Nebraska abolishes death penalty

I actually support this for the most part.

I don't think we kill enough convicted fuckheads, especially pedophiles, especially that pedophile being hugged by the GOP.

You mean Bill Clinton?

Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had 'regular' orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times

Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Daily Mail Online

Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.

Here are the 13 men executed by California since 1978

In his ruling that California's death penalty violates the U.S. Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney noted that more than 850 people have been sentenced to death in California since 1978, when the state reinstated capital punishment, but only 13 have been executed.

Here's a look at those men and the crimes for which they were put to death:

So this liberal state has given 850 death sentences and kept damn near ALL OF THEM ALIVE WASTING MONEY AND GIVING THE VICTIMS RELATIVES ALL KIND OF SATISFACTION.

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Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
That is wonderfully ironic.

Yes- of course you just presume that anything you don't agree with is 'bullshit'

Besides being total bullshit it's a goddamn lie. There is nothing ironic about you dimocrat regressive commies claiming it's so wonderful to keep feeding and housing these assholes for the rest of their sorry lives however. There is no freaking way a vile of medicinal poison that puts the assholes to sleep permanently could POSSIBLY COST MORE THAN TO feed and house the assholes for the rest of their damned lives. Again BULLSHIT.

LOL.......god its funny to watch you head explode.
I think Carla's vagina exploded. How funny was that?
'Mr. Ricketts, who fought against the repeal bill by appearing repeatedly in television interviews and urging Nebraskans to pressure their senators to oppose it, immediately denounced the vote.

“My words cannot express how appalled I am that we have lost a critical tool to protect law enforcement and Nebraska families,” he said in a statement. “While the Legislature has lost touch with the citizens of Nebraska, I will continue to stand with Nebraskans and law enforcement on this important issue.”'

The death penalty is Constitutional, and the states are at liberty use the death penalty if they so desire.

But the notion that the death penalty acts as a 'deterrent' is completely false:

'“Among the experts, there is overwhelming consensus that the death penalty never has been, is not and never could be a deterrent to homicide over and above long imprisonment,” said Michael Radelet, chairman of UF’s sociology department and a longtime researcher of death penalty issues. “The rates of consensus were much higher on this question than I ever thought possible. We never see 90 percent of criminologists agree on anything.”

Radelet said a large segment of the pro-death penalty community and numerous politicians regularly — and incorrectly — cite the death penalty’s supposed deterrent effect in their arguments for continued executions.

Politicians who say we need the death penalty to cut the crime rate or arguments of that sort are simply wrong,” Radelet said. “The death penalty has absolutely nothing to do with crime rates. If politicians are serious about reducing high rates of criminal violence, they’re barking up the wrong tree.”'

01 Experts Agree Death Penalty Not A Deterrent To Violent Crime University of Florida

Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.

Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.

Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
A far far smaller amount then guilty. Texas has an express line. If they have THREE witnesses it's over period. MY home state had Charles Campell and Ted Bundy and the "Green river killer". THAT dickhead set records 50+ dead.

YOU got a better system then put it on the table. I do NOT want RAPISTS/ MURDERER'S or CHILD MOLESTOR'S walking free ANYMORE.

That's OVER. You got a better system then put it on the table BECAUSE those "innocents" YOU are whining about are DYING waiting for YOU to show that system.

That Charles Campell ? Let me tell you about THAT dick head. RAPED a young teenage girl and went to prison SWEARING to kill her.

Liberal "feel gooders" turn that dickhead LOOSE. That young girl then has her OWN daughter. He goes back and rapes the GRANDMOTHER the MOTHER and the CHILD and then KILLS them ALL.

You want to save the innocents FINE but how about we KILL some of the guilty? Fifteen years for murder is bullsh8t. Five years for rape don't fly.
There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
A far far smaller amount then guilty. Texas has an express line. If they have THREE witnesses it's over period. MY home state had Charles Campell and Ted Bundy and the "Green river killer". THAT dickhead set records 50+ dead.

YOU got a better system then put it on the table. I do NOT want RAPISTS/ MURDERER'S or CHILD MOLESTOR'S walking free ANYMORE.

That's OVER. You got a better system then put it on the table BECAUSE those "innocents" YOU are whining about are DYING waiting for YOU to show that system.

