Nearly Half of Americans think their government should use torture in their anti-terrorism campaigns?

Mentality of the US Americans​

They don't even hide that they want total world domination. Once China has made more sales in a year, they think it's the end of the world, then they no longer call the USA No. 1 and stuff like that. For them it's like good morning that the USA has the right to command everyone what they have to do, to control everything and that they can never be evil or do anything wrong. Americans also cannot be brought before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague under American law. None of this applies to Americans. Half of Americans also support torture of prisoners*, half of Americans support the death penalty.

Watch this video....

1. Everyone of them says "The US is the greatest country in the world"
2. One guy says "No the US is not the greatest country in the world" you think now he is normal, not a chauvinist like the others but then the plot twist, he makes a long emotional speech why the USA WERE in the past ALWAYS the greatest country on earth, and why they SHOULD BE again. True Hollywood Propaganda.


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