NBA Tonight

Stop it Rocko!. Delly couldnt make an All NBA defensive team if all the starting PGs in the league got kidnapped by aliens. That entire notion is just silliness.

Wanna bet? If we are still posting here by next year...I'll throw down on a bet...that's how confident I am in my boy Delly.
Sure. What are we betting?

Sig bet... three
Sounds good to me. You better hope Chris Paul, John Wall, Mike Conley, Damian Lillard, Marcus Smart, Avery Bradley (who plays PG sometimes), etc etc all tear an ACL
You're showing your limited basketball knowledge. Lillard sucks on D.

Asclepias is known for being more of a fanboy than a knowledgeable basketball connoisseur. He's been laughed off of other boards.

Why am I not surprised! ?!
Sure. What are we betting?

Sig bet... three
Sounds good to me. You better hope Chris Paul, John Wall, Mike Conley, Damian Lillard, Marcus Smart, Avery Bradley (who plays PG sometimes), etc etc all tear an ACL
You're showing your limited basketball knowledge. Lillard sucks on D.

Asclepias is known for being more of a fanboy than a knowledgeable basketball connoisseur. He's been laughed off of other boards.
If you think Lillard is a defensive liability you are more retarded than Rocko. Lillard is one of the best defensive guards in the league.

He is a defensive liability, you're just too stupid to understand it.
Dubs got this. Curry is pretty much tired of all the nonsense regarding Delly. He lit his ass up tonight.

Yeah well Delly spent a couple nights in the hospital - he's gassed out.
Thats because he is a scrub. Scrubs always wind up in the hospital after playing against talented players. Still think he is going to be all NBA Defensive next year? :laugh:
Ahh man I am so the moment anyways.that would be so great to see the city of oakland have a championship to celebrate. They needed to win this game as badly as they needed game four in cleveland.

It will be much easier for them to win the championship now.even if they go to cleveland and lose,I dont see them coming back to oakland and losing game 7.they have been able to overcome diversity the whole year and have made the neccessary adjustments in their game to win now it looks like.

I really like that stephen curry.Unlike Lebron,HE is a class act.

Thank god the Cavs have one of their starters injured otherwise I dont think the warriors would have a prayer of winning it all the fact that the cavs have taken them to game 6 despite the injurys.James is carrying the load cause he doesnt have the supporting cast.that guy is one hell of a ballplayer. no question about that.

something i dont get about Curry,why does that guy wear a mouthpiece and why does he always have it out of his mouth during breaks? lol
Son, don't tell me what I forget. I know way more about the game than you'll ever know. No, Rondo didnt play with Avery then. Rather he played with pre-knee injury KG, who probably had the best perimeter defensive season of any big in the history of the NBA in 08 if not the best season by a defensive anchor period.
Sorry but I just told you. Your claim was that Avery made Rondo look good. Rondo is (or was) a great on ball and help defender.

Dude, you make these idiotic claims that defy common knowledge. Great defensive players don't take two years off on playing defense; that's something that limited defensive players with offensive mindsets do:

Rajon Rondo I haven t played defense in a couple of years ProBasketballTalk

And Rondo is not one of the best on ball defenders in the league. He's not even close to great, jackass.
You're an idiot. How do you make 4 All NBA Defensive teams (2 first teams) without being a good defensive player? Only a fucking idiot thinks because he was slacking he suddenly cant do it. You should probably stick to offering your opinion on shuffle board.

By hitting stat benchmarks...Kobe has made plenty of all defensive teams when for years he barely played any defense at all. I swear, it's like a crush your fanboy illusions one post after another.
We arent talking about Kobe. We are talking about Rondo an offensively limited player. You didnt answer my question. How did Rondo make 4 All NBA Defensive teams if he cant play defense? You mouth breathers that dont know much about basketball make me laugh. :laugh:

I did answer your question, numb nuts. The Kobe element was relevant if you could follow f'ing natural discourse. He has won I don't know how many all defensive teams awards while playing terrible to barely passable defense for the majority of those minutes. Kobe is not the other one...Rondo has benefited as well from the NBA marketing machine. He's never been a great defender and in fact he was terrible when he finally had to play defense in Dallas.
Dubs got this. Curry is pretty much tired of all the nonsense regarding Delly. He lit his ass up tonight.

