Nebraska abolishes death penalty

Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.

That's only because of the numerous amount of appeals they're allowed along with the cost of "humanely" executing the murderer.

Yes. So?

Limit the number of appeals and execute by firing squad. Not so expensive then

In other words, make it even more likely that innocent people will be executed.

I can't agree with that.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.

That's only because of the numerous amount of appeals they're allowed along with the cost of "humanely" executing the murderer.

Yet......and yet......even with the numerous appeals we still execute prisoners we determine after the fact that were not guilty of the crime.

I am not against executing criminals. I am against executing people who are not guilty of capital crimes- and so far our record is that we cannot seem to do the one without the other.

At least if someone if sentenced to life, and 20 years later is found to be not guilty, there is some recourse.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Not to the victims family.

Their loved one is dead, no children to visit, no parents to visit, and no spouse to talk to. Yet the person who ended this family is allowed to see his or her family, to talk to their loved ones. And people have no problem with this.

I only hope none of you ever suffer someone you love being taken from you by an animal. Then you can visit your loved one at the cemetery, or perhaps keep their remains on your mantle, all the while, the person who took them from you, eats like a king, has cable tv, internet access, and free medical care.

There is one good thing about prisons though, for enough money, you can have anyone in there killed. and that shank makes them suffer much more than a few seconds...:muahaha:
Overriding the governor's veto, the Nebraska legislature voted 30 - 18 to abolish the death penalty. One of the most solidly red states in the country.

The law is retroactive, so all inmates on death row have automatically been re-sentenced to life without parole.

I hope it spreads to the rest of the nation.

I don't believe our government should be killing our citizens.

Life without parole is what needs to be the law of the land and the death penalty should be abolished.
I don't believe the government should be killing them either, I think they should get put in a cell with any surviving family members that want in there.

But like I said, for enough money, you can shank anyone in prison. The government didn't have to kill him, another inmate did it for me.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Not to the victims family.

Their loved one is dead, no children to visit, no parents to visit, and no spouse to talk to. Yet the person who ended this family is allowed to see his or her family, to talk to their loved ones. And people have no problem with this.

I only hope none of you ever suffer someone you love being taken from you by an animal. Then you can visit your loved one at the cemetery, or perhaps keep their remains on your mantle, all the while, the person who took them from you, eats like a king, has cable tv, internet access, and free medical care.

There is one good thing about prisons though, for enough money, you can have anyone in there killed. and that shank makes them suffer much more than a few seconds...:muahaha:

I actually was quite close to the victim of a murderer

And virtually no one associated with the case wanted him executed.

The reasons fell into two camps:
a) Those who felt that keeping him alive for the rest of his life in prison was a greater punishment and
b) Those who felt that killing him would just compound the harm he had done by murdering our friend/family member.

He got life in prison- and every family member and friend I spoke with agreed with that sentence.
There's already several groups starting the process to get a constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot.

And this is ironic:

Michael Ryan Convicted in 1985 Torture Killings in Nebraska Dies in Prison - NBC News

I'd have gladly flipped the switch on this creep!

Yeah- there are quite a few murderers I would have no ethical issues pulling the switch on.

I just think in general we have too many people convicted of a capital crime who didn't do it. I would rather have them all rot in prison, so that those who are convicted wrongly have a chance.
Its a canaard that life in prison is worse than the death penalty, on the convict.
Oh boy, I know the state of Nebraska will be happy to support these scumbag murders for the rest of their natural lives with food, a nice cell and plenty of love and special care...including paying for all their medical needs even if it's transsexual surgery. Good decision you dumb bastards.

Executions are staggeringly more expensive than life without parole is.
Not to the victims family.

Their loved one is dead, no children to visit, no parents to visit, and no spouse to talk to. Yet the person who ended this family is allowed to see his or her family, to talk to their loved ones. And people have no problem with this.

I only hope none of you ever suffer someone you love being taken from you by an animal. Then you can visit your loved one at the cemetery, or perhaps keep their remains on your mantle, all the while, the person who took them from you, eats like a king, has cable tv, internet access, and free medical care.

There is one good thing about prisons though, for enough money, you can have anyone in there killed. and that shank makes them suffer much more than a few seconds...:muahaha:

I actually was quite close to the victim of a murderer

And virtually no one associated with the case wanted him executed.

The reasons fell into two camps:
a) Those who felt that keeping him alive for the rest of his life in prison was a greater punishment and
b) Those who felt that killing him would just compound the harm he had done by murdering our friend/family member.

He got life in prison- and every family member and friend I spoke with agreed with that sentence.
My grandmother, who raised me, was beaten and killed by a home invader, I laid awake every night, no sleep ever came, I couldn't stop thinking about how that bastard gets to see his family, he got life with no parole. After a couple of years he was killed in prison, I started sleeping again after that.

Justice was served, I wish I could have served it myself, then he really would have suffered.
There's already several groups starting the process to get a constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot.

And this is ironic:

Michael Ryan Convicted in 1985 Torture Killings in Nebraska Dies in Prison - NBC News

I'd have gladly flipped the switch on this creep!

Yeah- there are quite a few murderers I would have no ethical issues pulling the switch on.

I just think in general we have too many people convicted of a capital crime who didn't do it. I would rather have them all rot in prison, so that those who are convicted wrongly have a chance.
And im sure you watch every Charles Manson interview as well, probably a big fan of his, huh?
Its a canaard that life in prison is worse than the death penalty, on the convict.

I had to look up canaard...Not a reply to you G.T. just an observation in general.

While in prison, they get to visit their children, they get to see their grandchildren grow up, they get free healthcare, that the rest of us pay for, they get to live long full lives, that produce nothing of note. And if they actually get out, they have the chance to murder your family members then, or perhaps even you(speaking generically).

Good luck in choosing to try to abolish the death penalty, hope no one murders your child, or mother, or sister, or your entire family. Believe me, there are things much worse than actually dying, there's living.

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