Nebraska abolishes death penalty

It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.
Christians who know the Bible know that Jesus didn't leave us with a book, he left us with a living, breathing Church, guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth. And that Church operates under the principles of the New Covenant and has, by divine inspiration, instructed us that mercy is better than justice, just as Christ had mercy on us while we were sinners and enemies of God. The death penalty is no longer necessary for the protection of society and given we have a choice, we ought to choose mercy as God had mercy on us.
It always amazes me how many Christians support the death penalty

They worship a man who was wrongly executed
Christians who know the Bible, know that It says that a man who takes anothers life forfeits his own, and should be put to death.

Jesus was not a murderer.
Christians who know the Bible know that Jesus didn't leave us with a book, he left us with a living, breathing Church, guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth. And that Church operates under the principles of the New Covenant and has, by divine inspiration, instructed us that mercy is better than justice, just as Christ had mercy on us while we were sinners and enemies of God. The death penalty is no longer necessary for the protection of society and given we have a choice, we ought to choose mercy as God had mercy on us.
Its a canaard that life in prison is worse than the death penalty, on the convict.

I had to look up canaard...Not a reply to you G.T. just an observation in general.

While in prison, they get to visit their children, they get to see their grandchildren grow up, they get free healthcare, that the rest of us pay for, they get to live long full lives, that produce nothing of note. And if they actually get out, they have the chance to murder your family members then, or perhaps even you(speaking generically).

Good luck in choosing to try to abolish the death penalty, hope no one murders your child, or mother, or sister, or your entire family. Believe me, there are things much worse than actually dying, there's living.
Youre agreeing with me.
yep, criminals would much rather get life in prison than die, not that they thought about that when it came to their victims.

I agree. Its a win win for a criminal.

Spend the rest of your life in prison getting three squares and a cot not to mention free medical, dental, the weight room, and TV or be executed. We all know which one they'd chose.

I for one think they should execute these murderers the exact same way they killed their victims. I'm sure Dahmer wouldn't have been amused nor would any of the other savage murderers out there.

An eye for an eye works for me.

yep, plus the will of the juries that convicted those poor poor death row inmates has been overruled, and the victims families have been told by the politicians that their suffering isn't worth shit.

A great day for the spineless.
I've always thought that once the last appeal is lost, lock em up, with little more than a toilet, sink and a mattress, then add a bottle of pills and let them decide when it was time to end things b

I wonder how many would choose to end it rather than facing life in prison...

Under those conditions, I'm betting 90% within a year

Except in the Bubba State of Oklahoma.
Then how about celebrated cop killer and martyr for the Left, Tookie Williams whose execution you fucks tried to stop to the last minute? We have plenty of Leftist criminals to execute before we get around to the conservatives.

'you fucks?'

I'm pro capital punishment. If you take a life or molest a kid, you need to die.
What Nebraskans need to understand is this is the 'screw the American worker crowd' pandering to get elected and reelected. Don't be fooled!
There's already several groups starting the process to get a constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot.

And this is ironic:

Michael Ryan Convicted in 1985 Torture Killings in Nebraska Dies in Prison - NBC News

I'd have gladly flipped the switch on this creep!

Yeah- there are quite a few murderers I would have no ethical issues pulling the switch on.

I just think in general we have too many people convicted of a capital crime who didn't do it. I would rather have them all rot in prison, so that those who are convicted wrongly have a chance.
And im sure you watch every Charles Manson interview as well, probably a big fan of his, huh?

And I am sure you kid puppies and pull wings off of butterflies. You are probably a big fan of Hitler- right?

And yes- all of what i just wrote was a parody of your incredibly stupid reply to my post.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.

That's only because of the numerous amount of appeals they're allowed along with the cost of "humanely" executing the murderer.

We allow a lot of appeals because we don't want to execute innocent people incorrectly. Even given the current system, we still sometimes do.
Netflix runs a series on people who were nearly executed before new evidence saved them just in time. Killing people is permanent, a mistake that cannot possibly be rectified.

Rare we agree on something.

John Grisham wrote an excellent account of exactly that- a guy who should never have been convicted (based upon the evidence) was essentially railroaded because some law enforcement were convinced he must have been the murderer- was convicted and sentenced to death.

He was lucky in that his innocence was able to be established- and convinced the court. As it was he lost most of what little sanity he had while on death row.

Give the criminal bastards ONE appeal and execute the SoBs within one freaking year of their sentence instead of giving them 25 or 30 years wasting MY money and YOUR money and watching them die a natural death.

There's a reason our criminal justice system is set up the way it is, fool. Sorry, you don't get to restructure it.
Says Carla Bitch...regressive commie liberal.
Typical Con, ignore the facts .. stay ignorant.
The FACT is simple. IF you kill the criminal he/she CANNOT re-commit. Dead people are quite passive.

The fact is- if you kill a person who was innocent of the crime, there is nothing you can do to unkill him.
The fact that we are one of the few countries that resort to capital punishment is a sad reflection on our society

Even the drug manufacturers refuse to sink to the level of manufacturing murder drugs
Maybe they should have looked at another anti-capital punishment state that voted to sentence the Boston Marathon bomber to death. Yeah I know it was a federal case but the people of Mass thought it might be a good idea to sentence a monster to death for having the bad taste to kill upper middle class white people while they engaged in a traditional fun fest. The White trailer trash and Black victims of murderous monsters will have to find closure somewhere else.
The fact that we are one of the few countries that resort to capital punishment is a sad reflection on our society

Even the drug manufacturers refuse to sink to the level of manufacturing murder drugs

No were not. We're the only country that has capital punishment AFTER a trial.

I've traveled extensively, this is VERY common.

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The fact that we are one of the few countries that resort to capital punishment is a sad reflection on our society

Even the drug manufacturers refuse to sink to the level of manufacturing murder drugs

No were not. We're the only country that has capital punishment AFTER a trial.

I've travel extensively, this is VERY common.

We are the only country in North America that still executes
Europe does not execute
Russia does not execute
The fact that we are one of the few countries that resort to capital punishment is a sad reflection on our society

Even the drug manufacturers refuse to sink to the level of manufacturing murder drugs

No were not. We're the only country that has capital punishment AFTER a trial.

I've travel extensively, this is VERY common.

We are the only country in North America that still executes
Europe does not execute
Russia does not execute

I have friends from the EU, guess again. Ask anyone from the EU if any of their friends, family, or acquaintances have disappeared.
Shitcanned the death penalty yesterday and for today's trick they green lighted drivers licenses for some illegal aliens.

This is about states rights for sure, but it's long past time for repubs at the national level to begin softening their hardline their views
The fact that we are one of the few countries that resort to capital punishment is a sad reflection on our society

Even the drug manufacturers refuse to sink to the level of manufacturing murder drugs

No were not. We're the only country that has capital punishment AFTER a trial.

I've travel extensively, this is VERY common.

We are the only country in North America that still executes
Europe does not execute
Russia does not execute

I have friends from the EU, guess again. Ask anyone from the EU if any of their friends, family, or acquaintances have disappeared.

Vanished in thin air?
Then how about celebrated cop killer and martyr for the Left, Tookie Williams whose execution you fucks tried to stop to the last minute? We have plenty of Leftist criminals to execute before we get around to the conservatives.

'you fucks?'

I'm pro capital punishment. If you take a life or molest a kid, you need to die.
I was commenting on the double standard of the Left. I thought that was pretty clear.

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