Nebraska abolishes death penalty

Great news, and it's done by republicans.

LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska on Wednesday became the first conservative state in more than 40 years to abolish the death penalty, with lawmakers defying their Republican governor, Pete Ricketts, a staunch supporter of capital punishment who had lobbied vigorously against banning it.
I can't say I'm against the death penalty, but at the same time I think it's got to be 100% sure... Seems like that's made impossible because even confessions can be taken back these days - so ultimately there's no 100% sure...
Overriding the governor's veto, the Nebraska legislature voted 30 - 18 to abolish the death penalty. One of the most solidly red states in the country.

The law is retroactive, so all inmates on death row have automatically been re-sentenced to life without parole.
Good for them. I have a whole new respect for that state now. We need to get Idaho on board with the culture of life now.
That is wonderfully ironic.

Yes- of course you just presume that anything you don't agree with is 'bullshit'

Besides being total bullshit it's a goddamn lie. There is nothing ironic about you dimocrat regressive commies claiming it's so wonderful to keep feeding and housing these assholes for the rest of their sorry lives however. There is no freaking way a vile of medicinal poison that puts the assholes to sleep permanently could POSSIBLY COST MORE THAN TO feed and house the assholes for the rest of their damned lives. Again BULLSHIT.
It's not a Democrat thing silly. Many Dems support capital punishment and many Repubs like myself oppose it. It doesn't fall along party lines or did you miss the fact that Nebraska is a red state?
There's already several groups starting the process to get a constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot.

And this is ironic:

Michael Ryan Convicted in 1985 Torture Killings in Nebraska Dies in Prison - NBC News

I'd have gladly flipped the switch on this creep!

Yeah- there are quite a few murderers I would have no ethical issues pulling the switch on.

I just think in general we have too many people convicted of a capital crime who didn't do it. I would rather have them all rot in prison, so that those who are convicted wrongly have a chance.

That makes me flip back and forth on the issue. I lean a bit more for. Likely 60/40 for it.

I've always thought that once the last appeal is lost, lock em up, with little more than a toilet, sink and a mattress, then add a bottle of pills and let them decide when it was time to end things b
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Never believed that lie, like most lies from the left.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Never believed that lie, like most lies from the left.
That's not a lie and it's not a Left Right issue.
Plenty of states make this mistake. Then they change it back.
Erring on the side of life is never a mistake.
California eliminated the death penalty. Then we reinstated it. It took Charlie Manson to get the death penalty back but we rectified that error.
You abolished the death penalty because of too many botched killings with the gas chamber at San Quentin. Just stop killing people and choose life.
I've always thought that once the last appeal is lost, lock em up, with little more than a toilet, sink and a mattress, then add a bottle of pills and let them decide when it was time to end things b

I wonder how many would choose to end it rather than facing life in prison...
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.

Executions don't have escape or parole. Manson should only be in history books.
I believe no one has the right to take the life of another for any reason even if they are guilty . These people who are on death row have every right, clear to the last second of their lives, to contemplate the harm they have committed to others and learn remorse. I do not want to be held responsible for taking away that right...
I also heard the the Governor ordered $50 K worth of execution drugs from Indiana, only because no other company in the US or Europe will sell them for that purpose.

They'll have to send those drugs to Texas, where they put down mentally challenged folk.
I actually support this for the most part.

I don't think we kill enough convicted fuckheads, especially pedophiles, especially that pedophile being hugged by the GOP.
Then how about celebrated cop killer and martyr for the Left, Tookie Williams whose execution you fucks tried to stop to the last minute? We have plenty of Leftist criminals to execute before we get around to the conservatives.

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