Zone1 Near Death Experience

True stories of near death experience.

I read her book yrs ago

I have this belief.. not sure the Catholic Church would nihil obstat it but I truly believe that everyone, sinner or saint, goes to "heaven" or in other words goes to be with God after death.

But that does not mean the person STAYS with God. They will be JUDGED and I believe once they are judged, they do NOT return to Earth.. it's either Heaven, Hell or Purgatory (which leads to Heaven eventually).

Jesus is either who He says or He's a liar... I know He is who He says... and Jesus said many things that destroy the belief that most people go to Heaven. He said in so many words that that is NOT the case. So people need to be careful reading about these after life experiences... they may look at that and say.. Oh.. this person was not a devout Christian.. and yet had this great, heavenly experience... so I don't have to give up my sins .. don't have to be a fanatic (or... whatever) about Jesus.. etc
I once had a conversation with a guy about his near death experience. He said that after it happened he has no more fear of death.
I once had a conversation with a guy about his near death experience. He said that after it happened he has no more fear of death.
that doesn't mean anything necessarily

I don't either.. I know that this world is NOT home

not for anyone. But not all people realize it.. until they have to..
Not sure it counts but when they discovered my cancer I was maybe weeks away from death. Surgeries, colostomy, chemo, sickness, radiation and a hundred other indignities followed. Amazing the things I no longer give a shit about.
I am very interested about this topic!

Have many books about it!
Life is too short for fussin and fighting.

short or long, looking back at the decisions made is a matter of ridicule for the ones obviously in error. an honest person will know their fate before they die.
I've heard and read of many peoples NDEs. Heavy stuff in some cases, in particular when they don't fiind that they were going to heaven...
we think we exist in reality, with the afterlife being an illusion

what if we got it backwards?
This life is the shadow; the next life the reality. This life the photo negative; the next life the color print. (Other ways of describing what you said.) :)
I once had a conversation with a guy about his near death experience. He said that after it happened he has no more fear of death.
Happened to me two times during my service in the Armed Forces.
However I was so fixated on ensuring my survival - that I never paid attention to a possible "light at the end of the tunnel" - just saying.

And occupied is absolutely correct - Amazing the things I no longer give a shit about.
There are many stories of people that encountered their departed loved ones during a NDE. I find this fascinating.
“I was no longer in my body. I floated without weight or physicality. I was above my body and directly below the ceiling of the intensive therapy room. I observed the scene that was taking place below me … I, who no longer was the body that had belonged to me just a moment prior, found myself in a position which was … more elevated. It was a place that had nothing to do with any kind of … material experience.”

I was taught by my mentors , PA's & nurses never to badmouth or otherwise say something derogatory while working an unconscious patient......~S~
It was a place that had nothing to do with any kind of … material experience.”

sortof seems logical what they experienced, whats not logical is the experience only occurs when death, supposedly is only moments away -

seems the experience should be reproducible or learned - to exit the physical body and be a ghost. would definitely change how people live their lives.
YouTube now has half a dozen sites with NDE videos:

youtube nde at DuckDuckGo

Spiritual paths still exist, yet our worldliness & secularization seems to dominate most of us. Thus NDE stories provide guidance & inspiration from ordinary people, not priests, sages, bishops, bhikkhus, sadhus or sacred texts et cetera.
Whenever our soul is "exposed", usually during the so-called NDE, it can be channeled by the entities there to see all kinds of illusions. There is Law there too, such that NDEs are mostly in favor of Christianity. To put it another way, the entities there are fond of channeling illusions whenever possible, through an "exposed" soul. They always try to fulfill such a habit by avoiding the consquence of Law. As a result, they tend to do it in a way in favor of Christinaity.

That said. Most NDEs are not death itself, but rather a out-of-body (i.e., soul temperarily 'shifted' abit away from body) experience possibly under the manipulation of the entities in the death realm.

I think that I've been there so I know a bit more about it. My own NDE has nothing common with the NDEs in general. It's a true death itself, followed by a resurrection. It's another copy of Paul's experience though, if it happened that you can tell the difference between Paul's experience from any other today's NDEs.
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