Nearly half of Jewish Israelis support discrimination against non-Jewish citizens

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It's funny that Lipush is accusing us of creating an 'anti-Semitic' thread. Which is the first thing she or her fellow pro Israel supporters do whenever they dislike the topic of the thread which is damaging to Israel.

So, lets say Jews don't consider non jews inferior to them. Can we understand why half of the Jewish Israeli population wants more rights than non-Jews in the country?

What is that supposed to mean and keep note they specifically used non-Jews.

Also this kind of tells us what Israelis want is the opposite of some Jewish members or the pro Israeli crowd tells us they want.

What? That's nonsense. Please be specific if you have certain examples to back up such claims.

Nonsense? Did you even look at the first page of this thread? It's highlighted in bold. A certain example is a poll done asking if Jews want more rights than non Jews in Israel.

And the response was 49% do.
Gee, Bob, I think by now that if a similar poll were taken in Muslim countries, the Muslims would say they are very happy with their getting 100% more rights than the non Muslim population, and all the Muslims located around the globe woukd have no problems with how these Muslims think..
I dunno what the point of this thread is..

Israel is a Jewish State..and they want to remain a Jewish State.

So you would be good with changing the motto of the US to "United States - An Aryan Nation"?

There are countries that define themselves as Islamic states, for example. So what? If that is what their citizens want, so be it.

We - the US - have no desire (despite the efforts of some) to be defined as an "Aryan Nation". We are a nation of many.

Because "jewish" is not a religion, it's a bloodline. If they wanted the nation to be based on religion they would say "A Judaic Nation". Tomorrow I could go down to a mosque and after a few months of religious instruction I would be considered a muslim by every other muslim in the entire world (same as xtianity). But it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a non jew goy to become "a jew" and even then 95% of jews wouldn't recognize you as such because you are a filthy mudblood.

But that would be weird since there are fewer "practicing jews" in israel then there are "practicing xtians" in America. The fact is israel is primarily a secular nation that based it's concept of a fully endowed citizen on your matrilineal bloodline...just like the nazis, just like death eaters.

So yes, "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is a completely racist and bigoted national slogan.
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What? That's nonsense. Please be specific if you have certain examples to back up such claims.

Nonsense? Did you even look at the first page of this thread? It's highlighted in bold. A certain example is a poll done asking if Jews want more rights than non Jews in Israel.

And the response was 49% do.
Gee, Bob, I think by now that if a similar poll were taken in Muslim countries, the Muslims would say they are very happy with their getting 100% more rights than the non Muslim population, and all the Muslims located around the globe woukd have no problems with how these Muslims think..

Claiming any nation is for certain religions is abhorrent. Saying a nation an "islamic nation" is the same as claiming America a "christian nation".

But "jewish" is not a religion, it's a bloodline, so equating the two is a fallacy.

But zionists will exploit the confusion gentiles and goy have between "jew" and "judaic". One is an ethnicity, the other a religion.

When people wish to emigrate to israel they don't ask "are you practicing in the judaic religion and what is the name of your synagogue?", they ask "who is your mother and grandmother?".
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So you would be good with changing the motto of the US to "United States - An Aryan Nation"?

There are countries that define themselves as Islamic states, for example. So what? If that is what their citizens want, so be it.

We - the US - have no desire (despite the efforts of some) to be defined as an "Aryan Nation". We are a nation of many.

Because "jewish" is not a religion, it's a bloodline. If they wanted the nation to be based on religion they would say "A Judaic Nation". Tomorrow I could go down to a mosque and after a few months of religious instruction I would be considered a muslim by every other muslim in the entire world (same as xtianity). But it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a non jew goy to become "a jew" and even then 95% of jews wouldn't recognize you as such because you are a filthy mudblood.

But that would be weird since there are fewer "practicing jews" in israel then there are "practicing xtians" in America. The fact is israel is primarily a secular nation that based it's concept of a fully endowed citizen on your matrilineal bloodline...just like the nazis, just like death eaters.

So yes, "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is a completely racist and bigoted national slogan.