Yeah well Delly spent a couple nights in the hospital - he's gassed out.
Thats because he is a scrub. Scrubs always wind up in the hospital after playing against talented players. Still think he is going to be all NBA Defensive next year? :laugh:

Twenty-five year olds who walk off the court on their own free will don't go to the hospital for cramps. He's playing possum just like Mike Miller did in the 2013 Finals; it's a patented LBJ ploy.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thanks to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.
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As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.

You have shit for brains. The Arena and Coliseum are located in a not good area - but they are convenient to BART and 880. Anyone who actually knows Oakland understands not to look for restaurants near the Arena.

And: You are a MORON.
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As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

Yeah I think it sucks for Oakland fans that they are called Golden State.Not being a basketball fan,I just assumed they always played in san fran since they were called Golden State.the players and owner should have demanded the league call them OAKLAND Warriors.

Once they move back to san fran,they of course will be called SAN FRANCISCO Warriors. I hope they win it all and when they leave for San Fran,they suck for the next forty years same as they did while in Oakland.

I will have had it with sports if the Raiders and A's join them and leave.their identity is Oakland.thats where they belong.I dont even like the Raiders.Never have other than when Rich Gannon was there but Oakland is their identity.same with the A's.thats where they belong.

Its like calling the yankees leaving new york and playing in Las Vegas or something.I just cant imiagine them being called anything other than new york yankees.same with the A's and Raiders.their city is their identity.
Sorry but I just told you. Your claim was that Avery made Rondo look good. Rondo is (or was) a great on ball and help defender.

Dude, you make these idiotic claims that defy common knowledge. Great defensive players don't take two years off on playing defense; that's something that limited defensive players with offensive mindsets do:

Rajon Rondo I haven t played defense in a couple of years ProBasketballTalk

And Rondo is not one of the best on ball defenders in the league. He's not even close to great, jackass.
You're an idiot. How do you make 4 All NBA Defensive teams (2 first teams) without being a good defensive player? Only a fucking idiot thinks because he was slacking he suddenly cant do it. You should probably stick to offering your opinion on shuffle board.

By hitting stat benchmarks...Kobe has made plenty of all defensive teams when for years he barely played any defense at all. I swear, it's like a crush your fanboy illusions one post after another.
We arent talking about Kobe. We are talking about Rondo an offensively limited player. You didnt answer my question. How did Rondo make 4 All NBA Defensive teams if he cant play defense? You mouth breathers that dont know much about basketball make me laugh. :laugh:

I did answer your question, numb nuts. The Kobe element was relevant if you could follow f'ing natural discourse. He has won I don't know how many all defensive teams awards while playing terrible to barely passable defense for the majority of those minutes. Kobe is not the other one...Rondo has benefited as well from the NBA marketing machine. He's never been a great defender and in fact he was terrible when he finally had to play defense in Dallas.
No you didnt answer my question dummy. You told me some bullshit story about Kobe. I asked about Rondo not Kobe. Facts are that Rondo made the Defensive team 4 times. You obviously are not remotely qualified to render an opinion. People that get paid to do so disagree with you. What in the hell makes you think I would believe your retarded opinion?
Dubs got this. Curry is pretty much tired of all the nonsense regarding Delly. He lit his ass up tonight.

Yeah well Delly spent a couple nights in the hospital - he's gassed out.
Thats because he is a scrub. Scrubs always wind up in the hospital after playing against talented players. Still think he is going to be all NBA Defensive next year? :laugh:

Twenty-five year olds who walk off the court on their own free will don't go to the hospital for cramps. He's playing possum just like Mike Miller did in the 2013 Finals; it's a patented LBJ ploy.
Sure he is. He is playing possum by spending the night in the hospital then getting lit up for 37 points in the next game. Face it. Delly is a scrub in the NBA.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.
You havent walked the streets of Oakland. You would get your ass beat if you messed up and went into the wrong neighborhood. Tell us where did you walk? I was raised in Oakland so dont get yourself caught in a lie.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

Oakland is sh**. I saw it for myself. The news pretty well matches the reality. I didn't walk from the arena to a 'nearby' restaurant because it was a very dangerous place. So, I guess I was "intelligent." But nobody should have to make these kinds of decisions in America. So really, fuck Oakland and fuck you for hatin' on someone telling it how it is.
What nearby restaurant were you going to walk to? I knew you were full of shit.:laugh:
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Hey so what, its THEIR Dump..Dont rag on some other part of the city in the state you live in just because its not as nice as yours.

