NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.
I find it hilarious how many of you parroting tards are all sweaty and worked up and have started topics to tell us how sweaty and worked up other people are about Oprah running for President.

By the way, Oprah's not running for President. So take a cold shower and stop listening to your Parroting Tard news feeds.
After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.
You’re an asshole but thanks for showing everyone just how scared you are of a brilliant black woman possibly running for president.

I'd rather this one run.


I won't vote for her unless she claims she likes to grope men's penises, and brags that she can do it because she's a rich and powerful celebrity.
She kissed Harvey Weinstein. Does that count?

no, moron. that isn't even funny as a troll joke.

It's hilarious as a matter of fact.

more hilarious than Donald hugging Weinstein, trash?
Not as hilarious as Oprah pimping rape victims for Weinstein.

Back to ur propaganda sheets. Funny.
Obviously you don't know Trumps history of being a scumbag snake. I think it's funny you elected a snake to clean up the swamp. LOL. Fucking idiots. No wonder America is shit.

Luckily for me I make more than most of you stupid cock suckers.

Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.

The National Debt is/was $19 trillion. Lets see what it is when Trumps done.

Oh, and are you aware you are being misleading?

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

But the comparison that he made is somewhat misleading. President Trump compared annual GDP growth in the Obama era to quarterly GDP growth in a three month period. And quarterly GDP often isn’t a good indicator for how much an economy will produce over the year, with quarterly GDP growth often differing significantly from the year’s overall GDP growth.

Take the Obama era for example. Between 2009 and 2016, GDP growth reached at or above 3% on a quarterly basis about eight times.

GDP growth rose as high as 2.9% under Obama, but never breached 3% on an annual basis

While its possible for President Trump to reach a 3% annual growth rate for 2017, most forecasters see GDP growth remaining modest over the next three years. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect GDP growth the hit 2.1% this year, 2.3% in 2018, and 2.1% in 2019.

The White House appears to be counting on 3% annual GDP growth to fund its tax cuts. The problem is, it’s unclear why the country, and indeed many developed nations, are growing more slowly than before.

Did Trump hit 3% growth in 2017?
if he didn't i'll just find an article that says it's misleading.

seems to work for you.

Let me see if I have this right. One of the indicators that Republicans use to say Obama sucked is that the gap between the rich and poor got wider. They say it was because of his policies that this gap widened. But then Trumps tax bill will make that gap even wider. So my question is this. If you aren’t rich, how dumb are you? Do you believe trickle down works?

My brother is rich. He didn’t need the huge gift you just gave him. Middle class people need the help. If it works great but eventually we are going to need something and Trump or your Republican governor is going to say we don’t have the money so we need to raise YOUR taxes. Not the rich. Their tax break is permanent by the way. Yours is not.
I think they should run Oprah (to lose). I'm not a big fan of T-rump but anything is better than chopping off little boys' dicks, deranged men in women's bathrooms or fatherless/motherless "marriage"...

The problem with the left isn't their candidate. Hillary should have won. The problem with the left is the platform they attach to their candidate. Their middle ranks scatter to the right from such onerous and frankly bizarre mandates. Just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck out there bizarre.

Trump increasingly unpopular in the states that made him president

President Trump swept to the presidency by scoring upset victories in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Now, his approval ratings in all three states sit at around 35%
  • In each of the three states, voters were twice as likely to say Trump has embarrassed them rather than made them proud since taking office.
  • Just last month, CNN found approval ratings of 43 (WI) / 43 (PA) / 42 (MI) in the three states.
  • In November's election, Trump scored 48 (WI) / 49 (PA) / 48 (MI)
Why it matters: Trump's economic message helped him outperform traditional Republican candidates in these states, and without them he wouldn't be president.
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

I love Oprah. Huge private jets, Limos, huge mansions, she's my favorite carbon footprint.

Maybe it is time for a strong woman to kick the corruption to the curb... Americans are sick of the weasles .. I hope that she doesn't lean too far left.


You really think Opra can go there and not have any dirt? The speech wasn’t even that good. Say, any of Harvys victims get to speak at that there awards ceremony?
Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.

The National Debt is/was $19 trillion. Lets see what it is when Trumps done.

Oh, and are you aware you are being misleading?

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

But the comparison that he made is somewhat misleading. President Trump compared annual GDP growth in the Obama era to quarterly GDP growth in a three month period. And quarterly GDP often isn’t a good indicator for how much an economy will produce over the year, with quarterly GDP growth often differing significantly from the year’s overall GDP growth.

Take the Obama era for example. Between 2009 and 2016, GDP growth reached at or above 3% on a quarterly basis about eight times.

