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NBA's Barkley: 'Brainwashed' Blacks, Not Whites, Are Keeping Blacks Down


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
NBA's Barkley: 'Brainwashed' Blacks, Not Whites, Are Keeping Blacks Down

In light of 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernickā€™s outrageous accusation that the United States is a country that oppresses people of color, it's worth noting that NBA legend Charles Barkley gave an interview recently to a local Philadelphia radio station in which he stated that ā€œunintelligent,ā€ ā€œbrainwashedā€ African-Americans, not whites or cops, are the ones keeping successful blacks down.

As Blue Lives Matter reports, Barkley was posed a question on the radio show Afternoons with Anthony Gargano and Rob Ellis about a rumor that Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson was being accused by his teammates of not being ā€œblack enough.ā€ Barkley responded this way:

ā€œUnfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, weā€™re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When youā€™re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. Itā€™s a dirty, dark secret; Iā€™m glad itā€™s coming out.ā€

ā€œOne of the reasons weā€™re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if youā€™re not a thug or an idiot, youā€™re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and donā€™t break the law, youā€™re not a good black person. And itā€™s a dirty, dark secret.ā€

Barkley concluded the interview by stating,

ā€œThere are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who donā€™t have success, Itā€™s best to knock a successful black person down because theyā€™re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and theyā€™re successfulā€¦Weā€™re the only ethnic group who say, ā€˜Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.ā€™ Itā€™s just typical BS that goes on when youā€™re black, man.ā€

NBA's Barkley: 'Brainwashed' Blacks, Not Whites, Are Keeping Blacks Down

There is truth to his comments. Not all African Americans are brainwashed or mentally challenged, but are often used to pump up liberal policies believing promises of getting more from the gov't from their leaders. Remember when the black lady was interviewed for Obama's first run at the presidency? She said "Obama is gonna pay my mortgage!!!" Did she even know what a mortgage was? It certainly sounded good.

How many times have we heard "Uncle Tom" in relation to black success? Isn't that a cop out for accepting the status quo and not challenging yourself to become something better?

African American success begins at home where consequences are suffered for poor grades, improper behavior and higher expectations from parents are the norm.

Kaepernick should know where his resolve to be a success began. With his parents. They most likely said "You are not going to act the fool and blow your chances of being great!" He could have gone down the path of being as thug, but his parents are there to keep him focused. If he hadn't have the talent, his parents probably would have set a course for his success.

But Kaepernick is blaming others for the failure of anyone to meet higher expectations. Black Lives don't matter any more than Asian, Mexicans or whites. Stop with the excuses and make something of yourself! Cops don't usually put people in dangerous situations. It's the behavior of people that do. No more excuses.

It's up to all of us, all races, that we take the opportunities and work diligently to bring the success we want. We live in one of the greatest countries where the citizen makes it happen.
Low IQ levels is what keeps blacks down
I think that is true with other races as well as blacks, but I see the elected leaders taking advantage of that. Still higher expectations for the challenged youngsters will result in more people working and and a measure of success for and a sense of pride for many.

The black community ( and others who may be somewhat marginalized) will not feel they are part of the American mainstream until they partake in job opportunities and the feeling they are as productive as any other race.
I've long been a big fan of Barkley. He says what he thinks instead of saying things he has calculated to meet with acceptance.

As far as I am concerned, the degree to which a black person buys into entire notion of white privilege determines their success in society to a great degree. Run around with a chip on your shoulder expressing racial hostility, refusing to to become educated, playing the blame game instead of taking personal responsibility, and guess what -- you won't be fucking successful in life. It works for anybody no matter their race. Good grief, countless Vietnamese arrived in this country with little more than the shirt on their back, but did they run around playing the victim card? No -- they had a work ethic, they valued education, they learned the language and made something of themselves. Heck, even second generation Vietnamese speak English better than countless black people who can trace their ancestry several generations.

Playing the victim game is not the road to success. Just look at the Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians as an example. They top priority in the world is murdering Jews instead of making something of themselves, they would rather destroy than build, and they produce absolutely nothing of value to the world. The chip on their shoulder is their shackle. The same goes for far too many blacks in our country who would rather shackle themselves with the very chips that prevent their success than take responsibility.
Maybe fewer black American kids should be encouraged to take as role models guys who make millions throwing a ball at a hoop.
I've long been a big fan of Barkley. He says what he thinks instead of saying things he has calculated to meet with acceptance.

As far as I am concerned, the degree to which a black person buys into entire notion of white privilege determines their success in society to a great degree. Run around with a chip on your shoulder expressing racial hostility, refusing to to become educated, playing the blame game instead of taking personal responsibility, and guess what -- you won't be fucking successful in life. It works for anybody no matter their race. Good grief, countless Vietnamese arrived in this country with little more than the shirt on their back, but did they run around playing the victim card? No -- they had a work ethic, they valued education, they learned the language and made something of themselves. Heck, even second generation Vietnamese speak English better than countless black people who can trace their ancestry several generations.

Playing the victim game is not the road to success. Just look at the Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians as an example. They top priority in the world is murdering Jews instead of making something of themselves, they would rather destroy than build, and they produce absolutely nothing of value to the world. The chip on their shoulder is their shackle. The same goes for far too many blacks in our country who would rather shackle themselves with the very chips that prevent their success than take responsibility.
Well said, Dog!
Maybe fewer black American kids should be encouraged to take as role models guys who make millions throwing a ball at a hoop.
There were very talented athletes who were given millions for by their teams and just wasn't enough. They didn't have the work ethic as Dogmaphobe said and ruined very successful careers.
Pretty much the point I've always made.