Not true. Judaism is passed down by the mother. So what? Very good for women and feminism. There has to be some clear standards about who is Jewish or not. Isn't Islam passed down by the father? But converts have always enjoyed a special status in Judaism. Ruth and Jethro were converts. Great Talmudic sages like Rabbi Akiva, Shemaya and Avtalyon were descended from converts. The law about not oppressing converts is mentoned no less than 36x in the Torah. It's said that Hashem has a special love for converts. Who are you to say such things; where and when did you study Judaism?
There are countries that define themselves as Islamic states, for example. So what? If that is what their citizens want, so be it.

We - the US - have no desire (despite the efforts of some) to be defined as an "Aryan Nation". We are a nation of many.

Because "jewish" is not a religion, it's a bloodline. If they wanted the nation to be based on religion they would say "A Judaic Nation". Tomorrow I could go down to a mosque and after a few months of religious instruction I would be considered a muslim by every other muslim in the entire world (same as xtianity). But it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a non jew goy to become "a jew" and even then 95% of jews wouldn't recognize you as such because you are a filthy mudblood.

But that would be weird since there are fewer "practicing jews" in israel then there are "practicing xtians" in America. The fact is israel is primarily a secular nation that based it's concept of a fully endowed citizen on your matrilineal bloodline...just like the nazis, just like death eaters.

So yes, "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is a completely racist and bigoted national slogan.

Not true. Judaism is passed down by the mother. So what? Very good for women and feminism. There has to be some clear standards about who is Jewish or not. Isn't Islam passed down by the father? But converts have always enjoyed a special status in Judaism. Ruth and Jethro were converts. Great Talmudic sages like Rabbi Akiva, Shemaya and Avtalyon were descended from converts. The law about not oppressing converts is mentoned no less than 36x in the Torah. It's said that Hashem has a special love for converts. Who are you to say such things; where and when did you study Judaism?

No. "Jew" is passed down from the mother, "Judaism" is a religion, how does one "pass down" a religion based on the matrilineal bloodline? One may decide to educate their children in the parents religion but it is up the child to accept and continue it once they become an adult.

This is just more jewish hasbara, muddying up the facts in order to cause confusion among the goy.

JEWISH is a bloodline, JUDAISM is a religion.
It's funny that Lipush is accusing us of creating an 'anti-Semitic' thread. Which is the first thing she or her fellow pro Israel supporters do whenever they dislike the topic of the thread which is damaging to Israel.

So, lets say Jews don't consider non jews inferior to them. Can we understand why half of the Jewish Israeli population wants more rights than non-Jews in the country?

What is that supposed to mean and keep note they specifically used non-Jews.

Also this kind of tells us what Israelis want is the opposite of some Jewish members or the pro Israeli crowd tells us they want.

What? That's nonsense. Please be specific if you have certain examples to back up such claims.

Nonsense? Did you even look at the first page of this thread? It's highlighted in bold. A certain example is a poll done asking if Jews want more rights than non Jews in Israel.

And the response was 49% do.

Yeah, and I still think that's nonsense.
Because "jewish" is not a religion, it's a bloodline. If they wanted the nation to be based on religion they would say "A Judaic Nation". Tomorrow I could go down to a mosque and after a few months of religious instruction I would be considered a muslim by every other muslim in the entire world (same as xtianity). But it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a non jew goy to become "a jew" and even then 95% of jews wouldn't recognize you as such because you are a filthy mudblood.

But that would be weird since there are fewer "practicing jews" in israel then there are "practicing xtians" in America. The fact is israel is primarily a secular nation that based it's concept of a fully endowed citizen on your matrilineal bloodline...just like the nazis, just like death eaters.

So yes, "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is a completely racist and bigoted national slogan.

Not true. Judaism is passed down by the mother. So what? Very good for women and feminism. There has to be some clear standards about who is Jewish or not. Isn't Islam passed down by the father? But converts have always enjoyed a special status in Judaism. Ruth and Jethro were converts. Great Talmudic sages like Rabbi Akiva, Shemaya and Avtalyon were descended from converts. The law about not oppressing converts is mentoned no less than 36x in the Torah. It's said that Hashem has a special love for converts. Who are you to say such things; where and when did you study Judaism?

