NBC decides to censor truth of atmospheric temp data being fudged in 2005


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021

Why would NBC not want anyone to know that the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere for decades despite rising Co2 in the atmosphere???

Why would NBC want to censor the truth that the atmospheric temp data was FUDGED in 2005 with laughable excuses???

This article is now censored by NBC...

But it still exists on USMB here... cited by EMH and others dozens of times...

THE SIMPLE TRUTH IS THAT WE HAVE TWO AND ONLY TWO MEASURES OF ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURES, SATELLITES AND BALLOONS, and BOTH SHOWED NO WARMING, the satellites since the 1970s, and the balloons for more than 100 years. IF the "theory" is that adding Co2 to the atmosphere causes "warming," then THAT THEORY should have been REJECTED, since there is ZERO DATA to support it. BUT that did not stop the Co2 FRAUD, which fudged both in 2005. NBC knows that, supports it, and has engaged in censorship to protect the Co2 FRAUD and allow it to continue to bilk the taxpayer and misdiagnose these fires.

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