Nebraska abolishes death penalty

Overriding the governor's veto, the Nebraska legislature voted 30 - 18 to abolish the death penalty. One of the most solidly red states in the country.

The law is retroactive, so all inmates on death row have automatically been re-sentenced to life without parole. ...

Congrats Nebraska.

... Their loved one is dead, no children to visit, no parents to visit, and no spouse to talk to. Yet the person who ended this family is allowed to see his or her family, to talk to their loved ones. And people have no problem with this.

I only hope none of you ever suffer someone you love being taken from you by an animal.

human being - animals are not able to be murderers

Then you can visit your loved one at the cemetery, or perhaps keep their remains on your mantle, all the while, the person who took them from you, eats like a king, has cable tv, internet access, and free medical care.

There is one good thing about prisons though, for enough money, you can have anyone in there killed. and that shank makes them suffer much more than a few seconds...:muahaha:

You are a little confused. Who knows how it feels to suffer because of the violent death of a family member is normally not satisfied if other people are losing a family member or friend too. Not even the friends and/or family members of a murderer. As long as someone lives is hope. But death is death. Death is the great wrongness in this world here. People who lost someone whom they loved are often asking themselve years and even decades later some questions - and in this case it would be good the murderer would be still alive and ready to give a good answer if possible. And others try to find out how to prevent crimes like murder. They also like to ask murderers or to study them in other ways. For the friends and family members of a victim it's much more important if the death of the loved persons helps, that others don't have to die too. Revenge is not satisfying - life is satisfying. I'm very happy that Nebraska found the way out of the confused foggy darkness of the mind called "death penalty" into the light of the Lord and his message of hope, love and life.

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Its a canaard that life in prison is worse than the death penalty, on the convict.

I had to look up canaard...Not a reply to you G.T. just an observation in general.

While in prison, they get to visit their children, they get to see their grandchildren grow up, they get free healthcare, that the rest of us pay for, they get to live long full lives, that produce nothing of note. And if they actually get out, they have the chance to murder your family members then, or perhaps even you(speaking generically).

Good luck in choosing to try to abolish the death penalty, hope no one murders your child, or mother, or sister, or your entire family. Believe me, there are things much worse than actually dying, there's living.
Youre agreeing with me.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Yup. Nothing like having the taxpayers support your sorry ass for the rest of your life.

If you need surgery the grateful people of Nebraska will be more than happy to pay for it.

The Justice system in the country is a travesty. They care more about the criminals than they do about the victims and the law abiding citizens.

Hope Nebraska votes those idiots out of office.
I'm extremely against death penalty, and I can explain why. I don't have any problem with an actual murderer dying. But what about hundreds of innocent people who were executed?
Most of the free world and most US States have abandoned the death penalty.....too barbaric for a civilized society

The only remaining death penalty proponents tend to be despots like China and North Korea and religious zealots like Muslims and Southern Baptists
That's only because of the numerous amount of appeals they're allowed along with the cost of "humanely" executing the murderer.

We allow a lot of appeals because we don't want to execute innocent people incorrectly. Even given the current system, we still sometimes do.
Netflix runs a series on people who were nearly executed before new evidence saved them just in time. Killing people is permanent, a mistake that cannot possibly be rectified.

There have to be exceptions for people like this.

Body of missing 5-year-old boy found officials say Local News - Home

Kills mother, throws 5 year old brother LIVE into river to drown to death, 11 month old brother in dumpster to die (thank god he lived).

The quicker he goes, the better.
Ok, let me ask you this. Is death going to be sufficient punishment for this guy? Or how about those who have killed dozens but have only one life to exchange? At some point man has to realize his inadequacy in meting out appropriate justice and come to understand there is a God and only God can truly dispense perfect justice. On earth our only moral obligation is to lock up the guilty and protect the innocent. We can try to avenge but only God can truly punish.

And there's a fate far worse than a lethal injection awaiting murderers of children.

I'm probably the wrong guy to ask. I've been face to face with a man who killed another for the $300 he was carrying. He then cut him up and spread his parts within 3 different counties.

i got to observe pure evil up close for 4 days as the jailer.

When that guy slit the other mans throat, in my book he himself committed suicide.

Oh, he got life
I respect your viewpoint. There's people of goodwill on both sides of this issue. It's what makes it such an emotional debate.
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

Those "right-to-life" dingbats don't know that it cost the tax payers more to put them to death?

