Nebraska abolishes death penalty

I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

To be clear, you are predicting that this will be on the Nebraska ballot, and that it will pass by at least 60%. How confident are you of that?

I have little doubt of both.

Interesting. Suppose someone offered to make you a bet where you got $10 if there is such an amendment which passes by at least 60% and you paid them $20 if that didn't happen, would you take it?

I think I'd wait for the Vegas odds come out.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.
How many innocents have been put to death following your logic?
A far far smaller amount then guilty. Texas has an express line. If they have THREE witnesses it's over period. MY home state had Charles Campell and Ted Bundy and the "Green river killer". THAT dickhead set records 50+ dead.

YOU got a better system then put it on the table. I do NOT want RAPISTS/ MURDERER'S or CHILD MOLESTOR'S walking free ANYMORE.

That's OVER. You got a better system then put it on the table BECAUSE those "innocents" YOU are whining about are DYING waiting for YOU to show that system.

That Charles Campell ? Let me tell you about THAT dick head. RAPED a young teenage girl and went to prison SWEARING to kill her.

Liberal "feel gooders" turn that dickhead LOOSE. That young girl then has her OWN daughter. He goes back and rapes the GRANDMOTHER the MOTHER and the CHILD and then KILLS them ALL.

You want to save the innocents FINE but how about we KILL some of the guilty? Fifteen years for murder is bullsh8t. Five years for rape don't fly.
Rationalize all you want ... pitiful.
I also guarantee your stance changes if your family is wiped out.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

To be clear, you are predicting that this will be on the Nebraska ballot, and that it will pass by at least 60%. How confident are you of that?

I have little doubt of both.

Interesting. Suppose someone offered to make you a bet where you got $10 if there is such an amendment which passes by at least 60% and you paid them $20 if that didn't happen, would you take it?

I think I'd wait for the Vegas odds come out.

That's completely reasonable, but it does suggest that you aren't that confident about this after all, right?
... Their loved one is dead, no children to visit, no parents to visit, and no spouse to talk to. Yet the person who ended this family is allowed to see his or her family, to talk to their loved ones. And people have no problem with this.

I only hope none of you ever suffer someone you love being taken from you by an animal.

human being - animals are not able to be murderers

Then you can visit your loved one at the cemetery, or perhaps keep their remains on your mantle, all the while, the person who took them from you, eats like a king, has cable tv, internet access, and free medical care.

There is one good thing about prisons though, for enough money, you can have anyone in there killed. and that shank makes them suffer much more than a few seconds...:muahaha:

You are a little confused. Who knows how it feels to suffer because of the violent death of a family member is normally not satisfied if other people are losing a family member or friend too. Not even the friends and/or family members of a murderer. As long as someone lives is hope. But death is death. Death is the great wrongness in this world here. People who lost someone whom they loved are often asking themselve years and even decades later some questions - and in this case it would be good the murderer would be still alive and ready to give a good answer if possible. And others try to find out how to prevent crimes like murder. They also like to ask murderers or to study them in other ways. For the friends and family members of a victim it's much more important if the death of the loved persons helps, that others don't have to die too. Revenge is not satisfying - life is satisfying. I'm very happy that Nebraska found the way out of the confused foggy darkness of the mind called "death penalty" into the light of the Lord and his message of hope, love and life.

Revenge felt pretty good to me. And now I sleep at night. It was just like putting down a rabid dog, a dog that needed killing.

As I have said, if your family is wiped out, your mind will change, if you say it wont, you are a liar, and that goes for everyone who reads this.
Its a canaard that life in prison is worse than the death penalty, on the convict.

I had to look up canaard...Not a reply to you G.T. just an observation in general.

While in prison, they get to visit their children, they get to see their grandchildren grow up, they get free healthcare, that the rest of us pay for, they get to live long full lives, that produce nothing of note. And if they actually get out, they have the chance to murder your family members then, or perhaps even you(speaking generically).

Good luck in choosing to try to abolish the death penalty, hope no one murders your child, or mother, or sister, or your entire family. Believe me, there are things much worse than actually dying, there's living.
Youre agreeing with me.
yep, criminals would much rather get life in prison than die, not that they thought about that when it came to their victims.
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
I actually support this for the most part.

I don't think we kill enough convicted fuckheads, especially pedophiles, especially that pedophile being hugged by the GOP.
Then how about celebrated cop killer and martyr for the Left, Tookie Williams whose execution you fucks tried to stop to the last minute? We have plenty of Leftist criminals to execute before we get around to the conservatives.

That's kind of a f*cked up statement....kinda like hitler wanting to kill the jews before getting to the gays or something.
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.

It won't hold for long folks. Groups are already starting putting together petition drives to get it on the 2016 ballot as a constitutional amendment.

That will win in a landslide. 60% or better will vote in favor.

Those "right-to-life" dingbats don't know that it cost the tax payers more to put them to death?

A Seattle University study examining the costs of the death penalty in Washington found that each death penalty case cost an average of $1 million more than a similar case where the death penalty was not sought

Costs of the Death Penalty Death Penalty Information Center

Considering The Death Penalty Your Tax Dollars At Work - Forbes

Of all the arguments for or against the death penalty, legal costs is the weakest. It's more about continuing to kill people when it's no longer necessary in order to protect society.

We lock them up to protect our society.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed

Yes, but for most of them, the theology says that that execution needed to occur. Maybe that's part of why they are in favor?

What I actually think may be going on is that for people who don't believe in an afterlife, death is a much more serious thing. If there's an afterlife and someone didn't deserve to die, it functions just as a slightly quicker transition there, so execution is somewhat like deportation. But if there is no afterlife, and you execute someone, whether or not they "deserved" it, there gone. No take-backs and no do-overs.
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.

A Death Sentence not a Death Penalty

Many states keep the Death Penalty on the books but refuse to use it
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed

Yes, but for most of them, the theology says that that execution needed to occur. Maybe that's part of why they are in favor?

What I actually think may be going on is that for people who don't believe in an afterlife, death is a much more serious thing. If there's an afterlife and someone didn't deserve to die, it functions just as a slightly quicker transition there, so execution is somewhat like deportation. But if there is no afterlife, and you execute someone, whether or not they "deserved" it, there gone. No take-backs and no do-overs.

Jesus was not so much executed as tortured to death

A fate many death penalty supporters advocate for our criminals
I'm extremely against death penalty, and I can explain why. I don't have any problem with an actual murderer dying. But what about hundreds of innocent people who were executed?
again, name one since 1939.

Let's see. Cameron Todd Williams, Ruben Cantu and Carlos DeLuna are all probable examples, and all from Texas and in the last 25 years alone. If we branch out we get a lot more. See here.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.
I am not sure what it is like in Nebraska but here in Pennsylvania the death penalty is nothing more than a very expensive threat.
But thats a systemic issue, and not a philosophical issue with capital punishment.

I am opposed either way. I believe death sentences are nothing more vengeance masquerading as justice. Society has a right to punish but not a right to vengeance.
I'm extremely against death penalty, and I can explain why. I don't have any problem with an actual murderer dying. But what about hundreds of innocent people who were executed?
again, name one since 1939.

Let's see. Cameron Todd Williams, Ruben Cantu and Carlos DeLuna are all probable examples, and all from Texas and in the last 25 years alone. If we branch out we get a lot more. See here.
They were all convicted by 12 people, and like you said, they are probable, but not proven. Only one I know of has ever been proven innocent, and that was in 1939. It's probable that the earth is not the only planet to support life as we know it, but we sure haven't found any other planets with life yet.

Probable is not proof.

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