No. "Jew" is passed down from the mother, "Judaism" is a religion, how does one "pass down" a religion based on the matrilineal bloodline? One may decide to educate their children in the parents religion but it is up the child to accept and continue it once they become an adult.

This is just more jewish hasbara, muddying up the facts in order to cause confusion among the goy.

JEWISH is a bloodline, JUDAISM is a religion.

Judaism is part of the man being a Jew. and Being a Jew is decided and determined first by bloodline, through the mother.

You can be follower of the religion or not, still deosn't change the fact that it is your religion since it is part of your NATIONALITY.

So you would be good with changing the motto of the US to "United States - An Aryan Nation"?

There are countries that define themselves as Islamic states, for example. So what? If that is what their citizens want, so be it.

We - the US - have no desire (despite the efforts of some) to be defined as an "Aryan Nation". We are a nation of many.

Because "jewish" is not a religion, it's a bloodline. If they wanted the nation to be based on religion they would say "A Judaic Nation". Tomorrow I could go down to a mosque and after a few months of religious instruction I would be considered a muslim by every other muslim in the entire world (same as xtianity). But it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a non jew goy to become "a jew" and even then 95% of jews wouldn't recognize you as such because you are a filthy mudblood.

But that would be weird since there are fewer "practicing jews" in israel then there are "practicing xtians" in America. The fact is israel is primarily a secular nation that based it's concept of a fully endowed citizen on your matrilineal bloodline...just like the nazis, just like death eaters.

So yes, "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is a completely racist and bigoted national slogan.
Let's see Alfalfa, the Dhimmi, going into the Muslim countries and telling them they should not be known as Islamic countries. Alfalfa would be lucky to leave with his head still attached. Alfalfa reminds me of those skinheads who were depicted at the end of the documentary "American Nazis." They were at the annual 4th of July picnic of the Aryan Nations and marching around with signs which read "No Jews, No Blacks, No Gays."
What? That's nonsense. Please be specific if you have certain examples to back up such claims.

Nonsense? Did you even look at the first page of this thread? It's highlighted in bold. A certain example is a poll done asking if Jews want more rights than non Jews in Israel.

And the response was 49% do.

Yeah, and I still think that's nonsense.

Go complain to arutz sheva...they conducted the poll. It's not nonsense. You are on of those people too.
Then you can back-up your claim.

Its talmudic laws , you can find you're a jew . Sorry I have more important jobs than jews right now : ) Also before I have read Torah a few and its full of war violence and revenge .

What kind of god would be such : )

There is no such thing as "Talmudic Law", nitwit:cuckoo:

Are you really denying that? Or just joking around with us? Or do you really think most people here are too stupid to confirm it theirselves and need your so 'honest' word to believe it.

Its talmudic laws , you can find you're a jew . Sorry I have more important jobs than jews right now : ) Also before I have read Torah a few and its full of war violence and revenge .

What kind of god would be such : )

There is no such thing as "Talmudic Law", nitwit:cuckoo:

Are you really denying that? Or just joking around with us? Or do you really think most people here are too stupid to confirm it theirselves and need your so 'honest' word to believe it.


There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is written by Amoraim, not by God.

So basically, this "law" has no enforcement system.

So it's not a law at all.

I think you should do some more reading. Just because some people call something a "law" doesn't mean it IS one.

If it was indeed a law, then all Jews would have required to follow it.

Nowdays, Talmud is studied as an historic-literatutic-culturic Jewish asset, not as a law.
There is no such thing as "Talmudic Law", nitwit:cuckoo:

Are you really denying that? Or just joking around with us? Or do you really think most people here are too stupid to confirm it theirselves and need your so 'honest' word to believe it.


There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is written by Amoraim, not by God.

So basically, this "law" has no enforcement system.

So it's not a law at all.

I think you should do some more reading. Just because some people call something a "law" doesn't mean it IS one.

If it was indeed a law, then all Jews would have required to follow it.

Nowdays, Talmud is studied as an historic-literatutic-culturic Jewish asset, not as a law.

Talmudic law does exist. Just because you claim israelis don't use or only asses it doesn't mean jackshit.

You denied there was such a thing when there obviously is.

Don't deny it again, we aren't asking if you don't follow it. Although it commands Jews on social issue or civil issues.
Are you really denying that? Or just joking around with us? Or do you really think most people here are too stupid to confirm it theirselves and need your so 'honest' word to believe it.


