Nazis were Catholic?

No. He who truly is God made himself known to me long before I ever picked up a bible to read.

When I did look into the scripture I saw that Abraham, Moses, the prophets, Jesus and his disciples also believed in the same unknown God as I do. Mohammed was just a false prophet.

You are a piece of trash in a garbage truck on its way to the dump.

"You are a piece of trash in a garbage truck on its way to the dump."

how civil and religious of you. You must be a religious conservative.

decent people don't speak like that.

religious conservative? lol, is this your first day?

Don't get hysterical. I am only paying him back in his own coin.
Hob is an aggressive sod heeb whose petty insults are only outdone by his religious delusions. And he cherry picks the bible for stuff he likes as having really happened and rejects the rest as allegorical.

Petty insults? lol... Are you trying to say you haven't been prancing around here like a jackass masturbating in a public park in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon?

Gay Jesus, cum dribbles, anal sex, and all?


Captain Kangaroo?
Your attempt at insults is juvenile, petty, unoriginal and dumb, but make you feel like a big man, because in real life, you're probably some small, bald, big-nosed loser with coke bottle glasses who never amounted to much in life.
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
Last edited:
"You are a piece of trash in a garbage truck on its way to the dump."

how civil and religious of you. You must be a religious conservative.

decent people don't speak like that.

religious conservative? lol, is this your first day?

Don't get hysterical. I am only paying him back in his own coin.
Hob is an aggressive sod heeb whose petty insults are only outdone by his religious delusions. And he cherry picks the bible for stuff he likes as having really happened and rejects the rest as allegorical.

Petty insults? lol... Are you trying to say you haven't been prancing around here like a jackass masturbating in a public park in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon?

Gay Jesus, cum dribbles, anal sex, and all?


Captain Kangaroo?
Your attempt at insults is juvenile, petty, unoriginal and dumb, but make you feel like a big man, because in real life, you're probably some small, bald, big-nosed loser with coke bottle glasses who never amounted to much in life.
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
religious conservative? lol, is this your first day?

Don't get hysterical. I am only paying him back in his own coin.
Hob is an aggressive sod heeb whose petty insults are only outdone by his religious delusions. And he cherry picks the bible for stuff he likes as having really happened and rejects the rest as allegorical.

Petty insults? lol... Are you trying to say you haven't been prancing around here like a jackass masturbating in a public park in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon?

Gay Jesus, cum dribbles, anal sex, and all?


Captain Kangaroo?
Your attempt at insults is juvenile, petty, unoriginal and dumb, but make you feel like a big man, because in real life, you're probably some small, bald, big-nosed loser with coke bottle glasses who never amounted to much in life.
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
Last edited:
Hob is an aggressive sod heeb whose petty insults are only outdone by his religious delusions. And he cherry picks the bible for stuff he likes as having really happened and rejects the rest as allegorical.

Petty insults? lol... Are you trying to say you haven't been prancing around here like a jackass masturbating in a public park in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon?

Gay Jesus, cum dribbles, anal sex, and all?


Captain Kangaroo?
Your attempt at insults is juvenile, petty, unoriginal and dumb, but make you feel like a big man, because in real life, you're probably some small, bald, big-nosed loser with coke bottle glasses who never amounted to much in life.
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.
How exactly would Jews proselytye?
We don’t believe non-Jews are going to hell and we have 55,000 command details.
There’s nothing to scare you and you basically have to spend every moment of your life learning and adhering to God’s demands.
They attack other religions.
Please elaborate how attacking any religion would influence anyone to become a Jew.
You are promoting Jewish beliefs by attacking Christian beliefs. Arguing that you aren't trying to influence anyone to become a Jew is a cop out.

Ding bat -----tell us about rants in synagogues ATTACKING
your religion, Tell up about jews on street corners or
going house to house attacking YOUR religion. Tell up about
propaganda pamphlets SLIPPED into the books in Christian book
stores by JOOOOS attacking YOUR religion. TELL US---anything
that supports your shit finger lies
Funny but the only extremists I see on this board behaving in an adversarial manner are Jewish.

it's not funny. It's the way you were brought up.
... Catholic, Protestant, Episcopalian, Methodist, Born again, Jumpers for Jesus, what's the difference?

You all think that Jesus was God.

You all are either completely deluded or completely evil. ...

What is your own religion?

Christians believe that Jesus is a God that became a man.. Jews believe in a God that wants them to build a Temple to slaughter farm animals in and cares about what you eat and what you wear. Muslims believe in a God whose greatest prophet was a deranged child rapist who wants you on your knees five times a day.

I do not belong to or practice any religion.

I believe in an unknown God that never became a human being, an unknown God that doesn't give a shit about what you eat for dinner who doesn't need a home in a slaughterhouse, an unknown God that never chose a child rapist for a prophet and would never command human beings that evolved to walk upright to get down and grovel on their hands and knees five times a day...
And you quote scripture as your basis for your understanding of God.

