Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

down by over 90%.
This is clear evidence that vaccines are successful. They are doing what they were designed to do, save lives.
Over 95 percent of COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated
60 days ago, when the delta virus became the dominate strain in the US there were 148 daily deaths in the US due to Covid and 14,950 new cases. As of the Aug 23rd there were 1408 new daily deaths and 150,097 new daily cases. That is over a 1000% increase in deaths and new cases. Even with vaccination increases and mask mandates we may well see the worst days yet. However, the light at end of tunnel is getting brighter with the increase in vaccinations which will increase even more with FDA approval and employers and government requiring vaccinations to work, travel, or enter retail establishments.
My sons close friend just lost her 45 year old father to covid. Crazy sad. Lived and passed in Florida.

Get vaccinated! For your loved ones.
60 days ago, when the delta virus became the dominate strain in the US there were 148 daily deaths in the US due to Covid and 14,950 new cases. As of the Aug 23rd there were 1408 new daily deaths and 150,097 new daily cases. That is over a 1000% increase in deaths and new cases. Even with vaccination increases and mask mandates we may well see the worst days yet. However, the light at end of tunnel is getting brighter with the increase in vaccinations which will increase even more with FDA approval and employers and government requiring vaccinations to work, travel, or enter retail establishments.
The overall Covid recovery rate is slightly short of 100%. No need to panic
Was he an antivaxxer?
We never spoke about it or politics, just sports. His Facebook page is ultra conservative with “Trump is the best president ever” posts but it would be unkind to dig into that if you know what I mean.


This is a more comprehensive accounting from 40 states.
My sons close friend just lost her 45 year old father to covid. Crazy sad. Lived and passed in Florida.

Get vaccinated! For your loved ones.

That is not an argument.
You have no idea what the risks of these fake vaccines are.
Since they do not contain any virus, they could create all sorts of deadly autoimmune responses.
Eventually they could wipe out the entire human species.
That is not an argument.
You have no idea what the risks of these fake vaccines are.
Since they do not contain any virus, they could create all sorts of deadly autoimmune responses.
Eventually they could wipe out the entire human species.
So could Covid.

OK Doc, what's your solution to avoiding Covid death?
So could Covid.

OK Doc, what's your solution to avoiding Covid death?

No, the risks from covid are very low and since it mostly threatens the elderly, it does not threaten the species.

If a disease if highly lethal like Ebola, then we totally quarantine, mask up, stay home, contact trace, etc.
That worked for Ebola.

If a disease is not very lethal, like the flu, then the best way to save lives is to deliberately infect those volunteers most likely to survive, so that you achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible, and end it. That is not only how we dealt with smallpox, but how we eventually learned how to vaccinate.

Variolation was the method of inoculation first used to immunize individuals against a disease (Variola) with material taken from an infected patient or a recently variolated individual, in the hope that a mild, but protective, infection would result.

Herd immunity couild quickly end it, and when Fauci estimated a 2.4 million death toll for herd immunity, he made a number of mistakes.
The biggest is he used a lethality of 2%, when in reality that is the lethality over for those over 70. For those under 40, the lethality is 400 times lower.
That means by deliberate infection of those under 40, you get fewer than 6,000 deaths.
And we should have done it last March.
That is not an argument.
You have no idea what the risks of these fake vaccines are.
Since they do not contain any virus, they could create all sorts of deadly autoimmune responses.
Eventually they could wipe out the entire human species.

If you had been reading all the top doctors and scientist disparaging these rushed mRNA vaccines, like Dr. Robert Malone who invented mRNA techniques, you would know this already.

This is nothing new.
The risks and potential problems with these mRNA vaccines are well known, but not properly covered by mainstream media.
So they are just news to you.
If you had been reading all the top doctors and scientist disparaging these rushed mRNA vaccines, like Dr. Robert Malone who invented mRNA techniques, you would know this already.

This is nothing new.
The risks and potential problems with these mRNA vaccines are well known, but not properly covered by mainstream media.
So they are just news to you.
The development mRNA and vaccines has been a collaborative effort that has spanned decades. Malone is not the “inventor” of the mRNA vaccines or the technology as he has claimed, but one of the hundreds of researchers that contributed to their current success. However, he has certainly, contributed to vaccine hesitancy which is good reason for the Nobel committee to exclude him from any award.
The development mRNA and vaccines has been a collaborative effort that has spanned decades. Malone is not the “inventor” of the mRNA vaccines or the technology as he has claimed, but one of the hundreds of researchers that contributed to their current success. However, he has certainly, contributed to vaccine hesitancy which is good reason for the Nobel committee to exclude him from any award.

The mRNA techniques are for making proteins.
That is 20 years old and was done by Dr Robert Malone himself pretty much.
Using those mRNA proteins as a vaccines, is 1.5 year old, and is something doctors like Dr. Robert Malone strongly recommends against.
Any good researcher or doctor would never try to use these synthetic spike proteins as a vaccine.
It is crazy to the point of being criminal.
The mRNA techniques are for making proteins.
That is 20 years old and was done by Dr Robert Malone himself pretty much.
Using those mRNA proteins as a vaccines, is 1.5 year old, and is something doctors like Dr. Robert Malone strongly recommends against.
Any good researcher or doctor would never try to use these synthetic spike proteins as a vaccine.
It is crazy to the point of being criminal.
No, there is no real spike protein in the vaccine. It is our cells that creates the synthetic spike protein in response to mRNA in the vaccine.

