Nazis based their elite schools on top British private schools

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

This explains a lot doesnt it ? Of course the UK tory party is run by these characters and perhaps this explains the inherent cruelty in all of their conservative policies.
These private schools should be closed down and their assets seized and used for the good of the community.

Conservatism = Nazism

This explains a lot doesnt it ? Of course the UK tory party is run by these characters and perhaps this explains the inherent cruelty in all of their conservative policies.
These private schools should be closed down and their assets seized and used for the good of the community.

Conservatism = Nazism
These private schools should be closed down and their assets seized and used for the good of the community.


This explains a lot doesnt it ? Of course the UK tory party is run by these characters and perhaps this explains the inherent cruelty in all of their conservative policies.
These private schools should be closed down and their assets seized and used for the good of the community.

Conservatism = Nazism

Tough shit. We saved your eel-eating Limey asses from the Nazis before, but don't count on us to do it again.

You're on your own.
Pre-war Britain had a small, politically impotent and often-feuding network of fascist and pro-German groups: the Imperial Fascist League which was led by Arnold Leese, a rabidly anti-Semitic former veterinary surgeon; Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists; and the short-lived National Socialist League, a break-away from the BUF which itself later morphed into the British Council for Christian Settlement in Europe and the British People’s party.

More genteel Nazi sympathizers gravitated towards less-threatening sounding groups such as The Link (a Berlin-funded propaganda group led by a retired senior admiral, Barry Domvile, which supposedly promoted Anglo-German friendship and understanding) and the Nordic League. Beneath the veneer of respectability, the League – with its motto of “Perish Judah” – hosted meetings at which speakers praised Hitler and advocated murdering Jews, and its leadership had close links to the German Embassy.

Mosley’s footsoldiers were engaged in acts of espionage and sabotage: damaging public phones boxes to hamper communications during air raids; mapping the locations of aerodromes and RAF stations; and sketching the sites of local munitions factories. One 16-year-old was even found to have set fire to houses during the height of the Blitz with the aim of helping guide the Luftwaffe towards their targets.

Those caught were prosecuted and imprisoned, although in a pattern that was to be repeated throughout the war, the well-to-do and well-connected frequently escaped punishment.

Lot of Nazi sympathizers in Britain during WWII. Most hated Jews.
These private schools should be closed down and their assets seized and used for the good of the community
That is the worst what can be done. On the contrary, a state should encourage opening of private schools and offer more autonomy to public schools. Educational system based and dependent on decisions of a small group of bureaucrats is doomed to fail.
That is the worst what can be done. On the contrary, a state should encourage opening of private schools and offer more autonomy to public schools. Educational system based and dependent on decisions of a small group of bureaucrats is doomed to fail.

Tommy is just upset he will have to pay more for his french wine due to Brexit.
Pre-war Britain had a small, politically impotent and often-feuding network of fascist and pro-German groups: the Imperial Fascist League which was led by Arnold Leese, a rabidly anti-Semitic former veterinary surgeon; Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists; and the short-lived National Socialist League, a break-away from the BUF which itself later morphed into the British Council for Christian Settlement in Europe and the British People’s party.

More genteel Nazi sympathizers gravitated towards less-threatening sounding groups such as The Link (a Berlin-funded propaganda group led by a retired senior admiral, Barry Domvile, which supposedly promoted Anglo-German friendship and understanding) and the Nordic League. Beneath the veneer of respectability, the League – with its motto of “Perish Judah” – hosted meetings at which speakers praised Hitler and advocated murdering Jews, and its leadership had close links to the German Embassy.

Mosley’s footsoldiers were engaged in acts of espionage and sabotage: damaging public phones boxes to hamper communications during air raids; mapping the locations of aerodromes and RAF stations; and sketching the sites of local munitions factories. One 16-year-old was even found to have set fire to houses during the height of the Blitz with the aim of helping guide the Luftwaffe towards their targets.

Those caught were prosecuted and imprisoned, although in a pattern that was to be repeated throughout the war, the well-to-do and well-connected frequently escaped punishment.

Lot of Nazi sympathizers in Britain during WWII. Most hated Jews.
Nazism was very popular amongst the ruling classes = products of these schools. Not so much amongst the working classes who attacked Mosley and his filth wherever they showed their faces.

That is the worst what can be done. On the contrary, a state should encourage opening of private schools and offer more autonomy to public schools. Educational system based and dependent on decisions of a small group of bureaucrats is doomed to fail.
These schools perpetuate the outdated class structure in the UK and are a blight on our society.
These schools perpetuate the outdated class structure in the UK and are a blight on our society.

Awwwww poor Tommy. Him just weren't privileged enough to go to a private school. I bet that mean old Headmaster whipped the hell out of his fat ass in his public school. :laughing0301:

Tough shit. We saved your eel-eating Limey asses from the Nazis before, but don't count on us to do it again.

You're on your own.

I'm often tempted to wish that in WWII, we Americans had just stayed out of Europe, and left the Nazis and the Communists to fight over it and divide it up. It'd be interesting to see if the result would have been that Tainted Tommy would grow up speaking German or Russian. Or maybe he would have just ended in some British counterpart to Auschwitz.
I'm often tempted to wish that in WWII, we Americans had just stayed out of Europe, and left the Nazis and the Communists to fight over it and divide it up. It'd be interesting to see if the result would have been that Tainted Tommy would grow up speaking German or Russian. Or maybe he would have just ended in some British counterpart to Auschwitz.

He probably would have been given special privileges by the Nazis. Maybe even appointed to be a guard, who knows?

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