Nearly half of Jewish Israelis support discrimination against non-Jewish citizens

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It's funny that Lipush is accusing us of creating an 'anti-Semitic' thread. Which is the first thing she or her fellow pro Israel supporters do whenever they dislike the topic of the thread which is damaging to Israel.

So, lets say Jews don't consider non jews inferior to them. Can we understand why half of the Jewish Israeli population wants more rights than non-Jews in the country?

What is that supposed to mean and keep note they specifically used non-Jews.

Also this kind of tells us what Israelis want is the opposite of some Jewish members or the pro Israeli crowd tells us they want.

I'll be the devil's advocate here -- the first being a question: what is meant by "more rights" - what rights?

The other factor might self-preservation for a people who have long been discriminated against and killed in countries dominated by other religions. Israel is the only country where Judaism is dominant. That might have more to do with it than a fictional attribution of feelings of superiority. Just sayin'....:)

Everyone knows they want it to stay a Jewish majority country. How they somehow got to becoming a majority from a minority, well, no one questions that.

Neither do they question their policy of settling on land that isn't theirs.

Many question that...hence the conflict.

Makes you wonder why should anyone regard this so called 'international law' as credible at all.

As for wanting more rights, you made a good guess, but that's not entirely true. They mean different things.

Like rights to own property for example. Which is a major factor if you think about it.

Agreed - it is. As is the inequity in the permit and expansion system. But I disagree that's "feelings of superiority" driving it so much as wanting to create and maintain a majority demographic. I'm not saying that's right - just that I think the "superiority" claim comes right out of anti-semitic handbooks.
If you consider Israel 'Jewish' land then that would mean you consider neighboring Arabic countries 'Islamic' land too.

Or am I wrong?

Israel just wants theirs the rest you guys can continue to fight over

Just to make it more clear...I was asking you a direct question.

Israel being Jewish land must equate to Arabic nations being Islamic land. That's your view, right?

Because if it isn't then something's wrong with this picture.

there are Christian Arabs son. Arab and muslim are mutually exclusive
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I'll be the devil's advocate here -- the first being a question: what is meant by "more rights" - what rights?

The other factor might self-preservation for a people who have long been discriminated against and killed in countries dominated by other religions. Israel is the only country where Judaism is dominant. That might have more to do with it than a fictional attribution of feelings of superiority. Just sayin'....:)

Everyone knows they want it to stay a Jewish majority country. How they somehow got to becoming a majority from a minority, well, no one questions that.

Neither do they question their policy of settling on land that isn't theirs.

Many question that...hence the conflict.

Makes you wonder why should anyone regard this so called 'international law' as credible at all.

As for wanting more rights, you made a good guess, but that's not entirely true. They mean different things.

Like rights to own property for example. Which is a major factor if you think about it.

Agreed - it is. As is the inequity in the permit and expansion system. But I disagree that's "feelings of superiority" driving it so much as wanting to create and maintain a majority demographic. I'm not saying that's right - just that I think the "superiority" claim comes right out of anti-semitic handbooks.

I don't think that either, how did you come to that conclusion? :)
It's funny that Lipush is accusing us of creating an 'anti-Semitic' thread. Which is the first thing she or her fellow pro Israel supporters do whenever they dislike the topic of the thread which is damaging to Israel.

So, lets say Jews don't consider non jews inferior to them. Can we understand why half of the Jewish Israeli population wants more rights than non-Jews in the country?

What is that supposed to mean and keep note they specifically used non-Jews.

Also this kind of tells us what Israelis want is the opposite of some Jewish members or the pro Israeli crowd tells us they want.

It not true at all but you'll just post some crap from some Jew hating web-site to prove your bogus point. We are not taught that Jews are superior only that our relationship with G-d is different. People are people we all have souls and they are all part of G-d

I'd never know I would live to see the day where quoting a leading Israeli website would be the equivalent of quoting an 'Jew-hating' website.

The same poll was posted on right wing Israeli websites as well.

Another fail attempt at fear mongering by Jroc.

I'm telling you what I'm taught... take it for what it's worth. Doesnt really matter what you believe
Israel just wants theirs the rest you guys can continue to fight over

Just to make it more clear...I was asking you a direct question.

Israel being Jewish land must equate to Arabic nations being Islamic land. That's your view, right?

Because if it isn't then something's wrong with this picture.

there are Christaian Arabs son. Arab and muslim are mutually excusive

Well to get to the point, you're answer would have been no. So hence, that would be a double standard.

Since we all know how ancient Jews acquired the land known today as Israel. They killed and conquered the Caanites.
Just to make it more clear...I was asking you a direct question.

Israel being Jewish land must equate to Arabic nations being Islamic land. That's your view, right?

