely punished.”

He called Navarro a “dumbfuck,” and attacked Kristol for his appearance, saying he was “packing on the pounds.”

Just more examples of making America great again.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Vicious Attacks On CNN Journalists | HuffPost

gaaaaaaaaaa - don'tcha just hate it when its like that ..

For the record skye, I was the first to post on this insanity, the banning of the very interesting and informative Roger Stone, in this forum. Then the slower folks who hate free speech started posting the news. Not sure if the mods combined the threads chronologically. It is simultaneously hilarious and disgusting "leftists" are so open they hate free speech though.
It's fast becoming a star studded flame war. Reading the comments and using usmb rules a few would be life banned.
Free speech does not mean you get to say whatever you want with 0 consequences, you idiots.
Trump's criminals are going ballistic.
The indictments have them spooked.
They're like rats running around crazed and confused.

Twitter has suspended the account of Roger Stone ― a notorious Republican political operative and longtime friend and former adviser to Donald Trump ― after Stone went on a vicious, profane tirade against several CNN journalists.

Stone exploded shortly after the network was the first to report Friday night that a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., had filed initial charges in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. No details were available about the sealed indictments, but an arrest could be made as early as Monday, CNN reported.

Stone attacked several CNN anchors and contributors by name, including Jake Tapper, Bill Kristol, Carl Bernstein, Don Lemon and Ana Navarro, as well as New York Times columnist Charles Blow.

He called Lemon an “ignorant lying covksucker” (sic), and a “dull witted arrogant partyboi,” adding: “You fake news you dumb piece of shit.” He said Lemon should be “humiliated, mocked and punished.” Stone also said that Tapper should be “severely punished.”

He called Navarro a “dumbfuck,” and attacked Kristol for his appearance, saying he was “packing on the pounds.”

Just more examples of making America great again.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Vicious Attacks On CNN Journalists | HuffPost

Damn! Is this a Twitter offensive? I mean they got Trump good yesterday, now Stone gets a bancation? Man, Team Trump is getting ripped to shreads! What will he do?
Trump's criminals are going ballistic.
The indictments have them spooked.
They're like rats running around crazed and confused.

Twitter has suspended the account of Roger Stone ― a notorious Republican political operative and longtime friend and former adviser to Donald Trump ― after Stone went on a vicious, profane tirade against several CNN journalists.

Stone exploded shortly after the network was the first to report Friday night that a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., had filed initial charges in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. No details were available about the sealed indictments, but an arrest could be made as early as Monday, CNN reported.

Stone attacked several CNN anchors and contributors by name, including Jake Tapper, Bill Kristol, Carl Bernstein, Don Lemon and Ana Navarro, as well as New York Times columnist Charles Blow.

He called Lemon an “ignorant lying covksucker” (sic), and a “dull witted arrogant partyboi,” adding: “You fake news you dumb piece of shit.” He said Lemon should be “humiliated, mocked and punished.” Stone also said that Tapper should be “severely punished.”

He called Navarro a “dumbfuck,” and attacked Kristol for his appearance, saying he was “packing on the pounds.”

Just more examples of making America great again.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Vicious Attacks On CNN Journalists | HuffPost
Trump needs to actively work to get suspended by Twitter. :lol:
Trump's criminals are going ballistic.
The indictments have them spooked.
They're like rats running around crazed and confused.

Twitter has suspended the account of Roger Stone ― a notorious Republican political operative and longtime friend and former adviser to Donald Trump ― after Stone went on a vicious, profane tirade against several CNN journalists.

Stone exploded shortly after the network was the first to report Friday night that a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., had filed initial charges in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. No details were available about the sealed indictments, but an arrest could be made as early as Monday, CNN reported.

Stone attacked several CNN anchors and contributors by name, including Jake Tapper, Bill Kristol, Carl Bernstein, Don Lemon and Ana Navarro, as well as New York Times columnist Charles Blow.

He called Lemon an “ignorant lying covksucker” (sic), and a “dull witted arrogant partyboi,” adding: “You fake news you dumb piece of shit.” He said Lemon should be “humiliated, mocked and punished.” Stone also said that Tapper should be “severely punished.”

He called Navarro a “dumbfuck,” and attacked Kristol for his appearance, saying he was “packing on the pounds.”

Just more examples of making America great again.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Vicious Attacks On CNN Journalists | HuffPost
Trump needs to actively work to get suspended by Twitter. :lol:

Yeah. I mean, what WOULD he do without Twitter?
Cool stuff! I did not know Roger Stone did that. Good for Roger Stone. CNN and Turner's hate Christians policies his paid actors are pushing suck.
Of course a foul mouth punk is a trumpanzee hero.
I am afraid your Trumpphobia does not hold water when one adds in all the foul mouth pieces of shit out there in lala land that like you hate Trump, Christians in general and anyone that does not hold the same belief system as you do. I'll take a truthful person with bad taste in word choices and decent business policies over the slimy smooth talking crooked attorney types who have been well trained at deception any day.
Hate? Nope. Don't want them in power, trashing our Constitution? Absolutely....and proud to stand for the Constitution and our secular law.
"Trashing our constitution?" Like what? BTW, you must have been missing what the Dems and some Repubs have been doing to citizens while they fully ignored the Constitution and The Bill of Rights over the last thirty years.
Cool stuff! I did not know Roger Stone did that. Good for Roger Stone. CNN and Turner's hate Christians policies his paid actors are pushing suck.
Of course a foul mouth punk is a trumpanzee hero.
How about the foul mouth psychopath perps like this one who spew nasty hate towards President Trump continually and lie from a script writers bs log? Is that just his demons manifesting, is he off his meds or are is it pharmaceuticals that gives him those jitters?


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