Nazis also subjugated churches under the state.

Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

What a racist fucking retard, Christians were the compassionate ones running underground railroads and sanctuaries ..................
Look, you shit stirring bitch, SOCIETY IN GENERAL REFUSED BLACKS PRE 60's ..........................
Actually, progressive dems. The church is where the abolitionist movement started and was fueled. In fact every major shift towards freedom in the entire history of mankind has been conceived by Christians.

You must mean things like the Inquisition where Jews and Muslims were given the freedom to convert to Christianity or face torture.

Or the witch trials in Salem where women were given the freedom of admitting to witchcraft and dying.

Or even you often quoted Nazi buddies where the rest of the world turned a blind eye to Hitler's persecution and murder of the Jews until he attacked Poland.

There are many examples throughput history of Christianity not leading the fight for freedom.

Many churches are welcoming gays and gay marriage. It's only the haters who try to use the Bible to justify and condone their bigotry.

Love one another as I have loved you. That shouldn't be so hard to understand. It's so inclusive.
Most liberals are totalitarians along the lines of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. They're anti-religion, amoral, socialistic in their economics, and are just fine with using the force of the state to impose their values on everybody else. That's why most liberals support punishing Christian vendors who decline to service gay ceremonies and why they are cheering the imposition of a huge fine on the Christian bakers in Oregon.

They support these things because they reject America's founding principles and have no tolerance for opposing views.

Their next steps are to make it illegal to teach that homosexuality is deviant, unhealthy behavior, and then to shut down churches under the guise that they're promoting "hate speech" and "intolerance."
Last edited:
You must mean things like the Inquisition where Jews and Muslims were given the freedom to convert to Christianity or face torture.

So you believe Catholicism is the Same as Christianity??
You believe what the Catholics did were done under the Christian banner??
Ignorant : check

Or the witch trials in Salem where women were given the freedom of admitting to witchcraft and dying.

So now you want to classify the Puritans as Christians??
Ignorant :check, check

Or even you often quoted Nazi buddies where the rest of the world turned a blind eye to Hitler's persecution and murder of the Jews until he attacked Poland.

What effect did the Nazis' racial and religious policy have on life in Germany?
The treatment of religion
The Nazi viewpoint on religion
The Nazis believed in Constructive Christianity and freedom for every religious denomination (group). But in reality, the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.

Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.

Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).

The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.

Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp.

The National Reich Church
There were 28 Protestant groups in Germany, and they were merged to form the National Reich Church in 1936. A member of the Nazi party was elected Bishop of the Church. Non-Aryan ministers were suspended.

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany

So 3 for 3 on the ignorance list, good streak going ...................

There are many examples throughput history of Christianity not leading the fight for freedom.

Would you like to try again?? So far your stupidity and ignorance have pushed you to the top, gonna give the forum some more examples of your ignorance??

Many churches are welcoming gays and gay marriage. It's only the haters who try to use the Bible to justify and condone their bigotry.

Love one another as I have loved you. That shouldn't be so hard to understand. It's so inclusive.

Once again Christians are tolerating the gays, no tried and true religion that has been around for any length of time is openly accepting you fags.

You can go hug it out, but don't flaunt it in our faces ..........................
You can demonize it as bigotry or hatred, but history and SOCIETIES in general have never openly accepted and condoned fag for any extended period of time.
Last edited:
You must mean things like the Inquisition where Jews and Muslims were given the freedom to convert to Christianity or face torture.

So you believe Catholicism is the Same as Christianity??
You believe what the Catholics did were done under the Christian banner??
Ignorant : check

Or the witch trials in Salem where women were given the freedom of admitting to witchcraft and dying.

So now you want to classify the Puritans as Christians??
Ignorant :check, check

Or even you often quoted Nazi buddies where the rest of the world turned a blind eye to Hitler's persecution and murder of the Jews until he attacked Poland.

What effect did the Nazis' racial and religious policy have on life in Germany?
The treatment of religion
The Nazi viewpoint on religion
The Nazis believed in Constructive Christianity and freedom for every religious denomination (group). But in reality, the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.

Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.

Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).

The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.

Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp.

The National Reich Church
There were 28 Protestant groups in Germany, and they were merged to form the National Reich Church in 1936. A member of the Nazi party was elected Bishop of the Church. Non-Aryan ministers were suspended.

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany

So 3 for 3 on the ignorance list, good streak going ...................

There are many examples throughput history of Christianity not leading the fight for freedom.

Would you like to try again?? So far your stupidity and ignorance have pushed you to the top, gonna give the forum some more examples of your ignorance??

Many churches are welcoming gays and gay marriage. It's only the haters who try to use the Bible to justify and condone their bigotry.

Love one another as I have loved you. That shouldn't be so hard to understand. It's so inclusive.

