NBC omits "under God"

Below was the incident I had in mind, got it wrong specifically but not generally. Is it a big deal, the NBC thing or this? In the overall scope of things we have to deal with today, probably not. I don't care if Obama is religious or not, although I will say I don't like the hypocrisy of it, saying one thing and being another. But don't be editing the Pledge, or misquoting the Declaration on purpose to make a political point. And don't be telling me is was a mistake, these people know damn well what the words are and they should get it right or not say it at all.

Back in Sept 2010:

File this under the pseudo-Christian column. President Obama concluded his speech at this week’s Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute gala with,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights, life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The U.S. Declaration of Independence reads,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
YES IT DOES but the word creator does not necessarily mean the Christian god
remember the fondling fathers were mostly deist . the word can mean different things to different people the problem arizes when the Christians claim every time the word god is used it applies to there Deity .

i in my work recite the pledge a lot never say god either leave the words out ( takes some practice) or say *under dog* eishenhower bastardized it needs to be reversed a sto the words as were written

The majority of our founding father's were Christian's. They were not deist's. Even the few who were deist's proclaimed of an active God.

The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists

The creator falls under Christians, Jews and Muslims, as many other type of religions do.
You have the right in this nation to drop the word under God or substitute it. But the majority of this nation is religious and those of you who don't believe, do not have the right to take those words out.

This is political correctness run amok again.

well the articule *patheos * only goes farther to prove my point
IF as the articule seems to suggest most were christians then had they wanted the country to be formed on * christian dogma they would have done so .

why do you insist that one faith has to be incorparated in the constitution of a nation

it appears they had more tolorance than modern christians show
Why do you hate the judicial part of our government?

Its part of the plan to run this country.

Just because you are a partisan who thinks the courts should only be used by people you agree with doesnt mean its bad for America.

People who cheat should be indicted like those republicans caught recently suppressing the votes of Americans.

Im glad they were indicted and hope they get a fair trial.

Dont you?
As I see it, people (A) are “forcing” people to have “under God” remain (say “under God”) practically to the same degree that people (B) are “forcing” people to have “under God” removed (prohibit people from saying “under Go”). It all seems to be about the same.

I think that those in the group B category are on higher ethical ground. They are not calling for the replacement of that phrase with one that claims that God does not exist. Simply out of consideration for those who are not monotheists, they would like to have the phrase removed.

If you could be forced to even say the Pledge, let alone the whole thing, this would make sense.

But since, based on religious reasons, you can't be forced to say it, let alone even forced to stand while others say it, this is a useless point.
Absolutely they can pray at a game - just don't ask me to,

But it's fine for you to ask them not to...

And don't get all smarmy and say that those who don't pray are somehow a lesser [insert nationality] here, or not as patriotic. Now, I'm not saying you think that, but a lot of people do.

If they do, should they be put in prison? What penalty attaches to expression not approved of by you?

I think you should be as free from religion as you can without penalty of favour.

So freedom from speech you oppose, then?
Our founders did believe in people voting.

The constitution seems more concerned with voting than with making sure christians get to have top billing in this country.

Why are you more comcerned about your religion being in control than the people being in control?

Actually no. It's the first amendment that protects the rights of religion. Evidently that was first and foremost on their minds.
how is not wanting to be subjected to religion the same as hatred for people of faith?

So your hatred is really just of free speech?

Those who hold views contrary to yours - and the party which define those views, must be silent?

Yep, pretty well the standard position of you anti-liberty leftists.

The only anti-liberty dipshits in this story are the weak-faithed thumpers seeking to deny NBC the liberty to edit content as they see fit.
Agreed. But again, my original reply was to point out the absurdity of Caroljo's implication that atheists and agnostics are bigger complainers than bible thumpers.

Legally they have recently been the biggest complainers. First let me qualify my response as follows:

There are two types of atheists/agnostics. The normal everyday ones, who like normal people of faith, go about thier lives without issue. Then we have what I like to call "asshole atheists," the non believer counterpart to "bible thumpers" who feel a need to eliminate any trace of religion from the common arena, be it someone saying a prayer before a ball game, a menorah/manger in a public square, or the ten commandments in front of a court house.

The second group, on both sides are very annoying, but it seems to be the atheist side who goes the legal route with far more frequency, over what most of the other people on BOTH side see as trivial chickenshit.

I fail to see how a cross on a hill a person sees on thier drive to work consitutes such a egrareous affront to someone that they feel the need to remove it via the courts.

OK, point taken.

However, this NBC blow-up wasn't just the 'fringe' thumpers (or counterparts to asshole atheists) doing the complaining. If it were, they would've been ignored, not pandered to in an attempt to salvage viewership.

Agreed it wasnt just the fringe. Omission of something expected gets noticed, and if it involves a hot button issue like religion you will get people calling up wondering what happened.

lets look back to the whole janet jackson thing with "the slip." I am sure there have been slips in the past, on dancers, acrobats, singers, etc. What made this worse was Timberlake's definite action to remove that "panel" on the constume. A deliberate (or percieved deliberate) act is far more noticable than an accident, and will result in far more of a response than said accident.
There was a ruling that made it clear that you didn't have to say it or even stand when it was being said. I think it was the mormons or later day saints that considered it idolatry. [even before "Under god" was added]

7th Day Adventists. Taking oaths is forbidden. They won't take an oath in military service, either. (They're pacifists, so no biggie there.)
Experience informs me that many many pussies, such as yourself, can be offended by a whole miriad of things that are of no consequence to them.

LOL, yeah - some people are even offended by little girls saying a prayer at a football game. What fucking pussies, like a little girl praying to a god they don't believe in is going to hurt them? Still these fuck-nut asshats demand that little girls be silenced, lest they offend their precious and pure ears by hearing words that offend them...

Yeah, these thin-skinned ***** really are pathetic.

Aren't they?
Experience informs me that many many pussies, such as yourself, can be offended by a whole miriad of things that are of no consequence to them.

LOL, yeah - some people are even offended by little girls saying a prayer at a football game. What fucking pussies, like a little girl praying to a god they don't believe in is going to hurt them? Still these fuck-nut asshats demand that little girls be silenced, lest they offend their precious and pure ears by hearing words that offend them...

Yeah, these thin-skinned ***** really are pathetic.

Aren't they?

Yes, they are.

So why do you want to force NBC to air that line from the pledge?

Exposing NBC for censorship doesn't "force" them to anything.

Why do you seek to silence ideas you oppose? Are your ideas so weak that you know they cannot compete in an open marketplace of ideas?

I'm not trying to silence anyone. I support NBC's right to edit content as they see fit. Why do you hate a free and open marketplace?

PS: It's only censorship when mandated by the FCC, dipshit. :thup:
Yes, they are.



{The central question in the case was whether it is a violation of the Constitution for a public school district to allow such prayers, even if school officials do not start the prayers.

Specifically, the question was whether such action violates the First Amendment's establishment clause, which states that Congress "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."}

Supreme Court rules against student-led prayer at football games - CNN

I understand, you weren't meaning to sound pro-liberty, I tricked you.

I won't tell your party on you.
Yes, they are.



{The central question in the case was whether it is a violation of the Constitution for a public school district to allow such prayers, even if school officials do not start the prayers.

Specifically, the question was whether such action violates the First Amendment's establishment clause, which states that Congress "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."}

Supreme Court rules against student-led prayer at football games - CNN

I understand, you weren't meaning to sound pro-liberty, I tricked you.

I won't tell your party on you.

I am pro-liberty. And I disagree with the SCOTUS ruling on this one.

But feel free to keep jumping to eroneous conclusions. :thup:

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