NBC Lester Holt says Trump to blame for 2nd assassination attempt

There is no differentiation between the mainstream (and some independent) media and the intelligence apparatus. None. There hasn't been since the '50s. That includes your polls, surveys, fact checking, and what you see and hear reflects the power structure and nothing else, but if you pat attention you can see what is coming sometimes.
CNN spent a good hour trying to downplay the attempt. When the FBI came out and said they were taking the lead due to it being an assignation attempt I thought Wolf Blitzer was gonna cry.

Holt is a lightweight and I was not a bit surprised when i heard of it last evening....I suspect the ABC debate whistleblower has ABC in a bind so like true leftists, ABC doubled down.
You folks just jump on the first things you find about Routh.

You know nothing about Routh, same as you knew nothing about the 20 year old with 3 foreign encrypted bank accounts.

Routh is a fraud. Chris Wray is behind yet another Trump assassination attempt that missed.

Does Lester Holt know this is the same mentality of blaming a woman who gets raped? Holt is a shining example of media bias.
The MSM still talks of January 2020 daily, but largely ignore 2 assassination attempts in the past 8 weeks.

This one will be “gone” by Wednesday, as far as MSM coverage. They will go back to portraying Trump as a dictator who wants to imprison you, take your rights, and kill your mother…

The MSM and Democrats own some blame here. I think some honestly would be joyous deep down if Trump was murdered
The MSM still talks of January 2020 daily, but largely ignore 2 assassination attempts in the past 8 weeks.

This one will be “gone” by Wednesday, as far as MSM coverage. They will go back to portraying Trump as a dictator who wants to imprison you, take your rights, and kill your mother…

The MSM and Democrats own some blame here. I think some honestly would be joyous deep down if Trump was murdered
And this would fulfill the Left's chief goal of 100% one party rule as there would then be no Republican candidate
And this would fulfill the Left's chief goal of 100% one party rule as there would then be no Republican candidate
Well I’ll say that if Trump or Harris were assassinated, the other side wouldn’t accept it as some random event, and a military/anarchist breakout would ensue.

We keep barely missing having our Country break hit into mass violence.. and the media and Democrats are ho-hum
Routh is a Trump hater like so many. He’s parroting the Democrat mantra of Trump being a threat. The violent rhetoric from the Left has led to the following:

  • Open fire on a field of Republican Congressional Representatives
  • Burning, Looting, and Maiming in cities when they don’t get their way
  • Two (2) assassination attempts on Trump in each of the last two months

But, hey, keep playing up J6 as a legitimate threat to Democracy even though it was nothing more than a mass vandalism event. The one person who died from the event was an unarmed protester.
Yeah just ignore him he is paid to spread false info and bias

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