Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

This is satire...right?

It's on par with...a bad flu season. Not great, but not worth shutting down the world.

You missed one: evil.

I had it last month. Basically, it was a mild flu-felt like crap with no appetite for 4 days. Felt a little off another few days.
Wake up, we are dealing with a highly mutable and highly infectious virus. 4 million people have died from it around the world. 183 million + people have been infected around the world. Without these vaccines that number could have been 10 or 100 times higher.
Wake up, we are dealing with a highly mutable and highly infectious virus. 4 million people have died from it around the world. 183 million + people have been infected around the world. Without these vaccines that number could have been 10 or 100 times higher.

You realize the European CDC already said second boosters not necessary for anyone under 60, right? Gosh. Maybe they're at least PRIVATELY acknowledging that the more shots you get, the more infections you get.

Let me ask you this. Is there any evidence you could be shown that would change your mind about the shots?

If not....

They're a religious talisman for you. Which, I think is the truth.
You realize the European CDC already said second boosters not necessary for anyone under 60, right? Gosh. Maybe they're at least PRIVATELY acknowledging that the more shots you get, the more infections you get.

Let me ask you this. Is there any evidence you could be shown that would change your mind about the shots?

If not....

They're a religious talisman for you. Which, I think is the truth.
You don't understand at all. The reason they went this route is because developing a standard vaccine takes on average at least 10 years. If we had gone without a vaccine for 10 years the death toll in this world would have been unbelievable. People are much more mobile and spread the disease more rapidly then in the past. Combine that with the fact that this is a very highly mutable and very highly contagious disease and you have a recipe for disaster possibly being the biggest plague to ever hit mankind. With these vaccines the deaths around the world so far only amount to about 4 million and the infections have remained under 200 million. Image that number 10 times higher or 100 times higher. I'm all for population control, but not by creating miserable unnecessary deaths.
You don't understand at all. The reason they went this route is because developing a standard vaccine takes on average at least 10 years. If we had gone without a vaccine for 10 years the death toll in this world would have been unbelievable. People are much more mobile and spread the disease more rapidly then in the past. Combine that with the fact that this is a very highly mutable and very highly contagious disease and you have a recipe for disaster possibly being the biggest plague to ever hit mankind. With these vaccines the deaths around the world so far only amount to about 4 million and the infections have remained under 200 million. Image that number 10 times higher or 100 times higher. I'm all for population control, but not by creating miserable unnecessary deaths.

What proof do you have of any of what you say?
It's so funny listening to these vaxxers act like they have established science behind their positions when it's typical liberal "science" that changes definitions to match the propaganda.

Newly obtained emails confirm that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its definition for both “vaccine” and “vaccinated” because people were pointing out that the definitions didn’t seem to apply to the COVID-19 vaccines.

“The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition,” Alycia Downs, a CDC official, wrote in an email to a colleague on Aug. 25, 2021.

Former CDC definition - Vaccine – “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Post Covid CDC definition - Vaccine – “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”

Keep your eye on the ball, which is not who is getting Covid or how bad the symptoms are - anymore than we would be tracking the flu that closely. It's how is the "vaccine" affecting people. Here is a recent study of excess mortality associated with the jab - in this case specifically booster jabs. This is a relatively short-term effects study. We are just getting into long-term effects.

Using weekly data on excess mortality in New Zealand, a study published last week set out to analyse the impacts of rolling out booster doses of Covid injections. It found that age groups most likely to have had booster Covid injections had 7-10% more excess mortality than the age groups most likely not to have taken up a booster dose.

“The results suggest 16 (95% CI: 5 to 27) excess deaths per 100,000 booster doses, amounting to over 400 excess deaths in New Zealand given the booster doses administered to date. If this rate of excess deaths is extrapolated to other countries, it amounts to over 300,000 excess deaths worldwide,” Professor John Gibson, the study’s author, wrote.

What proof do you have of any of what you say?
I know these things they're facts. For one thing you could just speak into the microphone on your phone and ask how long does it take to develop a vaccine. Then you could simply ask what were the estimated death toll be if no vaccine was developed for covid. I'm sure it'll give you the two answers you need answered.
I know these things they're facts. For one thing you could just speak into the microphone on your phone and ask how long does it take to develop a vaccine. Then you could simply ask what were the estimated death toll be if no vaccine was developed for covid. I'm sure it'll give you the two answers you need answered.

