Nebraska abolishes death penalty

I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.

I am opposed either way. I believe death sentences are nothing more vengeance masquerading as justice. Society has a right to punish but not a right to vengeance.
I think thats a matter of semantics really, b.c. it is ultimately a punishment - one born of eye for an eye.

The reason i am pro death penalty is because I honestly believe humans have an innate fear of death.

No, actually I believe in evolution and so I KNOW they do.

So for many, it obviously acts as a deterrant because for said many unfortunately "dont be bad" isnt good enough.

Also - that innate fear of death came to fruition for the murder victims. The unimaginable horror should be met with an equilateral punishment imo.

So to recap - death for the non insane in my opinion makes an adequate deterrant and death for a murderer seems an equal trade, not an upgrade (vengeance) which would be something like torture THEN death.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
I'm extremely against death penalty, and I can explain why. I don't have any problem with an actual murderer dying. But what about hundreds of innocent people who were executed?
again, name one since 1939.

Google is your friend.

Shocking Number Of Innocent People Sentenced To Death Study Finds

Police Chemist Accused of Shoddy Work Is Fired -
The first paragraph of the link says the whole story.

More than 4 percent of inmates sentenced to death in the United States are probably innocent, according to a study published Monday that sent shock waves across the anti-death penalty community.

Notice that word 'probably,' probably is not proof, it's speculation.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
Jesus is a terrible example.

His wrongful execution was preplanned by the supposed almighty.

No i dont believe in the bible.

But that wasnt a good one.
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.

I am opposed either way. I believe death sentences are nothing more vengeance masquerading as justice. Society has a right to punish but not a right to vengeance.
I disagree, if a man, takes another man's daughter, and rapes her, and beats her to death, that father has every right to seek vengeance. And it is up to that father as to how far that vengeance goes. And until you are in that position, your opinions don't mean shit. Just as mine doesn't if that father wants to forgive that man.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
again name just 1 since 1939. No, thanks for playing.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
Jesus is a terrible example.

His wrongful execution was preplanned by the supposed almighty.

No i dont believe in the bible.

But that wasnt a good one.

Jesus was wrongly executed but he was tried and convicted according to the laws of his society

Much the same as people who get executed today. Those who end up executed are not always the worst of criminals but the criminals with the worst lawyers
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
again name just 1 since 1939. No, thanks for playing.

Ethel Rosenberg
I dont think that putting innocent men to death is a valid part of the conversation.

Thats a problem with detectives, csi, etc.

A systemic problem.

Not a problem philosophically with the death penalty.

B: some opponents try and say that life in prison is WORSE than the death penalty. You cant turn around and then say you dont want it legal b.c. innocent men die, when death in your view was the BETTER option, in the wrongful conviction.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
Jesus is a terrible example.

His wrongful execution was preplanned by the supposed almighty.

No i dont believe in the bible.

But that wasnt a good one.

Jesus was wrongly executed but he was tried and convicted according to the laws of his society

Much the same as people who get executed today. Those who end up executed are not always the worst of criminals but the criminals with the worst lawyers
God predetermined jesus' wrongful conviction.
The problem might not be with the death penalty but application of the death penalty. If the death penalty would be truly limited to the worst of the worst the killers who killed for pleasure, carry out the sentence immediately.
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.

I am opposed either way. I believe death sentences are nothing more vengeance masquerading as justice. Society has a right to punish but not a right to vengeance.
I think thats a matter of semantics really, b.c. it is ultimately a punishment - one born of eye for an eye.

The reason i am pro death penalty is because I honestly believe humans have an innate fear of death.

No, actually I believe in evolution and so I KNOW they do.

So for many, it obviously acts as a deterrant because for said many unfortunately "dont be bad" isnt good enough.

Also - that innate fear of death came to fruition for the murder victims. The unimaginable horror should be met with an equilateral punishment imo.

So to recap - death for the non insane in my opinion makes an adequate deterrant and death for a murderer seems an equal trade, not an upgrade (vengeance) which would be something like torture THEN death.

