NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

And trump got rich not paying contractors and filing bankruptcy
A handful bankrupt businesses out of hundreds of businesses, not bad.
The best businessmen have failed only to succeed. Obviously you don’t understand business
Obviously you don't know Trumps history of being a scumbag snake. I think it's funny you elected a snake to clean up the swamp. LOL. Fucking idiots. No wonder America is shit.

Luckily for me I make more than most of you stupid cock suckers.

Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.

The National Debt is/was $19 trillion. Lets see what it is when Trumps done.

Oh, and are you aware you are being misleading?

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

But the comparison that he made is somewhat misleading. President Trump compared annual GDP growth in the Obama era to quarterly GDP growth in a three month period. And quarterly GDP often isn’t a good indicator for how much an economy will produce over the year, with quarterly GDP growth often differing significantly from the year’s overall GDP growth.

Take the Obama era for example. Between 2009 and 2016, GDP growth reached at or above 3% on a quarterly basis about eight times.

GDP growth rose as high as 2.9% under Obama, but never breached 3% on an annual basis

While its possible for President Trump to reach a 3% annual growth rate for 2017, most forecasters see GDP growth remaining modest over the next three years. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect GDP growth the hit 2.1% this year, 2.3% in 2018, and 2.1% in 2019.

The White House appears to be counting on 3% annual GDP growth to fund its tax cuts. The problem is, it’s unclear why the country, and indeed many developed nations, are growing more slowly than before.

Did Trump hit 3% growth in 2017?
I can see why trump whores are so scared of Oprah.
The world is watching the mental decline of this historically unpopular president in real time while one of the most successful and popular women in the world is considering a run for the presidency..

Back in 1999 when trump had all his faculties he wanted Oprah on his presidential ticket.
Read the Larry King interview above of Trump’s glowing praise of Oprah.

Just yesterday while trying unsuccessfully to defend himself from being crazy he said he “ became president last year ON HIS FIRST TRY.” Just another lie from the President Crazypants.
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And trump got rich not paying contractors and filing bankruptcy
A handful bankrupt businesses out of hundreds of businesses, not bad.
The best businessmen have failed only to succeed. Obviously you don’t understand business
Obviously you don't know Trumps history of being a scumbag snake. I think it's funny you elected a snake to clean up the swamp. LOL. Fucking idiots. No wonder America is shit.

Luckily for me I make more than most of you stupid cock suckers.

Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
Record welfare usually happens after a great recession

The economic policy of the George W. Bush administration was characterized by significant income tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, the implementation of Medicare Part D in 2003, increased military spending for two wars, a housing bubble that contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-2008, and the Great Recession ...
After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.
The Dems realize now that the POTUS race is a popularity contest, no political experience required. And she has more actual money than Trump, better TV ratings, she's smarter and way more likeable. And Trump once wanted her as his VP. And she kills the woman vote. GOP is rightly worried, but Trump probably doesn't want another term anyways, as he didn't seem to want the first one either, lol.
And unlike Trump, she has the entire media covering for her. Yesterday media outlets such as CNN were even making recommendations for her campaign.

I don't know enough about her to know if she is a megalomaniac attention whore like Trump, that would be the only motivation.
She's a lesbian, and Steadman is her beard. :biggrin:

If it wasn't for Steve Dahl, she would still be giving blowjobs behind dumpsters in Chicago's southside for $5 a pop.
Donald Trump: Oprah is a competitor to no one.

Back before he had dementia.
After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.

actually, if you weren't a lying trumpfreak, you'd admit that it's you trumptards who are losing your minds over the idea.

now be quiet and go take your meds.
The only reason I have any support of Trump is he drives you anti-American, anti-Christian freaks more insane than you already are.
View attachment 170743
Obviously you don't know Trumps history of being a scumbag snake. I think it's funny you elected a snake to clean up the swamp. LOL. Fucking idiots. No wonder America is shit.

Luckily for me I make more than most of you stupid cock suckers.

Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.
His policies only suited progressives, made everyone else’s lives a living hell.

Of course the rich don't like Democrats. Example. A business owner makes $20 million a year and pays his employees shit. The middle class is struggling. Democrats say the owner should pay his employees better and we wouldn't let them move their business overseas if we didn't give them a tax break. We would tariff the fuck out of them. Much like what Trump said to lie his way into the white house.

The owner should pay his employees better and this will fix the economy. Republicans say give the business owner more tax breaks and wait for it to trickle down. Stupid fuck.
After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.
The Dems realize now that the POTUS race is a popularity contest, no political experience required. And she has more actual money than Trump, better TV ratings, she's smarter and way more likeable. And Trump once wanted her as his VP. And she kills the woman vote. GOP is rightly worried, but Trump probably doesn't want another term anyways, as he didn't seem to want the first one either, lol.
And unlike Trump, she has the entire media covering for her. Yesterday media outlets such as CNN were even making recommendations for her campaign.

I don't know enough about her to know if she is a megalomaniac attention whore like Trump, that would be the only motivation.
She's a lesbian, and Steadman is her beard. :biggrin:
You’re an asshole but thanks for showing everyone just how scared you are of a brilliant black woman possibly running for president.

I'd rather this one run.

She would be attacked as a white supremst by the left.
After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.
The Dems realize now that the POTUS race is a popularity contest, no political experience required. And she has more actual money than Trump, better TV ratings, she's smarter and way more likeable. And Trump once wanted her as his VP. And she kills the woman vote. GOP is rightly worried, but Trump probably doesn't want another term anyways, as he didn't seem to want the first one either, lol.
And unlike Trump, she has the entire media covering for her. Yesterday media outlets such as CNN were even making recommendations for her campaign.

I don't know enough about her to know if she is a megalomaniac attention whore like Trump, that would be the only motivation.
She's a lesbian, and Steadman is her beard. :biggrin:
You’re an asshole but thanks for showing everyone just how scared you are of a brilliant black woman possibly running for president.
Hey, just sayin'. I'm all for Oprah as POTUS.
There's no real movement to make Oprah the Democratic nominee.
Outside of every Democrat elitist (outside of Warren and Harris) that is pushing for her to run that is. Which includes all of MSM, Hollywood, and journ-o-lists.

List them. With proof.
I can list the ones that are not pushing for President OPRAH!

{ }

IOW you can't even name ONE Democrat of consequence that is pushing Oprah to run, let alone enough to support your wacky claim that this is some sort of widespread movement.
After telling the world for two years how Donald Trump is an idiot billionaire entertainment personality clown not qualified to run or be POTUS, the Democrats have done a 180 and are now ecstatic about an their own entertainment star possibly running for president. Amazing.

Does OPRAH! really want to risk her popularity and face the dirt and the hate that will come should she run for president? I don't think so. What would happen to her business interests? Her business is based entirely upon the likability of her name. Running for Prez is a lose-lose for her.
The Dems realize now that the POTUS race is a popularity contest, no political experience required. And she has more actual money than Trump, better TV ratings, she's smarter and way more likeable. And Trump once wanted her as his VP. And she kills the woman vote. GOP is rightly worried, but Trump probably doesn't want another term anyways, as he didn't seem to want the first one either, lol.
And unlike Trump, she has the entire media covering for her. Yesterday media outlets such as CNN were even making recommendations for her campaign.

I don't know enough about her to know if she is a megalomaniac attention whore like Trump, that would be the only motivation.
She's a lesbian, and Steadman is her beard. :biggrin:
You’re an asshole but thanks for showing everyone just how scared you are of a brilliant black woman possibly running for president.

I'd rather this one run.

Ya, she actually knows something about politics and the world... but on the wrong side. But if she went up against Oprah it would be the Battle of The Lesbians!!! :biggrin:
The Trump campaign ad just writes itself....