Because if it isn't then something's wrong with this picture.

there are Christaian Arabs son. Arab and muslim are mutually excusive

Well to get to the point, you're answer would have been no. So hence, that would be a double standard.

Since we all know how ancient Jews acquired the land known today as Israel. They killed and conquered the Caanites.

Why do you continue to ignore the Christian Arabs? They are the same as you, they are your brothers. Jews and Arabs are cousins what’s the problem? All we Jews want is our little piece, our ancient homeland and but the muslim nut jobs can’t accept it...Too bad, the Jews are strong in Israel:cool:
there are Christaian Arabs son. Arab and muslim are mutually excusive

Well to get to the point, you're answer would have been no. So hence, that would be a double standard.

Since we all know how ancient Jews acquired the land known today as Israel. They killed and conquered the Caanites.

Why do you continue to ignore the Christian Arabs? They are the same as you, they are your brothers. Jews and Arabs are cousins what’s the problem? All we Jews want is our little piece, our ancient homeland and but the muslim nut jobs can’t accept it...Too bad, the Jews are strong in Israel:cool:

Nope, it's not your ancient homeland. You killed Caanites and conquered their homeland.

Me? I don't live in a Arabic nation, I have plenty of Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Palestinian Christian friends where I come from.

We live in the same city.

Arabs don't want nothing with land that isn't theirs, it's Palestinian land that Palestinians want.
Well to get to the point, you're answer would have been no. So hence, that would be a double standard.

Since we all know how ancient Jews acquired the land known today as Israel. They killed and conquered the Caanites.

Why do you continue to ignore the Christian Arabs? They are the same as you, they are your brothers. Jews and Arabs are cousins what’s the problem? All we Jews want is our little piece, our ancient homeland and but the muslim nut jobs can’t accept it...Too bad, the Jews are strong in Israel:cool:

Nope, it's not your ancient homeland. You killed Caanites and conquered their homeland.

Me? I don't live in a Arabic nation, I have plenty of Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Palestinian Christian friends where I come from.

We live in the same city.

Arabs don't want nothing with land that isn't theirs, it's Palestinian land that Palestinians want.

Same people
[ame=]Jewish nakba-the Jewish forced exile from arab countries - YouTube[/ame]
Why do you continue to ignore the Christian Arabs? They are the same as you, they are your brothers. Jews and Arabs are cousins what’s the problem? All we Jews want is our little piece, our ancient homeland and but the muslim nut jobs can’t accept it...Too bad, the Jews are strong in Israel:cool:

Nope, it's not your ancient homeland. You killed Caanites and conquered their homeland.

Me? I don't live in a Arabic nation, I have plenty of Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Palestinian Christian friends where I come from.

We live in the same city.

Arabs don't want nothing with land that isn't theirs, it's Palestinian land that Palestinians want.

Same people

Wrong again, Bob.
Nope, it's not your ancient homeland. You killed Caanites and conquered their homeland.

Me? I don't live in a Arabic nation, I have plenty of Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Palestinian Christian friends where I come from.

We live in the same city.

Arabs don't want nothing with land that isn't theirs, it's Palestinian land that Palestinians want.

Same people

Wrong again, Bob.

Jroc to you...the Arabs came from all over the region once the Jews reclaimed the land. They came for the jobs. all those counrties you mentioned were created by the Europeans anyway
Same people

Wrong again, Bob.

Jroc to you...the Arabs came from all over the region once the Jews reclaimed the land. They came for the jobs. all those counrties you mentioned were created by the Europeans anyway

They are not the same, a mixed population. Do you know anything about Arabic tribes? They come from gulf nations and Saudi Arabia.

That being said, what in the world are you rambling about?

Lets get back on topic, David.
Jroc to you...the Arabs came from all over the region once the Jews reclaimed the land. They came for the jobs. all those counrties you mentioned were created by the Europeans anyway

studies show that most Palestinians are NOT descendants of Arabs who came to Palestine after 1922.

How the fuck are fucking animals who want drive Arabs out of their land just not wanting to be 'fucked with'.

You used to be reasonable person then I guess you saw your Rabbi. Roudy wasn't joking! LOL!


And I am not reasonable?

I have a lot of trouble with how Israel behaves..but that's not going to change the fact it is now a viable state.

They grabbed land, they defend it. And that's generally how a state is formed.

If you can't hold the don't have a state.

They've done a pretty good job of holding it. And done so surrounded by states that want them gone.

Palestinians? Not so much.

They even had land handed to them.

Look what a clusterfuck that became.

Viewers here have a hard time understanding what 'grabbing land' means. Tell us what you mean by that and how it was achieved.

Now, if we go by your concept, the Palestinians are justified to a counter attack to regain their land any day of the week through armed resistance.

Or are you really just a bullshitter bullshitting us?

What do you think it means?