How long mRNA lasts in the body​

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work by introducing mRNA (messenger RNA) into your muscle cells. The cells create a spike protein and the mRNA is quickly degraded (within a few days). The cell breaks the mRNA up into small harmless pieces. mRNA is very fragile; that's one reason why mRNA vaccines must be so carefully preserved at very low temperatures.

How long spike proteins last in the body​

The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) estimates that the spike proteins that were generated by COVID-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks, like other proteins made by the body. The immune system quickly identifies, attacks and destroys the spike proteins because it recognizes them as not part of you. This "learning the enemy" process is how the immune system figures out how to defeat the real coronavirus. It remembers what it saw and when you are exposed to coronavirus in the future it can rapidly mount an effective immune response.

False claims about the toxicity of spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccination often misinterpret studies, and fail to take into account how spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccination behave differently than the spike proteins from natural COVID-19 infection.

How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?
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No, there is no real spike protein in the vaccine. It is our cells that creates the synthetic spike protein in response to mRNA in the vaccine.

How long mRNA lasts in the body​

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work by introducing mRNA (messenger RNA) into your muscle cells. The cells create a spike protein and the mRNA is quickly degraded (within a few days). The cell breaks the mRNA up into small harmless pieces. mRNA is very fragile; that's one reason why mRNA vaccines must be so carefully preserved at very low temperatures.

How long spike proteins last in the body​

The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) estimates that the spike proteins that were generated by COVID-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks, like other proteins made by the body. The immune system quickly identifies, attacks and destroys the spike proteins because it recognizes them as not part of you. This "learning the enemy" process is how the immune system figures out how to defeat the real coronavirus. It remembers what it saw and when you are exposed to coronavirus in the future it can rapidly mount an effective immune response.

False claims about the toxicity of spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccination often misinterpret studies, and fail to take into account how spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccination behave differently than the spike proteins from natural COVID-19 infection.

How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?

I have read that a number of places, so I am not blaming you, but clearly you should know that it all wrong.

RNA can not possibly work or be transcribed outside of a cell.
Here is a brief description of mRNA:
{... Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one of the DNA strands of a gene. The mRNA is an RNA version of the gene that leaves the cell nucleus and moves to the cytoplasm where proteins are made. During protein synthesis, an organelle called a ribosome moves along the mRNA, reads its base sequence, and uses the genetic code to translate each three-base triplet, or codon, into its corresponding amino acid. ...}
But how could any vaccine get RNA into any cells at all?
The ONLY way to get into any cell, is by having spike proteins already, and then sticking the spike protein into the ACE2 receptor of the cell.
And you certainly can not get mRNA to be transcribed into spike proteins outside of a cell.
There is no way these vaccines could possibly work unless they already have the spike protein in them.
And they do.
There is an mRNA process, but it is done in stem cells in factories.
Stem cells are much larger, so the technicians can physically inject their synthetic mMRA into these factory stem cells, in order to produce spike proteins, which they then harvest and put into the vaccine.

You should have known that description was bogus because the chicken can not come before the egg.
The spike proteins have to exist first, in order to get anything into a cell.
You can't produce spike proteins unless you already have them, in order get let into the cell by the ACE2 receptor.

The other reason you should know this is bogus is that growing spike proteins inside the patient would be incredibly dangerous.
All people and cells are slightly different, so there is absolutely no way you could reliably farm spike proteins on patient cells.
That's ludicrous.
Even if you could do it at all, some people would not grow any, while others would be such a forest that the immune system would go crazy and kill the person.
It would be the equivalent of giving random doses of vaccine, with some getting only 1 drop, while others getting a whole bottle.
Obvious that would be recklessly dangerous, and that you MUST produce the spike proteins in a controlled factory setting, NOT inside the patient.

So why do so many places omit the full description of the spike proteins being manufactured in factory stem cells?
Because stem cells imply aborted fetuses, and that brings up religious objections.

As far as toxicity, you misunderstand.
The toxicity comes from the fact the immune system will attack the spike protein, and anything near by.
So the intent is that you just get a sore arm muscle when the cytokine storm attacks it.
But the vaccine spike protein is NOT fixed to any arm muscle cell as that bogus description claims.
And since the spike protein is free floating, they have been known to get into the heart, resulting in the swollen heart syndrome that have killed a number of people and put dozens of others into the hospital.
It is called cytotoxicity because it is attracting a cytokine storm that will mascerate any nearby cell in the process.
Here is a description a cytotoxic autoimmune response.
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) describes the cell-killing ability of certain lymphocytes, which requires the target cell being marked by an antibody. Lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity, on the other hand, does not have to be mediated by antibodies; nor does complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), which is mediated by the complement system.
Three groups of cytotoxic lymphocytes are distinguished:

And finally, how can the immune system so easily distinguish that these spike proteins are not part of you, when clearly humans to make and depend on spike proteins as well.
Why would our cells have ACE2 receptors for spike proteins unless we also made spike proteins that we do want to gain cell entry access?
These are our exosomes, and each exosome has a single spike protein, which is what the coronavirus spike is mimicking.
Without functioning exosomes, we would eventually die.
And the odds of these fake vaccines some time in the future, starting to attack our own exosomes, is way too high to take that risk.
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