Another mind numbingly stupid thread of yours.
Almost everyone in Hollywood and beyond has had some contact with Weinstein. Showing Oprah or anyone else in pictures with him shows you’re a desperate little troll. He’s persona non gratis right now in Hollywood while you still support the serial sex offending president. That’s on you.
Everyone at the Golden Globes knew what was going on for years so they’re all a bunch of hypocrites.
DEPLORABLES are scared shitless Oprah will run for President because they know black people will come out to vote in Obama numbers..
Plus even republican women love Oprah. Hell almost everyone does which is another reason for their fear.
I won't vote for her unless she claims she likes to grope men's penises, and brags that she can do it because she's a rich and powerful celebrity.
The Dems realize now that the POTUS race is a popularity contest, no political experience required. And she has more actual money than Trump, better TV ratings, she's smarter and way more likeable. And Trump once wanted her as his VP. And she kills the woman vote. GOP is rightly worried, but Trump probably doesn't want another term anyways, as he didn't seem to want the first one either, lol.
And unlike Trump, she has the entire media covering for her. Yesterday media outlets such as CNN were even making recommendations for her campaign.

I don't know enough about her to know if she is a megalomaniac attention whore like Trump, that would be the only motivation.
She's a lesbian, and Steadman is her beard. :biggrin:
You’re an asshole but thanks for showing everyone just how scared you are of a brilliant black woman possibly running for president.

I'd rather this one run.

She would be attacked as a white supremst by the left.
The white supremacists are all on your side you stupid mfer.
View attachment 170743
Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.
His policies only suited progressives, made everyone else’s lives a living hell.

Of course the rich don't like Democrats. Example. A business owner makes $20 million a year and pays his employees shit. The middle class is struggling. Democrats say the owner should pay his employees better and we wouldn't let them move their business overseas if we didn't give them a tax break. We would tariff the fuck out of them. Much like what Trump said to lie his way into the white house.

The owner should pay his employees better and this will fix the economy. Republicans say give the business owner more tax breaks and wait for it to trickle down. Stupid fuck.
A NFL owner makes billions and pays some of his athletes minimum wage for those athletes, why? Why do quarterbacks usually make a lot more than a linesman? Because stupid fuckers like you don't have a clue what business is, just drink the liberal kool aid and salute der furer whenever he showed up.

View attachment 170743
Its too bad that you voted for O twice and left this country in such horrid shape. It will take a few years to clean up the stench and stain that was left by O.
Yes we know your right wing position on this but it's really bullshit.

Funny, Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression and you didn't get it. And now you want to pretend Obama handed Trump a mess? What mess? List the problems so we can track how when and if Trump fixes them.

Record welfare, 8 trillion in debt, 6 trillion in QE to wall street, record low gdps in the history of the united states, high unemployment for minorities, record numbers not working, perpetual never ending wars, failed policies ie stimulus, obamacare etc and the list goes on and on. This was your man.
You’re a liar and an asshole.
His policies only suited progressives, made everyone else’s lives a living hell.

Of course the rich don't like Democrats. Example. A business owner makes $20 million a year and pays his employees shit. The middle class is struggling. Democrats say the owner should pay his employees better and we wouldn't let them move their business overseas if we didn't give them a tax break. We would tariff the fuck out of them. Much like what Trump said to lie his way into the white house.

The owner should pay his employees better and this will fix the economy. Republicans say give the business owner more tax breaks and wait for it to trickle down. Stupid fuck.
By the way, nice ranting and raving, like the liberal lunatics that you are.
The Trump campaign ad just writes itself....

Another mind numbingly stupid thread of yours.
Almost everyone in Hollywood and beyond has had some contact with Weinstein. Showing Oprah or anyone else in pictures with him shows you’re a desperate little troll. He’s persona non gratis right now in Hollywood while you still support the serial sex offending president. That’s on you.
Everyone at the Golden Globes knew what was going on for years so they’re all a bunch of hypocrites.
If there is one thing you know about is being a hypocrite.
Linking Oprah to Weinstein is intellectually lazy since she no longer has anything to do with him along with everyone in the entertainment business.

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