NBC omits "under God"

Why do the screeching Wingnuts over at NBC hate God so much? Seems so petty and such a waste of time. It actually took an effort on their part to omit the word God. They knew what they were doing. And i still think the GE/NBC/Obama close relationship should be investigated. GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt his "Jobs Czar?" Something isn't right with this picture. Either way,i don't take anything NBC says all that seriously anymore. They've discredited themselves over the years. This incident only seals the deal for most on that.
Oh, my goodness gracious.

I was going to look up NBC News Anchors, research their universities, when I pulled up this image that said the NBC News is located in the GE Building.


The link/photo is here


Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.
There was a ruling that made it clear that you didn't have to say it or even stand when it was being said. I think it was the mormons or later day saints that considered it idolatry. [even before "Under god" was added]

And this is why I dont see the issue with leaving it in, if i dont want to say it i dont have to.

I wonder if enough people would have made a stink if they had left it in?

How many people watch golfing anyway?

Leaving it in is the norm so i dont think people would have noticed.

A few athiests (that have some personal issues) would have freaked out probably.
YES IT DOES but the word creator does not necessarily mean the Christian god
remember the fondling fathers were mostly deist . the word can mean different things to different people the problem arizes when the Christians claim every time the word god is used it applies to there Deity .

i in my work recite the pledge a lot never say god either leave the words out ( takes some practice) or say *under dog* eishenhower bastardized it needs to be reversed a sto the words as were written

The majority of our founding father's were Christian's. They were not deist's. Even the few who were deist's proclaimed of an active God.

The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists

The creator falls under Christians, Jews and Muslims, as many other type of religions do.
You have the right in this nation to drop the word under God or substitute it. But the majority of this nation is religious and those of you who don't believe, do not have the right to take those words out.

This is political correctness run amok again.
we have EVERY right to fight to have the pledge read AS IT WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN
cus you are the *majority *dont make your opinion right as it does.nt with any other subject
the MAJORITY of citizens support the right to abortion
doesnt mean the religious right *minority* cant fight to have the law changed

the creator could also mean the flying spaghetti monster

you just described why we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy in the USA.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on whats for dinner, liberty is a well armed (or represented) lamb contesting that outcome -benjamin franklin (minus my "or represented")
Because omission in itself is an action with far more intent and meaning than inclusion of something that is supposed to be there. Including it would basically be a non-event, as for the past 60 years it has been part of the pledge. Only your dedicated nutters would make a stink over it, and these are what we would consider "career complainers"

Omission, however, implies a willful change to something that is expected. You see it when people skip a line in a song, the expected did not happen, and people therefore notice it. Add the fact that it IS the most contriversial part of the pledge and BANG, instant shitstorm.

Agreed. But again, my original reply was to point out the absurdity of Caroljo's implication that atheists and agnostics are bigger complainers than bible thumpers.

Legally they have recently been the biggest complainers. First let me qualify my response as follows:

There are two types of atheists/agnostics. The normal everyday ones, who like normal people of faith, go about thier lives without issue. Then we have what I like to call "asshole atheists," the non believer counterpart to "bible thumpers" who feel a need to eliminate any trace of religion from the common arena, be it someone saying a prayer before a ball game, a menorah/manger in a public square, or the ten commandments in front of a court house.

The second group, on both sides are very annoying, but it seems to be the atheist side who goes the legal route with far more frequency, over what most of the other people on BOTH side see as trivial chickenshit.

I fail to see how a cross on a hill a person sees on thier drive to work consitutes such a egrareous affront to someone that they feel the need to remove it via the courts.

well said :clap2:
And nun of you bitches even noticed!! except for those that did.

So allow me to channel my inner conspiracy nut.

Why would NBC dare to do such a horrid and insulting thing?

Well as you may recall, the libs in AZ want thier own state and will call it Baja sumtinoarudder.

Those spineless liberals don't have it in them to make a clean break for the country like CA plans on doing.

what? You haven't heard that they are secrectly stashing massive bombs along the fault line? Yeah, if obama doesn't get re-elected, there's going to be an "earthquake".


that or the lame steam media hates the word indivisable b/c it reminds them how hard math is. :eusa_angel:
Oh, my goodness gracious.

I was going to look up NBC News Anchors, research their universities, when I pulled up this image that said the NBC News is located in the GE Building.


The link/photo is here


Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Haven't heard much about that. So thanks. Yea they definitely need to clean house over at NBC. They let the screeching Wingnuts take over. I mean it did take an effort on their part to omit the word God. NBC has lost so much credibility over the years and i don't know if they can ever get it back. I hope you're right and they are cleaning house. I'll take a wait & see attitude on that though.
so, wasn't the original version sans "under god" too?

where are the fucking originalists now?!?>!
If we wanted to go back to the original version of everything because that's the way our forefathers envisioned it, Tiger woods would have been playing this tournament in irons instead of swinging them. think about it.

Actually he would. Blacks were free in the north you know and fought in the revolution alongside whites.

you just made a VERY dishonest assesment of who the founding fathers were and of our history. You only concentrate on the evil slavery we incorrectly embraced in our southern colonies then states.