GDP growth rose as high as 2.9% under Obama, but never breached 3% on an annual basis

While its possible for President Trump to reach a 3% annual growth rate for 2017, most forecasters see GDP growth remaining modest over the next three years. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect GDP growth the hit 2.1% this year, 2.3% in 2018, and 2.1% in 2019.

The White House appears to be counting on 3% annual GDP growth to fund its tax cuts. The problem is, it’s unclear why the country, and indeed many developed nations, are growing more slowly than before.

Did Trump hit 3% growth in 2017?
if he didn't i'll just find an article that says it's misleading.

seems to work for you.

Let me see if I have this right. One of the indicators that Republicans use to say Obama sucked is that the gap between the rich and poor got wider. They say it was because of his policies that this gap widened. But then Trumps tax bill will make that gap even wider. So my question is this. If you aren’t rich, how dumb are you? Do you believe trickle down works?

My brother is rich. He didn’t need the huge gift you just gave him. Middle class people need the help. If it works great but eventually we are going to need something and Trump or your Republican governor is going to say we don’t have the money so we need to raise YOUR taxes. Not the rich. Their tax break is permanent by the way. Yours is not.
Just a reminder of what has happened before. Take the trillion dollars a year, stop paying people to sit on their ass, pay it towards the debt and in 21 years the nation debt would be 0, and a lot more people would be out working and thus paying taxes increasing the tax revenues also.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
I think they should run Oprah (to lose). I'm not a big fan of T-rump but anything is better than chopping off little boys' dicks, deranged men in women's bathrooms or fatherless/motherless "marriage"...

The problem with the left isn't their candidate. Hillary should have won. The problem with the left is the platform they attach to their candidate. Their middle ranks scatter to the right from such onerous and frankly bizarre mandates. Just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck out there bizarre.

Trump increasingly unpopular in the states that made him president

President Trump swept to the presidency by scoring upset victories in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Now, his approval ratings in all three states sit at around 35%
Oh NoeS! A poll bashing Trumpy!

Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.

The National Debt is/was $19 trillion. Lets see what it is when Trumps done.

Oh, and are you aware you are being misleading?

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

But the comparison that he made is somewhat misleading. President Trump compared annual GDP growth in the Obama era to quarterly GDP growth in a three month period. And quarterly GDP often isn’t a good indicator for how much an economy will produce over the year, with quarterly GDP growth often differing significantly from the year’s overall GDP growth.

Take the Obama era for example. Between 2009 and 2016, GDP growth reached at or above 3% on a quarterly basis about eight times.

GDP growth rose as high as 2.9% under Obama, but never breached 3% on an annual basis

While its possible for President Trump to reach a 3% annual growth rate for 2017, most forecasters see GDP growth remaining modest over the next three years. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect GDP growth the hit 2.1% this year, 2.3% in 2018, and 2.1% in 2019.

The White House appears to be counting on 3% annual GDP growth to fund its tax cuts. The problem is, it’s unclear why the country, and indeed many developed nations, are growing more slowly than before.

Did Trump hit 3% growth in 2017?
if he didn't i'll just find an article that says it's misleading.

seems to work for you.

Let me see if I have this right. One of the indicators that Republicans use to say Obama sucked is that the gap between the rich and poor got wider. They say it was because of his policies that this gap widened. But then Trumps tax bill will make that gap even wider. So my question is this. If you aren’t rich, how dumb are you? Do you believe trickle down works?

My brother is rich. He didn’t need the huge gift you just gave him. Middle class people need the help. If it works great but eventually we are going to need something and Trump or your Republican governor is going to say we don’t have the money so we need to raise YOUR taxes. Not the rich. Their tax break is permanent by the way. Yours is not.
Just a reminder of what has happened before. Take the trillion dollars a year, stop paying people to sit on their ass, pay it towards the debt and in 21 years the nation debt would be 0, and a lot more people would be out working and thus paying taxes increasing the tax revenues also.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

I don't hate everything about Republicans. I'd love to see them force people that can to work and stop leeching.
I think they should run Oprah (to lose). I'm not a big fan of T-rump but anything is better than chopping off little boys' dicks, deranged men in women's bathrooms or fatherless/motherless "marriage"...

The problem with the left isn't their candidate. Hillary should have won. The problem with the left is the platform they attach to their candidate. Their middle ranks scatter to the right from such onerous and frankly bizarre mandates. Just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck out there bizarre.

Trump increasingly unpopular in the states that made him president

President Trump swept to the presidency by scoring upset victories in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Now, his approval ratings in all three states sit at around 35%
Oh NoeS! A poll bashing Trumpy!