There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is written by Amoraim, not by God.

So basically, this "law" has no enforcement system.

So it's not a law at all.

I think you should do some more reading. Just because some people call something a "law" doesn't mean it IS one.

If it was indeed a law, then all Jews would have required to follow it.

Nowdays, Talmud is studied as an historic-literatutic-culturic Jewish asset, not as a law.

Talmudic law does exist. Just because you claim israelis don't use or only asses it doesn't mean jackshit.

You denied there was such a thing when there obviously is.

Don't deny it again, we aren't asking if you don't follow it. Although it commands Jews on social issue or civil issues.

There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is not the Torah.

And you can repeat the same nonsense 100 times and then some, it still stay what it is, nonsense.

Your expertise is Islam. Stick to that.

Don't try and and teach me my own religion. I am not a Rabbi, but I do have the slightest clue about the things I follow and believe in.

This discussion is closed.
Are you really denying that? Or just joking around with us? Or do you really think most people here are too stupid to confirm it theirselves and need your so 'honest' word to believe it.


There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is written by Amoraim, not by God.

So basically, this "law" has no enforcement system.

So it's not a law at all.

I think you should do some more reading. Just because some people call something a "law" doesn't mean it IS one.

If it was indeed a law, then all Jews would have required to follow it.

Nowdays, Talmud is studied as an historic-literatutic-culturic Jewish asset, not as a law.
Don't stop now, Lipush. A little more instruction and you will have that heathen converted.

Fairly unlikely.

I find it amusing when Muslims always try and teach Jews about Judaism.

I don't know, maybe they'll make a profession out of it.
There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is written by Amoraim, not by God.

So basically, this "law" has no enforcement system.

So it's not a law at all.

I think you should do some more reading. Just because some people call something a "law" doesn't mean it IS one.

If it was indeed a law, then all Jews would have required to follow it.

Nowdays, Talmud is studied as an historic-literatutic-culturic Jewish asset, not as a law.

Talmudic law does exist. Just because you claim israelis don't use or only asses it doesn't mean jackshit.

You denied there was such a thing when there obviously is.

Don't deny it again, we aren't asking if you don't follow it. Although it commands Jews on social issue or civil issues.

There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is not the Torah.

And you can repeat the same nonsense 100 times and then some, it still stay what it is, nonsense.

Your expertise is Islam. Stick to that.

Don't try and and teach me my own religion. I am not a Rabbi, but I do have the slightest clue about the things I follow and believe in.

This discussion is closed.

No, the discussion isn't closed.

You manipulative motherfucker.

The Torah and the Talmud are two separate scriptures.

You don't need to be Jewish in order to know a Talmud is a Jewish scripture.

What's even funnier is that you're not originally Jewish and come from South America.

I purposefully used the Jewish encyclopedia so you won't deny it exists.

I don't get why you are so freaked out about it, it's just a text.

It's not the end of the world. Keep playing the oblivious one, kid.
Talmudic law does exist. Just because you claim israelis don't use or only asses it doesn't mean jackshit.

You denied there was such a thing when there obviously is.

Don't deny it again, we aren't asking if you don't follow it. Although it commands Jews on social issue or civil issues.

There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is not the Torah.

And you can repeat the same nonsense 100 times and then some, it still stay what it is, nonsense.

Your expertise is Islam. Stick to that.

Don't try and and teach me my own religion. I am not a Rabbi, but I do have the slightest clue about the things I follow and believe in.

This discussion is closed.

No, the discussion isn't closed.

You manipulative motherfucker.

The Torah and the Talmud are two separate scriptures.

You don't need to be Jewish in order to know a Talmud is a Jewish scripture.

Actually that is not true.
There is no such thing as Talmudic Law.

Talmud is not the Torah.

And you can repeat the same nonsense 100 times and then some, it still stay what it is, nonsense.

Your expertise is Islam. Stick to that.

Don't try and and teach me my own religion. I am not a Rabbi, but I do have the slightest clue about the things I follow and believe in.

This discussion is closed.

they are indeed codes and laws written in the Talmud, you idiot.
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