Nearly 1 million new jobs in July, S&P hits new record

Biden is treating those at our border with compassion

Next step, temporary work visas, DACA

No. He's dumping them in towns by the border. Who do you think is stuck paying for them. He sure has no compassion for the American citizens living in those towns or the American citizens footing the bill for his stupidity.

Compassion my ass. He's flying and bussing them all over the country and dumping them in towns so those towns have to pay for them.

They could have gotten temp work visa's before coming but didn't.

As for DACA?? That needs to go. No way should we tax payers be footing the bill for kids who aren't American and who should be kicked back across the border.
All the shit in that bill that isn't infrastructure. That part of the bill is about 25% so you figure out what the rest of it is. It sure isn't infrastructure repair.
All the shit in that bill that isn't infrastructure. That part of the bill is about 25% so you figure out what the rest of it is. It sure isn't infrastructure repair.
Show me specifically what you object to
You seem to be objecting to a previous version
Creating jobs no one wants.

People were asking My employer at a job fair if they would hold the job openings until after their unemployment benefits expired.

Can you imagine actually asking that of a prospective employer?

The jobs issue won't improve until we cancel all the unemployment and legislative money being passed around.
One million jobs

We are recovering.

Thank you Joe
Well you did the same for Trump. Everything was his fault and nothing he did was right even when this country was doing great.

Biden hasn't done anything right yet. His jobs are old jobs that people are returning to. Not new jobs.

He's made a mess of the border and we have a million illegals in out country that he bussing and flying all over. You can bet voters are watching and sure aren't happy.

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