Once again Christians are tolerating the gays, no tried and true religion that has been around for any length of time is openly accepting you fags.

You can go hug it out, but don't flaunt it in our faces ..........................
You can demonize it as bigotry or hatred, but history and SOCIETIES in general have never openly accepted and condoned fag for any extended period of time.
deny all you like that Catholicism and Puritans were not christians...I guess next you will tell us the Mormons are not christians...
You must mean things like the Inquisition where Jews and Muslims were given the freedom to convert to Christianity or face torture.

So you believe Catholicism is the Same as Christianity??
You believe what the Catholics did were done under the Christian banner??
Ignorant : check

Or the witch trials in Salem where women were given the freedom of admitting to witchcraft and dying.

So now you want to classify the Puritans as Christians??
Ignorant :check, check

Or even you often quoted Nazi buddies where the rest of the world turned a blind eye to Hitler's persecution and murder of the Jews until he attacked Poland.

What effect did the Nazis' racial and religious policy have on life in Germany?
The treatment of religion
The Nazi viewpoint on religion
The Nazis believed in Constructive Christianity and freedom for every religious denomination (group). But in reality, the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.

Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.

Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).

The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.

Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp.

The National Reich Church
There were 28 Protestant groups in Germany, and they were merged to form the National Reich Church in 1936. A member of the Nazi party was elected Bishop of the Church. Non-Aryan ministers were suspended.

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany

So 3 for 3 on the ignorance list, good streak going ...................

There are many examples throughput history of Christianity not leading the fight for freedom.

Would you like to try again?? So far your stupidity and ignorance have pushed you to the top, gonna give the forum some more examples of your ignorance??

Many churches are welcoming gays and gay marriage. It's only the haters who try to use the Bible to justify and condone their bigotry.

Love one another as I have loved you. That shouldn't be so hard to understand. It's so inclusive.

Once again Christians are tolerating the gays, no tried and true religion that has been around for any length of time is openly accepting you fags.

You can go hug it out, but don't flaunt it in our faces ..........................
You can demonize it as bigotry or hatred, but history and SOCIETIES in general have never openly accepted and condoned fag for any extended period of time.
deny all you like that Catholicism and Puritans were not christians...I guess next you will tell us the Mormons are not christians...

Religions are societal road maps that tells an individual how to interact with a specific sub set of the populace ...............

I get it, the concept is above your intellectual level.

Destroy all religions so as to continue to suck dick and get fucked up the ass shame free ....................

Mean while classify all religions as Christian ........................
deny all you like that Catholicism and Puritans were not christians...I guess next you will tell us the Mormons are not christians...

By the way dumb fuck, Catholicism is a lifestyle not a class of people ......................
Do you really think Mormons are Christians??

fucking amazing, I got to get up off the floor and stop laughing ......................
You morons make fools of yourselves and are totally clueless ............................
Google is your friend ................

Welcome Christian Witnesses for Jesus!

WHO WE ARE – Christians Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons

We are a Christian ministry dedicated to sharing the good news of the eternal salvation in Jesus Christ. Our area of special focus is reaching the hearts and minds of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons (Latter-day Saints or LDS). Whether you’re currently involved in either one of these groups or you have friends or relatives involved, our website is for you! Learn more about us here.
4Witness For Christian Witness to Jehovah s Witnesses and Mormons

For example, Smith, as a result of his "First Vision", primarily rejected the Nicene doctrine of the Trinity and instead taught that God the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three distinct "personages"—Jesus Christ and the Father having glorified immortalized bodies and the Holy Ghost a spirit body. ...
Mormonism and Christianity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia the free encyclopediaMormonism_and_ChristianityWikipedia
The gay rights position is a radical departure from the long-standing view on the constitutional right of freedom of religion. But, of course, liberals couldn't care less about the original intent of the founding fathers on freedom of religion--or anything else, unless it happens to agree with the liberal view (which is rare).
Gay rights have nothing to do with freedom of religion. Giving gays the right to marriage has no effect on freedom of religion. People are entitled to believe what bullshit anti-gay doctrine their out-of-the-mainstream religion chooses to preach to them, but mainstream churches of all faiths are accepting and welcoming gays into their congregations.

But the freedom to abuse gays in matters of housing, employment and public accommodations is coming to an end. You can believe what you want, but you have to respect the rights of others to do the same. That's the meaning of the freedom of religion right in the constitution. I don't understand why so-called Christians have such difficulty in treated others the way they would want to be treated. It's Jesus' commandment that they do so.
Gay rights have nothing to do with freedom of religion. Giving gays the right to marriage has no effect on freedom of religion. People are entitled to believe what bullshit anti-gay doctrine their out-of-the-mainstream religion chooses to preach to them, but mainstream churches of all faiths are accepting and welcoming gays into their congregations.

