NBA Tonight

Kerr is coaching pretty good now. He forced Cavs to go small by doubling Moz and making him commit 2 TO's and zero rebounds in 9 minutes. Then that spaced the floor further so Della could get no help and Curry roasted his ass.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.
You havent walked the streets of Oakland. You would get your ass beat if you messed up and went into the wrong neighborhood. Tell us where did you walk? I was raised in Oakland so dont get yourself caught in a lie.
I was at the stadium that Kobe plays at. Staple center? Across the street I stayed at the Holiday Inn. each night I would walk to get my dinner at various places and they were people living in boxes right on the street. Amazing the bums would come out for concerts or Laker games for clipper game and beg. some wood so weed or scalp tickets. Figueroa? Anyways this guy says give me the money and I'll go get you the weed and I say go get the weed bring it back and I'll give you the money he says the guy won't trust him with the weed unless he has the money I say your friend doesn't trust you and you want me to trust you with my money? He says son you better watch how you talk to people around here you're not in Kansas anymore and I said bitch I'm from Detroit mother effer. he back down. He thought he was going to intimidate me. Lol.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

LBJ was indeed disasterous for

Yeah this guy is an idiot.For example,he once came on my Rams thread and said the Rams are not coming back to LA.only someone living on a deserted island STILL believes in that BS.

for example, you tell him pesky little facts like the Rams have had a 20% dropoff in season ticket sales in st louis this season because NOBODY in st louis believes they are staying there after this season and it STILL does not register with him they are leaving.:biggrin:

He once said as well that nobody in LA bats an eye out there about the Rams coming back to LA and when I proved him wrong on that as well with this post here on this thread with this video here in post # 1678
USMB Sports Bar Page 168 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He ran off with his tail between his legs knowing he was cornered.:biggrin:

Other people as you can see,came on that thread and acknowleded they were coming back but not him though.:rolleyes:

as you can see from that video in post # 1678 there,he is so full of shit when he says nobody in LA bats an eye about them coming back.

Lets see,for the first time ever since they been in st louis,they cancelled their yearly fanfest events they always have had,employee contracts end at the end of february this year instead of the customary end of may,not to mention that Rams owner stan kroneke said back in january that he was going to build an NFL stadium in LA.yet this fool STILL thinks its all for leverage for a new stadium in st louis where they have NO FAN SUPPORT.:haha::lmao::lmao: He is as clueless as USMB's resident troll rightwinger.:rofl:

matter of fact last year on a monday night game against the 49ers.just five minutes before the game started in the pregame show,steve young said-will the Rams be back in LA next year? we have an owner who wants to move them there and I dont blame him.I look around here and all i see is a bunch of empty seats everywhere.

that was LAST year and it will be much worse this year with the 20% drop off in season ticket sales yet this fool thinks its all for LEVERAGE for a new stadium in st louis.can you believe this idiot?:lmao:
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As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

LBJ was indeed disasterous for

Yeah this guy is an idiot.For example,he once came on my Rams thread and said the Rams are not coming back to LA.only someone living on a deserted island STILL believes in that BS.

for example, you tell him pesky little facts like the Rams have had a 20% dropoff in season ticket sales in st louis this season because NOBODY in st louis believes they are staying there after this season and it STILL does not register with him they are leaving.:biggrin:

He once said as well that nobody in LA bats an eye out there about the Rams coming back to LA and when I proved him wrong on that as well with this post here on this thread with this video here in post # 1678
USMB Sports Bar Page 168 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He ran off with his tail between his legs knowing he was cornered.:biggrin:

Other people as you can see,came on that thread and acknowleded they were coming back but not him though.:rolleyes:

as you can see from that video in post # 1678 there,he is so full of shit when he says nobody in LA bats an eye about them coming back.