That Charles Campell ? Let me tell you about THAT dick head. RAPED a young teenage girl and went to prison SWEARING to kill her.

Liberal "feel gooders" turn that dickhead LOOSE. That young girl then has her OWN daughter. He goes back and rapes the GRANDMOTHER the MOTHER and the CHILD and then KILLS them ALL.

You want to save the innocents FINE but how about we KILL some of the guilty? Fifteen years for murder is bullsh8t. Five years for rape don't fly.
Rationalize all you want ... pitiful.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
A far far smaller amount then guilty. Texas has an express line. If they have THREE witnesses it's over period. MY home state had Charles Campell and Ted Bundy and the "Green river killer". THAT dickhead set records 50+ dead.

YOU got a better system then put it on the table. I do NOT want RAPISTS/ MURDERER'S or CHILD MOLESTOR'S walking free ANYMORE.

That's OVER. You got a better system then put it on the table BECAUSE those "innocents" YOU are whining about are DYING waiting for YOU to show that system.

That Charles Campell ? Let me tell you about THAT dick head. RAPED a young teenage girl and went to prison SWEARING to kill her.

Liberal "feel gooders" turn that dickhead LOOSE. That young girl then has her OWN daughter. He goes back and rapes the GRANDMOTHER the MOTHER and the CHILD and then KILLS them ALL.

You want to save the innocents FINE but how about we KILL some of the guilty? Fifteen years for murder is bullsh8t. Five years for rape don't fly.
Rationalize all you want ... pitiful.
Rationalize? Your POOR fact avoidance on your part there, down right sad.
Do more INNOCENTS die in the jails or the population? Those are BASIC numbers even you should be able to find those.
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Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

It's a proven fact that it costs more to execute a convicted murderer than it does to leave him in prison for the rest of his/her life. Just the facts. Overall, I think states would be better off without the death penalty, although I do believe that there are some cases that truly warrant the death penalty.
That is wonderfully ironic.

Yes- of course you just presume that anything you don't agree with is 'bullshit'

Besides being total bullshit it's a goddamn lie. There is nothing ironic about you dimocrat regressive commies claiming it's so wonderful to keep feeding and housing these assholes for the rest of their sorry lives however. There is no freaking way a vile of medicinal poison that puts the assholes to sleep permanently could POSSIBLY COST MORE THAN TO feed and house the assholes for the rest of their damned lives. Again BULLSHIT.

Well now, I guess you are as dumb as your name. You obviously don't understand anything concerning the death penalty. You are just stupid. You are another right wing loser that normal people laugh at.
The death penalty is solely about revenge, it is in no way a 'deterrent,' it serves no useful social purpose, it clearly doesn't serve justice, as innocent persons have been sentenced to death; but again, it is Constitutional, it is lawful, and it is an issue solely for the states to decide, where whether the death penalty is 'right' or 'wrong' is personal, subjective, and legally irrelevant – states that maintain a death penalty have every right to do so, as do the states have every right to abolish the death penalty.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Never believed that lie, like most lies from the left.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Never believed that lie, like most lies from the left.
You do not believe the truth because it does not fit your agenda, we get it.
There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
A far far smaller amount then guilty. Texas has an express line. If they have THREE witnesses it's over period. MY home state had Charles Campell and Ted Bundy and the "Green river killer". THAT dickhead set records 50+ dead.

YOU got a better system then put it on the table. I do NOT want RAPISTS/ MURDERER'S or CHILD MOLESTOR'S walking free ANYMORE.

That's OVER. You got a better system then put it on the table BECAUSE those "innocents" YOU are whining about are DYING waiting for YOU to show that system.

That Charles Campell ? Let me tell you about THAT dick head. RAPED a young teenage girl and went to prison SWEARING to kill her.

Liberal "feel gooders" turn that dickhead LOOSE. That young girl then has her OWN daughter. He goes back and rapes the GRANDMOTHER the MOTHER and the CHILD and then KILLS them ALL.

You want to save the innocents FINE but how about we KILL some of the guilty? Fifteen years for murder is bullsh8t. Five years for rape don't fly.
If the answer is only one, that is too many.
While there may be at least one philosophically valid argument for capital punishment, the overwhelming reasoning is against it.

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