NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority
Not too much longer.
Think a lot of us out here are going to vote our senators away and give up our electoral college votes soon? All you have to do is get 75% of us to vote for that. Good luck.
National popular vote is on track to pass eventually. You won't hold America hostage much longer.
Rural people around here AKA Upstate New York aren't against Taxes so much as the South, or Mid-West.

Rural Welfare recepients, and also Urban Welfare recepients should be dumped into Farms, Construction, and Restaurant jobs
the Capitalists can quite their kvetching about their "Labor shortages".
LoL. Flyover country, rural minority I love how Democrats dismiss all Americans not living in their Libtardian cities.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority
Not too much longer.

What are you gonna do about it cupcake.

Show up and swing your purse wildly?

Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.

Hmm, like Trump the City-Boy from NYC???? LOL!!!

Who are you going to sick on them???

The farmer brigade of MS 13 Central American Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, and Hondurians etc. etc.?????

Not a heck of a lot of White people picking crops, it's mostly their "Illegal buddies" from South of the border....
Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.
You mean those broke ass farmers we have to massively subsidize so they won't starve? LOL

That's your food city dweller that you buy in the grocery store.
Without farmers and ranchers there is no food in the stores.
We pay farmers to not grow or to throw away food and created an entire pointless industry, ethanol, so they can pretend they're needed. Cry me a fucking river.

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