Lets see,for the first time ever since they been in st louis,they cancelled their yearly fanfest events they always have had,employee contracts end at the end of february this year instead of the customary end of may,not to mention that Rams owner stan kroneke said back in january that he was going to build an NFL stadium in LA.yet this fool STILL thinks its all for leverage for a new stadium in st louis where they have NO FAN SUPPORT.:haha:

matter of fact last year on a monday night game against the 49ers.just five minutes before the game started in the pregame show,steve young said-will the Rams be in LA next year? we have an owner who wants to move them there and I dont blame him.I look around here and all i see is a bunch of empty seats everywhere.

that was LAST year and it will be much worse this year with the 20% drop off in season ticket sales yet this fool thinks its all for LEVERAGE for a new stadium in st louis.can you believe this idiot?:lmao:
who gives a s***? Until their competitive I don't even know where the Rams are. Oakland St Louis Toronto whatever. But I guess it would suck if that guy is the st. Louis van and he's about to lose his team and he doesn't even know it so why don't you leave me alone jerk lol
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Hey so what, its THEIR Dump..Dont rag on some other part of the city in the state you live in just because its not as nice as yours.

I dont like the Raiders one bit at all but you know what? once in a great blue moon i like to go visit that city to see games out there because they got the most entertaining fans in the world.every sunday is halloween out there because they got the best fans in the country.

matter of fact Oakland Raider fans get a very unfair bad rap and you know what? they get that bad rap because of how the fans in LA behaved when the Raiders were there. It was only mostly thugs in LA that embraced them there when they played out there in LA.

They will never be allowed by the NFL to go back there again because the city doesnt want them there.the fans in LA dont know how to behave.

when Howie Long played for the raiders out in LA he said he stopped taking his family to games out there because of how bad the fans in LA behaved in the stands causing fights all the time.

He said that was NEVER a problem for him his first two years in Oakland when the raiders drafted him.

Matter of fact the Oakland fans showed they had class when on a monday night game there,they cheered Brett Farve at halftime when he broke an NFL record.this DESPITE the fact they got blown out by the packers and they even had signs on the wall that were sympathetic to him because his father had died that week.

you know what your LA Raider fans did their last game of the year out there in LA against the kansas city chiefs? they cheered when Joe Montana got hurt.The OAKLAND fans NEVER do that cause they have class so you are in no position to be telling her that her city is a dupe idiot.:lmao:

Thank you. LA RUINED the Raiders.

Indeed.Like i said,Howie Long and many other players said they stopped taking their familys to Raider games because they feared for their safety because of how bad the fans behaved in the stands and he NEVER had that problem bringing them to games in Oakland his first two years playing there.

I dont ever recall watching a Raiders game in oakland over the years where the fans cheered when one of the opposing players got hurt.I know many Raider fans that live there as well and they said that has never happened out there so he should be looking no further than his own city when telling people they have a city that is a dump.:rolleyes:
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

LBJ was indeed disasterous for

Yeah this guy is an idiot.For example,he once came on my Rams thread and said the Rams are not coming back to LA.only someone living on a deserted island STILL believes in that BS.

for example, you tell him pesky little facts like the Rams have had a 20% dropoff in season ticket sales in st louis this season because NOBODY in st louis believes they are staying there after this season and it STILL does not register with him they are leaving.:biggrin:

He once said as well that nobody in LA bats an eye out there about the Rams coming back to LA and when I proved him wrong on that as well with this post here on this thread with this video here in post # 1678
USMB Sports Bar Page 168 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He ran off with his tail between his legs knowing he was cornered.:biggrin:

Other people as you can see,came on that thread and acknowleded they were coming back but not him though.:rolleyes:

as you can see from that video in post # 1678 there,he is so full of shit when he says nobody in LA bats an eye about them coming back.

