NBC Report BURIES ‘Russia Gate’ Once and For All

The liberals will keep looking for the link to Trump, but now without a doubt all Americans know that the Russians tried to interfere.

Putin and Russia are our enemies.

Any American who supports them are American domestic enemies.
and there are just as many that think obama and hillary are domestic enemies, hillary for giving away our secret documents and obama for cuddling up to the terrorist leaders like they were his long lost buddies.
and anyone that supports either of those two are equally guilty of being traitors.
Except liberals forgot one thing. If the Accusations are True, then anyone believing this is A Patriot, and those defending Obama and Clinton are The Traitors.

And not only has it just come out that The Golden Showers story is false, but that The Russian Hacking story is also now false, and the story that Hillary Clinton was engaged in Espionage and Treason is True.

So I ask Lefty what side of the law are you on today, knowing this latest revelation?
NBC News reported that CNN’s claim was completely false…at no time was Trump ever briefed on the material.

If that was true then why did Trump say it was leaked by the Intel Community if he was never told by the Intel Community?

I bet your head just exploded
Well in fairness that was quite the mind blowing response, I mean give him credit if he can just make his way back to the keyboard.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing out a lib source since that's all libs will listen to.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.
BuzzFeed published a salacious and disgusting fake news story


I'll talk slow so maybe you'll understand.

There is NOTHING fake about what BuzzFeed published.

It's a real document and the FBI and other agencies have been checking the credibility of the source and the claims.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.

It's been reported numerous times by sources far more reliable but the left has ignored them. You guys have hung onto a vague report that doesn't prove anything and is all hype. I pointed out a lib source that finally got a clue in hopes you guys would wake up. I suppose if CNN is the only one continuing with this then the left will consider them the only valid source. Give it up already.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.

It's been reported numerous times by sources far more reliable but the left has ignored them. You guys have hung onto a vague report that doesn't prove anything and is all hype. I pointed out a lib source that finally got a clue in hopes you guys would wake up. I suppose if CNN is the only one continuing with this then the left will consider them the only valid source. Give it up already.

So you are good with saying NBC is "fake news" and then using them as a source?

Why are the Trumpets asking for a 911 type investigation to clear Trump's name...

We asked for a full independent investigation into Russian involvement in US Elections and other matters...

This could simply clear Trump of all allegations... Why do the Republicans want a partisan investigation?

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.
I'd say that is ditto to you reversed. it's a gotcha at you.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.
I'd say that is ditto to you reversed. it's a gotcha at you.

Sorry, the only news I label as "fake news" is Breitbart and Info Wars.
Why are the Trumpets asking for a 911 type investigation to clear Trump's name...

We asked for a full independent investigation into Russian involvement in US Elections and other matters...

This could simply clear Trump of all allegations... Why do the Republicans want a partisan investigation?
Turn over The DNC server. It's really that simple.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.
I'd say that is ditto to you reversed. it's a gotcha at you.

Sorry, the only news I label as "fake news" is Breitbart and Info Wars.
so you agree with NBC right? It's valid in your mind right? It's not fake. It's what I said you stupid fk.
NBC is only stating that the "briefing" was false. However, it's been reported that the dossier was included in Trump's Intelligence Report.
What happens to a free country when it literally can no longer believe what it reads, hears, or even sees?

That's not a riddle or a rhetorical question, by the way.

I still believe what I see...especially since I quit drinking. :lol: The thing is that it's always been this way...the difference is now the whole world knows it. I had an encounter with Walter Cronkite at the Rex in Saigon...well, I would have if he hadn't been too drunk to come down and ride on a hop up to Dak To that he'd begged us for. He was such a notorious liar that he lost his credentials and briefing seat...that's why he came home and shit on our effort there.
Don might want to consider stopping his whining, bitching and caterwauling. I mean really now. This is a guy whose entry into the political arena was predicated upon fake news lying about Obama’s birth certificate and accusing Ted Cruz’s father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination? Pfffffffffffft; what a fucking snowflake ass cry baby. Karma Don, dat’s all it is, grow the fuck up. Life probably has more in store for you.
So you are good with saying NBC is "fake news" and then using them as a source?

Just like the progressives were ready to tar and feather FBI Director Jim Comey one day and lining up to commit fellatio on him the next...

I don't know how to look at Comey. The only thing I can say about his at this point is he is inconsistent, which is not what you want in the director of the FBI.

So you are using a MSM source you would normally label "Fake News" if it had damaging information on Trump, as a source to refute negative news against Trump... I comedian couldn't write this if they tried.

No, it's just that some lib media is finally ready to stop reporting unreliable crap. Others have been way ahead of them but some are finally coming around. Just pointing that out.

No, you can't cherry pick reporting by a news agency to fit your agenda. If you call them "fake news" any other time, you look like an idiot when you then turn around and use them as a source.
I'd say that is ditto to you reversed. it's a gotcha at you.

Sorry, the only news I label as "fake news" is Breitbart and Info Wars.
so you agree with NBC right? It's valid in your mind right? It's not fake. It's what I said you stupid fk.

You don't understand... I'm not surprised.
NBC is only stating that the "briefing" was false. However, it's been reported that the dossier was included in Trump's Intelligence Report.

NBC rightly called CNN liars because that's what they are and should lose their press credentials and access to Trump. They need to know NOW there are consequences for lying to the American people.

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