NBC Report BURIES ‘Russia Gate’ Once and For All


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It will be hard for libs to let go of this. Some are like junk yard dogs who won't let go of a stranger's pant leg. They hate Trump, or anyone who isn't willing to continue with the radical leftwing agenda. It's over. Try to act like adults instead of big babies who can't handle not getting their way. CNN is fake news and they have gone out of their way to prove that. This is all about attacking an opponent and has nothing to do with reporting the truth.

"Donald Trump battled CNN and BuzzFeed at his first press conference, after they were caught publishing what turned out to be multiple instances of “fake news” designed to smear the President-Elect.

BuzzFeed published a salacious and disgusting fake news story — which turned out to just be smear-for-hire opposition research paid for by Democrats and #NeverTrumpers.

But CNN also published and promoted reports of the fake “dossier” — and even claimed that Trump was told of its content in a classified briefing with the CIA and other agencies, and the enitre media had a 24-hour field day, talking up the possibility of “impeachment” and “President Pence.”
Then in his conference, Trump blasted CNN reporter Jim Acosta as a purveyor of “fake news.” And soon he was proven dead right.

NBC News reported that CNN’s claim was completely false…at no time was Trump ever briefed on the material.

Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) | Twitter Bradd Jaffy ✔ @BraddJaffy
NBC News: Trump was NOT briefed on the addendum—& NO documents
were handed to Trump team, sr. US intel official says http://nbcnews.to/2ijrWiM pic.twitter.com/o5xTIihefZ
9:43 AM - 11 Jan 2017

But NBC reported something else that is causing an earthquake to erupt in the media Meccas of New York and Washington…

Reporter Cynthia McFadden stunned fake news Godfather Brian Williams with the scoop live on the air…

According to a high ranking, senior U.S. intelligence official, and I’m quoting…

‘Intel and law enforcement officials agree that none of the investigations have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. Period.’

Did you hear that?

Not just the “golden showers” hoax, but the entire “Russia Gate” “conspiracy” hysteria we have been pummeled with by the entire media, Democrats and traitorous #NeverTrumpers like John McCain and Lindsay Graham, every single day for two full months since the election.

ALL of it…completely without any basis whatsoever."

BREAKING: Democrats CRUSHED After NBC Report BURIES ‘Russia Gate’...
The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.
Combining this story with the latest news that it was just verified that Hilary Clinton was technically engaging in Espionage, gives me the warmest fuzziest feeling yet. And I thought I was happy yesterday when Trump gave CNN what they deserved! LOVING IT. KARMA BABY.
The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.
Dying breath response?
Certainly, if they keep it up, are arrested and tried and found guilty. Certainly.

America will not tolerate domestic enemies when matters go bad under Trump, as they certainly will.
good idea-----end the back biting and concentrate on REALITY-----
RUSSIA AND IRAN------cyber hacking is a detail
The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.
and there are just as many that think obama and hillary are domestic enemies, hillary for giving away our secret documents and obama for cuddling up to the terrorist leaders like they were his long lost buddies.
and anyone that supports either of those two are equally guilty of being traitors.
What happens to a free country when it literally can no longer believe what it reads, hears, or even sees?

That's not a riddle or a rhetorical question, by the way.

Find sources that tell the truth, they're out there.

Why do you think that the left wants a hold of the internet, cause then they'd control what the "truth" was.

Media is in the shitter, their own fault.
The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.
So if I say Trump and Russia didn't lie about golden shower, and buzzfeed and cnn did I'm an enemy of the state?
The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.
Dying breath response?
Certainly, if they keep it up, are arrested and tried and found guilty. Certainly.

America will not tolerate domestic enemies when matters go bad under Trump, as they certainly will.
After today's latest bombshell, this now becomes a definite reality.
Clemmie is supporting America's enemies, which makes here . . . (fill in the blank)

Trump doesn't support Russia. It's always been the left that has had a love affair with Russia, Cuba and every other fucked up socialist or commie country. When Putin made Obama look weak, it was the first time ever that I heard liberals say anything negative about them. Before that, they were gushing over how Hillary handed them a reset button and the left praised Obama because all these enemies would now love us.

Hillary took big donations from hostile Muslim countries. Hillary is the one who allowed Russia to have large amounts of uranium. I would think they'd prefer her, as they do most Dems, because there may have been more goodies for them. And you are now in a tizzy over an unsubstantiated report with lots of added bullshit.
It will be hard for libs to let go of this. Some are like junk yard dogs who won't let go of a stranger's pant leg. They hate Trump, or anyone who isn't willing to continue with the radical leftwing agenda. It's over. Try to act like adults instead of big babies who can't handle not getting their way. CNN is fake news and they have gone out of their way to prove that. This is all about attacking an opponent and has nothing to do with reporting the truth.

"Donald Trump battled CNN and BuzzFeed at his first press conference, after they were caught publishing what turned out to be multiple instances of “fake news” designed to smear the President-Elect.

BuzzFeed published a salacious and disgusting fake news story — which turned out to just be smear-for-hire opposition research paid for by Democrats and #NeverTrumpers.

But CNN also published and promoted reports of the fake “dossier” — and even claimed that Trump was told of its content in a classified briefing with the CIA and other agencies, and the enitre media had a 24-hour field day, talking up the possibility of “impeachment” and “President Pence.”
Then in his conference, Trump blasted CNN reporter Jim Acosta as a purveyor of “fake news.” And soon he was proven dead right.

NBC News reported that CNN’s claim was completely false…at no time was Trump ever briefed on the material.

Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) | Twitter Bradd Jaffy ✔ @BraddJaffy
NBC News: Trump was NOT briefed on the addendum—& NO documents
were handed to Trump team, sr. US intel official says http://nbcnews.to/2ijrWiM pic.twitter.com/o5xTIihefZ
9:43 AM - 11 Jan 2017

But NBC reported something else that is causing an earthquake to erupt in the media Meccas of New York and Washington…

Reporter Cynthia McFadden stunned fake news Godfather Brian Williams with the scoop live on the air…

According to a high ranking, senior U.S. intelligence official, and I’m quoting…

‘Intel and law enforcement officials agree that none of the investigations have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. Period.’

Did you hear that?

Not just the “golden showers” hoax, but the entire “Russia Gate” “conspiracy” hysteria we have been pummeled with by the entire media, Democrats and traitorous #NeverTrumpers like John McCain and Lindsay Graham, every single day for two full months since the election.

ALL of it…completely without any basis whatsoever."

BREAKING: Democrats CRUSHED After NBC Report BURIES ‘Russia Gate’...

Great OP.....nice work..
NBC News reported that CNN’s claim was completely false…at no time was Trump ever briefed on the material.

If that was true then why did Trump say it was leaked by the Intel Community if he was never told by the Intel Community?

I bet your head just exploded
The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.
jake, you're just fake. Go back to pretendland.
America will not tolerate domestic enemies
That's why Trump was elected
Only in your beetle mind, franky. Trump was elected because the upper midwest manufacturing class feels it was being left out. It does not care about Russia, But it will . . . very, very soon.
sounds ominous...like flight of the valkyries playing...will we get to smell the napalm here on the east coast or just the mid-westerners?...if we all [Americans]got together and were willing to save all you guys on the left by paying for your way out of the country before the Russians get us would you be willing to go?

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