Lets see,for the first time ever since they been in st louis,they cancelled their yearly fanfest events they always have had,employee contracts end at the end of february this year instead of the customary end of may,not to mention that Rams owner stan kroneke said back in january that he was going to build an NFL stadium in LA.yet this fool STILL thinks its all for leverage for a new stadium in st louis where they have NO FAN SUPPORT.:haha:

matter of fact last year on a monday night game against the 49ers.just five minutes before the game started in the pregame show,steve young said-will the Rams be in LA next year? we have an owner who wants to move them there and I dont blame him.I look around here and all i see is a bunch of empty seats everywhere.

that was LAST year and it will be much worse this year with the 20% drop off in season ticket sales yet this fool thinks its all for LEVERAGE for a new stadium in st louis.can you believe this idiot?:lmao:
who gives a s***? Until their competitive I don't even know where the Rams are. Oakland St Louis Toronto whatever. But I guess it would suck if that guy is the st. Louis van and he's about to lose his team and he doesn't even know it so why don't you leave me alone jerk lol

this post wasnt event directed at you so why are you taking this so personal going into meltdown mode?:rolleyes:

oh and since your taking this so personal then just so you know,when they are back in LA,that will change,they will be competitive again cause every free agent in the world will want to come to LA and play.Nobody wants to sign with them now and play in the dump they play in NOW.:biggrin: since you want to talk about teams being competitive
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Ahh man I am so the moment anyways.that would be so great to see the city of oakland have a championship to celebrate. They needed to win this game as badly as they needed game four in cleveland.

It will be much easier for them to win the championship now.even if they go to cleveland and lose,I dont see them coming back to oakland and losing game 7.they have been able to overcome diversity the whole year and have made the neccessary adjustments in their game to win now it looks like.

I really like that stephen curry.Unlike Lebron,HE is a class act.

Thank god the Cavs have one of their starters injured otherwise I dont think the warriors would have a prayer of winning it all the fact that the cavs have taken them to game 6 despite the injurys.James is carrying the load cause he doesnt have the supporting cast.that guy is one hell of a ballplayer. no question about that.

something i dont get about Curry,why does that guy wear a mouthpiece and why does he always have it out of his mouth during breaks? lol
I give some credit to Steve Kerr the coach of Golden State. don't forget LeBron James almost won game 1. apparently you never played a sport where you wore a mouthpiece when you get punched in the face broken teeth gums bite your tongue enough times you wear a mouthpiece. and in between action it's like a pacifier. you don't wear it the whole time uncomfortable to do so hard to breathe

hey i dont follow basketball give me a break..again i only have causal interest in it this time unlike years past cause i badly want oakland to have a championship they badly deserve.
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As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality upon re-entrance. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.

You have shit for brains. The Arena and Coliseum are located in a not good area - but they are convenient to BART and 880. Anyone who actually knows Oakland understands not to look for restaurants near the Arena.

And: You are a MORON.

I was there for a convention earlier. If I had drove somewhere to eat, I'd have had to pay twenty bucks for parking upon re-entrance. That makes for a real expensive trip to Taco Bell or wherever. And the fact that the arena is in a sh** area says all you need to know about Oakland is the point. The BS wouldn't have been happening if I was about pretty much anywhere else in Northern California. Just because you found what you think is a liveable neighborhood in Oakland doesn't mean the rest of us got to give props to that cesspool of a town.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality upon re-entrance. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.

You have shit for brains. The Arena and Coliseum are located in a not good area - but they are convenient to BART and 880. Anyone who actually knows Oakland understands not to look for restaurants near the Arena.

And: You are a MORON.

I was there for a convention earlier. If I had drove somewhere to eat, I'd have had to pay twenty bucks for parking upon re-entrance. That makes for a real expensive trip to Taco Bell or wherever. And the fact that the arena is in a sh** area says all you need to know about Oakland is the point. The BS wouldn't have been happening if I was about pretty much anywhere else in Northern California. Just because you found what you think is a liveable neighborhood in Oakland doesn't mean the rest of us got to give props to that cesspool of a town.

Just proving you are utterly stoopid and/or a Liar. The Oakland Convention Center is close to Jack London Square, Old Oakland, and Uptown, which all have fabulous restaurants.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:

Are you fucking retarded? I put nearby in single quotes to indicate it wasn't all that nearby. I swear you make the biggest dumb fuck of yourself day in and day out.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality upon re-entrance. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.

