NBC Reports Federal Law Enforcement Responsible For J6, FAILED TO ACT ON INTEL TO PREVENT

Why didn't you lead with telling us about how your cult has effectively lobotomized you with brainwashing? That would have saved everyone a lot of time.

You're delusional. There's no point in normal people wasting any time on you. You're emotionally invested in being very stupid, so no one will be able to convince you to not be stupid. Your entirely feelings-based personality made you easy prey for a cult that tells people how special they are for believing the crazy cult propaganda.
I have a better idea:

If you don't like people posting their opinions here on USMB then why don't you get lost so you won't be so upset 24/7 about it.
1. The OP is TRUE. The DOJ & FBI instigated the J6 riot.
2. Nancy Pelosi denied the two requests to activate the National Guard to protect the Capitol on J6.
3. The two separate requests came from Capitol Police Chief Sund, and Trump at a J3 meeting.

Strike One: You are a lying weasel. The DOJ and FBI did no such thing. Even Trump's cabinet admitted Trump was responsible.
Strike Two: Nancy Pelosi is not responsible for capitol security and has nothing to do with the National Guard,
Strike Three: No requests were made.

We do know that paid instigators encouraged everyone to break thru the barriers and people on the inside of the building opened the magnetic doors to let them in. Those folks were undeniably working for the Democrats/Socialists/Deep-State.

We know nothing of the sort. Only brain damaged right wing fascists claim that.
We know nothing of the sort. Only brain damaged right wing fascists claim that.
No....only shitforbrains leftist fuckwads refuse to pay attention to reports that this did indeed happen.
In the months ahead all of this will become undeniably true.
Nancy supervised Sgt at Arms Irving, who denied the Capitol Police Chief's (Sund) request for the National Guard.

Trump requested the NG on J3. Sund also requested the NG. Both requests were denied. Why?

Pelosi has nothing to do with NG troops. The Jan 6 meeting discussed NG troops to protect Trump protestors. Miller never followed up because he did not expect that big of a crowd. NG troops to protect the capitol was never discussed.
I notice that you didn't post any links to backup your tripe. So here are a few FACTS for you.

1. Trump REQUESTED the NG at a meeting J3. At the meeting was Gen Milley, Gen. Kellogg, SecDef Miller, Kash Patel, Mark Meadows. Kash Patel has a letter from DC Mayor Murial Bowser denying the request.
DO NOT conflate the testimony of people from what happened on J3 to what happened on J6.

2. Speaker Pelosi supervised Sgt at Arms Irving who denied the separate early request for the NG from Capitol Police Chief Sund based on Nancy's direction. So there were TWO separate requests for the NG, and BOTH were denied by DEMOCRATS. WHY?

3. The Capitol Police didn't help the protesters, duh. Got a link?

4. The FBI instigated the attack on the Capitol. Who planted that pipe-bomb on VIDEO and didn't get caught? Had to be an FBI plant. Or he would be in prison already.

5. Trump requested the NG. Bowser said NO. She said her DC police were adequate. So where were the DC police during the Capitol "protest"?

1. Trump wanted NG troops to protect his supporters. Miller never followed up on it because he did not expect that many people. The bottom line is that NG troops to defend the . was never discussed.

2. Speaker Pelosi has nothing to do with the NG. Any request for the NG has to go through the defense department not Nancy Pelosi.

3. The capitol police did not help. We have the pictures of mobs storming the capitol.

4. The FBI had nothing to do with the attack on the capitol. More looney, looney, looney right wing propaganda.

5. Bowser did request 300 NG troops to handle the traffic. She did not want a repeat of what happened when Trump gassed peaceful protestors during Trump's cheap photo op.

The bottom line is this. There was no reason to believe that Trump supporters would storm the capitol. Trump supporters are trying to blame everyone else.
Did you read the OP? Jim Jordan just subpoenaed FBI director Wray. Should be interesting.

Not really. The problem for Jordan is that there is no there there. He will solicit crazy rightwingers who will tell him exactly what he wants to hear and declare victory when he has proven nothing.
No....only shitforbrains leftist fuckwads refuse to pay attention to reports that this did indeed happen.
In the months ahead all of this will become undeniably true.

You right wing fascists are the only shitforbrains motherfuckers who refuse to pay attention to facts. In the months ahead, you will manufacture fake evidence that it happened.
You right wing fascists are the only shitforbrains motherfuckers who refuse to pay attention to facts. In the months ahead, you will manufacture fake evidence that it happened.
I don't have to manufacture fake evidence, because all of this has been reported openly in the press, and has been denied by the same administration that falsely claimed the Afghanistan government would never fall, and that Hunter Biden's laptop didn't exist.

Now the silly bastard is demanding that his Daddy's Justice Department defend him in court over the data that his nonexistent laptop contained, that ironically has proved everything we said his Dad was doing with China and Ukraine is 100% correct.
Biden is compromised and should be removed from office immediately.