If the vaccines are so great, how can the ICU and vent numbers look the way they do below? How can you confidently say the numbers would be better if not for the vaccines? Look at the so-called "protection" they're offering now.

It takes on average over 10 years to develop a standard vaccine. If the world had waited 10 years to vaccinate during this pandemic the death toll would have been unimaginable. This is no ordinary virus, it is hardly mutable and very infectious. We are currently in the sixth wave due to its nature. Thank GOD they did what they did. Instead of 4 million deaths worldwide, it could have easily been 40 million or 400 million without the vaccines.
no one knows what would have happened if the vax was not developed in record time. Maybe, just maybe, if science had focused on drugs to treat and cure it the numbers of deaths would have been greatly reduced. Putting all our efforts into creating a vaccine was a misuse of resources and money.
You don't understand at all. The reason they went this route is because developing a standard vaccine takes on average at least 10 years. If we had gone without a vaccine for 10 years the death toll in this world would have been unbelievable. People are much more mobile and spread the disease more rapidly then in the past. Combine that with the fact that this is a very highly mutable and very highly contagious disease and you have a recipe for disaster possibly being the biggest plague to ever hit mankind. With these vaccines the deaths around the world so far only amount to about 4 million and the infections have remained under 200 million. Image that number 10 times higher or 100 times higher. I'm all for population control, but not by creating miserable unnecessary deaths.
again, if the medical community had focused or drugs to cure, rather than vaccines, the entire world would have been better off.
It takes on average over 10 years to develop a standard vaccine. If the world had waited 10 years to vaccinate during this pandemic the death toll would have been unimaginable. This is no ordinary virus, it is hardly mutable and very infectious. We are currently in the sixth wave due to its nature. Thank GOD they did what they did. Instead of 4 million deaths worldwide, it could have easily been 40 million or 400 million without the vaccines.

"It takes on average over 10 years to develop a standard vaccine."

Seems that it depends on who is President....

NYTimes claimed that’d be 2036 before there would be a vaccine:

“What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers. Published May 7, 2020


What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine (Published 2020)

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers.


COVID vaccine arrived this week, and we should credit ...
President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed
Meanwhile, most of the other companies with vaccines in phase 3 trials were developed under Trump's Warp Speed program, including the Moderna vaccine that is expected to get FDA approval shortly. President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed

“FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

The Financial Times says President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed is responsible for the coronavirus vaccines becoming available so soon.

In an article posted Thursday, the Times noted the "vaccine push is now hailed as the bright spot in the Trump administration's COVID-19 response, as products from Pfizer and BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca and Oxford University move closer to approval."

The key achievement of Operation Warp Speed had been speeding up investment in manufacturing, Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Columbia University School of Public Health, told the Times.” FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

“…the vaccine.
"It takes on average over 10 years to develop a standard vaccine."

Seems that it depends on who is President....

NYTimes claimed that’d be 2036 before there would be a vaccine:

“What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers. Published May 7, 2020


What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine (Published 2020)

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers.


COVID vaccine arrived this week, and we should credit ...
President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed
Meanwhile, most of the other companies with vaccines in phase 3 trials were developed under Trump's Warp Speed program, including the Moderna vaccine that is expected to get FDA approval shortly. President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed

“FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

The Financial Times says President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed is responsible for the coronavirus vaccines becoming available so soon.

In an article posted Thursday, the Times noted the "vaccine push is now hailed as the bright spot in the Trump administration's COVID-19 response, as products from Pfizer and BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca and Oxford University move closer to approval."