No. He who truly is God made himself known to me long before I ever picked up a bible to read.

When I did look into the scripture I saw that Abraham, Moses, the prophets, Jesus and his disciples also believed in the same unknown God as I do. Mohammed was just a false prophet.

You are a piece of trash in a garbage truck on its way to the dump.
He’s a cherry picker too
What is your own religion?

Christians believe that Jesus is a God that became a man.. Jews believe in a God that wants them to build a Temple to slaughter farm animals in and cares about what you eat and what you wear. Muslims believe in a God whose greatest prophet was a deranged child rapist who wants you on your knees five times a day.

I do not belong to or practice any religion.

I believe in an unknown God that never became a human being, an unknown God that doesn't give a shit about what you eat for dinner who doesn't need a home in a slaughterhouse, an unknown God that never chose a child rapist for a prophet and would never command human beings that evolved to walk upright to get down and grovel on their hands and knees five times a day...
And you quote scripture as your basis for your understanding of God.

No. He who truly is God made himself known to me long before I ever picked up a bible to read.

When I did look into the scripture I saw that Abraham, Moses, the prophets, Jesus and his disciples also believed in the same unknown God as I do. Mohammed was just a false prophet.

You are a piece of trash in a garbage truck on its way to the dump.
How did god make himself known to you? :popcorn:

It was the summer of 75 and I was on my way to see my girlfriend, minding my own business, thinking about how messed up the world was, and then suddenly storm clouds gathered, the sky turned orange, there was rapid flashes of lightning and peals of thunder and then God said to me in a great voice, " I am God, come up here" .

So I did and from up there, standing in his presence, I saw everything from the beginning to the end of time.

see a good neurologist
Petty insults? lol... Are you trying to say you haven't been prancing around here like a jackass masturbating in a public park in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon?

Gay Jesus, cum dribbles, anal sex, and all?


Captain Kangaroo?
Your attempt at insults is juvenile, petty, unoriginal and dumb, but make you feel like a big man, because in real life, you're probably some small, bald, big-nosed loser with coke bottle glasses who never amounted to much in life.
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
Your attempt at insults is juvenile, petty, unoriginal and dumb, but make you feel like a big man, because in real life, you're probably some small, bald, big-nosed loser with coke bottle glasses who never amounted to much in life.
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
So why does the bible say Mary was a virgin? How can that be?
I will let you in on a little secret.

The only reason that what you call unoriginal petty insults bother you is because you know its true..

You can't ask two serious questions in a row without degenerating into some perverted crap about woodies or anal sex and kangaroos.

And then you sit there like a dog who raided the trash trying to act innocent while garbage is in your mouth and all over the place.

You are quite the piece of work.

Is it any wonder why God has left you out in the yard to howl at the moon while the family sits down for dinner?
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
So why does the bible say Mary was a virgin? How can that be?

Because she remained parthenos even after the fact and held onto the belief that Jesus would grow up to be the messiah. The title has more to do with the purity of her spirit than whether or not she ever had sex. She had other kids you know and they still call her the virgin Mary.
Last edited:
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
So why does the bible say Mary was a virgin? How can that be?

Because she remained parthenos even after the fact and held onto the belief that Jesus would grow up to be the messiah. The title has more to do with the purity of her spirit than whether or not she ever had sex. She had other kids you know and they still call her the virgin Mary.
Admit it, it's because she was fucked in the ass and some cum dribbled into her hairy clam.
So how do YOU think a virgin like Mary got up the duff?

So you didn't deny that you're short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. Was that god blessing you with ugliness?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
So why does the bible say Mary was a virgin? How can that be?

Because she remained parthenos even after the fact and held onto the belief that Jesus would grow up to be the messiah. The title has more to do with the purity of her spirit than whether or not she ever had sex. She had other kids you know and they still call her the virgin Mary.
No. She didn’t have other kids. She was born without the stain of original sin and remained sinless and ever virgin. These were the beliefs of early Christians.
... Catholic, Protestant, Episcopalian, Methodist, Born again, Jumpers for Jesus, what's the difference?

You all think that Jesus was God.

You all are either completely deluded or completely evil. ...

What is your own religion?

Christians believe that Jesus is a God that became a man.. Jews believe in a God that wants them to build a Temple to slaughter farm animals in and cares about what you eat and what you wear. Muslims believe in a God whose greatest prophet was a deranged child rapist who wants you on your knees five times a day.

I do not belong to or practice any religion.

I believe in an unknown God that never became a human being, an unknown God that doesn't give a shit about what you eat for dinner who doesn't need a home in a slaughterhouse, an unknown God that never chose a child rapist for a prophet and would never command human beings that evolved to walk upright to get down and grovel on their hands and knees five times a day...
And you quote scripture as your basis for your understanding of God.
Yes he was brainwashed too and cherry picks just like all of you theists do
Have you read the catechism?
No. She didn’t have other kids. She was born without the stain of original sin and remained sinless and ever virgin. These were the beliefs of early Christians.
The other point often made is that from the cross, Jesus placed his mother in the care of John. Isn't this also an indication Mary had no other children?
... Catholic, Protestant, Episcopalian, Methodist, Born again, Jumpers for Jesus, what's the difference?