But the freedom to abuse gays in matters of housing, employment and public accommodations is coming to an end. You can believe what you want, but you have to respect the rights of others to do the same. That's the meaning of the freedom of religion right in the constitution. I don't understand why so-called Christians have such difficulty in treated others the way they would want to be treated. It's Jesus' commandment that they do so.

Look you are a nasty, vile, fag, who is totally believable as :don't understand"...........................

Jesus made no reference to homosexuality, homosexuality is discussed in the old testament, not the new.

Now, I detest ignorance and lying ......................
And the
And today, right now in China, they are 're-educating' Catholics. Who are lucky because in some parts of China they burn churches and kill Christians. The state also forces women to get abortions.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in China
And they are blowing up churches (and anyone who happens to be nearby). And yet our progressive pigs say there is no precedent....Christians are perfectly safe.
America's ally Turkey has blown up churches and persecuted Christians for nearly 100 years now, with total silence from the GOP. Enjoy your selective outrage.
And the
And today, right now in China, they are 're-educating' Catholics. Who are lucky because in some parts of China they burn churches and kill Christians. The state also forces women to get abortions.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in China
And they are blowing up churches (and anyone who happens to be nearby). And yet our progressive pigs say there is no precedent....Christians are perfectly safe.
America's ally Turkey has blown up churches and persecuted Christians for nearly 100 years now, with total silence from the GOP. Enjoy your selective outrage.

Wow, lets put some bullshit out there and see if they bite ..................
Looks like ISIS / Muslims in there standard pursuit of killing Christians.

The GOP keeps trying to get the HNIC to do something but that black Muslim bastard would rather play golf .........................
Organized religion on the far right is pissed that it can no longer tell the rest of America what to do. That is all this is about.
Yep. So much so that it seems like they hang a Putin portrait in their bedrooms, and beg god for Russia to invade and purge America of 'homosexuality'.

It's not just Christians, societies in general repulsed or demoralized by the fag bastards eventually rid themselves of you abominations against God and man.
There is not currently now or has there ever been one that openly excepted gays and survived for any period of time.
Go ahead one of you foolish cocksuckers tell me about Rome and how openly it is accepted today over there.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

What a racist fucking retard, Christians were the compassionate ones running underground railroads and sanctuaries ..................
Look, you shit stirring bitch, SOCIETY IN GENERAL REFUSED BLACKS PRE 60's ..........................
Actually, progressive dems. The church is where the abolitionist movement started and was fueled. In fact every major shift towards freedom in the entire history of mankind has been conceived by Christians.

You must mean things like the Inquisition where Jews and Muslims were given the freedom to convert to Christianity or face torture.

Or the witch trials in Salem where women were given the freedom of admitting to witchcraft and dying.

Or even you often quoted Nazi buddies where the rest of the world turned a blind eye to Hitler's persecution and murder of the Jews until he attacked Poland.

There are many examples throughput history of Christianity not leading the fight for freedom.

Many churches are welcoming gays and gay marriage. It's only the haters who try to use the Bible to justify and condone their bigotry.

Love one another as I have loved you. That shouldn't be so hard to understand. It's so inclusive.
Every single one of the examples you cited are instances of the STATE asserting authority over religion.
And today, right now in China, they are 're-educating' Catholics. Who are lucky because in some parts of China they burn churches and kill Christians. The state also forces women to get abortions.

A liberal dream.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

What a racist fucking retard, Christians were the compassionate ones running underground railroads and sanctuaries ..................
Look, you shit stirring bitch, SOCIETY IN GENERAL REFUSED BLACKS PRE 60's ..........................
Actually, progressive dems. The church is where the abolitionist movement started and was fueled. In fact every major shift towards freedom in the entire history of mankind has been conceived by Christians.

You must mean things like the Inquisition where Jews and Muslims were given the freedom to convert to Christianity or face torture.

Or the witch trials in Salem where women were given the freedom of admitting to witchcraft and dying.

Or even you often quoted Nazi buddies where the rest of the world turned a blind eye to Hitler's persecution and murder of the Jews until he attacked Poland.

There are many examples throughput history of Christianity not leading the fight for freedom.

Many churches are welcoming gays and gay marriage. It's only the haters who try to use the Bible to justify and condone their bigotry.

Love one another as I have loved you. That shouldn't be so hard to understand. It's so inclusive.
Every single one of the examples you cited are instances of the STATE asserting authority over religion.

It's fascinating how the left keeps insisting the Founding Fathers were desperately trying to keep religion away from the state, while citing examples of the state interfering in and misusing religion (the actual problem the Founding Fathers feared).
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

It was Dems refusing to recognize blacks as equal citizens.

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