NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

He wasn't tazed for illegal parking but for refusing to obey an order of a Law Enforcement officer to remove his hands from his pockets.
He didn’t refuse....he informed them he had something in his hand

Otherwise they would have grounds to shoot him

Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Talk is cheap.

Get back to us when you walk up to one, close enough to be threatening, with your hands in your pockets, and then refuse to back up or show your hands.

You've had days.

It is clear that you know that doing what Brown did, will get your ass beat and you arrested, and rightfully so.

And all your talk of it being about race, is just you being a race baiting troll asshole.
He didn’t refuse....he informed them he had something in his hand

Otherwise they would have grounds to shoot him

Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Talk is cheap.

Get back to us when you walk up to one, close enough to be threatening, with your hands in your pockets, and then refuse to back up or show your hands.

You've had days.

It is clear that you know that doing what Brown did, will get your ass beat and you arrested, and rightfully so.

And all your talk of it being about race, is just you being a race baiting troll asshole.

I’ve walked up to many cops

I have nothing to fear...I am white
Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Talk is cheap.

Get back to us when you walk up to one, close enough to be threatening, with your hands in your pockets, and then refuse to back up or show your hands.

You've had days.

It is clear that you know that doing what Brown did, will get your ass beat and you arrested, and rightfully so.

And all your talk of it being about race, is just you being a race baiting troll asshole.

I’ve walked up to many cops

I have nothing to fear...I am white

And that's you admitting that you are NOT going to follow in Brown's foot steps,

because you know that if you act like a threatening ass to cops, you will be arrested.

And all you talk of race, is just you being a race baiting troll.
He wasn't tazed for illegal parking but for refusing to obey an order of a Law Enforcement officer to remove his hands from his pockets.
He didn’t refuse....he informed them he had something in his hand

Otherwise they would have grounds to shoot him

Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.
He didn’t refuse....he informed them he had something in his hand

Otherwise they would have grounds to shoot him

Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.
I have nothing to fear from a Trump voting cop

I am white
Who else but a Trump voter would taze a black man for illegal parking?
He wasn't tazed for illegal parking but for refusing to obey an order of a Law Enforcement officer to remove his hands from his pockets.
He didn’t refuse....he informed them he had something in his hand

Otherwise they would have grounds to shoot him

Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter
Started by a bunch of white liberals in black face.
Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.
I have nothing to fear from a Trump voting cop

I am white

Do it pussy.
He didn’t refuse....he informed them he had something in his hand

Otherwise they would have grounds to shoot him

Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.

He's not going to do shit, because he knows that the actions Brown took were veiled threats, and would get anyone arrested.

He is just to much of a race baiting troll to admit it.

As such, he is a perfect representative of the Left.
Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.
I have nothing to fear from a Trump voting cop

I am white

Yet, you won't do it.

Because you know that what you are saying is utter, and vile and divisive shit.

This type of demagoguery, is tearing this nation apart.

Will you be honest and explain why you want to do that?
Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.
I have nothing to fear from a Trump voting cop

I am white

Do it pussy.

He won't.

Because he knows this was not about race.

But he is such a race baiting troll, that he can't resist using this to divide US.
Stupid post of the day....

Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.

He's not going to do shit, because he knows that the actions Brown took were veiled threats, and would get anyone arrested.

He is just to much of a race baiting troll to admit it.

As such, he is a perfect representative of the Left.

He was polite throughout the encounter

Only a Trump voting cop encountering a black man would feel threatened
Black Lives Matter

Says the bullshitter who won't walk up to the cop with his hands in his pockets.

Your actions reveal that you know you are spouting utter bullshit.
I am white

I have no reason to fear a cop
Even one who voted for Trump

Then bow up on em and refuse to take your hands out of your pockets.

He's not going to do shit, because he knows that the actions Brown took were veiled threats, and would get anyone arrested.

He is just to much of a race baiting troll to admit it.

As such, he is a perfect representative of the Left.

He was polite throughout the encounter

Only a Trump voting cop encountering a black man would feel threatened

He pretended to be polite, while using obviously being very confrontational.

You know that, because you will not endanger yourself repeating his actions as you have been challenged.

Standing right up in the face of someone, is a threat. HOlding your hands in your pockets and telling the cop that you are holding something, is a threat.

You are a race baiting asshole.

THe only question here is why are you actively working to tear this nation apart.

SO, why, are you actively working to tear this nation apart?
He didn’t refuse to remove them from his pocket.....he informed them he had something in his hand.......then they went ape shit
Probably so they wouldn't freak out and shout "GUN!" if they saw that he had something in his hands in order to try to prevent them from filling him with lead.
Thats where you're wrong pussy boy.
I dont give a fuck what color he was,he still needs an ass whipping.
Preferably it would be you on the receiving end.
See this, this impotent aggression that is on display here is why I've stated that calling the police on non-whites is an expression of the frustration felt by some racists with the fact that they can no longer "lawfully" brutalize people of color.

Now their only recourse is to get the police to do it for them. White people still enraged that they can no longer order black people around and then inflict a variety of punishments upon them (beating, lynching, firings, etc.) for disobedience to white authority. This is absolutely how you come across.

You can sense this about some people but it's really gratifying when they confirm it themselves.
He didn’t refuse to remove them from his pocket.....he informed them he had something in his hand.......then they went ape shit
Probably so they wouldn't freak out and shout "GUN!" if they saw that he had something in his hands in order to try to prevent them from filling him with lead.

Trump voting cops confronting a black man shoot first and ask questions later

Then they claim they felt “Threatened”
Thats where you're wrong pussy boy.
I dont give a fuck what color he was,he still needs an ass whipping.
Preferably it would be you on the receiving end.
See this, this impotent aggression that is on display here is why I've stated that calling the police on non-whites is an expression of the frustration felt by some racists with the fact that they can no longer "lawfully" brutalize people of color.

Now their only recourse is to get the police to do it for them. White people still enraged that they can no longer order black people around and then inflict a variety of punishments upon them (beating, lynching, firings, etc.) for disobedience to white authority. This is absolutely how you come across.

You can sense this about some people but it's really gratifying when they confirm it themselves.

Why write all this bullshit when I clearly stated "I dont give a fuck what color he was?"

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