Yea and the other day I saw one of you posting a poll that was positive for Trump. Just keep doing what you are doing and see what happens.

Alabama Loss Exposes Republican Fissures Amid a Democratic Surge

4 Takeaways From Doug Jones’s Alabama Victory

8 numbers out of Alabama that should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics
Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.

The National Debt is/was $19 trillion. Lets see what it is when Trumps done.

Oh, and are you aware you are being misleading?

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

But the comparison that he made is somewhat misleading. President Trump compared annual GDP growth in the Obama era to quarterly GDP growth in a three month period. And quarterly GDP often isn’t a good indicator for how much an economy will produce over the year, with quarterly GDP growth often differing significantly from the year’s overall GDP growth.

Take the Obama era for example. Between 2009 and 2016, GDP growth reached at or above 3% on a quarterly basis about eight times.

GDP growth rose as high as 2.9% under Obama, but never breached 3% on an annual basis

While its possible for President Trump to reach a 3% annual growth rate for 2017, most forecasters see GDP growth remaining modest over the next three years. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect GDP growth the hit 2.1% this year, 2.3% in 2018, and 2.1% in 2019.

The White House appears to be counting on 3% annual GDP growth to fund its tax cuts. The problem is, it’s unclear why the country, and indeed many developed nations, are growing more slowly than before.

Did Trump hit 3% growth in 2017?
if he didn't i'll just find an article that says it's misleading.

seems to work for you.

Let me see if I have this right. One of the indicators that Republicans use to say Obama sucked is that the gap between the rich and poor got wider. They say it was because of his policies that this gap widened. But then Trumps tax bill will make that gap even wider. So my question is this. If you aren’t rich, how dumb are you? Do you believe trickle down works?

My brother is rich. He didn’t need the huge gift you just gave him. Middle class people need the help. If it works great but eventually we are going to need something and Trump or your Republican governor is going to say we don’t have the money so we need to raise YOUR taxes. Not the rich. Their tax break is permanent by the way. Yours is not.
*I* didn't give anyone shit. i'm in the middle class and i got about $1500 back this year, or will. yay me.

you keep trying to assign group problems to singular people and wondering why people think you're the loon you are.
Underneath this sudden frenzy of RWnuts wishes for Oprah to run is their mortal fear, and knowledge, that any conventional Democratic candidate is going to kick Trump's ass in 2020.
Underneath this sudden frenzy of RWnuts wishes for Oprah to run is their mortal fear, and knowledge, that any conventional Democratic candidate is going to kick Trump's ass in 2020.
and here comes the crybabies to start saying OH YEA WE GOT A CELEBRITY NOW ALSO NEENER NEENER!!!
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

An aspiring actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey and Naomi Campbell to dupe her into thinking he would help her with her career — only to use her for sex.

British actress Kadian Noble said Tuesday she was head-over-heels impressed when she first met Weinstein at an event in London because he was hanging out with model Campbell and had megastar Oprah “swinging off his arm.”



I wonder if that is all that Oprah kissed?
The Trump campaign ad just writes itself....

Another mind numbingly stupid thread of yours.
Almost everyone in Hollywood and beyond has had some contact with Weinstein. Showing Oprah or anyone else in pictures with him shows you’re a desperate little troll. He’s persona non gratis right now in Hollywood while you still support the serial sex offending president. That’s on you.
Everyone at the Golden Globes knew what was going on for years so they’re all a bunch of hypocrites.
If there is one thing you know about is being a hypocrite.
Linking Oprah to Weinstein is intellectually lazy since she no longer has anything to do with him along with everyone in the entertainment business.
You are truly an ideologue if you believe for one second the Queen of Show Business didn’t know what was going on.
Oprah is the antiTrump.
Stable, sane, a real billionaire, has her own network that trump could only dream about, is a philanthropist, genuinely cares about people,
Doesn’t act like a spoiled child, etc etc etc
And her network is bleeding money.
Didn't one of Weinstein's accusers say that Oprah and Naomi Campbell were bringing young aspiring actresses to him for him to "make them a star" (have sex).


Oprah Just Wound Up In The Middle Of Harvey Weinstein's Sex Scandal

British Actress Kadian Noble: Harvey Weinstein Used Oprah and Naomi Campbell To Seduce Me!

The actress' name is Kadian Noble
Typical Limbaugh lie.
Oprah and Campbell NEVER brought Nobel or anyone else to Tramp's BFF Weinstein.

Limbaugh never said it, Nobel did. Suddenly now you liberals don't believe the woman? Hypocrite.
Nobel never said it, you are a liar.

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