A Seattle University study examining the costs of the death penalty in Washington found that each death penalty case cost an average of $1 million more than a similar case where the death penalty was not sought

Costs of the Death Penalty Death Penalty Information Center

Considering The Death Penalty Your Tax Dollars At Work - Forbes

Of all the arguments for or against the death penalty, legal costs is the weakest. It's more about continuing to kill people when it's no longer necessary in order to protect society.
I believe no one has the right to take the life of another for any reason even if they are guilty . These people who are on death row have every right, clear to the last second of their lives, to contemplate the harm they have committed to others and learn remorse. I do not want to be held responsible for taking away that right...
If you bury a child, and cant even open the casket, you will change your mind.
Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.

That's only because of the numerous amount of appeals they're allowed along with the cost of "humanely" executing the murderer.

We allow a lot of appeals because we don't want to execute innocent people incorrectly. Even given the current system, we still sometimes do.
Netflix runs a series on people who were nearly executed before new evidence saved them just in time. Killing people is permanent, a mistake that cannot possibly be rectified.

There have to be exceptions for people like this.

Body of missing 5-year-old boy found officials say Local News - Home

Kills mother, throws 5 year old brother LIVE into river to drown to death, 11 month old brother in dumpster to die (thank god he lived).

The quicker he goes, the better.

Why? What special goal is served from executing this person?
Better question, what is the reason for keeping this animal alive? What in the world can he contribute to society? And what if by some screw up somewhere, he gets loose again, and comes to your house?
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

To be clear, you are predicting that this will be on the Nebraska ballot, and that it will pass by at least 60%. How confident are you of that?
We allow a lot of appeals because we don't want to execute innocent people incorrectly. Even given the current system, we still sometimes do.
Netflix runs a series on people who were nearly executed before new evidence saved them just in time. Killing people is permanent, a mistake that cannot possibly be rectified.

There have to be exceptions for people like this.

Body of missing 5-year-old boy found officials say Local News - Home

Kills mother, throws 5 year old brother LIVE into river to drown to death, 11 month old brother in dumpster to die (thank god he lived).

The quicker he goes, the better.
Ok, let me ask you this. Is death going to be sufficient punishment for this guy? Or how about those who have killed dozens but have only one life to exchange? At some point man has to realize his inadequacy in meting out appropriate justice and come to understand there is a God and only God can truly dispense perfect justice. On earth our only moral obligation is to lock up the guilty and protect the innocent. We can try to avenge but only God can truly punish.

And there's a fate far worse than a lethal injection awaiting murderers of children.

I'm probably the wrong guy to ask. I've been face to face with a man who killed another for the $300 he was carrying. He then cut him up and spread his parts within 3 different counties.

i got to observe pure evil up close for 4 days as the jailer.

When that guy slit the other mans throat, in my book he himself committed suicide.

Oh, he got life
I respect your viewpoint. There's people of goodwill on both sides of this issue. It's what makes it such an emotional debate.

Even though I do continue to be torn on the subject.
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

To be clear, you are predicting that this will be on the Nebraska ballot, and that it will pass by at least 60%. How confident are you of that?

I have little doubt of both.

Lincoln will vote against by a bit, north Omaha by a large margin, but the rest of the state will likely vote for it solidly.

Of course there is the chance that a legal challenge could keep it off the ballot.
That's only because of the numerous amount of appeals they're allowed along with the cost of "humanely" executing the murderer.

We allow a lot of appeals because we don't want to execute innocent people incorrectly. Even given the current system, we still sometimes do.
Netflix runs a series on people who were nearly executed before new evidence saved them just in time. Killing people is permanent, a mistake that cannot possibly be rectified.

There have to be exceptions for people like this.

Body of missing 5-year-old boy found officials say Local News - Home

Kills mother, throws 5 year old brother LIVE into river to drown to death, 11 month old brother in dumpster to die (thank god he lived).

The quicker he goes, the better.

Why? What special goal is served from executing this person?
Better question, what is the reason for keeping this animal alive? What in the world can he contribute to society? And what if by some screw up somewhere, he gets loose again, and comes to your house?

Humans are not animals. And there's no reason he can't contribute to society. I don't see how his prior behavior means he can't contribute to society, and it is far more likely that I'll die by a car accident or something else than a killer getting loose by accident. Heck, I'm more likely by orders of magnitude to be murdered by someone with no criminal record than by a murderer who got accidentally loose.
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

To be clear, you are predicting that this will be on the Nebraska ballot, and that it will pass by at least 60%. How confident are you of that?

I have little doubt of both.

Interesting. Suppose someone offered to make you a bet where you got $10 if there is such an amendment which passes by at least 60% and you paid them $20 if that didn't happen, would you take it?
Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
Name an innocent person to have been put to death since 1939.

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