You all think that Jesus was God.

You all are either completely deluded or completely evil. ...

What is your own religion?

Christians believe that Jesus is a God that became a man.. Jews believe in a God that wants them to build a Temple to slaughter farm animals in and cares about what you eat and what you wear. Muslims believe in a God whose greatest prophet was a deranged child rapist who wants you on your knees five times a day.

I do not belong to or practice any religion.

I believe in an unknown God that never became a human being, an unknown God that doesn't give a shit about what you eat for dinner who doesn't need a home in a slaughterhouse, an unknown God that never chose a child rapist for a prophet and would never command human beings that evolved to walk upright to get down and grovel on their hands and knees five times a day...
And you quote scripture as your basis for your understanding of God.

No. He who truly is God made himself known to me long before I ever picked up a bible to read.

When I did look into the scripture I saw that Abraham, Moses, the prophets, Jesus and his disciples also believed in the same unknown God as I do. Mohammed was just a false prophet.

You are a piece of trash in a garbage truck on its way to the dump.
Did your unknown God tell you to call me trash?
I told you already. Some stalker came to her window in the middle of the night and claimed to be the angel Gabriel sent by God to deliver the holy seed. It could have been a Roman centurion with a sick sense of humor or a dedicated temple priest who took on the names of angels and believed they had a religious duty to pass on their holy genetics.. Who can say? Thats why when her parents asked her how she got pregnant she said that she was never with a man, the angel Gabriel appeared at my window in the middle of the night and said that I was chosen etc., ....Then her parents looked at each other and said, uh oh........

And yes, I am short, round, bald, with a big nose and coke bottle glasses. I am hideous! Look away!
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
So why does the bible say Mary was a virgin? How can that be?

Because she remained parthenos even after the fact and held onto the belief that Jesus would grow up to be the messiah. The title has more to do with the purity of her spirit than whether or not she ever had sex. She had other kids you know and they still call her the virgin Mary.
No. She didn’t have other kids. She was born without the stain of original sin and remained sinless and ever virgin. These were the beliefs of early Christians.
So who was Joseph having sex with?
No. She didn’t have other kids. She was born without the stain of original sin and remained sinless and ever virgin. These were the beliefs of early Christians.
The other point often made is that from the cross, Jesus placed his mother in the care of John. Isn't this also an indication Mary had no other children?

His brothers and sisters were named. They weren't at the cross because they probably thought that Jesus had lost his mind like everyone else.
They attack other religions.
Please elaborate how attacking any religion would influence anyone to become a Jew.
You are promoting Jewish beliefs by attacking Christian beliefs. Arguing that you aren't trying to influence anyone to become a Jew is a cop out.

Ding bat -----tell us about rants in synagogues ATTACKING
your religion, Tell up about jews on street corners or
going house to house attacking YOUR religion. Tell up about
propaganda pamphlets SLIPPED into the books in Christian book
stores by JOOOOS attacking YOUR religion. TELL US---anything
that supports your shit finger lies
Funny but the only extremists I see on this board behaving in an adversarial manner are Jewish.

it's not funny. It's the way you were brought up.
You must be thinking of yourself. I was taught manners by my parents.
So you're saying (aside from that you're not a spectacular example of a man) that Mary wasn't a virgin? And Jesus was a bastard? An angry Sod Jew probably would say that. But it's all speculation, isn't it? Because that centurion may have packed her fudge when she said she was a virgin, which is still quite common today in that part of the world.

I said what I am saying. Mary was parthenos, a virgin without guile, who gave birth to a child fathered by Gabrielle whoever he was. This Jesus became the Son of God, a relational metaphor, begotten by God as a grown man, just like Adam was raised from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being without any of the fleshy desire of a human father.
So why does the bible say Mary was a virgin? How can that be?

Because she remained parthenos even after the fact and held onto the belief that Jesus would grow up to be the messiah. The title has more to do with the purity of her spirit than whether or not she ever had sex. She had other kids you know and they still call her the virgin Mary.
No. She didn’t have other kids. She was born without the stain of original sin and remained sinless and ever virgin. These were the beliefs of early Christians.
So who was Joseph having sex with?
You can bet your gelt that he was trying his best to be fruitful and multiply.
No. She didn’t have other kids. She was born without the stain of original sin and remained sinless and ever virgin. These were the beliefs of early Christians.
The other point often made is that from the cross, Jesus placed his mother in the care of John. Isn't this also an indication Mary had no other children?

His brothers and sisters were named. They weren't at the cross because they probably thought that Jesus had lost his mind like everyone else.
Nope. Read the catechism and you will see your error.

Or did your unknown God tell you that too?

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