You have shit for brains. The Arena and Coliseum are located in a not good area - but they are convenient to BART and 880. Anyone who actually knows Oakland understands not to look for restaurants near the Arena.

And: You are a MORON.

I was there for a convention earlier. If I had drove somewhere to eat, I'd have had to pay twenty bucks for parking upon re-entrance. That makes for a real expensive trip to Taco Bell or wherever. And the fact that the arena is in a sh** area says all you need to know about Oakland is the point. The BS wouldn't have been happening if I was about pretty much anywhere else in Northern California. Just because you found what you think is a liveable neighborhood in Oakland doesn't mean the rest of us got to give props to that cesspool of a town.
Youre a clown! You do realize they have mansions in Oakland and not all of Oakland looks like the area by the Arena right? I'm curious why you were at the Arena instead of the Convention Center if you were at a convention? Did you just get caught in a lie?
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:

Are you fucking retarded? I put nearby in single quotes to indicate it wasn't all that nearby. I swear you make the biggest dumb fuck of yourself day in and day out.

You are a dumbfuck. Old Oakland is right next to the Convention Center, and unless you are paralyzed or excessively obese, a Very Short Walk.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:

Are you fucking retarded? I put nearby in single quotes to indicate it wasn't all that nearby. I swear you make the biggest dumb fuck of yourself day in and day out.
Yes you are a fucking retard. You got caught in a lie. Like I said you are full of runny shit.
As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:

Are you fucking retarded? I put nearby in single quotes to indicate it wasn't all that nearby. I swear you make the biggest dumb fuck of yourself day in and day out.

You are a dumbfuck. Old Oakland is right next to the Convention Center, and unless you are paralyzed or excessively obese, a Very Short Walk.
That dumb bitch has never been in Oakland. He read some stories on the internet.
As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality upon re-entrance. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.

You have shit for brains. The Arena and Coliseum are located in a not good area - but they are convenient to BART and 880. Anyone who actually knows Oakland understands not to look for restaurants near the Arena.

And: You are a MORON.

I was there for a convention earlier. If I had drove somewhere to eat, I'd have had to pay twenty bucks for parking upon re-entrance. That makes for a real expensive trip to Taco Bell or wherever. And the fact that the arena is in a sh** area says all you need to know about Oakland is the point. The BS wouldn't have been happening if I was about pretty much anywhere else in Northern California. Just because you found what you think is a liveable neighborhood in Oakland doesn't mean the rest of us got to give props to that cesspool of a town.

Just proving you are utterly stoopid and/or a Liar. The Oakland Convention Center is close to Jack London Square, Old Oakland, and Uptown, which all have fabulous restaurants.

Are you fucking retarded? I was at the Oracle Arena. I never said sh** about the Oakland Convention Center. I said I was at a convention (at f'ing Oracle Arena). Those destinations are five and a half miles apart.
As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:

Are you fucking retarded? I put nearby in single quotes to indicate it wasn't all that nearby. I swear you make the biggest dumb fuck of yourself day in and day out.
Yes you are a fucking retard. You got caught in a lie. Like I said you are full of runny shit.

What lie? The fact that you and boedicca can't read doesn't make something a lie, MORON.
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Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:

Are you fucking retarded? I put nearby in single quotes to indicate it wasn't all that nearby. I swear you make the biggest dumb fuck of yourself day in and day out.
Yes you are a fucking retard. You got caught in a lie. Like I said you are full of runny shit.

What lie? The fact that you and boedicca doesn't make something a lie, MORON.
The lie about being in Oakland. Its pretty obvious you are a liar. You dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
That dumb bitch has never been in Oakland. He read some stories on the internet.

Not counting times I just passed through, I've been to Oakland one time. That one time was more than fucking enough. Just cos you come online and peddle lies to sell yourself doesn't mean the rest of us don't have anything better to do.

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