How do you think America was formed? You think that was a nice business deal or something?

Europeans came here and grabbed land.

They held it.

That's what happens.

And the Palestinians have been engaged in Armed resistance for over six decades.

If just makes things worse for them.

Like I said..I don't really get the point of this thread.

And I am not reasonable?

I have a lot of trouble with how Israel behaves..but that's not going to change the fact it is now a viable state.

They grabbed land, they defend it. And that's generally how a state is formed.

If you can't hold the don't have a state.

They've done a pretty good job of holding it. And done so surrounded by states that want them gone.

Palestinians? Not so much.

They even had land handed to them.

Look what a clusterfuck that became.

Viewers here have a hard time understanding what 'grabbing land' means. Tell us what you mean by that and how it was achieved.

Now, if we go by your concept, the Palestinians are justified to a counter attack to regain their land any day of the week through armed resistance.

Or are you really just a bullshitter bullshitting us?

What do you think it means?

How do you think America was formed? You think that was a nice business deal or something?

Europeans came here and grabbed land.

They held it.

That's what happens.

And the Palestinians have been engaged in Armed resistance for over six decades.

If just makes things worse for them.

Like I said..I don't really get the point of this thread.

Well, we don't really get why you don't really get the point of this thread. Don't worry, it won't do ya no harm. Just take a hike.

But, now we've been enlightened with Sallow's insight on the concept he believes is justified. So, he is basically stating indirectly he is the number one supporter of armed Palestinian resistance and recognizes it as a justified struggle.

We learn new things everyday...........:cool:
Because jews sees other people as inferior . Its written in their holy(?) book . What a holy book :bowdown:

I am not part of political discussions anymore but this is not about politics this is about a lie. You are not being honest, Nox. You told a lie. Jews do not see other people as inferior and there is no such thing written in the Torah. I have read it and it does not say that anywhere. I don't know why you would say such a thing but I am sure it grieves the Heart of God to see someone speaking such lies against Him. I can't remain silent about such a thing.
I am not part of political discussions anymore but this is not about politics this is about a lie. You are not being honest, Nox. You told a lie. Jews do not see other people as inferior and there is no such thing written in the Torah. I have read it and it does not say that anywhere. I don't know why you would say such a thing but I am sure it grieves the Heart of God to see someone speaking such lies against Him. I can't remain silent about such a thing.

many Jews see Gentiles as being inferior.

The Talmud has many versus that suggest the inferiority of Gentiles.

sad, but true.
Wrong again, Bob.

Jroc to you...the Arabs came from all over the region once the Jews reclaimed the land. They came for the jobs. all those counrties you mentioned were created by the Europeans anyway

They are not the same, a mixed population. Do you know anything about Arabic tribes? They come from gulf nations and Saudi Arabia.

That being said, what in the world are you rambling about?

Lets get back on topic, David.

Get back on the topic of what, Bik? The topic of creating a division as if there were not enough already? Why not write about something that is honest,lovely, of good report? Something edifying, something about your dreams of what could be? Something hopeful? I believe you have the potential to write about many good things and would encourage you to search your heart for those things and put them up so others can see something that will lift their own spirits. It is a depressing time for many and it would be a real blessing for this board. Thank you for reading this, Bik.
I am not part of political discussions anymore but this is not about politics this is about a lie. You are not being honest, Nox. You told a lie. Jews do not see other people as inferior and there is no such thing written in the Torah. I have read it and it does not say that anywhere. I don't know why you would say such a thing but I am sure it grieves the Heart of God to see someone speaking such lies against Him. I can't remain silent about such a thing.

many Jews see Gentiles as being inferior.

The Talmud has many versus that suggest the inferiority of Gentiles.

sad, but true.

Pride is not an exclusive sin to any particular group of persons. I have seen pride in many people and it is not directed at Gentiles specifically but rather it is a personal one on one thing that happens when one equates wealth, status, beauty, talents with their ones identity and value as a human being.
I have known wealthy people who did not equate their self worth with their possessions and were humble and I have known poor people who have been proud of what they should have been ashamed of. So what does that have to do with Jewish people and Gentiles? Nothing. Again, I must tell you that the world is made up of individuals. No two people are alike. We are like snowflakes in that regard... To claim otherwise is to suggest something that simply is not the truth. I believe there is an agenda here.. examine your own heart and see if that might not be at the root of it.....
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Jroc to you...the Arabs came from all over the region once the Jews reclaimed the land. They came for the jobs. all those counrties you mentioned were created by the Europeans anyway

studies show that most Palestinians are NOT descendants of Arabs who came to Palestine after 1922.


Studies have shown "Syrians", "Lebanese" "Jordanians" Israeli Arabs, are the same people, they have their countries and the Jews have theirs:cool:
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