I prefer the term "conditioned" to "brainwashed", but whatever.

Good for him.
Low IQ levels is what keeps blacks down
IS that what kept the poor White masses of European peasants and serfs down? For centuries they were they were the "Nā€”gers" of Europe. It was not until they left their oppressors, and the social environment that spawned their bleak impoverished condition, that their full potential could be realized. Colonization provided free land and opportunity they had never known. The only obstacles were the natives who were already here. They took care of them and millions of their kind followed and prospered without oversight by a hostile race, or, royalists watching over them. Freedom allowed the latent IQ to emergeā€¦even after centuries of suppression. The descendants of Black slaves are waiting for their turn to re-emerge. And millions already have!
NBA's Barkley: 'Brainwashed' Blacks, Not Whites, Are Keeping Blacks Down

In light of 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernickā€™s outrageous accusation that the United States is a country that oppresses people of color, it's worth noting that NBA legend Charles Barkley gave an interview recently to a local Philadelphia radio station in which he stated that ā€œunintelligent,ā€ ā€œbrainwashedā€ African-Americans, not whites or cops, are the ones keeping successful blacks down.

As Blue Lives Matter reports, Barkley was posed a question on the radio show Afternoons with Anthony Gargano and Rob Ellis about a rumor that Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson was being accused by his teammates of not being ā€œblack enough.ā€ Barkley responded this way:

ā€œUnfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, weā€™re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When youā€™re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. Itā€™s a dirty, dark secret; Iā€™m glad itā€™s coming out.ā€

ā€œOne of the reasons weā€™re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if youā€™re not a thug or an idiot, youā€™re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and donā€™t break the law, youā€™re not a good black person. And itā€™s a dirty, dark secret.ā€

Barkley concluded the interview by stating,

ā€œThere are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who donā€™t have success, Itā€™s best to knock a successful black person down because theyā€™re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and theyā€™re successfulā€¦Weā€™re the only ethnic group who say, ā€˜Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.ā€™ Itā€™s just typical BS that goes on when youā€™re black, man.ā€

NBA's Barkley: 'Brainwashed' Blacks, Not Whites, Are Keeping Blacks Down

There is truth to his comments. Not all African Americans are brainwashed or mentally challenged, but are often used to pump up liberal policies believing promises of getting more from the gov't from their leaders. Remember when the black lady was interviewed for Obama's first run at the presidency? She said "Obama is gonna pay my mortgage!!!" Did she even know what a mortgage was? It certainly sounded good.

How many times have we heard "Uncle Tom" in relation to black success? Isn't that a cop out for accepting the status quo and not challenging yourself to become something better?

African American success begins at home where consequences are suffered for poor grades, improper behavior and higher expectations from parents are the norm.

Kaepernick should know where his resolve to be a success began. With his parents. They most likely said "You are not going to act the fool and blow your chances of being great!" He could have gone down the path of being as thug, but his parents are there to keep him focused. If he hadn't have the talent, his parents probably would have set a course for his success.

But Kaepernick is blaming others for the failure of anyone to meet higher expectations. Black Lives don't matter any more than Asian, Mexicans or whites. Stop with the excuses and make something of yourself! Cops don't usually put people in dangerous situations. It's the behavior of people that do. No more excuses.

It's up to all of us, all races, that we take the opportunities and work diligently to bring the success we want. We live in one of the greatest countries where the citizen makes it happen.
Barkley is right but his comments make him an Uncle Tom, in the minds of some leftists.

Anyone who has spent time in poor black communities, knows of the terrible problems present there. Blacks are certainly to blame, but also government run by leftists is partially responsible. Public schools that don't teach anything hold much of the blame too.

The thing is this has been going on for decades and nothing changes. It is sickening.

The literacy rate in poor black and white America, is ridiculously low. When one is dumb, one makes dumb decisions. Good article on America The Illiterate:
America the Illiterate
Barkley is spot-on. Blacks are their own worst enemy.

Pour all the money you want into inner city schools and nothing will change until the black community instills in its young children that school is their best opportunity to a better life. You attend to work hard and educate yourself, not strut around acting cool and disrupting the learning environment. Succeeding is not 'acting white' it's acting right. Stuff Sharpton and Jackson and others back into the sewers they came from and heed what the Barkleys of the world are saying instead.
Barkley is spot-on. Blacks are their own worst enemy.

Pour all the money you want into inner city schools and nothing will change until the black community instills in its young children that school is their best opportunity to a better life. You attend to work hard and educate yourself, not strut around acting cool and disrupting the learning environment. Succeeding is not 'acting white' it's acting right. Stuff Sharpton and Jackson and others back into the sewers they came from and heed what the Barkleys of the world are saying instead.

Well.....Liberals are their worst enemy...but, accepting the pat on the head, and emoluments to pretend to believe the propaganda....
....you have a point.
The schools really must be the agent of change. When there is little support from the families, the schools have to be in charge and have zero tolerance for absenteeism, refusal to hand in homework and refusing athletic participation for anyone with anything lower that a 2.0 average.

Get rid of ineffective teachers who cannot support allowing as student to go to the next grade without standardardized tests proving they have mastered the minimum of the content presented in each grade. No passing students on to the next grade ill prepared.

Parents will have to attend hearings if their children to not follow the rules of the schools. Encourage charter schools where parents are usually more supportive of the school.

We need to get serious about raising the level of education and provide vocational education in a variety of skills. It up to the voters to demand the schools are preparing the students and teach the people that parents are a necessary asset of that success.

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