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The rioters tried to get to the Capitol, but were repelled...violently.
There were several democrats who denied the 2016 election results, even to the extent of claiming Russian interference and Russian collusion. Elections have become less reliable since election "day" has been replaced with election month, and mail-in ballots get sent out "en masse".
We need to get back to "election day", with results known on "election night". No voter fraud allowed.

Elections have not become less reliable. They have made elections more reliable by giving voters a greater opportunity to vote. There was no doubt that the Russians interfered in the 2016 elections. No one can tell what effect it had on the election.
1. By facts I mean FACTS. backed up by credible links and testimony.
2. Kash Patel has the letter. Jim Jordan can subpoena Mayor Bowser and ask her directly why she denied the NG. Also, she can be asked why the DC Police were NOT present as promised. Kash explains that the NG MUST be requested by the local politicians in order to be activated. Watch this video.
3. Speaker Pelosi has the ultimate responsibility for security at the Capitol, with the daily supervision by the Capitol Police Board, who supervises the Capitol Police. Police Chief Sund requested the NG, and Sgt. at Arms Irving denied the request based on Pelosi's orders.
"Pelosi’s office had previously impressed upon Irving that the National Guard was to remain off Capitol Grounds, Irving allegedly told House Admin. The discussions, which centered around “optics,” allegedly occurred in the months prior to the Jan. 6 riot, during a time when deployment of federal resources for civil unrest was unpopular with Democrats and many members of Congress."
There are MANY links to google confirming this FACT.
4. So six members of the Capitol Police opened the doors instead of getting bear sprayed. So what? The ND and DC Police should have been there to protect the Capitol, so why weren't they?
5. The FBI instigated the Capitol riot. To what extent needs to be investigated, but the FBI infiltrated several groups of protesters. So why wasn't their warnings of potential trouble on J6 heeded?
6. The pipe bomber used his cell phone 8:30 pm Jan. 5th! The FBI has the unexploded bombs.
So why is the bomber still free?

7. My video of Kash Patel explains that the DC NG needs to be requested/activated by the civilian authority. According to the Law at that time.
"The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress."

"Because of D.C.’s finicky federal status, any entity ― whether its the mayor, or the Interior Department, which controls federal parks within the District ― has to put in a request for National Guard troops through the Army secretary, who gets it endorsed by the defense secretary."

Kash Patel has no credibility as he was Trump's yes man.

Speaker Pelosi has no responsibility for capitol security. You are again lying.
I don't have to manufacture fake evidence, because all of this has been reported openly in the press, and has been denied by the same administration that falsely claimed the Afghanistan government would never fall, and that Hunter Biden's laptop didn't exist.

Now the silly bastard is demanding that his Daddy's Justice Department defend him in court over the data that his nonexistent laptop contained, that ironically has proved everything we said his Dad was doing with China and Ukraine is 100% correct.
Biden is compromised and should be removed from office immediately.

Yes you do because not one thing has been proven. This is right wing propaganda. It was the Trunmp Administration that surrendered to the Taliban. There is no evidence that this is Hunter Biden's laptop. What has been confirmed is that some of the e-mails are genuine.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen. He should sue Republicans for defamation as he is not a public official. The supposed e-mails prove nothing. When the e-mails were released to Fox News and the WSJ, they could find nothing on them that involved Joe Biden. It is Trump supporters who are compromised by their love for Putin. We have a word for what you are talking about. It is sedition and it is illegal so try it.
I thought thst was the stuff the FBI was pumping out on Twitter while they were censoring and silencing anyone who tried to speak the truth / oppose their failed policies and agenda?!


That is what you Putin puppets spew every day. A private organization can censor anyone they want. Private organizations are not bound by the first amendment.
Trump is the commander in chief. That’s part of the chain of command.

It’s the top of the chain of command.

That’s his army.

That is not entirely true. It is not Trump's army. It belongs to the American people. The military has a duty to refuse to execute unlawful orders even if they are given by the commander in chief.
The DC NG would never follow an illegal order, duh. There is a SecDef and about 5-generals between Trump and the guardsmen, duh.
Unlike the democrats who want 87,000 armed killer IRS agents under direct control of the president.
See the difference?

The difference is that you are A NUT. There are no 87,000 armed killer IRS agents.
1. Read the fucking IRS job description moron. "willing to use deadly force"
2. Trump wanted the National Guard there, if Trump supported the "insurrection" he would not want them there, duh.
Why won't you say what country you're from?

There are about 200 IRS agents who are armed. That is because they could be forced to deal with criminal organizations. It was the equivalent of the IRS at the time that brought down Al Capone.
1. Read the fucking IRS job description moron. "willing to use deadly force"
2. Trump wanted the National Guard there, if Trump supported the "insurrection" he would not want them there, duh.
Why won't you say what country you're from?

He wanted them there to protect his followers not to defend the capitol.
1. True. Trump wanted the NG there to protect his rally. So what? The NG also would have protected the capitol.
2. LIAR. There was no "insurrection". Just a protest against a fraudulent election.
3. Why won't you say what country you're from?

We know what country you support. Russia.
There was a attempt to stop Congressional certification of the election results. There was no fraudulent election.
The NG likely would not have been armed.

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