While I understand the points you're making, I simply cannot agree with you when it comes to the death penalty. My position stems from my Catholic upbringing.
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.

I am opposed either way. I believe death sentences are nothing more vengeance masquerading as justice. Society has a right to punish but not a right to vengeance.
I think thats a matter of semantics really, b.c. it is ultimately a punishment - one born of eye for an eye.

The reason i am pro death penalty is because I honestly believe humans have an innate fear of death.

No, actually I believe in evolution and so I KNOW they do.

So for many, it obviously acts as a deterrant because for said many unfortunately "dont be bad" isnt good enough.

Also - that innate fear of death came to fruition for the murder victims. The unimaginable horror should be met with an equilateral punishment imo.

So to recap - death for the non insane in my opinion makes an adequate deterrant and death for a murderer seems an equal trade, not an upgrade (vengeance) which would be something like torture THEN death.

While I understand the points you're making, I simply cannot agree with you when it comes to the death penalty. My position stems from my Catholic upbringing.
No worries man. Cheers!!
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It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

To be clear, you are predicting that this will be on the Nebraska ballot, and that it will pass by at least 60%. How confident are you of that?

I have little doubt of both.

Interesting. Suppose someone offered to make you a bet where you got $10 if there is such an amendment which passes by at least 60% and you paid them $20 if that didn't happen, would you take it?

I think I'd wait for the Vegas odds come out.

That's completely reasonable, but it does suggest that you aren't that confident about this after all, right?

Only the margin.

Honestly, I could be swayed. This is far to important an issue to go into it closed minded.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.

Jesus was convicted in a court of law for crimes against society. A crowd of angry citizens demanded his execution. Though not in favor of the execution, Pontius Pilate reluctantly agreed to satisfy the demands of an angry mob

The same scenario has played out for many people who were wrongly executed over the last 2000 years
Jesus is a terrible example.

His wrongful execution was preplanned by the supposed almighty.

No i dont believe in the bible.

But that wasnt a good one.

Jesus was wrongly executed but he was tried and convicted according to the laws of his society

Much the same as people who get executed today. Those who end up executed are not always the worst of criminals but the criminals with the worst lawyers
God predetermined jesus' wrongful conviction.

Yes, just as God supports todays executions
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.

I am opposed either way. I believe death sentences are nothing more vengeance masquerading as justice. Society has a right to punish but not a right to vengeance.
I disagree, if a man, takes another man's daughter, and rapes her, and beats her to death, that father has every right to seek vengeance. And it is up to that father as to how far that vengeance goes. And until you are in that position, your opinions don't mean shit. Just as mine doesn't if that father wants to forgive that man.

How do know what positions I've been in? I had a very dear family member brutally murdered. Since it was premeditated he was charged with the murder in the first degree. Long and sad story short, he was found guilty and I spoke at the sentencing phase and asked for mercy. I forgave him for his act but it wasn't for him, it was for me. I needed to forgive him so I could start to heal and move on. He ended up being sentenced to life where he died in prison.
Its a canaard that life in prison is worse than the death penalty, on the convict.

I had to look up canaard...Not a reply to you G.T. just an observation in general.

While in prison, they get to visit their children, they get to see their grandchildren grow up, they get free healthcare, that the rest of us pay for, they get to live long full lives, that produce nothing of note. And if they actually get out, they have the chance to murder your family members then, or perhaps even you(speaking generically).

Good luck in choosing to try to abolish the death penalty, hope no one murders your child, or mother, or sister, or your entire family. Believe me, there are things much worse than actually dying, there's living.
Youre agreeing with me.
yep, criminals would much rather get life in prison than die, not that they thought about that when it came to their victims.

I agree. Its a win win for a criminal.

Spend the rest of your life in prison getting three squares and a cot not to mention free medical, dental, the weight room, and TV or be executed. We all know which one they'd chose.

I for one think they should execute these murderers the exact same way they killed their victims. I'm sure Dahmer wouldn't have been amused nor would any of the other savage murderers out there.

An eye for an eye works for me.
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