The key achievement of Operation Warp Speed had been speeding up investment in manufacturing, Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Columbia University School of Public Health, told the Times.” FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

“…the vaccine.
You quoted me but you didn't understand the quote. I said a standard vaccine, the current vaccines in use are not standard vaccines.
You quoted me but you didn't understand the quote. I said a standard vaccine, the current vaccines in use are not standard vaccines.
And yes it was a good idea for trump to actually listen to The experts, in the beginning at least, during the pandemic. The follow through was terrible. And Pfizer, who declined to join Trump's warp speed, beat them all to the punch.
Must be why everyone is fleeing Leftard States and moving to Texas. And illegals really avoid Texas too, no Latinos in Texas.
NO LATINOS IN TEXAS,hey stupid texas has one of the highest percentages of latinos of all the states in our country, what are you a 20 yr old grammar school dropout?
NO LATINOS IN TEXAS,hey stupid texas has one of the highest percentages of latinos of all the states in our country, what are you a 20 yr old grammar school dropout?
If you had a room temperature IQ you’d have read the dub ads Leftard I was responding to comments that America is so racist…
Wake up, we are dealing with a highly mutable and highly infectious virus. 4 million people have died from it around the world. 183 million + people have been infected around the world. Without these vaccines that number could have been 10 or 100 times higher.


First of all, there likely have been NO mutations at all.
When variants become common, that is because of natural selection increasing them, but they likely always existed.

Second is that if not for "flattening the curve", then covid would have only lasted 2 months or so, like any seasonal flu, which has the same infectiousness and lethality.
It is "flattening the curve" which prevented covid from being able to end.
When you "flatten the curve", you essentially conserve easy hosts.

Third is that obviously the mRNA vaccines did not work at all, and did absolutely no good at all. It did not contain actual viruses, so had nothing for T-cell in bone marrow, to remember.

Anyone who claims that you can use spike proteins to create an immunity, are incredibly ignorant, because spike proteins exist because our own exosome use them to open ACE2 receptors. So if we were able to create immunity towards spike proteins, then we would all die, because that would mean our immune system would attack our own exosome.
I know these things they're facts. For one thing you could just speak into the microphone on your phone and ask how long does it take to develop a vaccine. Then you could simply ask what were the estimated death toll be if no vaccine was developed for covid. I'm sure it'll give you the two answers you need answered.

The mRNA vaccines never worked or saved any lives at all.
Instead, they killed many more, when the immune system attacked the spike proteins they generated.
You don't understand at all. The reason they went this route is because developing a standard vaccine takes on average at least 10 years. If we had gone without a vaccine for 10 years the death toll in this world would have been unbelievable. People are much more mobile and spread the disease more rapidly then in the past. Combine that with the fact that this is a very highly mutable and very highly contagious disease and you have a recipe for disaster possibly being the biggest plague to ever hit mankind. With these vaccines the deaths around the world so far only amount to about 4 million and the infections have remained under 200 million. Image that number 10 times higher or 100 times higher. I'm all for population control, but not by creating miserable unnecessary deaths.

Covid is LESS mutable, infectious, or lethal than seasonal flu.
The only reason it killed as many as it did, was because we prevented it from ending.
When you "flatten the curve", you conserve easy hosts and prevent an epidemic from being able to end normally, through herd immunity, as it would have after just a few months.

First of all, there likely have been NO mutations at all.
When variants become common, that is because of natural selection increasing them, but they likely always existed.

Second is that if not for "flattening the curve", then covid would have only lasted 2 months or so, like any seasonal flu, which has the same infectiousness and lethality.
It is "flattening the curve" which prevented covid from being able to end.
When you "flatten the curve", you essentially conserve easy hosts.

Third is that obviously the mRNA vaccines did not work at all, and did absolutely no good at all. It did not contain actual viruses, so had nothing for T-cell in bone marrow, to remember.

Anyone who claims that you can use spike proteins to create an immunity, are incredibly ignorant, because spike proteins exist because our own exosome use them to open ACE2 receptors. So if we were able to create immunity towards spike proteins, then we would all die, because that would mean our immune system would attack our own exosome.
You're replying to an older post. There are six and a half million deaths because of covid. We are in the sixth wave of the pandemic. Australia is being hit very hard by the omicron mutations Ba.2 and Ba.5 right now 30,000 cases a day.Our infection control people here in the US are gearing up for the fall and winter rise which they foresee is going to be quite bad again. But you are free to believe whatever you wish, a lot of people these days are bleeding a lot of lies and live in a fantasy world. The virus lives in the real world.

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