NBA Tonight

Oscar Robertson averaged a triple double for a whole season, he was the man. I'd take Magic over Kidd or Iverson. Stockton was a great PG, so was Earl Monroe and Walt Frazier. Chauncey Billups was an underrated PG.
Do you remember when Calvin Murphy raced the entire Rocket team from baseline to baseline dribbling two basketballs and they were just flat out running?

Calvin won!
Atlanta has the NBAs best record. Most impressively, they've dominated against the West. Tonight they host east rival D.C.. Wizards have a killer lineup with Wall and Gortat. Humphries and Nene fit in nicely.

The East is better than anyone imagined, and there's no clear favorite in the West.

Bulls at Rockets tonight. Rose is 100%. Dwightmare is broken down. Bulls are just behind the Raptors and Wizards, and just ahead of Cleveland.

Dallas at Golden State. Rondo is out, but Parsons, Ellis and Nowitzki have been playing well.
The Warriors look bad when they aren't sinking 3s. They had a stretch of missing 20 in a row. Lost to Utah. But at (38-8), I can't complain.
Are you excited for the finals? Who would have thought cleveland would still be in it with love out. What happened to Atlanta?
When do the finals start?

I am ready for football, ESPN radio is keyed in on it.
they start in about 45 minutes and if LeBron beats curry this is going to cement his legacy as one of the greatest I hope curry wins so there is a rivalry in the NBA
Who will win a championship in the next ten years? Detroit, spurs, Knicks, Lakers, heat, Orlando, Memphis, houston, Atlanta, clippers or nj? How many of them will even make the conference finals?
I think the only competition from the east any of the top 6 in the west have to worry about is the Cavs. And that's only if they keep proving they've found their rhythm.
Golden State live by the three die by the three
If true, then they'll die by the three. They're down 10 after 1 quarter. I've turned down several bets on this series. Golden State is the better team, but there's no way I'm picking them against Lebron.
When do the finals start?

I am ready for football, ESPN radio is keyed in on it.
they start in about 45 minutes and if LeBron beats curry this is going to cement his legacy as one of the greatest I hope curry wins so there is a rivalry in the NBA

I have no favorite, I don't care who wins, basketball ended a week ago, I'm on to baseball and then football.
I wouldn't even no more spaghetti if it wasn't for this finals he's pretty good C this is like to be great you have to win a NBA championship or at least be in the NBA Finals pretty good game so pre
When do the finals start?

I am ready for football, ESPN radio is keyed in on it.
they start in about 45 minutes and if LeBron beats curry this is going to cement his legacy as one of the greatest I hope curry wins so there is a rivalry in the NBA

I have no favorite, I don't care who wins, basketball ended a week ago, I'm on to baseball and then football.
it's true I don't care who wins this but I am rooting for Golden State I'd like LeBron to have a rival and not dominate the league for 6 years like Jordan
Not only did the cavs throw that game away it looks like Kyrie maybe seriously hurt. If he is, I don't think the cavs will win the series anymore.
Not only did the cavs throw that game away it looks like Kyrie maybe seriously hurt. If he is, I don't think the cavs will win the series anymore.
I think LeBron made a positive impact on his legacy this year win or lose he was great he got his team to the finals he can't win them all. and I'm sure he will win more before he's done and I know winning Championships is a team effort so if his team isn't the best team that doesn't mean he's not the best player and he clearly is amazing but still at this point I think Jordan is the greatest ever he just seem to have more competitive drive but LeBron has the most talent by far amazing now there are also weakness is in lebrons game but not much I mean you have to be being picky and petty but just you just not Jordan not yet but notice I think LeBron is already past Kobe Bryan who has 5 championships so who has more championships isn't the only factor in how your ranked but still at this point I think Jordan 6 rings makes him better in my opinion but I believe that lebron will be the greatest before he's retired
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Not only did the cavs throw that game away it looks like Kyrie maybe seriously hurt. If he is, I don't think the cavs will win the series anymore.
I don't know why but I don't want guys like LeBron and Kobe to fall short of catching Michael Jordan. mike was special and I just don't see the same determination and drive and competitive spirit that might head and LeBron James. he is amazing and I do wish him well and I like him as a player and I think he will go down as the greatest when it's all said and done but he's just not my sorry
Go Warriors! Yay!
Go Warriors! Yay!
this is like the 1988 1989 pistons when they beat the Lakers and Magic Johnson was hurt and wasn't playing in the finals. we didn't care of that team was healthy or not. that's their problem. I'm happy that LeBron will finally have a rival besides Tim Duncan. I thought it would be Kevin Durant but that remains to be seen. I wonder if OKC will be better then Golden State next year. I wonder how many championships LeBron James will win. he may not win that many in a city like Cleveland. maybe Kobe Bryan will go play with him next year for league minimum. or Dwight Howard. or would the white be a liability rather than a positive. he didn't help harden at all. Lol
Ah time for the 2nd half. And pretty much a tie game. Now, Papageorgio, is when game 2 REALLY begins.
I don't understand how and why Cleveland is still in this game either Golden State is not playing their hearts out or LeBron is that damn good. but I think you're right I don't think they really play hard until the second half. if this were the bad boys they'd be winning by 20 points right now they would show no mercy hell you never know Cleveland wins this one and they are right back in this. everyone thinks Cleveland is done it would be amazing if they were tied 1 to 1 tomorrow morning
When do they play game two?
how was the hockey game today you know what I actually saw that game today I caught it in the start of the third. Didn't miss much but now this game right now here it's been interesting the whole game back and forth Cleveland actually winning right now wow

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