I dont like the Raiders one bit at all but you know what? once in a great blue moon i like to go visit that city to see games out there because they got the most entertaining fans in the world.every sunday is halloween out there because they got the best fans in the country.

matter of fact Oakland Raider fans get a very unfair bad rap and you know what? they get that bad rap because of how the fans in LA behaved when the Raiders were there. It was only mostly thugs in LA that embraced them there when they played out there in LA.

They will never be allowed by the NFL to go back there again because the city doesnt want them there.the fans in LA dont know how to behave.

when Howie Long played for the raiders out in LA he said he stopped taking his family to games out there because of how bad the fans in LA behaved in the stands causing fights all the time.

He said that was NEVER a problem for him his first two years in Oakland when the raiders drafted him.

Matter of fact the Oakland fans showed they had class when on a monday night game there,they cheered Brett Farve at halftime when he broke an NFL record.this DESPITE the fact they got blown out by the packers and they even had signs on the wall that were sympathetic to him because his father had died that week.

you know what your LA Raider fans did their last game of the year out there in LA against the kansas city chiefs? they cheered when Joe Montana got hurt.The OAKLAND fans NEVER do that cause they have class so you are in no position to be telling her that her city is a dump you idiot.:lmao:
Dubs got this. Curry is pretty much tired of all the nonsense regarding Delly. He lit his ass up tonight.

Yeah well Delly spent a couple nights in the hospital - he's gassed out.
Thats because he is a scrub. Scrubs always wind up in the hospital after playing against talented players. Still think he is going to be all NBA Defensive next year? :laugh:
absolutely. that is exactly how I would play if somebody put me in there and told me to guard the best player in the world I'd be all over him I would harass him I would hound him I would be on him like glue. and I would probably be exhausted at the end of the game. it's also a lot different to do that for one game or seven games and do that for a whole season. I'm glad for the guy he'll probably get a raise next year but he's still just a bench player when the rest of the team gets healthy
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Hey so what, its THEIR Dump..Dont rag on some other part of the city in the state you live in just because its not as nice as yours.

I dont like the Raiders one bit at all but you know what? once in a great blue moon i like to go visit that city to see games out there because they got the most entertaining fans in the world.every sunday is halloween out there because they got the best fans in the country.

matter of fact Oakland Raider fans get a very unfair bad rap and you know what? they get that bad rap because of how the fans in LA behaved when the Raiders were there. It was only mostly thugs in LA that embraced them there when they played out there in LA.

They will never be allowed by the NFL to go back there again because the city doesnt want them there.the fans in LA dont know how to behave.

when Howie Long played for the raiders out in LA he said he stopped taking his family to games out there because of how bad the fans in LA behaved in the stands causing fights all the time.

He said that was NEVER a problem for him his first two years in Oakland when the raiders drafted him.

Matter of fact the Oakland fans showed they had class when on a monday night game there,they cheered Brett Farve at halftime when he broke an NFL record.this DESPITE the fact they got blown out by the packers and they even had signs on the wall that were sympathetic to him because his father had died that week.

you know what your LA Raider fans did their last game of the year out there in LA against the kansas city chiefs? they cheered when Joe Montana got hurt.The OAKLAND fans NEVER do that cause they have class so you are in no position to be telling her that her city is a dupe idiot.:lmao:

Thank you. LA RUINED the Raiders.
Ahh man I am so the moment anyways.that would be so great to see the city of oakland have a championship to celebrate. They needed to win this game as badly as they needed game four in cleveland.

It will be much easier for them to win the championship now.even if they go to cleveland and lose,I dont see them coming back to oakland and losing game 7.they have been able to overcome diversity the whole year and have made the neccessary adjustments in their game to win now it looks like.

I really like that stephen curry.Unlike Lebron,HE is a class act.

Thank god the Cavs have one of their starters injured otherwise I dont think the warriors would have a prayer of winning it all the fact that the cavs have taken them to game 6 despite the injurys.James is carrying the load cause he doesnt have the supporting cast.that guy is one hell of a ballplayer. no question about that.

something i dont get about Curry,why does that guy wear a mouthpiece and why does he always have it out of his mouth during breaks? lol
I give some credit to Steve Kerr the coach of Golden State. don't forget LeBron James almost won game 1. apparently you never played a sport where you wore a mouthpiece when you get punched in the face broken teeth gums bite your tongue enough times you wear a mouthpiece. and in between action it's like a pacifier. you don't wear it the whole time uncomfortable to do so hard to breathe

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