The Revolution's Black Soldiers
Oh, my goodness gracious.

I was going to look up NBC News Anchors, research their universities, when I pulled up this image that said the NBC News is located in the GE Building.


The link/photo is here


Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Haven't heard much about that. So thanks. Yea they definitely need to clean house over at NBC. They let the screeching Wingnuts take over. I mean it did take an effort on their part to omit the word God. NBC has lost so much credibility over the years and i don't know if they can ever get it back. I hope you're right and they are cleaning house. I'll take a wait & see attitude on that though.

yeah they fired keith, shivers up my leg, olberman as one of their first orders of business......i'll try and find you a link or a youtube story or something.
Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Haven't heard much about that. So thanks. Yea they definitely need to clean house over at NBC. They let the screeching Wingnuts take over. I mean it did take an effort on their part to omit the word God. NBC has lost so much credibility over the years and i don't know if they can ever get it back. I hope you're right and they are cleaning house. I'll take a wait & see attitude on that though.

yeah they fired keith, shivers up my leg, olberman as one of their first orders of business......i'll try and find you a link or a youtube story or something.

Hey thanks. Does Comcast/Universal really mean there will be any real changes at NBC? And is GE still involved with NBC? I haven't kept track of this stuff in awhile. I just always assume GE/NBC and this White House have always been in bed together. I'm hopeful NBC will make changes though.
Oh, my goodness gracious.

I was going to look up NBC News Anchors, research their universities, when I pulled up this image that said the NBC News is located in the GE Building.


The link/photo is here


Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Oh, don't mind me, Pilgrim. I just needed a little comic relief this morning, and it seemed hilarious that an all-leftist tv station was housed in an all-leftist company's property. I found you right though, and it appears there are 100 or so new staff personnel job openings for NBC in New York according to an ad at the Washington Post.. Thanks for the update. I had no idea.
Last edited:
yeah they fired keith, shivers up my leg, olberman as one of their first orders of business......i'll try and find you a link or a youtube story or something.

They still have a case of Madcow disease, though...

you cant fire the whole crew all at once and keep things running ;).

While i have little faith in my comcast service calls I have faith in the way they appear to be going with NBC, it will take a few years to get out the entrenched far left mindset of the producers and editors but I think comcast will eventually make it happen from the top down.
Oh, my goodness gracious.

I was going to look up NBC News Anchors, research their universities, when I pulled up this image that said the NBC News is located in the GE Building.


The link/photo is here


Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Oh, don't mind me, Pilgrim. I just needed a little comic relief this morning, and it seemed hilarious that an all-leftist tv station was housed in an all-leftist company's property. I found you right though, and it appears there are 100 or so new staff personnel job openings for NBC in New York according to an ad at the Washington Post.. Thanks for the update. I had no idea.

No problem. Thanks for finding that story, im lazy about re-finding things once i read them ;).

i found a video where its talked about a bit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyLz-weaMro]YouTube - ‪"One Nation Under God" Omitted From Pledge by NBC Sports- The O'Reilly Factor (Fox News)‬‏[/ame]
Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Haven't heard much about that. So thanks. Yea they definitely need to clean house over at NBC. They let the screeching Wingnuts take over. I mean it did take an effort on their part to omit the word God. NBC has lost so much credibility over the years and i don't know if they can ever get it back. I hope you're right and they are cleaning house. I'll take a wait & see attitude on that though.

yeah they fired keith, shivers up my leg, olberman as one of their first orders of business......i'll try and find you a link or a youtube story or something.

Olberman was the guest on Jimmy Fallon Late Night at NBC just the other day, promoting his new job at another station.

Google shows this today:

Keith Olbermann’s Return to NBC
By Alex Weprin on June 15, 2011 9:09 AM

Former MSNBC host and soon-to-be Current TV anchor Keith Olbermann will be returning to NBCUniversal this week… but not on his former cable news home. Olbermann has been booked as a guest on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon ”

Some return to unbiased news reporting... :uhoh3:
Actually NBC was recently aquired by comcast, who fired their old liberally biased CEO and put in a new one who will be fired if he exhibits bias too.

They are still working on the staff obviously from this "edit" everyone is raging about.

Oh, don't mind me, Pilgrim. I just needed a little comic relief this morning, and it seemed hilarious that an all-leftist tv station was housed in an all-leftist company's property. I found you right though, and it appears there are 100 or so new staff personnel job openings for NBC in New York according to an ad at the Washington Post.. Thanks for the update. I had no idea.

No problem. Thanks for finding that story, im lazy about re-finding things once i read them ;).

i found a video where its talked about a bit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyLz-weaMro]YouTube - ‪"One Nation Under God" Omitted From Pledge by NBC Sports- The O'Reilly Factor (Fox News)‬‏[/ame]

Thanks for the link. I heard some of the Bill O/Bernie interview from the sewing room the other evening, but I really was running the sewing machine most of the time to complete an orphan quilt, so didn't hear it all.

I did go over to the US Open Golf Tournament's website, and their "contact us" area was out the very next day, so it's not clear to me who originated the faux pas. Maybe the tournament's board was behind it and is using NBC for cover. Nobody will know with their "contact us" link out of order.

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